Parler is scaring the shit out of the control freaks

You do understand that the moment your domain of eternal free speech starts taking in too many people with deviant and violent tendencies, the clamp will be applied so fast, it will make your SSD drive explode. :)

You fucking scumbags on the left just hate it when people get together and exercise their rights to free speech, and you can't control what they are saying.

They have every reason to be scared. This is why the students and teachers at colleges protest when a righty has a forum there.

When Republicans speak, some may drift off the plantation. In spite of the lies spread about the Republicans, they sit there and say "That makes a hell of a lot of sense!" So when we on the right are heard, they lose members of their party.

When Democrats speak, we don't dare try to stop them. We want the country and world to know what they're about. We ask if we can help; pass out some flyers, turn up the PA, anything. Because when they speak with their idiotic radical ideas, they chase more people to the right.
Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.
It's freedom of thought dude. The left Hates it when people think for themselves.


So a group that all thinks the same is individual thinking?
That's what they told to believe. Gotta love the irony there.
Why don't you let us decide for ourselves, you kuuuunt. God, FUCK YOU!!!!

No ones' stopping you, nitwit.
They're terribly emotional. Four years of this.
Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter

Yeah. Sure they are. :auiqs.jpg: Don't stop believin'.

You imply you don't believe that Parler is surging, but it's top news on Reuters and the Wall Street Journal today Nov. 15. They added 5 million members just over this weekend, according to the stories. The staff can't keep up; there turns out to be a huge market for free speech that the constant, constant bans, "Facebook jail" timeouts and many other types of censorship such as "shadow banning" and Truth Checks that both Facebook and Twitter do, have alienated many. I think there will be other free speech competitors as this dislike of the Facebook Facism continues. This is what Zuckerberg is afraid of, and he should be, and it happens so incredibly fast! Five million switched in a weekend? Wow.

I believe social media is a cancer on society. Assholes being assholes have always existed. Some people have no self control and need to be put in check from time to time. This is why TOSs exist.
Are we not talking about Parler? Because yeah.. everyone knows it isn't owned by the people using it.. derp.
If the people using it don’t own it, they have no right to demand it’s use.

This isn’t about freedom of speech.

What are you fucking talking about? You have gone way off the point I was making to something else entirely...

I made a statement about how that asshole Jack was celebrating Parler getting shut down if people are saying things you leftist pussy shitheads don't like on there.

Seems like that isn't going to be the case, because the people that actually own Parler don't give a fuck what you crybaby leftards think.

I was making a simple statement pointing out the obvious truth that you lefties love to make a mockery of freedom of speech on every platform in existence..because if people are saying things you don't like, and can't want it shut down.

Whether people have the right to say those things on the platform is a wholly different argument than the point I was making.. which is the undeniable fact...that leftists are hypocrite scumbags that hate freedom of speech as it applies to conservatives on your lefty platforms.

Antifa and BLM can spew violent hate rhetoric all day long on all the lefty owned social media platforms, but as soon as a conservative calls someone a queer you want the whole thing shut down for hate speech.

You and your ilk are the fucking scum of the Earth, if only for this refuse to acknowledge and cease your hypocrisy and double standards.
I believe social media is a cancer on society. Assholes being assholes have always existed. Some people have no self control and need to be put in check from time to time. This is why TOSs exist.

TOS, terms of service. Well, they sure don't work! I think the use of improved communication is always to wage war --- people love to hate each other. The Gutenberg printing press was sure used that way --- it was followed by two centuries of religious wars. He printed the Bible first......then a lot of orders flooded in for angry pamphlets and posters.

I feel sort of sorry for Zuckerberg (and Gutenberg --) they didn't mean to start a revolution or the many "Arab spring"-type wars that were organized on social media. They both thought they were doing something interesting and good! But people always use better communications to hate on each other.

Are we not talking about Parler? Because yeah.. everyone knows it isn't owned by the people using it.. derp.
If the people using it don’t own it, they have no right to demand it’s use.

This isn’t about freedom of speech.

