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Okay.....Will An Apology Get You Off Of My Fat Ass?

So both sides voted yes on the war but it's Bush's fault. If that makes sense in your world, have fun.

Hillary chose to use an unsecured server for her communications while she was SoS and what, she shouldn't be held accountable? Or is that Bush's fault as well?
Yeah. It most certainly was Bush's fault.

And no one in the Bush administration was ever called to task for using private email servers. Including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or Colin Powell.
There is way more to the story than your partisan rhetoric.

The rules had changed due to Powell. I bet the reason he flipped is because they have something on him.
It's easy enough to find these rule changes.
I just read an article on it. My word not good enough?

Do you need internet confirmation? Lol

Yeah. I do.

From what I have read the rule change came after Ms. Clinton left office.

Here's a link.

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Use Came Before Recent Rule Changes
And further more;

Nov. 4, 2005: The State Departmentupdates the Foreign Affairs manual to state that “sensitive but unclassified” information should not be transmitted through personal e-mail accounts. “It is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized AIS [Automated Information System], which has the proper level of security control to provide nonrepudiation, authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resident information,” the manual says.

Hillary Clinton’s e-mails: a timeline of actions and regulations
So you're saying the Executive branch works for the CIA?

You think I claimed that? Where?

Interesting even more you are using the NY Times,

I figured you'd appreciate that.
So do you feel that because Hillary was part of the Executive Branch she's allowed to mishandle classified info?
The Executive branch CLASSIFIES information. That's by DESIGN. And if you knew anything at all about the NY Times, which you obviously do not, they have an Anti-Clinton bias.

The Executive branch CLASSIFIES information. That's by DESIGN.

So that means Hillary is allowed to mishandle it? Because that's the design? LOL!
You can't be serious.
How did she "mishandle" it? I mean, insofar has precedence goes. Did she do anything different than the previous Secretary of State?

How did she "mishandle" it?

By receiving it, sending it or holding it on a non-government server.
Unless you have some proof that the SOS is allowed to mishandle classified info, she should be charged.

Did she do anything different than the previous Secretary of State?

I don't know, did Condoleezza Rice receive, send and store classified info on a server at her house?

Colin Powell Also Used Personal Email While Serving As Secretary Of State, Aide Confirms

Condoleezza Rice 'rarely used email' as secretary of state - Business Insider

Powell had a private email server. Rice rarely used email.

Powell was on Meet the Press this weekend answering this question. He said that he used the unsecured server for either personal business or routine tasks for the government. He kept a secured computer right beside his personal computer for classified and more serious matters of state.
How is whether or not she got an email some bureaucrat later decided was a secret going to improve my life one iota?

Or if her unsecured server allowed foreign government hacking, I mean really, what does it matter? LOL!
So there should be no classified documents? Yesterday it was proven she had the highest top secret documents on an unsecured email account. You are okay with that?

So there should be no classified documents?

There should be no classified documents on her private server.
She mishandled classified info, she should be charged.

You are okay with that?

I'll be okay with her going to jail.
Another one not understanding how the classification process works.

The FBI doesn't classify documents not generated by the FBI.
The Congress doesn't classify documents.
It's the EXECUTIVE BRANCH that does the classifying.

Which is basically why Dick Cheney could hold energy policy meetings in private. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney could conduct government business on RNC servers and delete 22 million emails. And George W. Bush and Dick Cheney could out a CIA agent.

Another one not understanding how the classification process works.

Did she mishandle classified info? Why shouldn't she be charged?

No. She did not. And there was no law in place at the time she was in office restricting her from using a private server, like Powell did, like Bush and Cheney did.

People are restricted by law from passing classified information regardless of the medium.

Isn't that what happened with Petraeus? He got in trouble for talking to his mistress IIRC.
Yeah. It most certainly was Bush's fault.

And no one in the Bush administration was ever called to task for using private email servers. Including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney or Colin Powell.
There is way more to the story than your partisan rhetoric.

The rules had changed due to Powell. I bet the reason he flipped is because they have something on him.
It's easy enough to find these rule changes.
I just read an article on it. My word not good enough?

Do you need internet confirmation? Lol

Yeah. I do.

From what I have read the rule change came after Ms. Clinton left office.

Here's a link.

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Use Came Before Recent Rule Changes
"In addition, electronic record archiving regulations were clearer and more modernized by the time Clinton took office than when Powell did. In 2005, after Powell left office, the State Department updated the Foreign Affairs manual to say that day-to-day operations should be conducted on the authorized system. (Click here for a full timeline of the Clinton e-mail controversy and evolution of State Department rules.)"

