Paid time off for me, no paid time off for you.

Yes or no.... do wealthy people want interest on their deposits? Yes or no dude. Answer that, or shut up. You are speaking stupid non-stop.

No. They want 12% returns in the market. Wealthy people don't keep their money in savings.

IOW, they put their money to work.

How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

What are you talking about? The markets are operating exactly how they always have.

I don't understand your claim about how "markets are supposed to work". What do you mean they are supposed to work? Who said they were supposed to operating in some arbitrary manor you made up?

They are working exactly how they have always worked. Values fluctuation. All values have always fluctuated.

Nothing is wrong with the market now, or in the past.

You are just ignorant of how the market works. Your ignorance, does not mean something is wrong. It just means you are ignorant.
IOW, they put their money to work.

How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

And yet, people get rich off the market all the time.

Because of the Feds Socialist policies.

Not true.

The reason Apple's stock pays a return, has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve, or socialism.

It has to do with Apple selling products, and making a profit.

My dividends, which I am still even now, collecting even with the market lower... is because Apple is still selling phones and computers, and making a profit.

No socialism is involved in this. The Fed is not bailing out Apple. The Fed is not boasting Apple's profit.

There is zero connection between the value of my stocks in companies like Apple, and their dividends, or their market value. It has to do with the profit of the company, and the value of the company.

Now we all know that the market has declined. And the reason is because investors are considering the possibility that there could be supply chain disruptions, and that this could hinder Apple Sales, and that this could hinder profits.

Again, what part of that equation has anything at all to do with the Federal Reserve? None.

So there is no socialism involved in the growth and profit of the market. You are just ignorant, and spewing nonsense someone told you, without any intellectual thought involved.
he's trying to fix an overall economy. you are worried about a few who MAY be impacted by this and 9gnoring the people who are.

you seem to pride yourself on strawmaning up a helpless victim so you can prance around and shout for their defense.

I was asked a question. I supplied the answer. It would be cool if others would do the same when asked.

I thought it was wrong to take from some to give to others?
Then why do you want to take from the rich and give to your personal causes?

Check mate.

Why is it that everyone shouldn't share in the Feds Socialist policies?

The markets should keep all of that for themselves AND steal from those who don't want to participate?

Again... Dude... We are the market. WE *ARE* the market.

You are acting like there is an "us" and a "them".

Pensions funds are in the market.
401Ks are in the market.
Annuities are in the market.

The market is the public. When you said stupidity like "everyone share in the Feds socialist policies", that is ridiculous, because the market is us... we are the market.

If you have a job, and work at all, and earn money at all.... at all... you are part of the market.


No one is stealing from anyone. You are just full of crap. I proved your crap false once, and you keep spewing it, because you have no argument.


The Fed isn't engaging in socialism, and they are not handing out cash. I already posted clearly how the Fed is operating, and they are not doing that.

Do you ever use your brain, instead of parroting wrong stuff constantly?
Then why do you want to take from the rich and give to your personal causes?

Check mate.

Why is it that everyone shouldn't share in the Feds Socialist policies?

The markets should keep all of that for themselves AND steal from those who don't want to participate?
see what I mean? we go from it's wrong to take from others to unless you don't like them.

You can misrepresent what I say if you wish. It's all you have.
what have i misrepresented?

i tell you this is how things work and you're going nuts trying to defend the extreme example
you go off and make up your extreme examples
i ask you to tell me how people are stealing
you show me articles on how the market works
i say this is normal
you say it's wrong to take from some to give to others
i ask you why it's ok to do that to those who have money
you now what to generisize the theft by making it "fed policy" so you can take from one to give to another

OF WHICH you just said was wrong.

so at this point, go fuck yourself.

How it works is the problem. We have massive Federal socialist programs to boost the markets but when someone wants to spread that around to more than a few you (and others) yell, SOCIALISM.

Never mind that the programs the few are benefitting from are socialist programs.

And even then the ones who get the most benefit aren't happy. They want to steal from others.

No one is stealing from others. I proved that wrong already.

The Fed is not engaged in handing out money. Not true. They are buying assets, in exchange for reserve credits.