What are you fucking talking about? You have gone way off the point I was making to something else entirely...

I made a statement about how that asshole Jack was celebrating Parler getting shut down if people are saying things you leftist pussy shitheads don't like on there.

Seems like that isn't going to be the case, because the people that actually own Parler don't give a fuck what you crybaby leftards think.

I was making a simple statement pointing out the obvious truth that you lefties love to make a mockery of freedom of speech on every platform in existence..because if people are saying things you don't like, and can't want it shut down.

Whether people have the right to say those things on the platform is a wholly different argument than the point I was making.. which is the undeniable fact...that leftists are hypocrite scumbags that hate freedom of speech as it applies to conservatives on your lefty platforms.

Antifa and BLM can spew violent hate rhetoric all day long on all the lefty owned social media platforms, but as soon as a conservative calls someone a queer you want the whole thing shut down for hate speech.

You and your ilk are the fucking scum of the Earth, if only for this refuse to acknowledge and cease your hypocrisy and double standards.
What you originally replied to was Jack saying that Parler is going to become home to racists and violence people and yes that is going to result in clamping down.

Because that’s what happens to these alternative social media sites. They just become platforms for the fringe.
I believe social media is a cancer on society. Assholes being assholes have always existed. Some people have no self control and need to be put in check from time to time. This is why TOSs exist.

TOS, terms of service. Well, they sure don't work! I think the use of improved communication is always to wage war --- people love to hate each other. The Gutenberg printing press was sure used that way --- it was followed by two centuries of religious wars. He printed the Bible first......then a lot of orders flooded in for angry pamphlets and posters.

I feel sort of sorry for Zuckerberg (and Gutenberg --) they didn't mean to start a revolution or the many "Arab spring"-type wars that were organized on social media. They both thought they were doing something interesting and good! But people always use better communications to hate on each other.

Some people just can't help but destroy things for everyone else. It's in our nature. :dunno: We're a dumb species in many ways.
Because that’s what happens to these alternative social media sites. They just become platforms for the fringe.

Yeah and like I said you hypocrite turd scumbags on the left only pretend to care about the "violent people" and hateful things being said when it's people you don't agree with.

You leftards complain about shutting down some "fringe alt media site" when daily and openly on the biggest social media platforms in the world..woke sjw domestic terrorist leftists spew hate rhetoric, plot to riot, and destroy America.

Fuck off with your hypocritical faux outrage, and double standards. :dev3:
Personally...I think I'll stick with usmb.It has its rules but its not like twatter or even parler, which is a bitch to try to get the hang of. Still trying to understand Parler...and twatter I no longer have to worry about since they kicked me out, lol.
Parler kicked you out? The bastion of freedom? I gave up on it months ago because it would not work right and no one answered help requests.
No. Twatter kicked me out. Google your questions about parler. Thats how I figured out the difference between echo (retweet) and vote (like) and parley (post something of your own).
Exactly. That's why a free market is so much better than state-driven social engineering. We don't need laws telling people they can't be racists. We just need to stop accommodating racists. Much of Trump's appeal is his perceived function as a middle finger to hyper-sensitive, 'woke' culture and political correctness. And I get that - it's largely petty and ridiculous. But I also think that the voluntary shunning, implied by political correctness, is better than dictating matters through coercive laws. If people don't want to do business with racists that's their prerogative.

But some of Trump's views run contrary to free markets, i.e., limit even legal immigration and free trade.
Yep. What's your point?
Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.

If you have a real value system then what choice do you actually have?
Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter

Yeah. Sure they are. :auiqs.jpg: Don't stop believin'.

You imply you don't believe that Parler is surging, but it's top news on Reuters and the Wall Street Journal today Nov. 15. They added 5 million members just over this weekend, according to the stories. The staff can't keep up; there turns out to be a huge market for free speech that the constant, constant bans, "Facebook jail" timeouts and many other types of censorship such as "shadow banning" and Truth Checks that both Facebook and Twitter do, have alienated many. I think there will be other free speech competitors as this dislike of the Facebook Facism continues. This is what Zuckerberg is afraid of, and he should be, and it happens so incredibly fast! Five million switched in a weekend? Wow.
It's not just conservatives that are joining either. There are plenty of progressive thinkers over there who have also been disenfranchised by the Nanny State censorship of the two big boys. Oh that's right Parler now has as many members.

