Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

A few more facts for those with their heads buried in the sand.

America’s elusive Crime Statistics by Race
Experts Say Robots Could Overthrow Humans By 2029
July 20, 2014. Silicon Valley. (ONN) Two well known experts on robots and artificial intelligence have just predicted that robots will overcome humans as the dominant life form on the planet by 2029. And anyone who thinks today’s, and especially tomorrow’s, robots aren’t life forms, they haven’t been paying attention.

A sample of "whiteout press" attempt at factual rational
If you really need to continue deflecting, at least hyperlink to stormfront...sshheeesshh.
So you admit you are brain dead clueless and a lying hack. Thanks for playing. Those links are all to things compiled by the Government you moron.
And yet whiteout press was the "legitimate" source you
Speaking of morons and deflection...
A few more facts for those with their heads buried in the sand.

America’s elusive Crime Statistics by Race
Experts Say Robots Could Overthrow Humans By 2029
July 20, 2014. Silicon Valley. (ONN) Two well known experts on robots and artificial intelligence have just predicted that robots will overcome humans as the dominant life form on the planet by 2029. And anyone who thinks today’s, and especially tomorrow’s, robots aren’t life forms, they haven’t been paying attention.

A sample of "whiteout press" attempt at factual rational
If you really need to continue deflecting, at least hyperlink to stormfront...sshheeesshh.
So you admit you are brain dead clueless and a lying hack. Thanks for playing. Those links are all to things compiled by the Government you moron.
And yet whiteout press was the "legitimate" source you
Speaking of morons and deflection...
I guess you missed the other source, right? You missed all the links to the FBI and Justice department, right?
The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered?
2 to 1? meanwhile whites outnumber blacks 5 to one.
Meanwhile you can not count and are still deflecting.
Deflection 1,000+
Yeah, I don't get it. The problem violent crime problem is far worse with blacks. I guess their culling of each other helps.
Then why did you differentiate by skin color?
And where is this white community? I know of assimilated people who happen to be white but the only self-ID-ing white communities are the KKK, etc.

I didnt make comparisons at all. Sorry, you can talk circles to someone else
You can't even understand your own posts.

I understand that I didnt make comparisons tho
You must have done something, anything at all to keep him from addressing white on white crime.

Yeah, I acknowledge it exists and they hate me for it

You think that's why you're hated?
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
Yes they have. And now someone wants to address YOU.

Joe Ferrone wants to say hello >>

Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
The epidemic as is shown by the FACTS from the FBI and justice department is that the black community is suffering not the white community. Half of all murders are committed by blacks against other blacks. 6 times as many blacks are victims then whites, 8 times as many blacks are criminals as opposed to whites. But you bury that head firmly in the sand and chant nanananananana all you want. While your buddies the Democrats do NOTHING to help you and in fact prolong and increase the problem.
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
Yeah I noticed that
Guess some white folk are cowards when it comes to race.
Here's the dialogue. "I don't like black. It's like dirt. Like nigga smell.

Want the footage ? :biggrin:
In other words your priveledge is slipping so the deflection to racial name calling is required to restore some semblance of false superiority and denial of white propensity for violence.
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
The epidemic as is shown by the FACTS from the FBI and justice department is that the black community is suffering not the white community. Half of all murders are committed by blacks against other blacks. 6 times as many blacks are victims then whites, 8 times as many blacks are criminals as opposed to whites. But you bury that head firmly in the sand and chant nanananananana all you want. While your buddies the Democrats do NOTHING to help you and in fact prolong and increase the problem.
In other words you arent bright enough to discuss the epidemic of white criminality...okay.
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
The epidemic as is shown by the FACTS from the FBI and justice department is that the black community is suffering not the white community. Half of all murders are committed by blacks against other blacks. 6 times as many blacks are victims then whites, 8 times as many blacks are criminals as opposed to whites. But you bury that head firmly in the sand and chant nanananananana all you want. While your buddies the Democrats do NOTHING to help you and in fact prolong and increase the problem.
Still trying your best to keep from addressing the OP. Sorry but that deflection fails as well.
Wow. These white people still havent addressed the OP regarding white on white crime. :laugh:
Yeah I noticed that
Guess some white folk are cowards when it comes to race.
Here's the dialogue. "I don't like black. It's like dirt. Like nigga smell.

Want the footage ? :biggrin:
We dont mind what white guys think. We know its just insecurity because their women love our smell.
Holder did say they were racial
The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered?
2 to 1? meanwhile whites outnumber blacks 5 to one.
Meanwhile you can not count and are still deflecting.
When 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks in a society where only 13 percent of the entire population is black we have a problem and it is not whites.

I suppose that's true if you don't consider the other 50% of murders a problem at all.
The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.

Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they'll be raped, assaulted or murdered?
2 to 1? meanwhile whites outnumber blacks 5 to one.
Meanwhile you can not count and are still deflecting.
When 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks in a society where only 13 percent of the entire population is black we have a problem and it is not whites.

I suppose that's true if you don't consider the other 50% of murders a problem at all.
Hey retard 13 percent of the population is responsible for 50 percent of the murders while 70 percent of the population only does 48 percent. Remind which is an epidemic again?

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