The misleading Democratic spin on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

First off it's a blog.

Second off it agrees with the fact that there was NO PROHIBITION in using a private email server.

"Clinton supporters’ defense that she is the only secretary of state to turn over records is one of those technically correct but fundamentally misleading statements."

It's a bullshit critique.
So there should be no classified documents? Yesterday it was proven she had the highest top secret documents on an unsecured email account. You are okay with that?

So there should be no classified documents?

There should be no classified documents on her private server.
She mishandled classified info, she should be charged.

You are okay with that?

I'll be okay with her going to jail.
Another one not understanding how the classification process works.

The FBI doesn't classify documents not generated by the FBI.
The Congress doesn't classify documents.
It's the EXECUTIVE BRANCH that does the classifying.

Which is basically why Dick Cheney could hold energy policy meetings in private. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney could conduct government business on RNC servers and delete 22 million emails. And George W. Bush and Dick Cheney could out a CIA agent.

Another one not understanding how the classification process works.

Did she mishandle classified info? Why shouldn't she be charged?

No. She did not. And there was no law in place at the time she was in office restricting her from using a private server, like Powell did, like Bush and Cheney did.

People are restricted by law from passing classified information regardless of the medium.

Isn't that what happened with Petraeus? He got in trouble for talking to his mistress IIRC.

She didn't pass any classified data to un-authorized personnel.

That's not even part of any of the "scandal".
What seems to have gotten lost in all this is that the server she used was also the server for the Clinton Foundation.

I am willing to give her the benefit of doubt that she did not know she was passing on classified information or that she was engaged in influence peddling, but the optics are just awful. As SoS, she oversaw the foreign affairs of this country while foreign countries donated large sums of money to her foundation. Does she not see how this can be construed as a conflict? Then, the server gets wiped clean of 30,000 emails, and now, one of her IT guys is taking the 5th.

It calls into question her judgement, and it reminds everyone of all the drama the Clintons bring. We are getting Clinton Fatigue and the first primary vote hasn't even yet been cast.
Translation: I hated it when Bush lied to me and I hate him because Bush Bush Bush. If Dem lies ... well, that's alrighty then! I really, really don't care cause . . . Hillary!

Funny the very same "Jail Hillary" crowd over Benghazi and the use of a private email server aren't wanting the same fate for anyone in the Bush administration, who were directly responsible for thousands of dead Americans and hundreds of thousands of dead human beings in the Middle East.

From the war that both sides voted yes on?

Based on fake intelligence and this..

So both sides voted yes on the war but it's Bush's fault. If that makes sense in your world, have fun.

Hillary chose to use an unsecured server for her communications while she was SoS and what, she shouldn't be held accountable? Or is that Bush's fault as well?
Now you're getting it. Good things are Democratic accomplishments. Bad things are Republican fuck ups and possibly evidence of their secret evil conspiracy. This holds true regardless of who supported what, when, or why.

Oh, my bad! I forgot the golden rule: Dems can do whatever they want and it's fine. Bad things are always Rep's fault. Thanks for the reminder.
From the war that both sides voted yes on?

Based on fake intelligence and this..

Intelligence that Hillary agreed with and voted yes.

Intelligence did not agree. It was filtered through the Bush administration.

George W. Bush’s CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD “intelligence” was a lie - Salon.com

From the war that both sides voted yes on?

Based on fake intelligence and this..

Intelligence that Hillary agreed with and voted yes.

Intelligence did not agree. It was filtered through the Bush administration.

George W. Bush’s CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD “intelligence” was a lie - Salon.com

Ok then why did Hillary take a republican president's word for it and vote yes? Why did her husband as well as many prominent democrats say over and over, saddam had wmds?

First off, they were lied too after one of the worst intelligence failures, which occurred on Bush watch, and worst terrorist attack in the nation's history.

Bush used that, and American anger to promote an agenda he had before assuming office, taking over Iraq. The PNAC as well as the Saudis had urged an attack on Iraq to the former President who promptly refused. Bush had many of the PNAC in his cabinet and they were looking for a reason to go, and 9/11 provided that.

They falsified intelligence, put out rhetoric that specifically said that if you didn't support his agenda you were in collusion with the terrorists.

Why this needs to be explained to you, over and over again is beyond me.

Lol maybe but I doubt it. It sounds very crazy and conspiratorial.

Rosy O'Donell and you lol
From the war that both sides voted yes on?

Based on fake intelligence and this..

Intelligence that Hillary agreed with and voted yes.

