One always has to ruin it for others

There is no god damn difference. Either we as conservatives support the right of business owners to manage their businesses as they deem necessary or we don't.

We can support local laws for local views. If a location says businesses in their jurisdiction that allow people to walk in have to allow CCW, they can. If they say the business can disallow it, they can do that too.

My concern is that a business that decides it can stop someone from carrying in their store has to then held liable if the CCW person is injured or robbed in that store. They should also make police officers leave their weapons in their vehicle, because police officers are just peace officers, civilians with the ability to detain and arrest persons for holding until the judicial system can take over.

Why stop at the Business owner? Why not charge, with accessory to murder, the people in charge of the places that mandated schools be gun free zones and got all those kids killed?

If you leave a ladder out on your property and a customer climbs it and falls you as an owner are liable for damages. If your laws put people at risk and the crime happens based on the idiocy of your laws, why not make the law makers pay for their idiocy? If you leave your kids in a car and they die of heat stroke you can be charged and do jail time. This is the same thing.

if lawmakers were held responsible for the consequences of their laws, there would be a lot less stupid nanny state laws out there.
Now you're calling me a liar?

Fuck you jackass. Suck on this neg as a substitute for the pic of a cake that didn't get baked yet you're still dumb enough to ask for a pic of it
Plain and simple, you lied. There was no request to put a penis on the cake.

Given that you are not willing to admit you lied and felt the need to neg about your lie what does that make you? Coward.

Need a tissue?

Now im a coward?

I'm not the one afraid to walk into Chipotle without strapping a bazooka on my back.

As to the dick on the cake there were several articles about it discussed on this very board. Regardless I support business owners to make their own choices and sink or swim based on the market response.

There was never gonna be a "dick" on the cake. That's just silly. The dick mentioned in the threads probably referred to "guys" not their dicks.

I support business owners making decisions, but I'm ok with shutting them down when they make bad decisions.
Plain and simple, you lied. There was no request to put a penis on the cake.

Given that you are not willing to admit you lied and felt the need to neg about your lie what does that make you? Coward.

Need a tissue?

Now im a coward?

I'm not the one afraid to walk into Chipotle without strapping a bazooka on my back.

As to the dick on the cake there were several articles about it discussed on this very board. Regardless I support business owners to make their own choices and sink or swim based on the market response.

There was never gonna be a "dick" on the cake. That's just silly. The dick mentioned in the threads probably referred to "guys" not their dicks.

I support business owners making decisions, but I'm ok with shutting them down when they make bad decisions.

and who decides what constitutes a "bad" decision?
Now im a coward?

I'm not the one afraid to walk into Chipotle without strapping a bazooka on my back.

As to the dick on the cake there were several articles about it discussed on this very board. Regardless I support business owners to make their own choices and sink or swim based on the market response.

There was never gonna be a "dick" on the cake. That's just silly. The dick mentioned in the threads probably referred to "guys" not their dicks.

I support business owners making decisions, but I'm ok with shutting them down when they make bad decisions.

and who decides what constitutes a "bad" decision?

Whatever group feels most oppressed in the given situation.

Right now gay trumps black trumps woman.
Now im a coward?

I'm not the one afraid to walk into Chipotle without strapping a bazooka on my back.

As to the dick on the cake there were several articles about it discussed on this very board. Regardless I support business owners to make their own choices and sink or swim based on the market response.

There was never gonna be a "dick" on the cake. That's just silly. The dick mentioned in the threads probably referred to "guys" not their dicks.

I support business owners making decisions, but I'm ok with shutting them down when they make bad decisions.

and who decides what constitutes a "bad" decision?

Yeah cause baking a cake or not is the same as allowing guns or not. Lol

Being bigoted against gays is not the same as being bigoted against guns.

There is no god damn difference. Either we as conservatives support the right of business owners to manage their businesses as they deem necessary or we don't.

We can support local laws for local views. If a location says businesses in their jurisdiction that allow people to walk in have to allow CCW, they can. If they say the business can disallow it, they can do that too.

My concern is that a business that decides it can stop someone from carrying in their store has to then held liable if the CCW person is injured or robbed in that store. They should also make police officers leave their weapons in their vehicle, because police officers are just peace officers, civilians with the ability to detain and arrest persons for holding until the judicial system can take over.

Here's the rub:
"My concern is that a business that decides it can stop someone from carrying in their store has to then held liable if the CCW person is injured or robbed in that store."

-- in order to reach that conclusion you'd have to establish that the simple fact of having their weapon would have prevented that injury or theft.

Yeah, good luck with that.
North Carolina restaurant The Pit was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday. Normally, local crime stories like this wouldn't merit a Townhall post, but this one is different: The Pit has a "no weapons" sign displayed prominently on its door declaring the restaurant a gun-free zone, and bans patrons from carrying concealed weapons. "


NC Restaurant With "No Weapons" Sign Robbed at Gunpoint - Christine Rousselle
The point being that people who put up signs advertising their vulnerability are at risk of being targeted.