If they were engaged in handing out money, there would be inflation across the entire country. It's not happening, because they are not doing it.
it works for most people. you just don't like it and take up the windmill / the cause of the few it doesn't work for and cry the system is unfair.

you say you can't take from one to give to another then turn right the fuck around and do it for your benefit.

same bullshit, different river it flows down.

It works in large part for the few.
but by definition there will ALWAYS be those few.

you're asking the many to give up for your chosen few.

good luck with that.

Let's see.
not playing your game of isolated idealism, dude. you said it's not right to take away and give to others UNLESS you do it your way from the evil rich to the few % you champion.

have it at man. we all need our windmills to tilt at. i just think it's fucking stupid.

I said "share" what the socialist policies of the Fed is giving.

..... You are the dumbest idiot....

Ok, so let's do what you say! Let's do exactly what you want, and let's all share in the Feds socialist policies.

Here we go..... we're going to share in the Fed's policies.

So first, you need an asset.

Let's assume you own a house.

So you sell the asset, the deed to your house, to the Federal Reserve. Then the Federal reserve will.... give you a Capital Reserve Credit, to your account at the Federal Reserve.

Are you better off now?

No you are not. In fact, now you don't own a house, but you have a credit at the Federal Reserve bank.
You still don't have any money from that, because you can't withdraw from your capital reserve account.

So.... Hey, at least you are sharing those super socialist policies at the Fed.

The dumbest things. No matter how many times we explain how the system works, you are still an idiot.
That said, I'm not sure what your issue with insulin is. As I've posted before, you can get a full years supply of insulin, for just $360.

I'd sure like to know who sells insulin that cheap. My cost is about $125.00 a month, and I buy my insulin at Walmart and Sam's club, the cheapest places to buy it.
IOW, they put their money to work.

How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

And the wise diversify to minimize total risk. There are funds that pay lower returns but are safer. If you don't want the big risks and rewards the market provides, you don't have to invest in it.

You don't but as I have been pointing out, the markets still want to take your money.

No one is taking anyone's money.
You are just a liar.
That said, I'm not sure what your issue with insulin is. As I've posted before, you can get a full years supply of insulin, for just $360.

I'd sure like to know who sells insulin that cheap. My cost is about $125.00 a month, and I buy my insulin at Walmart and Sam's club, the cheapest places to buy it.

So how many units do you need a day?

I was reading that most people need 1 unit a day. I saw a pack for 100 units, for $66.

That's how I established that estimate.

Explain how it really works?
Matt Gaetz is an self-entitled silver spoon turd who has no business in congress.

He should probably still be in jail.

Hard to figure why Floridians keep electing drunks, crooks and turds.


Gaetz Voted Against Florida Paid Sick Leave. He’s Using It in Congress.

As the article notes, he isn't even sick but he is still going to take time off, all paid for by the taxpayers.

That's how it works in our class based society. In the "private sector" too. Suits are much more likely to be "working from home", revenue generational level workers, you go on in, the work must go on. Gaetz is just another ugly American.

There is no "class" in our society.

Anyone can end up at the highest levels of society.

Maybe you missed it, but a bar tender, ended up a Senator. How is that possible in a class-based society? Well it isn't, except there is no class. You people are just making up crap.
It works in large part for the few.
but by definition there will ALWAYS be those few.

you're asking the many to give up for your chosen few.

good luck with that.

Let's see.
not playing your game of isolated idealism, dude. you said it's not right to take away and give to others UNLESS you do it your way from the evil rich to the few % you champion.

have it at man. we all need our windmills to tilt at. i just think it's fucking stupid.

I said "share" what the socialist policies of the Fed is giving.

..... You are the dumbest idiot....

Ok, so let's do what you say! Let's do exactly what you want, and let's all share in the Feds socialist policies.

Here we go..... we're going to share in the Fed's policies.

So first, you need an asset.

Let's assume you own a house.

So you sell the asset, the deed to your house, to the Federal Reserve. Then the Federal reserve will.... give you a Capital Reserve Credit, to your account at the Federal Reserve.

Are you better off now?

No you are not. In fact, now you don't own a house, but you have a credit at the Federal Reserve bank.
You still don't have any money from that, because you can't withdraw from your capital reserve account.

