Omar refuses to condnem gays being stoned to death

Democrats have elected the enemy into our congress....why do they hate our nation so much?....have they forgotten?....or did they secretly cheer on 9-11?...
Democrats have elected the enemy into our congress....why do they hate our nation so much?....have they forgotten?....or did they secretly cheer on 9-11?...
Democrats are the party of anti American trash. There's no question about that anymore. They've shown us all who they really are, we all see it.
Democrats have elected the enemy into our congress....why do they hate our nation so much?....have they forgotten?....or did they secretly cheer on 9-11?...
Democrats are the party of anti American trash. There's no question about that anymore. They've shown us all who they really are, we all see it.
And the media has signed on to their lunacy...or maybe its the other way around...a bunch of liberal arts graduates in our news rooms are leading the democrat party....if so...they are leading them to ruin...
Democrats have elected the enemy into our congress....why do they hate our nation so much?....have they forgotten?....or did they secretly cheer on 9-11?...
Democrats are the party of anti American trash. There's no question about that anymore. They've shown us all who they really are, we all see it.
And the media has signed on to their lunacy...or maybe its the other way around...a bunch of liberal arts graduates in our news rooms are leading the democrat party....if so...they are leading them to ruin...
It's not even "the media," it's nothing more than the democrat propaganda wing. Heir Goebbels would be amazed at what the radical left gets away with.

I dare to say though, I think America is getting FED UP with it... the LIES, the constant TRASHING of our president for NOTHING, on BULL SHIT, especially after the RUSSIA COLLUSION FARCE, which is BLOWING UP IN THE DEMS FACE RIGHT NOW. You can't win elections on HATE THE ORANGE MAN... ORANGE MAN BAD... without having SOME truth SOMEWHERE, and there hasn't been. It's BACK FIRING.
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Omar Refuses to Condemn Gays Being Stoned to Death
Ilhan Omar is as radical as a congressman or congresswoman as we’ve ever seen in our Nation’s history, there is no denying that.

She’s even called for the defunding of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE. She’s even called the conditions of illegal aliens that were “detained” and “inhumane.”

Of course they are allowed to pretend and break anny rules as logn as it's innfiltraiting from within.







You got and if the pathetic idiots who voted this anti trash into office are dumb enough to vote this traitor i nagainn then they deserve it, but for the entire antion YOU BETTER WAKE THE FK UP THIS IS THE VERY POS THAT WANTS THIS COUNTRY TAKEN DOWN JUST LIKE EUROPE!!!!!!! WAKE THE FK UP YOU LOONS. lol
Republican Nazis marched in Charlottesville screaming Jews will not replace us.
When it was pointed out to trump these white nationalists we’re marching with torches. and screaming, Trump said they are very fine people on both sides.
See what I mean?
Not really. That was Trump's clumsy way of trying to not alienate anyone....the Antifa scum as well as the nazis.
I don't think anyone out there marching and fighting were all that fine but you probably think
the Commie/Anarchist thugs in Antifa are blameless.
Gays better wake up to the wholesale promotion of Islam by the Democrats as a subjugated, protected class.

Lest ye find yourselves tossed off of the roof.
But you agree with me, and you are lying right now. So no need to change your mind.
Yes. When one is right there is no need to change one's mind. I haven't changed my mind on this.
Right, you agree with me. But, being a trump supporter, you ostensibly adopted a ridiculous, untenable position for a rhetorical battle. And now you are chained to this embarrassing position. That's too bad.
"Stoning people to death for homosexuality or adultery is appalling and immoral. Every single person on earth is entitled to be treated with dignity and to live without fear. There is no excuse -- not culture, not tradition -- for this kind of hate and inhumanity." - Crazy Joe
Right, you agree with me. But, being a trump supporter, you ostensibly adopted a ridiculous, untenable position for a rhetorical battle. And now you are chained to this embarrassing position. That's too bad.
But I don't agree with you and I know what I think about things quite a bit more than you do.
Just when I give you a little bit of credit for seeming rational you slide back down into the pit of foolishness.

There is nothing untenable about supporting Trump's failed attempt at fence mending, ineffectual though it was.

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