It's obvious, but it's obvious you aren't capable of getting it.
The point being that people who put up signs advertising their vulnerability are at risk of being targeted.

It's obvious, but it's obvious you aren't capable of getting it.

Is it now?

And your evidence of this causal relationship, when can we expect that?

Or are we just going with the non sequitur and "everybody knows" fallacies today?

Hey look, that store advertised a sale on eggs, then they got robbed. Well that's not gonna happen to my store. Raise the price of eggs.
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speaking or ruining things for the rest

record welfare and food stamps in Progressive Majority Rule Year 8

idiots and hypocrites
The point being that people who put up signs advertising their vulnerability are at risk of being targeted.

It's obvious, but it's obvious you aren't capable of getting it.

Is it now?

And your evidence of this causal relationship, when can we expect that?

Or are we just going with the non sequitur and "everybody knows" fallacies today?

Hey look, that store advertised a sale on eggs, then they got robbed. Well that's not gonna happen to my store. Raise the price of eggs.

Elitist ding dong ^^^^

Your trust of your fellow man (er..except the ones that might actually defend your pathetic ass from attack) is a joy to behold, lol.
The point being that people who put up signs advertising their vulnerability are at risk of being targeted.

It's obvious, but it's obvious you aren't capable of getting it.

Is it now?

And your evidence of this causal relationship, when can we expect that?

Or are we just going with the non sequitur and "everybody knows" fallacies today?

Hey look, that store advertised a sale on eggs, then they got robbed. Well that's not gonna happen to my store. Raise the price of eggs.

Elitist ding dong ^^^^

Your trust of your fellow man (er..except the ones that might actually defend your pathetic ass from attack) is a joy to behold, lol.

So that's a yes.
Thanks for playin' and be sure to play Spot the Fallacy at home. Minutes of fun for the whole family.
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How? if the state law allows it, and the owner meets all the requirements on what basis does the business owner have the right to deny access when he allows the rest of the public access?

The issue of rights not be absolute is meaningless in this argument. What matters is that when it comes to rights, the government must have overwhelming evidence that expression of the right in the manner proscribed creates such harm that it has to be punished.

How? That has been explained repeatedly to you.

You don't agree, I get that.

You haven't explained the legal "how." Can Chipotle in contrivance of local law which requires a business to allow CCW's into their locations simply say "no"?

You mean, "You haven't explained the legal 'how'" to your satisfaction.

No one is going to be abled to do that because you have a priori dismissed the arguments.

Just the way it is.
How? if the state law allows it, and the owner meets all the requirements on what basis does the business owner have the right to deny access when he allows the rest of the public access?

The issue of rights not be absolute is meaningless in this argument. What matters is that when it comes to rights, the government must have overwhelming evidence that expression of the right in the manner proscribed creates such harm that it has to be punished.

How? That has been explained repeatedly to you.

You don't agree, I get that.

You haven't explained the legal "how." Can Chipotle in contrivance of local law which requires a business to allow CCW's into their locations simply say "no"?

Is that true?
Is a business required to allow CCWs onto their premises?
I'm curious why they thought carrying assault rifles into Chipotle would be a strategy to gain ground on open carry. I can tell you right now, the only time open carry will gain ground is in a critical situation where it's necessary. Starbucks and now Chipotle, where the business owner WANTED a free environment now have to deal with extremeists that open carry to make a freedom point. In both cases, it directly backfired on them.

We aren't a 3rd world Country. We don't need to open carry like some Countries in Africa. We are pretty safe. But open carry of assault rifles takes that safety away from others, directly infringing their liberty to have a meal without assault rifles in the room held by who knows who. (I really shouldn't have to explain this, it's elementary)

Guy Walks Into a Chipotle - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Why do so many people feel the need to carry guns because they fear strangers, but apparently feel comfortable sitting in a restaurant full of armed strangers?

Who do you know that carries guns because they fear strangers? Or are you just talking out your ass?

I carry guns to shoot predators and dinner.

So these guys carried Assault "style" rifles into a Chipotle because they wanted to shoot predators and dinner?

I think your comment made it's own point.
Sure, as if I would let a restaurant tell me where I can take my firearm.

Really, as if you would actually be courteous enough to follow the rules in someone else's house.

Lol you think Templar likes guns. Bless your heart. In any case it has nothing to so with courtesy. It has to do with the law. Why anyone goes to Chipolte is beyond me. But they are in all 50 states. And in some of them Chipolte can't tell people they can't bring guns in. In those states people can do whatever they want no matter what the progressive pussified owners say.

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