Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

I haven't said that at all. I have watched you sit there and have a hissy fit and watched your little brain bounce around like a rubber ball.

FortFunIndiana said: I believe, Nancy! I believe, Chucky! I believe, Joe! (Indiana raises his hands to the sky) I believe, I believe!
part of the process is accepting all data, not just the groups you want for your end result, and recognizing the process doesn't stop.

Again, I'm an Engineer, so unlike scientists, I understand application of the results of scientific principles.

I've made plenty of arguments, you just don't like them.
Women. Penis. Is not an argument. It’s conservative Tourette’s.

I remember you arguing that 1918 had modern medicine. That was a good one. A stellar example of your ability to deny reality rather than admit you are hugely wrong.

Criticizing the scientific process is not a problem, in fact is part of the process. The problem is conservatives don’t do that because they’re either too clueless to try or have no basis to do so. Instead they invent conspiracies and attack scientists as being “biased” because any time someone says something you freaks don’t like, they’re part of the conspiracy and are biased against you.

Scientists, doctors, prosecutors, judges, journalists, professors. anyone.
Women. Penis. Is not an argument. It’s conservative Tourette’s.

I remember you arguing that 1918 had modern medicine. That was a good one. A stellar example of your ability to deny reality rather than admit you are hugely wrong.

Criticizing the scientific process is not a problem, in fact is part of the process. The problem is conservatives don’t do that because they’re either too clueless to try or have no basis to do so. Instead they invent conspiracies and attack scientists as being “biased” because any time someone says something you freaks don’t like, they’re part of the conspiracy and are biased against you.

Scientists, doctors, prosecutors, judges, journalists, professors. anyone.

It's a damning critique of your side saying you "follow the science".

1918 is part of the modern era of medicine.

Everyone is biased. And the issue is when the "science" is used for political goals. And none right now are more biased than journalists.
Women. Penis. Is not an argument. It’s conservative Tourette’s.

I remember you arguing that 1918 had modern medicine. That was a good one. A stellar example of your ability to deny reality rather than admit you are hugely wrong.

Criticizing the scientific process is not a problem, in fact is part of the process. The problem is conservatives don’t do that because they’re either too clueless to try or have no basis to do so. Instead they invent conspiracies and attack scientists as being “biased” because any time someone says something you freaks don’t like, they’re part of the conspiracy and are biased against you.

Scientists, doctors, prosecutors, judges, journalists, professors. anyone.

I have a Masters degree in Engineering, a PE and a successful 30 year career with an Aerospace company. I guarantee I know much more about real world science than you will ever know.

Liberals don't know how to think logically. They get confused easily and they have a very hard time separating reality from fantasy. Those are the reasons they are always on the wrong side of every discussion.
It's a damning critique of your side saying you "follow the science".

1918 is part of the modern era of medicine.

Everyone is biased. And the issue is when the "science" is used for political goals. And none right now are more biased than journalists.
The modern era of medicine probably would have things like antibiotics and vaccines. How modern could it have been without any of the actual tools we use to fight influenza? It isn’t. You’re a joke.

“Everyone is biased” is your excuse to deny anything you don’t want to deal with.

Conservatism is anti-science because it’s weak and fearful.
Toro goes to the bowels of stupidity and finds it every time. What a change from the real Toro. I still think the new fake Toro is don't taz me bro. He's probably the new fake FA_Q2 too
Well, he linked HuffPo. That says it all.
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I have a Masters degree in Engineering, a PE and a successful 30 year career with an Aerospace company. I guarantee I know much more about real world science than you will ever know.

Liberals don't know how to think logically. They get confused easily and they have a very hard time separating reality from fantasy. Those are the reasons they are always on the wrong side of every discussion.
And yet conservatives elect Trump who talks like a fifth grader and lives in his own little fantasy land but attack Obama relentlessly for sounding too professorial for them to understand.

With all due respect, which is basically nothing, you are full of shit.
The modern era of medicine probably would have things like antibiotics and vaccines. How modern could it have been without any of the actual tools we use to fight influenza? It isn’t. You’re a joke.

“Everyone is biased” is your excuse to deny anything you don’t want to deal with.

Conservatism is anti-science because it’s weak and fearful.

they had vaccines at the time. When do you think the smallpox vaccine was invented?

Anti-virals are only really from the last few decades. So now the 1970's are not modern medicine?

It's reality.

Women. Penises.
And yet conservatives elect Trump who talks like a fifth grader and lives in his own little fantasy land but attack Obama relentlessly for sounding too professorial for them to understand.

With all due respect, which is basically nothing, you are full of shit.

because his agenda matched my agenda better than other politician's agendas.
they had vaccines at the time. When do you think the smallpox vaccine was invented?

Anti-virals are only really from the last few decades. So now the 1970's are not modern medicine?

It's reality.

Women. Penises.
Smallpox vaccine wasn’t invented so much as they discovered that they could get immunity by inoculating with cowpox. The first flu vaccine wasn’t till the 40s or so. The first antiviral drug was in the 1960s. I’d say that the 50s is the earliest anyone could claim they had modern medicine. At that point they had antibiotics, ventilators, steroids, actual vaccines that they could design and not just stumble on a random virus that could provide immunity for them.
Conservatives are anti-social. They will deny any reality that they don’t like, which often means denying the results of scientific work. To a scientist, they’re constantly in search of truth. To a conservative, they’re constantly in search of a rationale to believe what they want to believe.

You mean like believing that men are women, and women are men? THAT “science”?

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I have no idea why you are so obsessed with penises, because you barely form a complete sentence about it.

It might have a bit to do with all the degenerate fucked-up mental cases that dominate your side, demanding that we reject and repudiate genuine science in order to legitimize your fucked-up mockery of “science” that denies the biological truth about the difference between male and female.

Any time anyone on your side attempts to lay any claim to “science”, the only proper response toward your fucked-up kind is the harshest and cruelest of mockery and scorn.
It might have a bit to do with all the degenerate fucked-up mental cases that dominate your side, demanding that we reject and repudiate genuine science in order to legitimize your fucked-up mockery of “science” that denies the biological truth about the difference between male and female.

Any time anyone on your side attempts to lay any claim to “science”, the only proper response toward your fucked-up kind is the harshest and cruelest of mockery and scorn.
Describe the “genuine science” that you are demanded to reject.
Young Earth creationists bleev [sic] men walked with dinosaurs. They bleev [sic] God created the Earth 6,000 years ago. They do not believe in evolution.

Most young-Earth creationists are literate enough to correctly spell such a common word as “believe”. It's always funny to watch someone trying to claim intellectual superior over someone else, while, at the same time, so vividly demonstrating their intellectual inferiority.
Smallpox vaccine wasn’t invented so much as they discovered that they could get immunity by inoculating with cowpox. The first flu vaccine wasn’t till the 40s or so. The first antiviral drug was in the 1960s. I’d say that the 50s is the earliest anyone could claim they had modern medicine. At that point they had antibiotics, ventilators, steroids, actual vaccines that they could design and not just stumble on a random virus that could provide immunity for them.

it was a vaccine. it was around in 1918, along with others.

An iron lung is a ventilator, and they had those in the 1800's.

They had antiseptics, they had anesthetics, they had modern techniques and procedures. Modern Medicine.

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