Parler is scaring the shit out of the control freaks

Exactly. That's why a free market is so much better than state-driven social engineering. We don't need laws telling people they can't be racists. We just need to stop accommodating racists. Much of Trump's appeal is his perceived function as a middle finger to hyper-sensitive, 'woke' culture and political correctness. And I get that - it's largely petty and ridiculous. But I also think that the voluntary shunning, implied by political correctness, is better than dictating matters through coercive laws. If people don't want to do business with racists that's their prerogative.

But some of Trump's views run contrary to free markets, i.e., limit even legal immigration and free trade.
What’s being “censored” is fringe conspiracy theories, so yes that is exactly why they’re flocking to Parler.

Advertisers don’t want to be a part of that.

No they are not just censoring conspiracy theories. They are censoring a lot of politics that are in the parameters of Facebook and Twitter rules. They label it as hate speech.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.

Jo is scared?

Competition is good (though twitter et al seems like a waste of time).

Some of the CNN loons have called it a threat to democracy.

If info isn't controlled, that is a threat to democracy. This is supposedly a news source. Lol.
No they are not just censoring conspiracy theories. They are censoring a lot of politics that are in the parameters of Facebook and Twitter rules. They label it as hate speech.
This itself is a conspiracy theory. Conservatism is extremely well represented, perhaps even over represented on these platforms. Violent rhetoric, conspiracy theories are what will get you in trouble.

Like calling for Fauci’s head on a pike.
No they are not just censoring conspiracy theories. They are censoring a lot of politics that are in the parameters of Facebook and Twitter rules. They label it as hate speech.
This itself is a conspiracy theory. Conservatism is extremely well represented, perhaps even over represented on these platforms. Violent rhetoric, conspiracy theories are what will get you in trouble.

Like calling for Fauci’s head on a pike.

That's a threat and wouldn't be accepted in most any political forum. But they have censored things like the Hunter Biden posts while allowing all the phony Russian collusion nonsense.
That's a threat and wouldn't be accepted in most any political forum. But they have censored things like the Hunter Biden posts while allowing all the phony Russian collusion nonsense.
They censored the Hunter Biden story because it violated the rules of their forums, specifically because the articles doxxed people and revealed their personal information. Social media platforms have rules against doxxing.

It wasn't political.
That's a threat and wouldn't be accepted in most any political forum. But they have censored things like the Hunter Biden posts while allowing all the phony Russian collusion nonsense.
They censored the Hunter Biden story because it violated the rules of their forums, specifically because the articles doxxed people and revealed their personal information. Social media platforms have rules against doxxing.

It wasn't political.

That's good because now people are leaving because of it. I hope everybody leaves to be honest. It would serve them right.
That's good because now people are leaving because of it. I hope everybody leaves to be honest. It would serve them right.

Look how incredibly FAST it's happening! That's what Facebook should have been worried about --- a sudden abandonment of their platform by (let's face it -- ) the people with money and buying power and stability, and that's sure not the diversity victim types. Let Facebook keep them, and the "elites" who pander to them. Facebook became the USA in miniature, a virtual nation split down the middle, angry and hating each other. What good is that? Yuck! I abandoned Facebook and Twitter years ago, but plan to join Parler. I'll let the dust settle a little. I love the idea of stovepiping --- just talking to friends and allies, not horrible insulting enemies. And I pretty much won't stay on a site with censoring.
Personally...I think I'll stick with usmb.It has its rules but its not like twatter or even parler, which is a bitch to try to get the hang of. Still trying to understand Parler...and twatter I no longer have to worry about since they kicked me out, lol.
Parler kicked you out? The bastion of freedom? I gave up on it months ago because it would not work right and no one answered help requests.
You do understand that the moment your domain of eternal free speech starts taking in too many people with deviant and violent tendencies, the clamp will be applied so fast, it will make your SSD drive explode. :)

You fucking scumbags on the left just hate it when people get together and exercise their rights to free speech, and you can't control what they are saying.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.

Thank you!
Personally...I think I'll stick with usmb.It has its rules but its not like twatter or even parler, which is a bitch to try to get the hang of. Still trying to understand Parler...and twatter I no longer have to worry about since they kicked me out, lol.
I find I can understand the community better...Twitter just seems like listening to a crowd.
Twitter is just a collection RSS feeds. There's 0 "innovation, just where people gathered.
Bringing politics into your line of entertainment work is just plain stupid. About a third could care less what your poltics are. Another third support you, and the last third hate your guts. Keep politics to yourself, and you keep all those people happy. They are the people indirectly making your paycheck. It's like Laura Ingraham's book: Shut up and sing. It's no different than when I listen to a political show like Limbaugh and he starts talking about sports. I turn it off for a while. It's not why I came here. If I want to listen to sports, there are plenty of other places I can go.

It was obvious this would happen --- that whites at least would abandon the major sports and all their market value would go with them. I don't see this recovering unless some big racial changes are made. The owners tried very hard to stop this surge into politics, but they could not stop it --- the black players seem to not understand they are going to lose a lot-lot-lot of money this way. I suppose what happened is that the clubs hired a bigger and bigger percentage of blacks --- better player competition?? -- and it reached a tipping point, where leftist organizers could get them participating in the victim/BLM trope.

Unless the owners pull back from this all-black team business (Where are you when we need you, John Riggins??!) I don't see a happy ending for football, and forget about basketball.
It was obvious this would happen --- that whites at least would abandon the major sports and all their market value would go with them. I don't see this recovering unless some big racial changes are made. The owners tried very hard to stop this surge into politics, but they could not stop it --- the black players seem to not understand they are going to lose a lot-lot-lot of money this way. I suppose what happened is that the clubs hired a bigger and bigger percentage of blacks --- better player competition?? -- and it reached a tipping point, where leftist organizers could get them participating in the victim/BLM trope.

Unless the owners pull back from this all-black team business (Where are you when we need you, John Riggins??!) I don't see a happy ending for football, and forget about basketball.

The owners may not have much of a choice. If they put their foot down and the players leave for another organization that allow them free will to protest, then the owner loses his team and money, or they would otherwise retaliate by playing much less than par. The NFL would have to do this so it applies to all teams and players equally.
You fucking scumbags on the left just hate it when people get together and exercise their rights to free speech, and you can't control what they are saying.
Thing is the place they chose to gather doesn’t belong to them.

Are we not talking about Parler? Because yeah.. everyone knows it isn't owned by the people using it.. derp.

But it seems it is owned by some folks who enjoy protecting the right to freedom of speech that the leftist media apparatus is desperate to destroy, so they can maintain a stranglehold on subverting people's thoughts.

Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.
It's freedom of thought dude. The left Hates it when people think for themselves.


So a group that all thinks the same is individual thinking?
That's what they told to believe. Gotta love the irony there.
Why don't you let us decide for ourselves, you kuuuunt. God, FUCK YOU!!!!

No ones' stopping you, nitwit.

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