Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Women. Having. Penises. Ignoring it doesn't eliminate your side thinking it and demanding we all think the same.
I have no idea why you are so obsessed with penises, because you barely form a complete sentence about it.

Conservatives have been anti-intellectual for a long time. Since Bush at least. Remember how they glorified him because he was so unsophisticated.
I have no idea why you are so obsessed with penises, because you barely form a complete sentence about it.

Conservatives have been anti-intellectual for a long time. Since Bush at least. Remember how they glorified him because he was so unsophisticated.

I just enjoy progs like you having no response to it other than denial or deflection.

Meanwhile at the Marener household:

"The fact that the Earth is far, far older than people like the speaker wants to believe is a fact."

Really, give us the exact date the earth was named "the earth".

Young Earth creationists bleev men walked with dinosaurs. They bleev God created the Earth 6,000 years ago. They do not believe in evolution.

This belief is based on some guy who added up all the lifespans in the Bible and came up with a total of 6,000 years or so.
No, they locked people up defying court orders to stop destroying public property, and they returned the money these people illegally raised, to the people who donated it to them.

See how stupid you are for believing that it had anything to do with the Prime Minister. Or that the government "took their money". In Canada, con artists aren't allowed to keep the proceeds of their crimes.

How is it illegal for people to willingly contribute their money to anything the chose?

I just enjoy progs like you having no response to it other than denial or deflection.

Meanwhile at the Marener household:

I haven’t responded to it because:
1. It’s a deflection and off topic
2. You haven’t explained he’s the hell you’re talking about
3. There’s almost no chance you can have an intelligent conversation about it.
Young Earth creationists bleev men walked with dinosaurs. They bleev God created the Earth 6,000 years ago. They do not believe in evolution.

This belief is based on some guy who added up all the lifespans in the Bible and came up with a total of 6,000 years or so.
Their comments on this thread have been pretty interesting to watch.

They defend the 6,000 year thing without overtly defending it.

These last eight years have been pretty instructive regarding these people.
I haven’t responded to it because:
1. It’s a deflection and off topic
2. You haven’t explained he’s the hell you’re talking about
3. There’s almost no chance you can have an intelligent conversation about it.

1. It's "science" that you claim to so rigorously support.
2. More deflection
3. On you, not me, mouth breather.
1. It's "science" that you claim to so rigorously support.
2. More deflection
3. On you, not me, mouth breather.
Still, you need to make a coherent argument if you want me to respond.

Go ahead. Try your hardest. Let’s see if an engineer can actually write.
Their comments on this thread have been pretty interesting to watch.

They defend the 6,000 year thing without overtly defending it.

These last eight years have been pretty instructive regarding these people.
The last 8 years have been pretty instructive regarding those who have allowed their emotions over Trump's win to dominate their thought process.
Still, you need to make a coherent argument if you want me to respond.

Go ahead. Try your hardest. Let’s see if an engineer can actually write.

Dodge, duck, dip dive and dodge.

Again, you idiots throw around the word science like some pagan talisman, thinking it wins your policy arguments by default.

Clear enough for you, dipshit?
Dodge, duck, dip dive and dodge.

Again, you idiots throw around the word science like some pagan talisman, thinking it wins your policy arguments by default.

Clear enough for you, dipshit?
Begging for you to make an argument is kind of the opposite of dodging.

Im literally asking you to bring it on. Try your hardest.

You are the wuss who is too afraid to do it.

Science is our best way to describe the reality we are living in. You reject reality which means you reject science. Is it any wonder the people who dedicate their lives to science are appalled by conservatism?
Begging for you to make an argument is kind of the opposite of dodging.

Im literally asking you to bring it on. Try your hardest.

You are the wuss who is too afraid to do it.

Science is our best way to describe the reality we are living in. You reject reality which means you reject science. Is it any wonder the people who dedicate their lives to science are appalled by conservatism?

I've made plenty, you just can't or don't get it. The hubris of the modern left.

Science is a process, not an end result.

Women. penises.
I've made plenty, you just can't or don't get it. The hubris of the modern left.

Science is a process, not an end result.

Women. penises.
Science is a process, but processes produce results. Conservatives process is to decide what result they want and attack anyone who disagrees. That’s why everything is a goddamn conspiracy with you lunatics.

Like I said, you’re too big of a wuss to try to make a coherent argument. I’m not going to respect your half baked nonsense unless you actually put in a little effort to make it worth while.

Let me know if you ever find the courage.

Dip. Shit.
You haven't said anything other than holding your hands in the air and rocking back and forth saying to the Democrat party, "I believe, I believe"
I haven't said that at all. I have watched you sit there and have a hissy fit and watched your little brain bounce around like a rubber ball.
Science is a process, but processes produce results. Conservatives process is to decide what result they want and attack anyone who disagrees. That’s why everything is a goddamn conspiracy with you lunatics.

Like I said, you’re too big of a wuss to try to make a coherent argument.

Let me know if you ever find the courage.

Dip. Shit.

part of the process is accepting all data, not just the groups you want for your end result, and recognizing the process doesn't stop.

Again, I'm an Engineer, so unlike scientists, I understand application of the results of scientific principles.

I've made plenty of arguments, you just don't like them.
Sissy cop-out.

That makes no sense. Johnson is nuts for believing the earth is 6,000 years old. You're nuts for your religious view you know that's not true but you do know what happened the last billion years.

You're both religious extremists. At least he's religious about a religion and not like you who's religious about a political party
"The fact that the Earth is far, far older than people like the speaker wants to believe is a fact."

Really, give us the exact date the earth was named "the earth".


The exact to the day? LOL

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