Open Minded Agnostic Atheist

That part of Christianity, that humanity is in need of a “savior”, is disturbing. There’s a certain arrogance in the Christian environment claiming we are all inherently corrupt and evil, therefore in need of “saving”.
This is why I prefer the term Redeemer, although I have nothing against 'Savior'. I have no trouble at all observing and acknowledging that as a society we miss living up to the ideal. In Jesus we have an example, what can be accomplished if we do not even allow death to prevent us from accomplishing a mission given us.

It is my own opinion that the denominations who declare we are inherently corrupt and evil missed the entire point of Jesus' life and mission. Jesus' message was not, "You corrupt and evil people need me to die." It was, Peace. Despite being fallen, despite failing, Your sins are forgiven. Today, it seems odd, but look at the Gospels. Some of the religious leader of that day were adamant that Jesus had no right at all to tell people their sins are forgiven.

Jesus did not go around telling people they needed saving. He went around proclaiming sins are forgiven. There is a caveat...Repentance (meaning turning away from) for forgiveness of sins.
But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood,

BLUF: Maybe I'm not comprehending what you mean by the religion of antiquity is secular.

gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.

The religions of antiquity were polytheistic. Even in the old school Abrahamic religions (monotheistic), they were absolutely mandatory to follow and with unmerciful Clerics teaching the religions and a Deity that was very warlike. One needs only look at Hypatia of Alexandria (350-415 AD) and the consequences of not accepting the imposed religion. A century later, the Dark Ages commences in earnest.

So, I suppose I must have missed the intended point (Old Man Syndrome).

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood,

BLUF: Maybe I'm not comprehending what you mean by the religion of antiquity is secular.

gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.

The religions of antiquity were polytheistic. Even in the old school Abrahamic religions (monotheistic), they were absolutely mandatory to follow and with unmerciful Clerics teaching the religions and a Deity that was very warlike. One needs only look at Hypatia of Alexandria (350-415 AD) and the consequences of not accepting the imposed religion. A century later, the Dark Ages commences in earnest.

So, I suppose I must have missed the intended point (Old Man Syndrome).

Most Respectfully,
The religions of antiquity were polytheistic.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty, the parable of noah, the basis for the the desert religions long abandoned by all three.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood,

BLUF: Boy, did I get turned around.

The religions of antiquity were polytheistic.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty, the parable of noah, the basis for the the desert religions long abandoned by all three.

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age. (Before the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten • prior to 1350 BCE).

I apologize.


Most Respectfully,
Ah, the good old days. No sweat. Happens to the best of us.. Increasingly.. Or so it would seem..
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood,

BLUF: Boy, did I get turned around.

The religions of antiquity were polytheistic.
the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as prescribed by the Almighty, the parable of noah, the basis for the the desert religions long abandoned by all three.

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age. (Before the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten • prior to 1350 BCE).

I apologize.


Most Respectfully,
When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

a central religion demarcation inherent to physiological life from the very beginning. the progression of evolution.

the inherent metaphysical forces their origin and requirements for physiological development. The Everlasting. spiritual homeland before and after.

- the demonic need not apply.
I think it's hilarious that the born agains say the catholics got it all wrong but the catholics say the born agains got it all wrong.

I say they are both wrong. So technically I agree with both of them.
More accurately it is Born Again believe and practice something different from what Catholics believe and practice. Technically, you fit right in. You have your beliefs and you practice those.

I am wondering if it isn't you and the Born Again who are closest to each other. For example, you do not need anything. The Born Again simply need an instant to declare a belief and they, too, are set.

In order to have made something of my life, I needed a hand, the Sacraments, the Beatitudes, and even many of the parables, and I needed to learn and practice incorporating these concepts into my life. I am amazed that some people can get through this life all on their own, or have things fixed in an instant. Still, I cannot complain. I may have been fated to take the hard way, but I do think it has been worth it.
Sorry but born agains muslims and Mormons are theists so closer to you. Please don’t try to pass them off onto our side. Lol
Her point is valid. It's your behaviors that give you away. You are a born again atheist. :lol:
That’s not the point she made stupid. In fact she was calling theists like you out. Ones who don’t think they have to be good people. All that matters is they believe in Jesus. That’s you.

she was saying like them, I don’t need to do anything. It doesn’t matter if I’m a good person because there’s no heaven or hell. And guys like you don’t need to be good either.

But she is required to at least try to be a good person. And you can tell she is. Better than you.

what denomination are you?
There are so many errors in your statement I don't even know where to begin.

I do have a notion I am supposed to be good. You are the one who doesn't have that notion. That's why you attack religion. You don't know any better.

What she is saying is that your belief is too simple, like theirs, only different.

Do we NEED to be good? No. It's a choice. You can't get past heaven and hell when what she is talking about is the journey, the progression. Your beliefs are so simple minded that all you see is heaven and hell. You are the only one focusing on heaven and hell. We are focusing on the journey.

Again, no one has placed a requirement upon you. No one is policing you. It's up to you to decide what you will do; what you will become. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend what I am telling you.
I’m just as good on my journey as you are. She’s better than us.

We both have a notion to be good. You just aren’t and think you get a pass. I’m good and don’t expect a reward for it. You’re not even good and you expect to be rewarded.

Shes a real Christian not you.

what denomination are you?

I can almost take my thumbs and middle fingers and wrap them around the small of my girlfriends waste. I hate fat old and ugly women.
Is this your idea of what good looks like?
What denomination are you?
But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Same is said about Christianity Islam and Scientology
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing
And this is what religion does to an otherwise normal brain.
Agreed. He seems no better or different than us atheists except his belief in a god. They say the world is going to shit because we are losing our religion. I disagree. Look at the very religious Middle East. Aren’t Muslims over there one of our biggest problems? They aren’t those atheist Arabs.

