Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

Your post betrays an ignorance of all the dynamics associated with the stats. However, thats just a tiny part of the OP. The entire point of the OP is the pandemic of white on white crime. Why do white people avoid this topic like the plague?
That is the most statistically simple and valid point there can be. Only by confusing the math can you arrive at any other conclusion.

If there are 100 crimes committed and all other factors are equal and current population densities are used. 77 should be committed by whites, 13 committed by blacks.
I'm only confused by your reluctance to discuss the OP. White on white crime. Concentrate no matter how many times the word Black instinctively comes to your mind.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
So it is a red herring to discuss white criminality???
I did say you were a liar didnt I???
I try to be as respectful as possible but you are a moron! It is a Red Herring to discuss "white on white" crime as if that were an issue greater that the proportionate, albeit terrible, crime statistics for whites.

While you did call me a liar you did not explain what I lied about.
So in other words you cant discuss white on white crime.
So you came to the thread to not discuss the op???...very telling.
You must hate white people.
I think, we should make Black lives matter and the poverty pimps happy! How? Here is what we should do..................all the white criminals we catch should.....if put in jail, and take the place of a black criminal of the black communities choice, to be released back into, the black community where they must stay, soley, on probation. Yes, drug dealers, then robbers, then rapists, then murders, all released back into the loving arms of their communities, where they should be forced to stay, for the the length of their probation, hopefully years upon years.

Now that should make reverend Jesse happy, and reverend Al, rev Jeremiah, BHO, and all the rest. And yes, it is NOT our fault most of these people don't live in black communities or if they do, have armed protectors, but hey, we are just trying to be fair.

So in summary.............I am as a partial Caucasian, am more than willing to throw all the crooked Caucasians in jail, in the place of all the railroaded African Americans, and as long as they are released to YOUR communities and you keep them in your loving arms, I am all for it!
What did any of that have to do with the topic?

Man, I am just agreeing with the OP. Those white people got to go to jail, and I am willing to throw them all there if they are convicted, and let the black ones out. I MEAN IT. Hell, I will lobby for it as long as the black community keeps their own.

Since talking about black crime is off limits in this thread, I am talking about WHITE CRIME, and letting the poor black innocents (since we can't talk about black crime) back into their communities where they are wanted, and loved; and jailing every white thug, crook, etc off my streets. Hooray!!!!!!!!!! Lets do it yesterday.
Letting Black people out of jail has nothing to do with the white on white crime issue. The word Black shouldnt even be mentioned.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
Is that why blacks that commit crimes should be viewed as victims? Why black academics and politicians are claiming that arresting blacks and putting them in prison for the crimes they commit is some how a problem? Remind me the LAST time a white politician claimed we had to many white people in prison and that the justice system needed to make exceptions for white people rightly convicted of committing crimes?
I stopped reading the minute I saw the word Black. Let me know when you want to discuss the OP instead of deflecting.
The op, you fucking MORON, claims there is an epidemic of crime in the white community and you ignore the fact that blacks are 6 times as likely to be victims as whites and 8 times as likely to murder as whites. I repeat MORON, if your term for the white crime rate is an epidemic what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
That is the most statistically simple and valid point there can be. Only by confusing the math can you arrive at any other conclusion.

If there are 100 crimes committed and all other factors are equal and current population densities are used. 77 should be committed by whites, 13 committed by blacks.
I'm only confused by your reluctance to discuss the OP. White on white crime. Concentrate no matter how many times the word Black instinctively comes to your mind.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

FBI Stats.jpg
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
Is that why blacks that commit crimes should be viewed as victims? Why black academics and politicians are claiming that arresting blacks and putting them in prison for the crimes they commit is some how a problem? Remind me the LAST time a white politician claimed we had to many white people in prison and that the justice system needed to make exceptions for white people rightly convicted of committing crimes?
I stopped reading the minute I saw the word Black. Let me know when you want to discuss the OP instead of deflecting.
The op, you fucking MORON, claims there is an epidemic of crime in the white community and you ignore the fact that blacks are 6 times as likely to be victims as whites and 8 times as likely to murder as whites. I repeat MORON, if your term for the white crime rate is an epidemic what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
The reason I ignore any claims about Black crime is because the OP is discussing white on white crime. Focus.
I'm only confused by your reluctance to discuss the OP. White on white crime. Concentrate no matter how many times the word Black instinctively comes to your mind.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
Is that why blacks that commit crimes should be viewed as victims? Why black academics and politicians are claiming that arresting blacks and putting them in prison for the crimes they commit is some how a problem? Remind me the LAST time a white politician claimed we had to many white people in prison and that the justice system needed to make exceptions for white people rightly convicted of committing crimes?
I stopped reading the minute I saw the word Black. Let me know when you want to discuss the OP instead of deflecting.
The op, you fucking MORON, claims there is an epidemic of crime in the white community and you ignore the fact that blacks are 6 times as likely to be victims as whites and 8 times as likely to murder as whites. I repeat MORON, if your term for the white crime rate is an epidemic what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
So theres no epidemic of white crime because despite the number of white on white crime if black people are also committing crimes it makes the number of white on white crimes
Maybe you should stop using the word moron.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
I already plainly called him a liar...dont pile on and use his post against him.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
You do know you're wasting your time, right?

This is fun for them, ignoring ratios and ignoring the ongoing tragedy in the Black community is sport, it's a real hoot.