So.... Hey, at least you are sharing those super socialist policies at the Fed.

The dumbest things. No matter how many times we explain how the system works, you are still an idiot.
like frasier told woody one day "it means you don't understand it, and you never will".
It wouldn't get "bailed out". There is no bailing out in capitalism.

Sure, I agree with that.

That wouldn't cause the markets to collapse.

Lehman Brothers was not bailed out. Life went on. Estonia didn't bail out there banks in the past, and life went on.
Iceland didn't bail out their banks either. Life went on.

I'm all for the complete and total elimination of all bailouts entirely. The markets will not collapse. In fact, what we saw in both Estonia and Iceland, is that the markets do even better under a pure capitalist system.

And the reason is pretty clear. Badly performing parts of the economy, die off, and are replaced with productive actors. Naturally the economy will do better with less bad performers, and more good performers.

This is why we need to drastically reduce the size and scope of government. Government inherently causes only damage. The bailouts are not a benefit to the market, or the economy. Only a hindrance.

With Trump getting ready to do it again. There is a huge benefit to the country, world and economy for affordable health care though.

Sure, I believe in affordable health care.

The difference is, socialized health care is neither a benefit, nor affordable. How many Canadians have died on waiting lists, after spending their entire lives paying a massive tax-price tag for their care?

Why are so many traveling to pay for care, after spending their entire lives paying for care they never got?

Yes, I'm all for affordable health care. Let's deregulated, de-socialize, and allow the free market to lower the price, and improve the quality of care. I'm all for it.

Like they have done with insulin and the epi-pen?

Free market solutions like that?

Well yes. If we had a free-market, all of that would be much cheaper.

That said, I'm not sure what your issue with insulin is. As I've posted before, you can get a full years supply of insulin, for just $360. Now, even if you worked McDonald's, that would be just one weeks check.

So that market is pretty reasonable.

I'm not even sure about Epi-Pen either. From what I've seen, it's $100 for 32 of them.

If you need 32 of these a year, then I think you have bigger problems.

What is your complaint with either?

My complaint is you didn't see what you claimed to see.
I wish I didn't have to deal with so much dishonesty. I never said rates are negative. I said the markets want negative rates. Trump called for negative rates.

Why would the market want negative rates? Rich people want a return on their savings too.

I wish I didn't have to deal with so much dishonesty too.

I don't care "what trump called for". Have you learned nothing all these years? Trump says all kinds of stuff. Pay less attention to what he says, and more to what he does.

The irony is, a bunch of people on here still claim that the Federal Reserve is a private bank, and if that's true, why does it matter what Trump says anyway?

Want to bet it happens? There is only one way to go from zero. Money was intended to be "FREE"?

Yes or no.... do wealthy people want interest on their deposits? Yes or no dude. Answer that, or shut up. You are speaking stupid non-stop.

No. They want 12% returns in the market. Wealthy people don't keep their money in savings.

Well that's not even true. I know many wealthy people who have a large chunk of their money in Money Market, and CDs.

Now obviously, a massive amount are in mutual funds. I agree. But to say that they don't keep money at banks... well yes of course they do.

Again with the dishonesty. understand that is what we have been discussing. Not CD's.
Not supporting the idea of stealing from seniors to boost the markets is still a long ways from any utopia.
Name the people doing that.


Trump has ramped up calls for negative interest rates. Here's what they are and why they matter. | Markets Insider

Wall Street.

Voices: Is Pimco right that negative yields make sense?

They say it will be good for people to have their money taken from them.
he's trying to fix an overall economy. you are worried about a few who MAY be impacted by this and 9gnoring the people who are.

you seem to pride yourself on strawmaning up a helpless victim so you can prance around and shout for their defense.

I was asked a question. I supplied the answer. It would be cool if others would do the same when asked.

I thought it was wrong to take from some to give to others?

It is wrong to take from some to give to others.
Stop doing that.

We are not. The markets are not. No one is stealing from the old, like you claim.

