OK it's time for logic

Who's been charged for doing anything improper?

Ask about Michael Flynn. He's the first to sing to cover his ass. Think of him as the John Dean of this Trump-gate.

They've already said none of Flynns conversations with the Russian ambassador were illegal, what's there to sing about? The only thing related to Flynn that was illegal, that I'm aware of, were the classified leaks.

All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

/---- in Oct 2016 Barack O said anyone who thought the Russians were capable of hacking the election was an idiot. That's what he thinks of you.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
1) The Russians didn't hack the election.
2) When it came to military affairs, Obama was largely an idiot.
Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

dude, not one fking agency ever looked at the DNC server. so how do they have evidence? really are you that fking stupid?

You don't need to interview the owner of a car, when you have a surveillance tape of somebody stealing his car. The NSA has the hack on tape.

In fact, they knew about the hack before the owner knew his car was gone.
Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

1) Hillary Clinton is a well known deplorable bullshitter. One reason her favorability ratings were always low.

2) the FBI, CIA and NSA are our best, more powerful intelligence agencies. If they agree on something, I believe.
And btw, I challenge any of you fking libturds to post one piece of evidence that russia did anything. One. queue the jeopardy music. in fact, i know I'll get this,

I challenge you to post one piece of evidence that any of the atomic bombs in the US military arsenal still work.
Like the gold in fort knox, there is no unclassified proof of either one. So if you're hiding behind people being unable to post proof of Russian hacking because of the proof being classified, I say show there's gold in fort know, or uranium in our nuclear weapons.

The suppose proof of Russian hacking the DNC was produced by a civilian company, why would it be classified?

Who knew the CIA, NSA and FBI were civilian companies?
FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

None of those agencies inspected the DNC servers, they took the word of a private cyber security company hired by the DNC. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at their servers.

None of those agencies inspected the DNC servers, they took the word of a private cyber security company hired by the DNC. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at their servers.


They watched the crime being committed. That's what they do, they vacuum up tetrabytes of internet traffic, and see who is doing what to whom.

As I said, the NSA recorded the DNC server being hacked before the DNC knew anything happened.
And btw, I challenge any of you fking libturds to post one piece of evidence that russia did anything. One. queue the jeopardy music. in fact, i know I'll get this,

I challenge you to post one piece of evidence that any of the atomic bombs in the US military arsenal still work.
Like the gold in fort knox, there is no unclassified proof of either one. So if you're hiding behind people being unable to post proof of Russian hacking because of the proof being classified, I say show there's gold in fort know, or uranium in our nuclear weapons.

The suppose proof of Russian hacking the DNC was produced by a civilian company, why would it be classified?

Who knew the CIA, NSA and FBI were civilian companies?
FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

None of those agencies inspected the DNC servers, they took the word of a private cyber security company hired by the DNC. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at their servers.

Look, Texas, I know you are going to refuse to believe that our good friend Russia would do anything as awful as hack into the Democrat's server and release their emails. You go on believing it while those of us who actually care about the integrity of our vote will try to establish enough evidence to fry Putin's ass to a crisp. Not militarily, necessarily, but somehow or other. And I don't care HOW dirty the retaliation is.
All right. Let's just play along with the right wingers and conclude that there was no collusion. Does that mean there was no Russian interference in the last election?


So if Trump is so innocent, then why isn't he trying to help find out what happened during the election whereby Russia was able to do what they did?

What I want to know is----------> Why didn't Obama, Kerry, Lynch, and Rice tell us all about it when they discovered how bad it was? (and that was DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION)

Want me to tell you why! It was because...........just like all you leftists.........they thought HILLARY CLINTON was going to win! They did NOT want the population to think that the election was tainted by admitting what was actually happening. They wanted Hillary to be free and clear.

All that changed as the poll numbers closed, and really changed when Trump won. Who had the closer ties to Russia, Hillary or Trump-) I didn't see Trump signing off on a uranium deal, did you!

Trying to blame either candidate for the failure of the Obama administration is a red herring. Trump didn't do a thing, and neither did Hillary as far as try and fix the election.........as far as Russia anyway.

No, this fiasco falls DIRECTLY ON OBAMA, because he thought he was slick keeping it quiet, and just like always, you people try and pass the buck. In essence Putin tried to screw us, and OBAMA COLLUDED with him by keeping his mouth shut for political reasons.

Of course, if I was you people, I would try and blame Trump too. Unfortunately for you, you are getting your rearends handed to you, so congrats on another fiasco-)
They've already said none of Flynns conversations with the Russian ambassador were illegal, what's there to sing about? The only thing related to Flynn that was illegal, that I'm aware of, were the classified leaks.


There's failure to register as a foreign agent, taking $500,000 from a foreign source without reporting it, failure to disclose foreign contacts on a security clearance. Lying to federal agents about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

There's actually quite a list of crimes. And I'm sure Flynn doesn't want to do serious time in jail
What I want to know is----------> Why didn't Obama, Kerry, Lynch, and Rice tell us all about it when they discovered how bad it was? (and that was DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION)

They actually did. But it was at the same time they were releasing the Billy Bush tapes of Trump saying he would grope women, grab them by the genitals, and a host of other assaults.

The news covered that instead of the Obama announcement.

Sex sells, and hacking doesn't.
What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I presume we are all Americans, so it is our right to influence others' opinions here. It is indeed interference when a foreign government sets its cap to influence the electorate of another country with its own preference for a "winner" in mind.

