Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

So, white people won't even try to talk about it. So it did more good than you sitting their making excuses for white broken families.

That's a huge help

What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.
What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?

That's why there are so many problems in the black community. You want to address white people and ignore your own.
Apparently all those blacks discussing what you say they're discussing has done little to no good. Same thing seems to be the case with bastard births.

So, white people won't even try to talk about it. So it did more good than you sitting their making excuses for white broken families.

That's a huge help

What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.

I'm white. Show me where I've blamed blacks for the problems you claim I have.

I wish the white trash would address those things. It makes the rest of us white people look bad just like you n*ggers make good, honest, hardworking blacks look bad.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.
No dummy. The topic of the thread is white on white crime. If you dont believe me ask the OP.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?

That's why there are so many problems in the black community. You want to address white people and ignore your own.
Thats why there are so many problems in the white community. You want to address Black people and ignore your own.
So, white people won't even try to talk about it. So it did more good than you sitting their making excuses for white broken families.

That's a huge help

What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.

I'm white. Show me where I've blamed blacks for the problems you claim I have.

I wish the white trash would address those things. It makes the rest of us white people look bad just like you n*ggers make good, honest, hardworking blacks look bad.
I'd rather discuss the OP instead of helping you continue to ignore your issues as a white guy.
What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.
No dummy. The topic of the thread is white on white crime. If you dont believe me ask the OP.
No the claim is that there is an epidemic in the white community of crime what we want to know is if that is true what word you use to describe the 8 times worse problem in the black community?
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.
No dummy. The topic of the thread is white on white crime. If you dont believe me ask the OP.
No the claim is that there is an epidemic in the white community of crime what we want to know is if that is true what word you use to describe the 8 times worse problem in the black community?
Yes thats one of the claims but the topic is white on white crime. When you want to discuss that let me know.

Most of the conversation surrounding crime involves black people, who selfishly take all of the credit for being criminals. Blacks are notorious for being called thugs and gangsters, but the real MVPs (Most Violent People) are whites. Everyday in cities across the country, people die at the hands of white people. What's more, they're killing their own kind. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

In America, whites commit the majority of crimes. What's even more troubling is that they are also responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes. In 2013, whites led all other groups in aggravated assault, larceny-theft, arson, weapons-carrying, and vandalism.

When it comes to sexual assault, whites take the forcible rape cake. They are also more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, their significant others, and even themselves! They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment. In 2013, an estimated 10,076 people died in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes. Driving while drunk is almost exclusively a white crime because everyone knows black people prefer to drink on their porches or inside their homes.

So why is white on white crime so prevalent, one may ask? Is it the music they listen to? Is it the white divorce rate, resulting in more white children coming from broken homes? Perhaps it's the TV shows they watch or the violent sports they play. More than likely, it is a combination of all of those things, with the exact root cause unclear. What is clear, though, is that not enough people are talking about the crime plaguing the white community. We need to spread the word, holding protests and demonstrations that call attention to this growing matter. Because, after all---white lives matter, too.

Everytime some white boy goes nuts and shoots up a bunch of people or commits some heinous act its always "mental health" or the better one "had one too many". When a black person does the same its "Music" or some other silly shit.

Most killings occur within one's own racial groups. And whites outnumber blacks about 6 to 1. Of course more whites will be killed each year. The reason that blacks get tagged with the moniker of violence is the rate of violence in their own communities. Which is generally far higher than among whites.

As for drunk driving....kinda.

More than a quarter (28 percent) of white, non-Hispanic persons, which make up the largest sample, are more likely than any other racial group to report having driven within 2 hours of consuming alcohol in the past month. American Indian/Eskimos report the second highest prevalence at 21 percent. Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians report 17, 16, and 13 percent, respectively, for having driven within two hours after drinking in the past month.

Racial And Ethnic Differences In Drinking And Driving Attitudes And Behaviors | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Yes, whites drive drunk more often than blacks. About 45% more often. I wouldn't call that 'almost exclusively white'.
What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?

That's why there are so many problems in the black community. You want to address white people and ignore your own.
Thats why there are so many problems in the white community. You want to address Black people and ignore your own.

I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
Percentages? I said white people commit more crime and your excuse is percentages? Is this a contest or do you want to step over tons of dead bodies to get to a chalk board?

What about sex crimes? Drug use? Gang Violence?

Or is it ok when whites do it because there's a bunch of whites?
Ya when 70 percent of the population is white and 13 percent is black of course raw numbers will be higher on the white side. But the fact is that blacks commit crime at a MUCH higher rate then whites and you know it. Only 53 percent of crime committed by 70 percent of the whites while 13 percent of the blacks commit over 30 percent of the crimes. Facts are not your ally in this argument you retard.
Thats untrue. Whites commit more crime than anyone and lead in most categories. However, you are deflecting again. We are talking specifically about white on white crime.

Whites are 5 1/2 times the population of blacks. Is the percentage 5 1/2 x that of blacks? I'll answer it for you. NO.
Percentages? I said white people commit more crime and your excuse is percentages? Is this a contest or do you want to step over tons of dead bodies to get to a chalk board?

What about sex crimes? Drug use? Gang Violence?

Or is it ok when whites do it because there's a bunch of whites?
Ya when 70 percent of the population is white and 13 percent is black of course raw numbers will be higher on the white side. But the fact is that blacks commit crime at a MUCH higher rate then whites and you know it. Only 53 percent of crime committed by 70 percent of the whites while 13 percent of the blacks commit over 30 percent of the crimes. Facts are not your ally in this argument you retard.

Ass Lips doesn't, like most of his kind, understand proportions.
Thats impossible. You cant move to an all white neighborhood. There is no such thing.
Unfortunately you're right, but if there was a all white neighborhood it would be the best place to live
For a white person maybe. However, getting back to the OP and the white on white crime rate, maybe not. Whites are their own worst enemies.

I rechecked the OP. It started out referencing black crime then made comparisons to white crime. It addresses both. It's you that avoids addressing the problem of your people.
At least black people discuss it. White people don't care so much they won't even touch the subject or worse...think nothing is wrong

Apparently all those blacks discussing what you say they're discussing has done little to no good. Same thing seems to be the case with bastard births.

So, white people won't even try to talk about it. So it did more good than you sitting their making excuses for white broken families.

That's a huge help

What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.

Yeah they love affirmative action! Also another thing whit people don't do is discuss the problems within their own community.
What whites dont do is address the white on white crime in their society and instead blame Black crime. They cant even speak on the topic without saying the word "Black".

What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.

False, that's what you want the topic to be since page 1 but it's not
What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.

False, that's what you want the topic to be since page 1 but it's not

YOU are the one that made the topic that by bringing up blacks then whites.
At least black people discuss it. White people don't care so much they won't even touch the subject or worse...think nothing is wrong

Apparently all those blacks discussing what you say they're discussing has done little to no good. Same thing seems to be the case with bastard births.

So, white people won't even try to talk about it. So it did more good than you sitting their making excuses for white broken families.

That's a huge help

What whites don't do is blame black people. Blacks have that fall back in doing so and a President that perpetuates it.

Yeah they love affirmative action! Also another thing whit people don't do is discuss the problems within their own community.

That's not blaming black people. That's blaming ANYONE that thinks using race is wrong to deny but using race is OK to benefit. If what you said were true, you would have to claim only blacks had anything to do with writing that shit policy. Unlike you, I don't care who wrote just that it's there and it's wrong.

The biggest problem in the white community is you blacks expecting us to blindly accept programs like affirmative action. If you don't blame white people for your community's problems, whites won't say anything about you doing it.
I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.

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