Even the very low rates has been theft. Money was never intended to be free or nearly free. It is because capitalism has been broken.
Let's see.
not playing your game of isolated idealism, dude. you said it's not right to take away and give to others UNLESS you do it your way from the evil rich to the few % you champion.

have it at man. we all need our windmills to tilt at. i just think it's fucking stupid.

I said "share" what the socialist policies of the Fed is giving.
you "say" a lot of "shit".

the end result is you're in my opinion overly idealistic and seem to hold successful people in disdain and want to ensure the common man is taken care of regardless of the situation or circumstances.

in my opinion, that's bullshit. you get what you are willing to work for in life and if you expect people to hand you stuff, don't bitch if you don't like the handouts. this is oversimplification and not absolute as we do need to care for those who can't take care of themselves.

those who won't i'm not as concerned about.

If the markets were that successful we wouldnt have been bailing it out the last decade plus.
if giving to the poor worked, we'd not have had them since the beginning of time.

we can do this shit all day long, son. doesn't change the fact you just try to normalize extreme situations.

We have been in extreme situations for 12 years. (Actually far longer but we will go with that). When do you think it might end?
No. They want 12% returns in the market. Wealthy people don't keep their money in savings.

IOW, they put their money to work.

How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

What are you talking about? The markets are operating exactly how they always have.

I don't understand your claim about how "markets are supposed to work". What do you mean they are supposed to work? Who said they were supposed to operating in some arbitrary manor you made up?

They are working exactly how they have always worked. Values fluctuation. All values have always fluctuated.

Nothing is wrong with the market now, or in the past.

You are just ignorant of how the market works. Your ignorance, does not mean something is wrong. It just means you are ignorant.

Markets were never intended in capitalism to be bailed out by the taxpayers.
but by definition there will ALWAYS be those few.

you're asking the many to give up for your chosen few.

good luck with that.

Let's see.
not playing your game of isolated idealism, dude. you said it's not right to take away and give to others UNLESS you do it your way from the evil rich to the few % you champion.

have it at man. we all need our windmills to tilt at. i just think it's fucking stupid.

I said "share" what the socialist policies of the Fed is giving.

..... You are the dumbest idiot....

Ok, so let's do what you say! Let's do exactly what you want, and let's all share in the Feds socialist policies.

Here we go..... we're going to share in the Fed's policies.

So first, you need an asset.

Let's assume you own a house.

So you sell the asset, the deed to your house, to the Federal Reserve. Then the Federal reserve will.... give you a Capital Reserve Credit, to your account at the Federal Reserve.

Are you better off now?

No you are not. In fact, now you don't own a house, but you have a credit at the Federal Reserve bank.
You still don't have any money from that, because you can't withdraw from your capital reserve account.

So.... Hey, at least you are sharing those super socialist policies at the Fed.

The dumbest things. No matter how many times we explain how the system works, you are still an idiot.
like frasier told woody one day "it means you don't understand it, and you never will".
Sure, I agree with that.

That wouldn't cause the markets to collapse.

Lehman Brothers was not bailed out. Life went on. Estonia didn't bail out there banks in the past, and life went on.
Iceland didn't bail out their banks either. Life went on.

I'm all for the complete and total elimination of all bailouts entirely. The markets will not collapse. In fact, what we saw in both Estonia and Iceland, is that the markets do even better under a pure capitalist system.

And the reason is pretty clear. Badly performing parts of the economy, die off, and are replaced with productive actors. Naturally the economy will do better with less bad performers, and more good performers.

This is why we need to drastically reduce the size and scope of government. Government inherently causes only damage. The bailouts are not a benefit to the market, or the economy. Only a hindrance.

With Trump getting ready to do it again. There is a huge benefit to the country, world and economy for affordable health care though.

Sure, I believe in affordable health care.

The difference is, socialized health care is neither a benefit, nor affordable. How many Canadians have died on waiting lists, after spending their entire lives paying a massive tax-price tag for their care?

Why are so many traveling to pay for care, after spending their entire lives paying for care they never got?

Yes, I'm all for affordable health care. Let's deregulated, de-socialize, and allow the free market to lower the price, and improve the quality of care. I'm all for it.

Like they have done with insulin and the epi-pen?

Free market solutions like that?

