OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children

How would you know it has a dick? You keep saying dangly bit but cant tell us how you would find that out

Dude I'm tired of you commenting the same shit over and over. When answered you ignore it and go right back to asking the same shit. It's been pointed out to you twice now. Stop

I'm tired of asking you over and over and you not having an answer for a requirement YOU brought up.

You never answered ever....This is you just playing Easter Egg hunt with the answer pretending you answered somewhere and I should go find it. How about you just answer and quote me when you do so. Thats Easy.

But answering your own requirements seem to make you upset and angry. Maybe you shouldnt say things you cant logically explain
I don't understand all this... if your born a woman, and you want to be a man, wouldn't you want to be around women, not men? Doesn't this make her basically, I dunno, a homosexual man?

I mean, don't gay men want men, not ultra-effeminate men that are more girly then women? If you want that, then why not go for the real thing?

What a mess.. these people are nutz.
So Renae - why can't that "transgender woman" simply use the correct facility, do their business, and then leave? I promise you this much - you will survive if you don't dress like a woman and use the women's restroom 24x7. I promise. You'll be just fine. You have plenty of time at home to dress like a woman and use the bathroom like a woman. There are two things here that don't add up:

  1. Your refusal to seek the healthcare you need. And while I completely support your freedom to choose for yourself whether you seek help or not (as that is what American was founded on), it really doesn't make sense that if using the correct facility causes you so much mental anguish that you wouldn't seek help so that you don't have to suffer.
  2. Your belief that your problems should be society's problem. Your position seems to be that all of society should have to adjust to you instead of you adjusting to all of society. I have no doubt that you're hurting and I do genuinely feel for you but I refuse to let my two precious young daughters hurt just because you do and you subscribe to "misery loves company" (and especially when you choose not to seek help).

Uhm, because I AM a woman, and I am not going to hide at home because people like you are afraid of what you do not understand. I go out, and you wouldn't know I was male. I use the restroom, you wouldn't know I had a penis. Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't walk in, throw the stall open and just whip it out and start deep voice leering at teh girls. I know you have this sick vision of that but no... sorry.

1, What healthcare I need? Huh? I'm under the best care, I have a therapist, and endocrinologist who see me on a regular basis. I've been to ten different therapist and spent the last 20 years fighting this. You think I haven't tried? You're insane. The suffering has been allowing the hateful beliefs you harbor, which I too once thought were more accurate, to force me to deny the truth of who I am.

2. Actually no, I'm quite the opposite. You label me because you are willfully ignorant. I agree that a pre-op should not be getting undressed in a public area. That's rude, it's inappropriate, it makes others uncomfortable and children don't need to face that reality. I ask only that you show a little compassion and courtesy, I show the same in return. See the thing sis I'm really not an in your face Trans activist. I'm passionate on the subject, obviously it's rather personal, however I think you'll find I'm highly conservative on most issues, I'm very deferential to society. But Right, is Right. I'm a woman, sorry to break it to you but Sex and Gender are not the same. I am not sexual pervert, I'm not a threat to anyone, I'm just a lady with a birth defect trying to live a happy life. You wish to condemn me to hiding from your view, because YOU are the one with a problem.

Like I said before, you and the others like you argue like either leftist liberals of the worst sorts or KKK Goons. Your arguments are based in ignorance, hate and fear. You stance is predicated on a falsehood.

I pity you, but I'm still gonna use the ladies room, it's only appropriate.

You're not a woman, you're a man, you were born with the XY chromosome, even if you have your penis removed and get boobies, you'll still possess the XY chromosome, you are a man, you can NEVER be a woman, you can never surgically become XX chromosome....also you can never possess a womb, because men aren't born with one.

The DNA never lies

Are you pushing for DNA tests to use the bathrooms? :cuckoo:

The DNA never lies

Are you pushing for DNA tests to use the bathrooms? :cuckoo:

No dumbass but you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.....stop trying to respond to every comment, you look foolish

If I'm too stupid to grasp it what do you call yourself who cant explain your own words?

Just stop, you're not gaining anything and you look ridiculous trying it


Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children

How would you know it has a dick? You keep saying dangly bit but cant tell us how you would find that out

Which one of these did Sassy answer the question on HOW she will ensure people with balls will only use the mens room?
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple
No wonder nothing can be done on the grand scale for the vast majority when so much noise and energy has to go into a tiny detail for an infinitesimal minority!
What are people so afraid of?
What are people so in favor of?
The planet is being despoiled and over populated at a furious rate. There are wars everywhere. Innumerable children are dying unnecessarily from hunger and disease that are avoidable. Partisans are at one another's throats in almost every country, blocking real adaptation to modern situations.
0.3% of the population is not a problem for bathroom use. Let's move on to important things.
I had a co-worker at a previous job who was born male and had a sex change. Full-on, lopped the dick off, took the hormones, the whole nine yards. No one would have ever known,

You just made my entire point. You WONT know who has a dick or not so how can you possibly make that a condition without having someone feel for dicks outside a restroom

If you can't figure out who is who by looking, good luck dating
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does

They would like to see Laverne walk into the men's restroom so that the little boys can first shriek and cover their teeny weenies in horror, then jump her and beat her unconscious because she "deserved it."

This is who these people are.
Born with a dangly bit use the men's restroom, born w/o said bit use the ladies room. It's not hard to understand

I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple

I'm not worried about the guys who want to become women.

I'm worried about the predators pretending to be transgendered going in.
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

How will you know who has a penis? Will you be head ball inspector?

LOL ever registered a child for school , theres a box for gender. I suppose if you lie and mark down that Johnny is a girl, that's on you, but at some point the school may find out otherwise.

So you'll have people with ID checks and registration papers to use the bathrooms?

Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does

first day with your new brain moron???
Here's the freaking deal. A beautiful male to female transsexual shouldn't have a problem unless she flaunts a body part that shouldn't be there. In that case she is subject to being kicked the hell out and or arrested. Nobody gives a damn in the men's room as long as the pisser looks like a man. If she flaunts a vagina she is subject to arrest. Under no circumstance should young girls be forced to share a locker room or shower with a confused boy. The system seems simple enough even for left wing bigots to understand.

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