Intelligence did not agree. It was filtered through the Bush administration.

George W. Bush’s CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD “intelligence” was a lie - Salon.com

From the war that both sides voted yes on?

Based on fake intelligence and this..

Intelligence that Hillary agreed with and voted yes.

Intelligence did not agree. It was filtered through the Bush administration.

George W. Bush’s CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD “intelligence” was a lie - Salon.com

Ok then why did Hillary take a republican president's word for it and vote yes? Why did her husband as well as many prominent democrats say over and over, saddam had wmds?

First off, they were lied too after one of the worst intelligence failures, which occurred on Bush watch, and worst terrorist attack in the nation's history.

Bush used that, and American anger to promote an agenda he had before assuming office, taking over Iraq. The PNAC as well as the Saudis had urged an attack on Iraq to the former President who promptly refused. Bush had many of the PNAC in his cabinet and they were looking for a reason to go, and 9/11 provided that.

They falsified intelligence, put out rhetoric that specifically said that if you didn't support his agenda you were in collusion with the terrorists.

Why this needs to be explained to you, over and over again is beyond me.

Lol maybe but I doubt it. It sounds very crazy and conspiratorial.

Rosy O'Donell and you lol
There is way more to the story than your partisan rhetoric.

The rules had changed due to Powell. I bet the reason he flipped is because they have something on him.
It's easy enough to find these rule changes.
I just read an article on it. My word not good enough?

Do you need internet confirmation? Lol

Yeah. I do.

From what I have read the rule change came after Ms. Clinton left office.

Here's a link.

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Use Came Before Recent Rule Changes
"In addition, electronic record archiving regulations were clearer and more modernized by the time Clinton took office than when Powell did. In 2005, after Powell left office, the State Department updated the Foreign Affairs manual to say that day-to-day operations should be conducted on the authorized system. (Click here for a full timeline of the Clinton e-mail controversy and evolution of State Department rules.)"

The misleading Democratic spin on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

First off it's a blog.

Second off it agrees with the fact that there was NO PROHIBITION in using a private email server.

"Clinton supporters’ defense that she is the only secretary of state to turn over records is one of those technically correct but fundamentally misleading statements."

It's a bullshit critique.
Lol no it's not. She is the only, maybe one, to turn over stuff but the changes to the rules, which she ignored, were broken by her. 2005. She was either ignorant or ignored the new rules.

Yes she turned over emails but that was the point they didn't want goverment Secretaries of State hiding info.

Look if you believe bush hid things why don't you believe Powell did? And of course why wouldn't Hillary do it if Powell and bush did?

You're so blinded you don't see that if one is a lying idiot they all are.
She's a politician, and she's like any politician. Some present themselves as "different", they're not, just some people are stupid enough to believe that.

Democrats know that politicians lie......and still vote for them.

Republicans find out they're being lied to and get rid of the lying two-faced SOB.

Do they? I think you'll find your views on this are a little biased.

Bill Clinton lied, and so did George W. Bush. The thing is that Bush even lied in his first term, and people still voted for him.
What seems to have gotten lost in all this is that the server she used was also the server for the Clinton Foundation.

I am willing to give her the benefit of doubt that she did not know she was passing on classified information or that she was engaged in influence peddling, but the optics are just awful. As SoS, she oversaw the foreign affairs of this country while foreign countries donated large sums of money to her foundation. Does she not see how this can be construed as a conflict? Then, the server gets wiped clean of 30,000 emails, and now, one of her IT guys is taking the 5th.

It calls into question her judgement, and it reminds everyone of all the drama the Clintons bring. We are getting Clinton Fatigue and the first primary vote hasn't even yet been cast.
hmmmm, the Clinton Foundation does not use presidentclinton.COM, they use a dot ORG address?

I read months ago, that Hillary used the secure server that was set up for PresidentClinton after he left office by the secret service. I also read in the news that he was NOT using this server set up for him, so her team of people asked Clinton's people if it would be okay for her to use it....and she got permission...

So, i'd wait on believing what you probably read in the blogs or Briebart.....
What seems to have gotten lost in all this is that the server she used was also the server for the Clinton Foundation.

I am willing to give her the benefit of doubt that she did not know she was passing on classified information or that she was engaged in influence peddling, but the optics are just awful. As SoS, she oversaw the foreign affairs of this country while foreign countries donated large sums of money to her foundation. Does she not see how this can be construed as a conflict? Then, the server gets wiped clean of 30,000 emails, and now, one of her IT guys is taking the 5th.

