Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
I could care less about issues of the black community unless the blame for them is placed on white people.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
This is the problem with the behavior of the PC Police & Identity Politics - they have to know that they're turning people off, many of they WOULD care or USED TO care.

The PC Police don't care about improving race relations, nor do they care about black on black crime. There's no political advantage to it.

So which is worse for American Blacks - the small and (thankfully) dwindling number of real racists, or those on their "side" who claim to "care" but are only making things worse?

I think I know.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
What blacks don't do is address the problems in the black community, for example bastard birth rates over 70%, and how that negatively affects the black community. They blame white people for their problems.
What whites dont do is address the problems in the white community. For example the emotionally vacant parents, drugs, the animal sexual molestation, the inbreeding, and the lack of communication about white on white crime. They blame Black people for their problems and never address the most dire problems in their culture.
Except for the small problem that when comparing the two, white crime to black crime one finds that blacks are 8 times more likely to commit a crime 6 times more likely to be a victim of crime, yet you claim whites have an epidemic, what exactly do we call the problem in the black community?
Why dont you start another thread on that question but in the meantime why dont you address the topic of this thread?
The topic of this thread is a comparison of black crime to white crime. so discussing the two is perfectly in bounds in this thread. The whole premise of the thread is a race baiting comparison of black and white........but you already knew that.
No dummy. The topic of the thread is white on white crime. If you dont believe me ask the OP.

It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
By the way, there is no F'ing "they". Whites have more poor than Blacks and Latinos do. If income and education inequality lead to crime, the % of crimes by Whites should be much higher. You keep saying that the numbers support you position but you supply no numbers. I supplied numbers by the FBI on overall crime statistics in the US. They directly contradict your assertion. Where do you get your supporting evidence?
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?
This has got to be one of the longest threads on black crime in a while.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
Except MORE criminals per capita are not white then white and most of those non whites are in fact black. The epidemic is the black crime rate not the white crime rate. Which you pretend does not exist because you can not face facts.
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?
Can you explain why if poverty is, as you claim, the cause of crime then why is the crime rate so low for whites as a population? There are more whites poor then blacks yet blacks commit more crimes, perhaps you can explain that?
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?

There are so many of them. As their rates of crimes are actually quite low compared to say, blacks and latinos.
It was a troll thread to begin with.

Nasty, huh? Just to mock and deflect from such a horrible problem.
It's a bit like Indians complaining about white people taking scalps, in the days of yore.
White people invented scalping. Ask the Greek historian Herodotus. White savages have been doing the practice for millennia all the way back to the Stone Age. You white people hate facing reality. :laugh:

scalping Facts, information, pictures | articles about scalping

"Herodotus found the practice among the Pontic Scythians, and, according to the Maccabees, the ancient Persians tore away the scalp of one of their prisoners. Orosius reports that Romans scalped during the battle on the Raudine plain. It is highly probable that Germanic tribes behaved similarly, for we know that they ascribed magical powers to a shock of human hair, regarding it as the symbol of the free man."
What reality? History is important to learn from, not live in. Unless it is a current practice (ie. lessons not learned yet) it is ignorant to pose it as a topic for discussion. Focus on the "now" and learn from the "then".

Because something exists does not necessarily make it rise to the level of epidemic. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to eliminate bad things. Murder, rape, thievery and general danger are an unfortunate part of life. While EVERY person can learn from these incidents, you seem to want to focus on race specific crime. Many of my previous posts show that the numbers show that, while terrible in their own right, there is no epidemic to research in the "white" community specifically. The percentage of all crimes that are attributed to whites is lower than the percentage of whites in a given community. That means that the majority of crimes are being committed by other races. That is not a defense of crime committed by whites, simply a statement that crime as a whole is a more efficient starting point.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
Except MORE criminals per capita are not white then white and most of those non whites are in fact black. The epidemic is the black crime rate not the white crime rate. Which you pretend does not exist because you can not face facts.
More avoidance behavior. Those inbred white genetic responses are kicking in overtime.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?
Can you explain why if poverty is, as you claim, the cause of crime then why is the crime rate so low for whites as a population? There are more whites poor then blacks yet blacks commit more crimes, perhaps you can explain that?
Since I didnt claim poverty was the cause I cant answer your strawman. However, I note you again avoided the question.
diversionary tactics meant to prevent anybody from addressing the terrible, depraved state of the black community.

They are self destructing, and they refuse to do anything about it.
The reality of the pandemic of white on white crime of course. Who said history is something you live in? White on white crime is not history. Its a present day reality.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?

There are so many of them. As their rates of crimes are actually quite low compared to say, blacks and latinos.
But we are not comparing them to Black or latinos. This was already made clear. The word Black on this particular thread has no relevance to the topic.
The numbers simply don't support your claim of a pandemic issue. You quoted Herodotus, that is living in history.

By your definition why don't we look into brow eyed on brown eyed crime? over half of the world is brown eyed therefore there has to be an epidemic of brown on brown crime. As long as we're picking random physical characteristics; fat on fat crime, skinny on skinny crime, my favorite hot chick on hot chick crime. Of course none of these have a statistical basis and would be foolish to study but you don;'t seem to care about that.
The numbers definitely bear out a pandemic in white on white crime. You are so eager to avoid this truth you never read why I mentioned Herodotus. FYI I never quoted him. Your simple mistake in this regard lets me know your brain will do anything to avoid the truth and therefore you lack any credibility in your denials of the facts. Telling the Meathead whites practiced scalping (which was a white on white crime) since the Stoneage has nothing to do with living in history. It was merely pointing out a fact.

Your attempt to further skirt the issue by some inane comparison with brown eyed people is puerile. The topic is regarding white on white crime. I want to know why whites commit so many crimes even though they own the resources in this country. Focus.
Fine! I'll bite. Whites commit crimes on whites I'll admit it. Now what? Let's discuss...
Can you answer my question? I will restate it.

Why do whites commit so many crimes even though as a group they own the resources in this country?

There are so many of them. As their rates of crimes are actually quite low compared to say, blacks and latinos.
But we are not comparing them to Black or latinos. This was already made clear. The word Black on this particular thread has no relevance to the topic.

Then their sheer numbers would be the reason. Its the reason that whites folks do so much of, well....everything in the US.

There are just a lot of them.

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