Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
So now the United States is governed by a series of tweets? Seriously?
With all the chaos and failure in Donald trump's Oval Office one would have thought he has enough of a ruined legacy already without starting another joust at a windmill which will be stopped by the Judiciary yet again.

You little boy's and Girl's trumpet those lower court decisions, they'll last right up until the SC hears the case.
You might well be right that the Republican Supreme Court majority will lie supine under the Executive as the Legislature has done since Donald Trump was chosen by the Electoral College to be in the Oval Office. We shall see if the highest court in the land will be up to the task.

They are not going to hear the case even if somebody tries. Guys wearing dresses is not some sort of right. Sure, you can wear them if you like, but it's not discrimination to say you can't join the military acting like somebody you're not.

If some guy tries to join the military telling them he's Jesus Christ, wears an aluminum foil halo, and walks around in a robe, he can't join the military either and it's not his right to.
The same bigots that approve of this decision would have also approved of keeping blacks out of the military if they were alive at the time.

This will end up hurting Agent Orange because most Americans aren't bigots.
It's meant to pacify his racist base that he keeps on courting for their support when the shit hits the fan down the line when Mueller hands out indictments.

Your youth and lack of experience shows here dumbass. You've never served, never been in a situation where you have to be able to count on the person next to you. You have to know that if something happens that that person can carry you out of harms way if they need to. Without that confidence the efficiency of that unit is shot. Go play your hypothetical games somewhere else, in the real world the military will not function without structural and team unity, integrity and confidence. In short people will die just because you think that the military should bend to every little sociological whim. That's the nice way to put it. Me? I'd just tell you to fuck off because you're an idiot.
Now they won't die for a needless war Trump gets us in. Let the straight white male middle class homophobes die for Trump.
Unlike the 2 UN-Constitutional. UN-approved wars the criminal Nobel Peace Prize Winner started in attempts to help terrorists acquire their own nations.

What? Few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
The same bigots that approve of this decision would have also approved of keeping blacks out of the military if they were alive at the time.

This will end up hurting Agent Orange because most Americans aren't bigots.
It's meant to pacify his racist base that he keeps on courting for their support when the shit hits the fan down the line when Mueller hands out indictments.
Blacks never needed surgery and medication to make them black.
The transgendered were prohibited in the military from its inception to obama's social engineering. It has just gone back to the way it should be.
Trump is an asshole. And on purpose. Weidest POTUS of all time that's for sure
You just aren't used to a President that stands up straight and has a backbone and wants whats best for America.
That's hilarious. I love every dickhead move he does. I told gays to vote for Hillary. So I laugh each time Republicans do what I said they would do.

Can't wait for a Democrat POTUS in 2020
She waited until she was no longer a SEAL to make the change. Kristin presumably had her transformation paid for with medical insurance through the V.A., so I'm not sure Trump is going to be saving scads of money here, is he? I think if they are already morphed into the sex they believe themselves to be, there should be no bar to entering service.

So which physical fitness test do they take? Before or after?
? The one they currently are.

So a female to male transgender will be expected to pass the male APFT?

Not likely to happen. Some may, but the vast majority will fail and be kicked out.

Male to female transgenders will likely easily pass the female APFT and will be allowed to stay.

Your point is now moot. They will all be shown the door..
Supreme Court here we come.

Not likely. The Supreme Court realizes that military decisions often violate the civil rights of its personnel on a regular basis. Remember, they signed up for it!
It is too bad he can't put that little faggot traitor bradley manning back in prison.

Excuse me, transgenders were not allowed to serve in the military during Obama's first 7 years where's the outrage? The policy Trump is ending was only just started last year.
Will the 2,000 - 7,000 transgender active military personnel currently serving be given an honorable discharge? Now that for a year they have been permitted to serve openly? Hopefully a lot of them were smart enough to keep their mouths shut anyway.

One of our E.R. docs who is now a woman used to be a man years ago. She's just as grumpy now as she was when he was a man. You would never, ever know. Still a good doctor. I don't see what the big problem is.

Where did you get that figure?

The link quoted says:
"But the RAND Corporation, a global policy think tank, puts the figure between 1,320 to 6,630."

Personally, I think all of these numbers are pure conjecture.

I'll bet the number becomes almost non-existent after they hear the new policy.
You ever heard of rounding? The numbers are pure conjecture because hopefully most transgender military personnel kept their mouths shut.

Why do they have to keep their mouth shut? The policy that had been in effect was there during the Obama term. The real people scared to death were those who disagreed with that policy and were told to shut up or face punishment because they disagreed that transgenders should serve.
I've been told here that this has only been a policy for one year. The rule says they can serve openly. So if any were stupid enough to admit it, now they're going to get canned.

Not necessarily because the policy details have not been implemented.

I think if they abide by the rules and drop the idea that they need a sex change or to wear lacy women's underwear under their uniform, they should be able to stay.

Personally, if they cannot do that, I think they should be given an honorable discharge and then given a bus ticket home as soon as possible, but then again, I am an asshole.
Trump is an asshole. And on purpose. Weidest POTUS of all time that's for sure
You just aren't used to a President that stands up straight and has a backbone and wants whats best for America.
That's hilarious. I love every dickhead move he does. I told gays to vote for Hillary. So I laugh each time Republicans do what I said they would do.

Can't wait for a Democrat POTUS in 2020

Nobody is going to do what you tell them to do, bro
know what else is funny? He went from draft dodger to Commander in chief. Weird huh?

Libs never seemed to care that Bubba Clinton was a documented draft dodger, but Trump has a 4F designation.

Not serving in a war you don't support and actively protested is quite different than not serving in one you supported.

Ah, the liberal backpedaling to mask your hypocrisy makes an appearance!
So which physical fitness test do they take? Before or after?
? The one they currently are.

So a female to male transgender will be expected to pass the male APFT?

Not likely to happen. Some may, but the vast majority will fail and be kicked out.

Male to female transgenders will likely easily pass the female APFT and will be allowed to stay.

Your point is now moot. They will all be shown the door..
Supreme Court here we come.
SC for what? Trannies arent covered in any laws or the COTUS. SC cant do shit :lol:
Honestly? The S.C. doesn't review discrimination cases? What about the Christian bakers?

What SCOTUS case was that?
Hint: It hasn't been decided.

I don't think you are going to like the result anyway.
Only because of brain dead people like you.
Do you think Hillary would have been a better choice?
1000 times better choice.

This speaks volumes about you. She is a disgusting psychopath.
So you've worked yourself up over because you've swallowed every lie, every conspiracy theory.
No one is swallowing any of your lies. Please stop.
You bigots/ racists will not be looked at kindly by history.
Far far far far right Orrin Hatch is against this biased ruling as are many republicans and all democrats.
" Military caught off guard by Trump ruling"
So once again the man/ child president steps in his own shit.

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