Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?
93 percent of blacks were murdered by fellow blacks and more blacks were murdered then whites.
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?
All murder is bad, that's how I feel about it.
I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
I'm not losing my money betting white people will suddenly stop suffering from cognitive dissonance.
You may want to get a new "term of the day" calendar. Cognitive Dissonance refers to behavioral inconsistencies not political ideology.
Yes whites have a lot of behavioral inconsistencies when dealing with topics such as white on white crime. My "term of the day" calendar was spot on.
I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?
All murder is bad, that's how I feel about it.
How about the stat I posted? Its specific to whites killing other whites. Why do you think they kill each other? Too many video games or the tendency for whites to glorify killing and mayhem?
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
FBI Death by race.jpg
I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
The facts are that 83% of whites are killed by other whites. How do you feel about that fact?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
The facts are that 83% of whites are killed by other whites. How do you feel about that fact?
That statistic, by itself, is not particularly troubling to me. 1 in 79.6K white Americans are killed each year. That is troubling. 1 in 18.5K black Americans are killed each year. That is a travesty! If 1 in 18.5K white Americans were killed each year the nation would be having a completely different conversation. This needs to be a discussion of crime in general. Focusing on "white on white" crime is silly. It's bad but there is nothing to learn from the topic.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
The facts are that 83% of whites are killed by other whites. How do you feel about that fact?
That statistic, by itself, is not particularly troubling to me.

Which pretty much proves my point. White people have no problem with whites killing whites. Thanks for proving that. There is plenty to learn from the topic. I want to understand why whites kill each other even though they control all the resources in this country. Is it culture or genetics?
Is it as sad as you going into a thread about whites not addressing white on white violence and not addressing it to talk about blacks? Because thats super duper sad

You are a racist, and you lie a great deal.

Shall we compare instanced of violent rape, assault, battery, and murder per 100,000 by black vs. white perpetrators?

Or is dishonesty the only trick in your bag?

I'm glad you quoted this. This was Mac deflecting since page 1. Btw, I haven't 5old one lie since this isn't a contest thread this is about white violence and the unsolved problems in the white community.

Here are the facts from the FBI:
View attachment 53510
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
The facts are that 83% of whites are killed by other whites. How do you feel about that fact?
That statistic, by itself, is not particularly troubling to me.

Which pretty much proves my point. White people have no problem with whites killing whites. Thanks for proving that. There is plenty to learn from the topic. I want to understand why whites kill each other even though they control all the resources in this country. Is it culture or genetics?

Which is of course not what he said. Pretty pathetic you had to cut out most of his post in order to get a strawman to reply to.

Why are you so afraid to be honest on this subject?

What are you afraid of, it we were to be honest about crime?
Is it as sad as you going into a thread about whites not addressing white on white violence and not addressing it to talk about blacks? Because thats super duper sad

You are a racist, and you lie a great deal.

Shall we compare instanced of violent rape, assault, battery, and murder per 100,000 by black vs. white perpetrators?

Or is dishonesty the only trick in your bag?

I'm glad you quoted this. This was Mac deflecting since page 1. Btw, I haven't 5old one lie since this isn't a contest thread this is about white violence and the unsolved problems in the white community.


Every thing you say is a lie.
I'm glad you quoted this. This was Mac deflecting since page 1. Btw, I haven't 5old one lie since this isn't a contest thread this is about white violence and the unsolved problems in the white community.


All you've done in this thread is tell lies.

There is no parity of black and white crime rates. Blacks are 11% of the population, Whites 67% - trying to compare absolute numbers is highly dishonest. Now shall we compare per 100,000 population? Easy to do with the FBI crime statistics - of course that doesn't support your dishonesty - quite the opposite.
I didnt ask for facts. I asked how do you feel about the fact that 83% of whites were killed by other whites?
Therein lies our problem. I only care about the facts. How I, or anyone, feels is jaded by our experience.
The facts are that 83% of whites are killed by other whites. How do you feel about that fact?
That statistic, by itself, is not particularly troubling to me.

Which pretty much proves my point. White people have no problem with whites killing whites. Thanks for proving that. There is plenty to learn from the topic. I want to understand why whites kill each other even though they control all the resources in this country. Is it culture or genetics?

Which is of course not what he said. Pretty pathetic you had to cut out most of his post in order to get a strawman to reply to.

Why are you so afraid to be honest on this subject?

What are you afraid of, it we were to be honest about crime?
Yeah thats exactly what he said. Thats why I used the quote function. If thats not what he said then you can report me to the mods. In the meantime can you stick to the topic or do you also suffer from cognitive dissonance with a heavy helping of avoidance behavior?
I'm glad you quoted this. This was Mac deflecting since page 1. Btw, I haven't 5old one lie since this isn't a contest thread this is about white violence and the unsolved problems in the white community.


All you've done in this thread is tell lies.

There is no parity of black and white crime rates.

Yeah, that's why I'm not doing a VS thread. This is about white violence.
I wish whites were more violent, maybe then other races would stay away from them like they do from blacks

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