Parents Bill of Rights, Wins Zero Support From Dems

It passed anyway and exposed the Democrats

'Parents Bill of Rights' wins zero votes from Dems who attack it as ‘fascism,’ ‘extreme’ attack on schools

Those morons can pass a bill that says Trump is president which will have the same impact as this bill. It’ll die in the senate. What a big impact they are making!!!
And therein lies the rub....They want to steal your money, then you shut up as they squander it doing shit you would never ask for.

Yeah, take your kids out of the school if you don't like what's being taught to them, but you can't take your money from those schools.

It's bullshit. If I'm paying for those schools, I have every right to say what's being taught in them.
Ergo....use the government. :cuckoo:
Remember what Eisenhower had to do to dismantle Democrat segregation? Now you just think you have enough non whites to make whites the bogeyman. You have to be pissed about how your team pushed for non discrimination based on the protected classes which include white heterosexuals lol. Idiot.
No one is forced to put their children in public school. Exercise your choices.
What? That is just not true. Private school costs money and homeschooling just isn't possible with many for a variety of reasons. So, yes, many are literally forced to put their kids in the public school system and those children should not be politically indoctrinated against the parent's values.
Congress should have no role in our local school districts run their schools.

Big Government is not always the answer.
well the dembot should of thought of that before they made the Deparment of Education a Cabinet Position in 79
the parents bill of rights limits what govt can do…the demafasict voted against it

As far as Democrats are concerned it's none of your business as a parent what's being taught to your children, that's up to government. If your daughter is forced to share a rest/ dressing room with a boy in a dress, that's none of your business. If your child is in a state of confusion over gender, that's none of your business either. If your kids are reading books with descriptive sexual acts from the school library, none of your business.
It passed anyway and exposed the Democrats

'Parents Bill of Rights' wins zero votes from Dems who attack it as ‘fascism,’ ‘extreme’ attack on schools

There is no parents bill of rights. It is a attempt to pass right wing fascist legislation to ban the things you don't like. Republicans are Nazis who threaten this country and Republicans are pushing this. Let's ban the Bible. It has Adam and Eve naked. We can't have children reading that.
There is no parents bill of rights. It is a attempt to pass right wing fascist legislation to ban the things you don't like. Republicans are Nazis who threaten this country and Republicans are pushing this. Let's ban the Bible. It has Adam and Eve naked. We can't have children reading that.

Sure there's a Parent's Rights Bill, it passed the House, loony toon
Parents protecting their children from liberal run schools.
Shame on them for getting in the way of the indoctrination process.

It is Nazi Republicans who want to indoctrinate children. They want children hating anyone they hate. I predict young people will reject your evil.

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