Well yes. If we had a free-market, all of that would be much cheaper.

That said, I'm not sure what your issue with insulin is. As I've posted before, you can get a full years supply of insulin, for just $360. Now, even if you worked McDonald's, that would be just one weeks check.

So that market is pretty reasonable.

I'm not even sure about Epi-Pen either. From what I've seen, it's $100 for 32 of them.

If you need 32 of these a year, then I think you have bigger problems.

What is your complaint with either?

My complaint is you didn't see what you claimed to see.

That is a valid concern. I freely admit, I'm not an expert on the subject.

Screenshot_2020-03-19 insulin - Google Shopping.png

Screenshot_2020-03-19 epipen - Google Shopping.png

What am I not seeing?
How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

And yet, people get rich off the market all the time.

Because of the Feds Socialist policies.

Not true.

The reason Apple's stock pays a return, has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve, or socialism.

It has to do with Apple selling products, and making a profit.

My dividends, which I am still even now, collecting even with the market lower... is because Apple is still selling phones and computers, and making a profit.

No socialism is involved in this. The Fed is not bailing out Apple. The Fed is not boasting Apple's profit.

There is zero connection between the value of my stocks in companies like Apple, and their dividends, or their market value. It has to do with the profit of the company, and the value of the company.

Now we all know that the market has declined. And the reason is because investors are considering the possibility that there could be supply chain disruptions, and that this could hinder Apple Sales, and that this could hinder profits.

Again, what part of that equation has anything at all to do with the Federal Reserve? None.

So there is no socialism involved in the growth and profit of the market. You are just ignorant, and spewing nonsense someone told you, without any intellectual thought involved.

Fed injects trillions. The markets go one worked or sold a thing for this..........until it all pops again and the corporations come clamoring for another bail out.
Why is it that everyone shouldn't share in the Feds Socialist policies?

The markets should keep all of that for themselves AND steal from those who don't want to participate?
see what I mean? we go from it's wrong to take from others to unless you don't like them.

You can misrepresent what I say if you wish. It's all you have.
what have i misrepresented?

i tell you this is how things work and you're going nuts trying to defend the extreme example
you go off and make up your extreme examples
i ask you to tell me how people are stealing
you show me articles on how the market works
i say this is normal
you say it's wrong to take from some to give to others
i ask you why it's ok to do that to those who have money
you now what to generisize the theft by making it "fed policy" so you can take from one to give to another

OF WHICH you just said was wrong.

so at this point, go fuck yourself.

How it works is the problem. We have massive Federal socialist programs to boost the markets but when someone wants to spread that around to more than a few you (and others) yell, SOCIALISM.

Never mind that the programs the few are benefitting from are socialist programs.

And even then the ones who get the most benefit aren't happy. They want to steal from others.

No one is stealing from others. I proved that wrong already.

The Fed is not engaged in handing out money. Not true. They are buying assets, in exchange for reserve credits.

If they were engaged in handing out money, there would be inflation across the entire country. It's not happening, because they are not doing it.

Pop.......15,000 here we come.
IOW, they put their money to work.

How's that working for them right now? Do you understand that this is why retired people are reluctant to?

So why should they have their money stolen to boost the markets they aren't interested in?

That is why, as people get older, they diversity their investments into safer funds that may pay lower returns but generally don't fluctuate as much. Dude, you really need to learn something about this stuff.

The truly wealthy saw this coming and moved their money to safer havens. That's part of what drives market volitility.

More and more do not trust the markets. They understand it's all bubbles now that will always burst.

The theory of how the markets are supposed to work aren't how they work.

What are you talking about? The markets are operating exactly how they always have.

I don't understand your claim about how "markets are supposed to work". What do you mean they are supposed to work? Who said they were supposed to operating in some arbitrary manor you made up?

They are working exactly how they have always worked. Values fluctuation. All values have always fluctuated.

Nothing is wrong with the market now, or in the past.

You are just ignorant of how the market works. Your ignorance, does not mean something is wrong. It just means you are ignorant.

Markets were never intended in capitalism to be bailed out by the taxpayers.

Agreed. I oppose all bailouts. Still does not change the fact the markets are working just fine without bailouts.

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