Omar refuses to condnem gays being stoned to death

Thank you....Brunei. Can anyone explain why she seems to have been the only one asked?
That's a different subject, though worthy of discussion. The topic here is why she won't condemn this. And she deserves criticism for that.
Omar Refuses to Condemn Gays Being Stoned to Death
Ilhan Omar is as radical as a congressman or congresswoman as we’ve ever seen in our Nation’s history, there is no denying that.

She’s even called for the defunding of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. She’s even called the conditions of illegal aliens that were “detained” and “inhumane.”

Of course they are allowed to pretend and break anny rules as logn as it's innfiltraiting from within.
She will get plenty of funding from the Jihadist wing of the Democratic Party
Again...what did all the other members of Congress say? How many of them condemned gays being stoned to death?
Does not compute, fool. Read my post on that exact topic and stop derailing the thread.
I am not derailing...I am asking what did all the other members of Congress say when asked if they condemned Dubai's anti-gay policy. Did they condemn it?
In other words you are conceding that Omar has refused to condemn the execution of gays.
Perhaps she should belong to the GOP?
No, now that the Democratic Party has given such full throated endorsement to anti semitism, she clearly belongs among your bigoted ranks.
Perhaps she should belong to the GOP?
Ilhan Omar chose not to become a republican. Something about not supporting the Islamist platform and doing away with Israel.
Republican Nazis marched in Charlottesville screaming Jews will not replace us.
When it was pointed out to trump these white nationalists we’re marching with torches. and screaming, Trump said they are very fine people on both sides.
See what I mean?
Republican Nazis marched in Charlottesville screaming Jews will not replace us.
When it was pointed out to trump these white nationalists we’re marching with torches. and screaming, Trump said they are very fine people on both sides.
See what I mean?
NO, we DON'T see what you mean. Trump was right, There WERE "very fine people on both sides"

What gives you the idea there weren't ? >

Allow me to guess >> CNN, MSNBC, PBS, Washington Post
Omar Refuses to Condemn Gays Being Stoned to Death
Ilhan Omar is as radical as a congressman or congresswoman as we’ve ever seen in our Nation’s history, there is no denying that.

She’s even called for the defunding of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. She’s even called the conditions of illegal aliens that were “detained” and “inhumane.”

Of course they are allowed to pretend and break anny rules as logn as it's innfiltraiting from within.






Omar Refuses to Condemn Gays Being Stoned to Death
Ilhan Omar is as radical as a congressman or congresswoman as we’ve ever seen in our Nation’s history, there is no denying that.

She’s even called for the defunding of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. She’s even called the conditions of illegal aliens that were “detained” and “inhumane.”

Of course they are allowed to pretend and break anny rules as logn as it's innfiltraiting from within.
Infiltrating from within - the marching orders of the Muslim Brotherhood (dedicated to destroying America)

This crazy screwball has said she is OK with men transgendering themselves into women (while still being much bigger and stronger), and then using their superior size and strength to defeat women athleles, in women's sports.

imagine being a woman fighter in the UFC, and your next fight is against a 6'4" 230 pound GUY, posing as a woman. Gimme a break!

Remember....Islam is the only religion that teaches the strategic lie as a way forward.
It's not Immoral if the untruth is spoken to infidels. If it is used as way to further the interests of Islam and to seek the destruction of it's enemies. ( That would be any and all who refuse to convert). So if you meet a good, devout thing you can be certain of....they will lie to you.

Omar Refuses to Condemn Gays Being Stoned to Death
Ilhan Omar is as radical as a congressman or congresswoman as we’ve ever seen in our Nation’s history, there is no denying that.

She’s even called for the defunding of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. She’s even called the conditions of illegal aliens that were “detained” and “inhumane.”

Of course they are allowed to pretend and break anny rules as logn as it's innfiltraiting from within.
Infiltrating from within - the marching orders of the Muslim Brotherhood (dedicated to destroying America)

This crazy screwball has said she is OK with men transgendering themselves into women (while still being much bigger and stronger), and then using their superior size and strength to defeat women athleles, in women's sports.

imagine being a woman fighter in the UFC, and your next fight is against a 6'4" 230 pound GUY, posing as a woman. Gimme a break!

Remember....Islam is the only religion that teaches the strategic lie as a way forward.
It's not Immoral if the untruth is spoken to infidels. If it is used as way to further the interests of Islam and to seek the destruction of it's enemies. ( That would be any and all who refuse to convert). So if you meet a good, devout thing you can be certain of....they will lie to you.

And there is no such thing as a MODERATE muslim. They're either ALL IN or they're not a muslim.

You're right... they will LIE to you. They don't ASSIMILATE ANYWHERE they go. Where ever they're at, they wait until they have sufficient numbers and then they TAKE OVER, PERIOD, END OF STORY, and that is ALWAYS by VIOLENCE. That program has been TRUE for FOURTEEN HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS. Look at Europe... or should I say Eupropistan?


And if anyone is IGNORANT enough think they don't, then you're one of the ones that deserve to be one of the poor slobs they march onto a beach and SAW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF.

And could someone please explain to me why DEMOCRATS LOVE these people so much? When muslims want to THROW HOMOS OFF A ROOF, and homos are the pets of the left? How do democrats square that reasoning? Is it just that they both HATE CHRISTIANS like the NAZIS did?
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