And it was very religious George bush who lied us into a war with them.

Perhaps the world is going to shit because most Christians are horrible people.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in
the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions."
those are what I refer to as the desert religion(s) - the question was what is the religion they are referring to ... in their script.

what do you mean older "oral traditions" - the initial religion being preserved - before moses.

* sorry, moses was a liar - no 10 commandments were etched in stone by the Almighty the very beginning of the desert religions is corruption and has remained ever since.

oral tradition - the spoken religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - prescribed by the Almighty, is all there is.

not to discredit authentic written scripts that are interwoven in their books only the corruptions they created for their own purposes are not theistic.
I think it's hilarious that the born agains say the catholics got it all wrong but the catholics say the born agains got it all wrong.

I say they are both wrong. So technically I agree with both of them.
More accurately it is Born Again believe and practice something different from what Catholics believe and practice. Technically, you fit right in. You have your beliefs and you practice those.

I am wondering if it isn't you and the Born Again who are closest to each other. For example, you do not need anything. The Born Again simply need an instant to declare a belief and they, too, are set.

In order to have made something of my life, I needed a hand, the Sacraments, the Beatitudes, and even many of the parables, and I needed to learn and practice incorporating these concepts into my life. I am amazed that some people can get through this life all on their own, or have things fixed in an instant. Still, I cannot complain. I may have been fated to take the hard way, but I do think it has been worth it.
Sorry but born agains muslims and Mormons are theists so closer to you. Please don’t try to pass them off onto our side. Lol
Her point is valid. It's your behaviors that give you away. You are a born again atheist. :lol:
That’s not the point she made stupid. In fact she was calling theists like you out. Ones who don’t think they have to be good people. All that matters is they believe in Jesus. That’s you.

she was saying like them, I don’t need to do anything. It doesn’t matter if I’m a good person because there’s no heaven or hell. And guys like you don’t need to be good either.

But she is required to at least try to be a good person. And you can tell she is. Better than you.

what denomination are you?
There are so many errors in your statement I don't even know where to begin.

I do have a notion I am supposed to be good. You are the one who doesn't have that notion. That's why you attack religion. You don't know any better.

What she is saying is that your belief is too simple, like theirs, only different.

Do we NEED to be good? No. It's a choice. You can't get past heaven and hell when what she is talking about is the journey, the progression. Your beliefs are so simple minded that all you see is heaven and hell. You are the only one focusing on heaven and hell. We are focusing on the journey.

Again, no one has placed a requirement upon you. No one is policing you. It's up to you to decide what you will do; what you will become. This is so far over your head that you can't comprehend what I am telling you.
I’m just as good on my journey as you are. She’s better than us.

We both have a notion to be good. You just aren’t and think you get a pass. I’m good and don’t expect a reward for it. You’re not even good and you expect to be rewarded.

Shes a real Christian not you.

what denomination are you?

I can almost take my thumbs and middle fingers and wrap them around the small of my girlfriends waste. I hate fat old and ugly women.
Is this your idea of what good looks like?
What denomination are you?
I'm a bad Catholic.

Why do you ask? What difference does it make? Are you going to try to tell me what I should believe? This should be entertaining.

So are you going to answer my question? Is that what being good looks like to you?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the account of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters and the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were unknown until Moses recorded them?

Or do you believe these were accounts that had been passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation and were common knowledge so to speak?
But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Same is said about Christianity Islam and Scientology
By any objective measure the major religions have been a force for good. I don't consider Scientology a major religion.

As for socialism, it's evil incarnate so to speak. Group rights, critical theory, forced charity, normalization of deviance, external locus of control, deification of man, equality through uniformity, etc. are all unnecessary evils that destroy the spirit of man a little at a time.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing
And this is what religion does to an otherwise normal brain.
Agreed. He seems no better or different than us atheists except his belief in a god. They say the world is going to shit because we are losing our religion. I disagree. Look at the very religious Middle East. Aren’t Muslims over there one of our biggest problems? They aren’t those atheist Arabs.

And it was very religious George bush who lied us into a war with them.

Perhaps the world is going to shit because most Christians are horrible people.
I never claimed to be special or a saint or better than anyone else, so I don't know where you are getting this from.

The world is going to shit because the world has lowered its standards of conduct. Not to worry, suffering has a way of self correcting behaviors. It's very cyclical and beyond your or FF's comprehension. This law of compensation - so to speak - happens at a societal and personal level. No doubt you will get to experience your predictable surprises soon enough.
Last edited:
But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
Actually, socialism (aka secular humanism) tries to mimic Christianity except socialism replaces God with the deification of man. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.
That’s not the point
Thank you, but I am blushing and I do think Ding is a good person. I believe we are here to create and become the best possible version of oneself.

As far as religion works in helping us to become the best version of ourselves: My analogy is that it is like a big, crystal clear lake. People are free to take as much (or as little) of it as one needs. I simply happen to need a lot of it, which is why yesterday I mentioned if Catholicism vanished, I would choose Judaism, simply because there is more of it, more to it.

Keep in mind, I do not see myself as good, but as needy. Many Protestants denominations do get this, insisting we are all in need of a Savior. I don't see the need of a Savior so much as a need of a map to get me through day-to-day events of this present life. In that regard Jesus has definitely been--and more importantly, is being--a Savior to me
I take to heart the teaching of the church. “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” No one knows their fate or the fate of others. I worry about my soul each and every day. But rather than it being a curse, it is a blessing that spurs me to become the best version of myself even though I fail miserably almost each and every day.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.

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