Olberman signs off from Countdown

Here's Olbermann's goodbye, well crafted as always....

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Ah Keith, we hardly knew ye. What we did know made us wonder what the Hell was wrong with you.
Olbermann has had a turbulent relationship with GE for years.

He symbolizes the problem that arises when a major corporation like GE wants to sell advertisers access to the American Left. They must get in bed with a firebrand like Olbermann who pushes an anti-corporate liberal agenda.

As the Comcast merger took shape, Olbermann's fate was sealed. The top brass at Comcast are major contributors to the Republican party. Olbermann's exit has actually been in the works since the Comcast merger was official. It was leaked prior to his November scuffle with the network.

Corporations don't want to pay higher taxes or face strict regulations; therefore, corporations hate the left. MSNBC primetime was the final liberal outlet. You can kiss it goodbye. The American Left will eventually be relegated to a faraway corner of the internet, with all the other carnival exhibits that cannot get funding. Welcome to media consolidation. A handful of mega corporations own all the media and they are slowly erasing the liberal voice.
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Sucks that he guy is off.............I remember tuning in on election night to watch Olbermann squirm in his seat for 4 hours and try to put a BS spin on the utter decimation of his ideology. I had looked forward to it for 6 months. On that night..............the commentary from all of those 4 or 5 clowns was classic. For conservatives, it was like waiting for the sequel to your favorite movie.......but even better.

I, for one, will never forget the entertainment provided to me that night by Keith Olbermann..........like watching your favorite sports team obliterate a long time rival.

Over the past year especially...........as the ideology of the far left kept receiving devestating blows leading up to November, it was always a hoot to watch the pronounced level of angst and misery and anger that became part of Olbermann's bumper monologue's. As a conservative, it was always something you knew you could tune into around 8:50pm EST and realize it was being watched by the same exact viewers who were thinking what was being said by Olbermann was mainstream. That was the best part............knowing he was preaching to a fringe element. Knowing that made it a hoot to come back and watch time and time again. As a conservative, we always knew it was just a mattter of time before this guy went belly up given the laughable ratings.

This weenie limpwrister who has now fallen into the irrelevant file. The irony? Conservatives are going to miss him more than the far left devotee's!!!!

Go figure.............
Always wondered too, how many lefties knew the guy is really bald!!!

I wll say this...........gotta hand it to the forum far left k00ks who continually get kicked in the balls for the past year but keep on coming back. Thats resiliency for sure. Olbermann getting the boot has gotta sting. He's their guy and with his demise comes another gigantic kick in the balls for their ideology. Because, lets face it...........thats what this is. The show continually lost viewers from November of 2008. While the Tea Party grew by epic proportions ( and contiinually made fun of by Olbermann)......."Countdown" dropped off the face of the earth!!!


Its a good thing the k00ks have this board to convey their level of misery!!!:2up::2up::2up:
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Olbermann has had a turbulent relationship with GE for years.

He symbolizes the problem that arises when a major corporation like GE wants to sell advertisers access to the American Left. They must get in bed with a firebrand like Olbermann who pushes an anti-corporate liberal agenda.

As the Comcast merger took shape, Olbermann's fate was sealed. The top brass at Comcast are major contributors to the Republican party. Olbermann's exit has actually been in the works since the Comcast merger was official. It was leaked prior to his November scuffle with the network.

Corporations don't want to pay higher taxes or face strict regulations; therefore, corporations hate the left. MSNBC primetime was the final liberal outlet. You can kiss it goodbye. The American Left will eventually be relegated to a faraway corner of the internet, with all the other carnival exhibits that cannot get funding. Welcome to media consolidation. A handful of mega corporations own all the media and they are slowly erasing the liberal voice.

Fact check.
Comcast chief executive Brian Roberts made more than $76,000 in political contributions to Democrats since 2006, compared to $13,500 in contributions to Republicans.
Comcast vice president and top lobbyist David Cohen made about $180,000 to Democrats in the same period, compared to $12,000 to Republicans, according to OpenSecrets.org.

Cohen also helped raise more than $6 million for Obama’s election campaign.

There have also been political endorsements. On Thursday, the same day the merger was announced, Roberts expressed his support of Obama’s healthcare package. It was the first time Roberts took a position on the issue. He had been invited to attend the White House job summit that day, but could not make it.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
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Sure are a lot of wingnut posts here in a thread about a guy none of them watched.

Keith will get a show somewhere else if he wants one. A million plus nightly audience on cable is viable, commercially.
I saw him a few times. Each time I hated the nasty prissy dishonest fucker.

I defended him against his "time out" for having made political contributions. That rule should apply ONLY to reporters. And even though I detest the fucker, let's get real, he didn't claim to be a "reporter."

Other than the fact that he said the nasty, prissy, dishonest things that lots of libs LIKE, I don't see why he was such a fan favorite (in his limited ratings way) of liberals. I mean, he had the self-aggrandizing sanctimonious liberal thing DOWN cold. But he was a piss poor commentator and of no actual value in analyzing anything real in the world.

Countdown to No Ratings is officially complete. Officially, now: ZERO ratings.

Bwahahahaha! Levin nailed it.
I always thought his "Worst Person in the World" stuff was pretty dangerous rhetoric. He really did paint a big Bullseye on those he labelled with that. I was actually very surprised MSNBC management didn't demand he tone his rhetoric down. I thought it was only a matter of time before some deranged winger went after one of his "Worst Persons in the World." It's a good thing he's gone. He really wont be missed.

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