Outrageous: Sasha And Malia Obama Wear $20,000 Dresses To State Dinner Paid For By You, The Taxpayer

What's your answer?

My answer? Statistics don't support your assertion, asswipe.
Too dense to see this?
Need it dumbed-down in crayon in a coloring book?

Yes. Do so. Show me a job in the US where about 1 in 10 are killed in the workplace.

Since George Washington became president (1789) - FOUR presidents have been assassinated.
That's four deaths in 227 years.
And you are asserting that Obama has the most dangerous job in America?
Are you fucking dense, high on crack or both?
What a bumbling fucking idiot.
No wonder you were kicked off of Hannity.
What's your answer?

My answer? Statistics don't support your assertion, asswipe.
Too dense to see this?
Need it dumbed-down in crayon in a coloring book?

Yes. Do so. Show me a job in the US where about 1 in 10 are killed in the workplace.

Since George Washington became president (1789) - FOUR presidents have been assassinated.
That's four deaths in 227 years.
And you are asserting that Obama has the most dangerous job in America?
Are you fucking dense, high on crack or both?
What a bumbling fucking idiot.
No wonder you were kicked off of Hannity.
So, I guess there's no need for the Secret Service detail then. Right, Warbler?
What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Obama and Bat Boy on Holiday in The Aloha State.

What's your answer?

My answer? Statistics don't support your assertion, asswipe.
Too dense to see this?
Need it dumbed-down in crayon in a coloring book?

Yes. Do so. Show me a job in the US where about 1 in 10 are killed in the workplace.

Since George Washington became president (1789) - FOUR presidents have been assassinated.
That's four deaths in 227 years.
And you are asserting that Obama has the most dangerous job in America?
Are you fucking dense, high on crack or both?
What a bumbling fucking idiot.
No wonder you were kicked off of Hannity.

There have only been 44 presidents. A president is more likely to be killed on the job than a US Navy Seal.
I was under the impression that the first family bought their own clothing

Then you're an idiot. Public servants who do nothing can afford $20,000 dresses? You don't see anything wrong with that, dingbat?

President Obama has the most dangerous job in America.
Quit crying about dresses.

Has Obama been moonlighting as a Crab Fisherman in the Bering Sea? a Coal Miner in West Virginia perhaps? Hanging out on the front lines with troops in Afghanistan?

Saying that President Obama has "the most dangerous job in America", is a completely ludicrous assertion even for someone like you to make.

It's a job with an average duration of about 6 years and you have about a 10% chance of being assassinated. History supports those statistics.

What jobs are more likely to get you killed?

10 % ??? really?

Of 44 Presidents, 4 have been assassinated that's 9%
An additional six were fired at (two were hit and survived) making 23% of Presidents targets of assaination

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What jobs are you more likely to get killed on? There have only been 44 presidents. Four of them were assassinated, 2 more wounded.
I realize you're VAPID but I know you can't be so deranged as to think that comparing Presidents in the 19th Century to Presidents of today is an apples to apples comparison, not to mention completely ignoring the reality that the current imbecile in the White House is the most closely protected and monitored human being on the face of the planet.

Tell me what 6 year jobs have a higher death rate.
Death rate? way to change the goal posts, you said dangerous... how many Presidents have had their limbs blown off, or IED's go in their faces, or died of black lung disease, or lost an eye to a shell fragment? We need to get you down to the VA hospital so you can explain to all the combat vets how much safer their jobs are than that of the CIC in the rear with gear, maybe that little field trip will bring you back from politician worship land to reality where the rest of us live.

I cannot believe that you think President Obama's job is more dangerous than that of a cop working a beat in Inner City Chicago or a soldier patrolling the front lines in a combat zone or a fisherman risking life and limb at the mercy of mother nature, what happened? did they up your dosage from 3 tabs of LSD a day to 6?

Do 1 in 10 Chicago cops get murdered on the job?
You'd rather they not attend state dinners or you'd rather they attend in rags?

A $20 thousand dress is necessary?
Is that your call, or the parents' call?
Say what you will of Obama, but those girls are fabulous. I don't care for the man's politics, but it's a great day for America to see those two as the "first kids."

That's what infuriates the 'nuts, to the point of lashing out with dopey threads like this one.
Then you're an idiot. Public servants who do nothing can afford $20,000 dresses? You don't see anything wrong with that, dingbat?

President Obama has the most dangerous job in America.
Quit crying about dresses.

Has Obama been moonlighting as a Crab Fisherman in the Bering Sea? a Coal Miner in West Virginia perhaps? Hanging out on the front lines with troops in Afghanistan?

Saying that President Obama has "the most dangerous job in America", is a completely ludicrous assertion even for someone like you to make.

It's a job with an average duration of about 6 years and you have about a 10% chance of being assassinated. History supports those statistics.

What jobs are more likely to get you killed?

10 % ??? really?

Of 44 Presidents, 4 have been assassinated that's 9%
There needs to be a give sadness rep.
I was under the impression that the first family bought their own clothing

Then you're an idiot. Public servants who do nothing can afford $20,000 dresses? You don't see anything wrong with that, dingbat?

President Obama has the most dangerous job in America. Quit crying about dresses.
Yep......he might get hit by an errant golf ball. The guys in my old unit are risking their lives in Syria, but Obama needs hazardous duty pay for the risk he takes everyday on the golf course.
You'd rather they not attend state dinners or you'd rather they attend in rags?

A $20 thousand dress is necessary?
Is that your call, or the parents' call?
Say what you will of Obama, but those girls are fabulous. I don't care for the man's politics, but it's a great day for America to see those two as the "first kids."

That's what infuriates the 'nuts, to the point of lashing out with dopey threads like this one.
I suspect Steve is merely an agent provocateur. But it takes a rube not to figure Naeem Khan is doing one for publicity
There have only been 44 presidents. A president is more likely to be killed on the job than a US Navy Seal.

Thanks for that information. So, based on four assassinations since 1789 - it looks like there's a 57 year gap between fatalities, on average.
So -- keep posting your stupidity. Maybe you'll find another moron on this forum to support your idiocy.
You'd rather they not attend state dinners or you'd rather they attend in rags?

A bit much?

$400k a year isn't enough for $1 million dollar birthday parties, $500 tennis shoes, $20,000 evening gowns they only wear once or twice because in a year they won't fit. I think they could struggle along with shoes that cost under $200, and dresses that cost under $1000.

I know it's tough, but they'll manage.

I remember the massive uproar over Sarah Palin' $150k wardrobe that was on loan. She was a VP candidate for fuck sakes. Don't you people have any God Damned perspective?

It is absolutely none of our business how much Dad wants to fork out for his daughters' clothes. A gown for a State Dinner is a little more important than a prom dress, since pictures of these girls will be spread around the world. I thought they were pretty gowns and the girls both looked lovely. If someone has the $ to spend to let his daughters look like princesses, good for him.
Actually, because he's a public servant and answers to the voters, I have every right in the world to question everything he does, especially when I have to pay for it with ever increasing taxes.
I was under the impression that the first family bought their own clothing

Then you're an idiot. Public servants who do nothing can afford $20,000 dresses? You don't see anything wrong with that, dingbat?

President Obama has the most dangerous job in America. Quit crying about dresses.
Yep......he might get hit by an errant golf ball. The guys in my old unit are risking their lives in Syria, but Obama needs hazardous duty pay for the risk he takes everyday on the golf course.

There are more people plotting his death than your buddies in Syria

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