It calls into question her judgement, and it reminds everyone of all the drama the Clintons bring. We are getting Clinton Fatigue and the first primary vote hasn't even yet been cast.
hmmmm, the Clinton Foundation does not use presidentclinton.COM, they use a dot ORG address?

I read months ago, that Hillary used the secure server that was set up for PresidentClinton after he left office by the secret service. I also read in the news that he was NOT using this server set up for him, so her team of people asked Clinton's people if it would be okay for her to use it....and she got permission...

So, i'd wait on believing what you probably read in the blogs or Briebart.....

Gee, I guess the guy who set up HER server doesn't need to plead the fifth, then....

After all, he "Didn do nuffin"....
They were classified from the beginning, and Hillary's staff stripped the markings...

I just wonder which former staff members will come up on charges and decide to roll on Hillary to avoid spending the rest of their life in prison.

Guy, I've been watching you wingnuts for 25 years saying "We've got this bitch now!!!" and coming up empty. frankly, you guys have the track record of Wile E. Coyote.
Most intelligent folks KNEW Bush was bad news. And we knew Obama was a globalist horror as well.

Now we are trying to tell you that Hillary and the other Bush is too. Why not just shut off the TV and listen to us? Apparently your mind is far to easily manipulated by whatever tool the elites want in office. I'd guess you voted for Obama, didn't you?

You have already proven that you have absolutely dismal judgement regarding these globalist/corporatist shills that work for the internationalists. Why not stop posting and leave the Internets to the big boys?

Okay, guy, when you talk about "Globalists" and shit, you get into serious Tin-Foil Hat territory and there's really no point talking to you.

I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney was a complete asshole. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.
So you know everything and have seen every mail and have decided there's nothing to this and she should just be left alone because you don't think she did anything illegal..ok...fair enough..

Nobody's showing me any emails. THat's the point. We only have the Intelligence Community's WORD that these things were really, really, really secrets. You know, like the top secret stuff on North Korean Nukes. Which we knew about 10 years ago and they even made a bad parody of.

The rest of your posts is batshittery that I don't have time for.
So you know everything and have seen every mail and have decided there's nothing to this and she should just be left alone because you don't think she did anything illegal..ok...fair enough..

Nobody's showing me any emails. THat's the point. We only have the Intelligence Community's WORD that these things were really, really, really secrets. You know, like the top secret stuff on North Korean Nukes. Which we knew about 10 years ago and they even made a bad parody of.

The rest of your posts is batshittery that I don't have time for.
Joe, you might claim you were dumb enough to be a general, but you don't have the security clearance to see Top Secret emails...

So quit asking.
Using an unsecure server to send/receive/hold classified documents certainly sounds like a crime to me.

I have read of people being arrested for such activities in the past.
A. That's not what happened.
B. It is not a crime in any case.

I work/ed with just "Confidential" information and that would have gotten my ass fired and would seriously hamper me working in such a position again.
You were President of the United States or a Secretary of State? Do tell.

Nothing in your post related to anything in my post.

My point stands.

Millions of people daily work with far less sensitive information and are expected to handle it better than Hillary handled Classified information.
Of course it relates to your post.

There is a hierarchy in the government. And at different stages in that hierarchy are ascribed different powers.

That you don't know this makes your handling of sensitive material somewhat questionable.

The "Hierarchy" does not mean that anyone is above the law, or even the Rules.
You stated the issue wrong. It's not that some bureaucrat later decided the information was classified, the information was classified and it was mishandled. The review of the documents later merely substantiated what everyone read into SCI compartments is taught - the information makes it classified, not the markings someone puts on it.

By using her own server she circumvented the many protections built to keep this information secure and she knew it.

Okay, couple of problems here. The Government classifies EVERYTHING, including things in the public domain.

Second, no one had a problem with this private server 7 years ago when it was set up.

Clearly, when you have everyone and his brother hacking into the government servers because they are about 10 years behind where the private sector is, I'm just not seeing the big deal. I'm really not.

But you raise a good point, attacks on Clinton need to be accompanied with actual substantive arguments to vote for someone else. Personally I'd much rather have the former head of a technology company in charge than someone who admitted they didn't know how to have two email addresses on one phone.

I'd personally have someone in charge who created 20 million new jobs like the Clintons did in the 1990, than some nasty corporate bitch who ran her company so badly they fired her, but not before she destroyed 18000 jobs.

I think any one of you Republican DIPSHITS who keeps insisting we need some corporate bloodsucker in the White House should just imagine their boss with nuclear weapons, and realize what a bad idea that is.

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