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
Is that why blacks that commit crimes should be viewed as victims? Why black academics and politicians are claiming that arresting blacks and putting them in prison for the crimes they commit is some how a problem? Remind me the LAST time a white politician claimed we had to many white people in prison and that the justice system needed to make exceptions for white people rightly convicted of committing crimes?
I stopped reading the minute I saw the word Black. Let me know when you want to discuss the OP instead of deflecting.
The op, you fucking MORON, claims there is an epidemic of crime in the white community and you ignore the fact that blacks are 6 times as likely to be victims as whites and 8 times as likely to murder as whites. I repeat MORON, if your term for the white crime rate is an epidemic what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
So theres no epidemic of white crime because despite the number of white on white crime if black people are also committing crimes it makes the number of white on white crimes
Maybe you should stop using the word moron.
Did you graduate from middle school? You must be a product of modern education. When 13 percent of the population is responsible for 50 percent of the murders you would use the term epidemic, when 77 percent is responsible for 48 percent and you use the term epidemic I am asking what term you now use to describe the HUGE difference in the black community? The chart provided shows that IN EVERY category of crime black are massively more likely to commit said crime compared to whites yet you claim the white community has a crisis? I repeat MORON f we accept your claim that whites have an epidemic going on what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
Is that why blacks that commit crimes should be viewed as victims? Why black academics and politicians are claiming that arresting blacks and putting them in prison for the crimes they commit is some how a problem? Remind me the LAST time a white politician claimed we had to many white people in prison and that the justice system needed to make exceptions for white people rightly convicted of committing crimes?
I stopped reading the minute I saw the word Black. Let me know when you want to discuss the OP instead of deflecting.
The op, you fucking MORON, claims there is an epidemic of crime in the white community and you ignore the fact that blacks are 6 times as likely to be victims as whites and 8 times as likely to murder as whites. I repeat MORON, if your term for the white crime rate is an epidemic what term do we use for the crime rate in the black community?
So theres no epidemic of white crime because despite the number of white on white crime if black people are also committing crimes it makes the number of white on white crimes
Maybe you should stop using the word moron.
No, there is no epidemic because the total number of crimes committed does not exceed the population percentage for whites. That means that, while terrible, the crime rate among whites is not disproportionate to the population.
Because it is a red herring. To classify it as anything other than Crime without labels, there needs to be a motivating factor. There is no statistical motivating factor. So I have to ask, what is the motivation?
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
You do know you're wasting your time, right?

This is fun for them, ignoring ratios and ignoring the ongoing tragedy in the Black community is sport, it's a real hoot.

I would love to get an intelligent argument just once. Facts seem to roll of of them like water off a duck's back. If any statement is contrary to their belief, they simply ignore it. They have no intention of ever looking at the other side of an issue. I have never heard "you know, I've never thought of it that way"
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
The claim by the op is a LIE. We have shown you the FACTS and you laugh them off, the callous inhuman assholes in this thread are all you guys laughing at the black crime rates.
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
I'm not losing my money betting white people will suddenly stop suffering from cognitive dissonance.
I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
You do know you're wasting your time, right?

This is fun for them, ignoring ratios and ignoring the ongoing tragedy in the Black community is sport, it's a real hoot.

I would love to get an intelligent argument just once. Facts seem to roll of of them like water off a duck's back. If any statement is contrary to their belief, they simply ignore it. They have no intention of ever looking at the other side of an issue. I have never heard "you know, I've never thought of it that way"
No. These are True Believers, and they have no interest in having their views challenged in any way by anyone.

Worse though, they're having fun with one of the most serious topics of our time, and that one I just can't understand.

These are the same people who always scream "racism", yet demonstrate clearly that they're indifferent to Black suffering.

I don't get it.
How is white on white crime misleading? Are you saying it doesnt exist?

This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
If a crime is committed there is a 77% chance it will be on a white person because 77% of the population is white. Yes there are white people who commit crime on white people but not at a disproportionate rate to the population. Fell free to, but there is not reason to research the reason for "white on white" crime as a category. I (and no one else) has anything intelligent to say on the matter as there is no basis for the definition.
Lets start with this stat.

83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians

How do you feel about it?
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
I'm not losing my money betting white people will suddenly stop suffering from cognitive dissonance.
I wish I could play the lottery with this amount of certainty.
Their argument constantly avoids the o.p.
Maybe Holder should have a meeting with them.
This is agonizing. Yes white people commit crime on one another. It is a very bad thing. There is no disproportionate "white on white" crime. Because there are significantly more white people, the chance of committing "white on white" crime is greater. To focus on "white on white" crime rather than crime as a whole would require some sort of motivation. There is no out of the ordinary statistical motivation. The numbers are well within the "expected" range. So again I ask, what is the motivation for trying to define it as white on white crime?

I know the subject causes emotional trauma for white people. I understand your agony. Now we are getting somewhere. The motivation is to discuss the white on white crime rate. Can you do that? You'll be the first.
I've been discussing it! While all crime is bad, the rate at which whites commit crimes is not disproportionate to any other statistical measure. Let's talk about it:

View attachment 53509
I dont see anything about white on white crime. Where is that stat at on your post?
How much do you want to bet that white criminality will not be discussed by white peope for the next 10 pages???
I'm not losing my money betting white people will suddenly stop suffering from cognitive dissonance.
You may want to get a new "term of the day" calendar. Cognitive Dissonance refers to behavioral inconsistencies not political ideology.

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