The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.


You do understand that the moment your domain of eternal free speech starts taking in too many people with deviant and violent tendencies, the clamp will be applied so fast, it will make your SSD drive explode. :)
Yeah they're over there now.
Lefties..... Everywhere just lists them rant.. . They don't get censured or censored .... Middle
TRANSLATION: Facebook doesn't want anyone thinking for themselves.
Who needs to think for themselves when Trump just tweets out what you’re supposed to believe?
We need chat lines again. Everyone get on and chat with one another, like the good old days.

I loved Yahoo messenger...... I used the hell out of it and was totally disappointed when they shut it down...

Sorry but texting just does not compare.

Exactly. That's why a free market is so much better than state-driven social engineering. We don't need laws telling people they can't be racists. We just need to stop accommodating racists. Much of Trump's appeal is his perceived function as a middle finger to hyper-sensitive, 'woke' culture and political correctness. And I get that - it's largely petty and ridiculous. But I also think that the voluntary shunning, implied by political correctness, is better than dictating matters through coercive laws. If people don't want to do business with racists that's their prerogative.

But some of Trump's views run contrary to free markets, i.e., limit even legal immigration and free trade.
Yep. What's your point?

They don't have a point.....they were all erect and mastabatory when they imagined that the only point of view that would be permitted was the progressive point of that they see this is not the case the erection has utterly gone flaccid and they are angry, confused and leaning toward a temper tantrum......this is the scary part. The main stream media is already laying the foundation to have Parler declared a dangerous venue. This country is heading for a split for sure....even if Trump doesn't get in it doesn't matter any more...he is the leader of the conservative movement and it is growing like a mushroom and getting organized in a way that took the left five decades....the conservatives will do it in a matter of months. Then watch out ain't seen NUTHIN until you've seen a large coordination of conservative interests..... Trump will start campaigning again the moment that Biden is it comes....I almost think that would be better to tell you the truth.

The main stream media is already laying the foundation to have Parler declared a dangerous venue.

How so?

The opinion journalists are referring to it as a conspiracy outlet and insisting that it is poisoning people's minds, CNN just had a piece on National TV saying this directly...they also described it as dangerous....that's pretty clear.

Google defines it as a right wing anti-semitism group under the google search....funny I've been on for a month and haven't seen a trace of that....but I am finally getting real NEWS from hundreds of independent journalists who are going out with their own camera crews and anchors......this is awesome! REAL ACTUAL NEWS......amazing really.
No wonder the biggies are so upset....they have had to pay the piper to keep themselves relevant.....and now you have all these unpaid and unbiased journalists running about taking their news stories away from them......hahahahahaha......I'm in heaven.

Personally...I think I'll stick with usmb.It has its rules but its not like twatter or even parler, which is a bitch to try to get the hang of. Still trying to understand Parler...and twatter I no longer have to worry about since they kicked me out, lol.
I went to take a look at Parler but it was wanting a Google account but I've fired those assholes too so won't have one of those nor a Facebook nor a Twitter. Fuckem all. For searches I've been using Bing of late.
This country is heading for a split for sure

Heading? No, we're split.

he is the leader of the conservative movement and it is growing like a mushroom and getting organized in a way that took the left five decades..

I don't know if you knew this, but we just had an election. The people gave the conservative movement the finger this time around.

the conservatives will do it in a matter of months. Then watch out ain't seen NUTHIN until you've seen a large coordination of conservative interests.

*Yawn* Uh huh.
Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.
Is it possible that the Left asked for this?
This is a choice that both ends are making. And the rest of the country is suffering for it.
Then stop pushing a bullshit narrative and leave people be.

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