Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
The military is unpopular to such an extend that even monkeys and unicorns will be accepted. The days of widespread patriotism seem to be numbered. Its not only "lifestyle" but also the wellfounded lack of willingness to be burned for suspicious policies.

GTFO. You must believe that these are still the days of the old 1970's "Volunteer Army" or something. The qualification for becoming part of the American military has changed a lot since then, and standards are higher than any other country.

My own niece enlisted in the U.S Army several years ago. She is a college graduate and was given the commission of First Lieutenant. She completed medical school while she was in there and is now a practicing doctor and a Captain.

Your ignorant statement sounds like something John Kerry said a few years ago.

Sorry for interrupting your truth but why is the army paying minors to make them sign they´ll join? And they are only accepting the women because of the lack of volunteers.
Please show that the army is accepting children or minors.
Uhm? I did not even claim it.
Liar in Chief during the campaign: I will protect the transgendered.
As president:They can go fuck themselves.
Idiot supporters: yea for going back on yet another promise. .
What, in your opinion, is "protection?" Special rights?
I have a hard time correlating that statement to this action
Not to be discriminated against. That's exactly what he's doing. And of course try to take his Russian scandal off the news for one day.
He's a horrible human being.., but I know that's why you voted for him. He reminds you of yourself.
Liar in Chief during the campaign: I will protect the transgendered.
As president:They can go fuck themselves.
Idiot supporters: yea for going back on yet another promise. .
What, in your opinion, is "protection?" Special rights?
I have a hard time correlating that statement to this action
Not to be discriminated against. That's exactly what he's doing. And of course try to take his Russian scandal off the news for one day.
He's a horrible human being.., but I know that's why you voted for him. He reminds you of yourself.
discriminated HOW? Them being in the military is a SPECIAL RIGHT. NOBODY should get "special rights" That is the opposite of EQUAL
This is the right decision by President Trump and his military advisers!:clap:

At last a bit of common sense, no more waste of money spent in transgender drugs and operations, no more internal frictions , no more sensitivity classes....grrrrrr :cuckoo:

The army now has a chance to become a normal fighting unit again!!!!!

Excellent news Mr President!!!!!:2up:
" White House dodges questions about the current state of transgendered still in the military. "

Ha ha

They have no idea what they're doing.
" White House dodges questions about the current state of transgendered still in the military. "

Ha ha

They have no idea what they're doing.
More like they aren't saying, which is a far cry from your lie.
know what else is funny? He went from draft dodger to Commander in chief. Weird huh?
Only because of brain dead people like you.
Do you think Hillary would have been a better choice?
1000 times better choice.

This speaks volumes about you. She is a disgusting psychopath.
The same bigots that approve of this decision would have also approved of keeping blacks out of the military if they were alive at the time.

This will end up hurting Agent Orange because most Americans aren't bigots.
It's meant to pacify his racist base that he keeps on courting for their support when the shit hits the fan down the line when Mueller hands out indictments.
know what else is funny? He went from draft dodger to Commander in chief. Weird huh?
Only because of brain dead people like you.
Do you think Hillary would have been a better choice?
1000 times better choice.

This speaks volumes about you. She is a disgusting psychopath.
So you've worked yourself up over because you've swallowed every lie, every conspiracy theory.
The same bigots that approve of this decision would have also approved of keeping blacks out of the military if they were alive at the time.

This will end up hurting Agent Orange because most Americans aren't bigots.
It's meant to pacify his racist base that he keeps on courting for their support when the shit hits the fan down the line when Mueller hands out indictments.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
know what else is funny? He went from draft dodger to Commander in chief. Weird huh?
Only because of brain dead people like you.
Do you think Hillary would have been a better choice?
1000 times better choice.

This speaks volumes about you. She is a disgusting psychopath.
So you've worked yourself up over because you've swallowed every lie, every conspiracy theory.
No one is swallowing any of your lies. Please stop.
know what else is funny? He went from draft dodger to Commander in chief. Weird huh?
Only because of brain dead people like you.
Do you think Hillary would have been a better choice?
1000 times better choice.

This speaks volumes about you. She is a disgusting psychopath.
So you've worked yourself up over because you've swallowed every lie, every conspiracy theory.

Where there's smoke there's ALWAYS fire. You can crow all you like but there has never been a full complete into her shit. She,like all of them is protected, not innocent, just protected. I'm not worked up at all, just a realist. Unlike you I don't see the world, the real one or the political one in a left/right Dem/Pub paradigm. I see it in terms of the elites and the rest of us.

You're the kind of person who would deny her guilt even if there were pictures of her doing anything. You're free to believe anything you like, but the bitch is one of the most unlikeable (according to MANY on her security teams) and ugly (on the inside) people to ever "serve". She would sooner spit on you than look at you. The fact that you still think that any of this shit is "real" speaks to your unwillingness to ever learn any truth but that which fits your version of reality.

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