#1 Russia had nothing to do with the election's outcome BUT even if Russian operatives had of hacked the DNC server (which they didn't) don't you think that the people needed to know how corrupt and criminal the DNC is???? Blatant cheating from the DNC nomination to the general election. It's like the leftards are screaming "The Rooskies cheated for Trump by showing how the DNC was cheating!!!!! ...and, and...and that's CHEATING!" I keep asking myself are people REALLY this fucking stupid that we are even having this conversation? Speaking of undue foreign influence, how many foreign countries did the Hildebeast take donations from in the millions of dollars? How about the Barrypuppet trying to influence the Brexit vote or is it only OK for USA.INC to influence the elections of other countries? I won't even go into detail on how many USA.INC/CIA coup de'etats that have happened over the last 70 years where a duly elected leader was overthrown to make way for a USA.INC backed puppet. You suffer from a serious lack of knowledge as well as common sense and that is a fact.
Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?


You might want to practice what you preach, only two of the three agencies who prepared the report had a high level of confidence, the NSA only had a moderate level of confidence.

What I want to know is----------> Why didn't Obama, Kerry, Lynch, and Rice tell us all about it when they discovered how bad it was? (and that was DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION)

They actually did. But it was at the same time they were releasing the Billy Bush tapes of Trump saying he would grope women, grab them by the genitals, and a host of other assaults.

The news covered that instead of the Obama announcement.

Sex sells, and hacking doesn't.

Now that is funny. Did you hear the audio of Obama talking about how NOBODY could mess with our elections, after he KNEW the Russians were trying, and attacked Trump for claiming the fix was in? Oh yes, yes-) He actually said it, then attacked Trump for saying it.
I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?


You might want to practice what you preach, only two of the three agencies who prepared the report had a high level of confidence, the NSA only had a moderate level of confidence.

Okay. My understanding is that NONE of them disagreed and there is a pretty strong consensus that Russia hacked it. But like I said, if it's that important for you to believe in a fantasy, go for it.
Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

1) Hillary Clinton is a well known deplorable bullshitter. One reason her favorability ratings were always low.

2) the FBI, CIA and NSA are our best, more powerful intelligence agencies. If they agree on something, I believe.

My response was to the continuing lie that 17 intel agencies agreed, the fact is only 3 agencies were involved in the report, none of the others expressed an opinion on it. Only two of those had a high level of confidence in their findings. Some people just refuse to accept the facts.

What is it that you are claiming the Rooskies did? Can you be specific????
They hacked the DNC, including Hillary's server and sent the intell to Wikileaks

Wrong, they got into the DNC server and Podesta fell for a phishing scam. How did that interfere with the election?

Wrong? You just admitted they got the DNC server like I said. WTF? Are you so defensive you can't see anything except what you want to see?

Yep, they supposedly got into the DNC server and Podestas email. All they got was information. If you read the intel report, you yourself posted, it was to influence peoples opinion, just like any campaign ad ran by the candidates or pacs. Trying to influence opinions is not interference in an election, if it were, we are all guilty.

I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.

USA.INC hasn't been friendly to Russia and it is USA.INC that started this pissing match to begin with when they backed the illegal coup of the duly elected Ukrainian government and then pitched a fit when the people of Crimea wanted no part of the new E.U/Soros friendly puppet. Then we have the CIA/mossad/Saudi Intel/MI5/MI6 sponsored and funded ISIS that they are using to fight a proxy war with Assad because he isn't playing ball with USA.INC and has partnered with Russia to run gas pipelines that threatens the hegemony of the oil/banking oligarchs/ robber barons. Russia has had the unmitigated gall of doing more damage to ISIS in a month than the Barrypuppet attempted in four years and why would he? THEY WERE BACKING ISIS ALL ALONG! DUH? Russia has more to be pissed at USA.INC about than they do at Russia and that is a fact.
I've never thought the Russians "hacked the election". They did as you said; they hacked the servers, collected intell and sought to influence opinions with selective release of information.

The bottom line here is that Russians are hostile to the US. They are not our friends. If someone takes a shot at me and misses, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I will shoot back to kill.
look, you have no idea if the russians hacked any server. any! do you, you have that evidence?
It's really convenient to insist you won't believe 17 intelligence agencies who said they did. You can insist they release the highly classified information they have already said they cannot release before you will believe there is "proof." Very convenient. If you have so little trust in our government's ability to collect intel, maybe you should move to a country you can trust--like Russia.

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?


You might want to practice what you preach, only two of the three agencies who prepared the report had a high level of confidence, the NSA only had a moderate level of confidence.


Don't forget that due to the Vault 7 data dump that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks using certain "footprints" to make it appear that it was a foreign country committing a cyber attack. The Deep State basically shut down the internet on the west coast before the election to stop Wkileaks from releasing more information and guess what the news was? That it was a "foreign country" that did it....yeah, you betcha.
None of those agencies inspected the DNC servers, they took the word of a private cyber security company hired by the DNC. The DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at their servers.


They watched the crime being committed. That's what they do, they vacuum up tetrabytes of internet traffic, and see who is doing what to whom.

As I said, the NSA recorded the DNC server being hacked before the DNC knew anything happened.

Really, then why did it take a year to get the intruders out of the DNC server?


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