One day America will adopt a life ethic, and all pro-abort leaders will be shamed

Bwaaahahahaha!!! Where should I start? I can't tell if you're being sarcastic with Thomas Jefferson. Ever heard of Sally Hemmings? Doubt it. It was his slave that he knocked up.

“President Thomas Jefferson was accused of having fathered a child, Tom, by Sally Hemings. Tom was said to have been born in 1790, soon after Jefferson and Sally Hemings returned from France, where he had been minister. Present-day members of the African-American Woodson family believe that Thomas Jefferson was the father of Thomas Woodson, whose name comes from his later owner. . . . [But DNA testing shows] Thomas Woodson was not Thomas Jefferson’s son”

“So, the longest rumored charge against Jefferson, originally printed two centuries ago in publications of the day, was now proven wrong. Jefferson had been completely exonerated of that longstanding claim. Additionally, when Nature issued its embarrassing retraction, it sheepishly confessed, “The title assigned to our study was misleading.”

Excerpt From: Barton, David. “The Jefferson Lies.” Wallbuilders, 2012-09-17. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Jefferson Lies

(Making GaryDog my personal bitch since 02-10-16)
Lmao,Barton is a famous Christian revisionist historian who has been debunked numerous times. Nice try. He has no formal historical training and is criticized for including embarrassing historical inaccuracies in his dubious works. He's a hack. A crackpot.

David Barton (author) - Wikipedia

He even admitted to his own dishonest quotations:

King Of the Christocrats
You went back and edited your post to remove the request for me to name GOP office-holders and candidates. You're a fucking coward c*nt.
Um....I can't do that stupid. Bwahahahahaha!!! You just got owned, bitch


(Making GaryDog my personal bitch since 02-10-16)
You can't edit??? Since when? I've been able to edit any of my posts after they were posted. Stop lying.
Yeah....for like an hour. You're pointing to a post from like a day or two ago. Go try to edit a post from two days ago and let me know how it goes.
Lmao,Barton is a famous Christian revisionist historian who has been debunked numerous times. Nice try. He has no formal historical training and is criticized for including embarrassing historical inaccuracies in his dubious works. He's a hack. A crackpot.
David Barton (author) - Wikipedia

He even admitted to his own dishonest quotations:

King Of the Christocrats
So you quickly Google'd someone you've never heard of before and then try to find something from a progressive? Wow. So impressed dawg.

He's a leading historian in America with a treasure trove of original historical works. In addition, I noticed you didn't comment about Nature issuing a retraction of the story they created. Mmmmmmm..... :eusa_whistle:

You got owned son. You didn't know what the f' you were talking about and it showed. Nothing you can say now to recover from this.
Lmao,Barton is a famous Christian revisionist historian who has been debunked numerous times. Nice try. He has no formal historical training and is criticized for including embarrassing historical inaccuracies in his dubious works. He's a hack. A crackpot.
David Barton (author) - Wikipedia

He even admitted to his own dishonest quotations:

King Of the Christocrats
So you quickly Google'd someone you've never heard of before and then try to find something from a progressive? Wow. So impressed dawg.

He's a leading historian in America with a treasure trove of original historical works. In addition, I noticed you didn't comment about Nature issuing a retraction of the story they created. Mmmmmmm..... :eusa_whistle:

You got owned son. You didn't know what the f' you were talking about and it showed. Nothing you can say now to recover from this.

"Leading historian"??? LMAOOOOO

Look, I've got the kudos on my posts, you've got none. Sorry. You're full of shit. And exposed as a fraud and a liar, repeatedly. I've got a diversity of sources calling Barton a charlatan. You have Barton alone.

You went back and edited your post to remove the request for me to name GOP office-holders and candidates. You're a fucking coward c*nt.
Um....I can't do that stupid. Bwahahahahaha!!! You just got owned, bitch


(Making GaryDog my personal bitch since 02-10-16)
You can't edit??? Since when? I've been able to edit any of my posts after they were posted. Stop lying.
Yeah....for like an hour. You're pointing to a post from like a day or two ago. Go try to edit a post from two days ago and let me know how it goes.

And you edited it days ago. Liar.
He has no formal historical training...
Holy shit do your posts keep getting funnier and more desperate. No "formal historical training"? LMAO! It's not the Navy Seals junior. It's history. You pretty much just pick up a book and learn. Incidentally he has a massive collection of original writings from founders such as Thomas Jefferson. So his "formal historical training" far exceeds almost every one in America today.
And you edited it days ago. Liar.
How could I have done that when I didn't see your response until about an hour ago? LOL! If I edited anything junior - it would've been due to a spelling error. I did not omit anything to make you look stupid (you are clearly capable of doing that on your own).
He has no formal historical training...
Holy shit do your posts keep getting funnier and more desperate. No "formal historical training"? LMAO! It's not the Navy Seals junior. It's history. You pretty much just pick up a book and learn. Incidentally he has a massive collection of original writings from founders such as Thomas Jefferson. So his "formal historical training" far exceeds almost every one in America today.

He's "self taught", and the books you pick up are everything. Everyone who studied history (including me) in college is laughing at you.

You're a know-nothing douchebag who apparently takes pride in ignorance. Congrats?
He has no formal historical training...
Holy shit do your posts keep getting funnier and more desperate. No "formal historical training"? LMAO! It's not the Navy Seals junior. It's history. You pretty much just pick up a book and learn. Incidentally he has a massive collection of original writings from founders such as Thomas Jefferson. So his "formal historical training" far exceeds almost every one in America today.

He's "self taught", and the books you pick up are everything. Everyone who studied history (including me) in college is laughing at you.

You're a know-nothing douchebag who apparently takes pride in ignorance. Congrats?
How many original writings of the founders do you own? And I'm betting you dropped out of high school. If you actually attended college you wouldn't be a progressive because you wouldn't need to mooch off of society.
He has no formal historical training...
Holy shit do your posts keep getting funnier and more desperate. No "formal historical training"? LMAO! It's not the Navy Seals junior. It's history. You pretty much just pick up a book and learn. Incidentally he has a massive collection of original writings from founders such as Thomas Jefferson. So his "formal historical training" far exceeds almost every one in America today.

He's "self taught", and the books you pick up are everything. Everyone who studied history (including me) in college is laughing at you.

You're a know-nothing douchebag who apparently takes pride in ignorance. Congrats?
How many original writings of the founders do you own? And I'm betting you dropped out of high school. If you actually attended college you wouldn't be a progressive because you wouldn't need to mooch off of society.
Owning original writings has bearing on your knowledge? The worst "historians" are those who research with an agenda. His entire career is clearly based on confirmation bias. He wants Jefferson to be devoutly religious (he wasn't) and he wants him to be a pious gentleman ( he wasn't). These anti-establishment clause hacks are a dime a dozen, and it's all the rage now for evangelicals to rewrite history (and science) to conform with their backward views.
So, you're anti-abortion?
I already told you that I am anti-abortion.
You, on the other hand are pro genocide, given your messiah advocates genocide.

Only thugs consider being pro life to be incompatible with pro choice. We all know that being a bully doesn't make you more celebratory of life.
So, you're anti-abortion?
I already told you that I am anti-abortion.
You, on the other hand are pro genocide, given your messiah advocates genocide.

Only thugs consider being pro life to be incompatible with pro choice. We all know that being a bully doesn't make you more celebratory of life.
Oh,'re lying that you have A life ethic.....forgot.....
Oh,'re lying that you have A life ethic.....forgot.....
Acting like a child won't magically make you any less of an advocate for genocide.

So why don't you go ahead and admit that you couldn't care less if Trump kills the innocent families of alleged Muslim terrorists.

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