Parler is scaring the shit out of the control freaks

Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.
It's freedom of thought dude. The left Hates it when people think for themselves.


So a group that all thinks the same is individual thinking?
That's what they told to believe. Gotta love the irony there.
Why don't you let us decide for ourselves, you kuuuunt. God, FUCK YOU!!!!
Sure, the march towards two entirely separate and distinct realities continues.

I don't know how the country is supposed to survive in such an environment, but maybe that's the goal.
It's freedom of thought dude. The left Hates it when people think for themselves.


So a group that all thinks the same is individual thinking?
That's what they told to believe. Gotta love the irony there.
Why don't you let us decide for ourselves, you kuuuunt. God, FUCK YOU!!!!
You can do whatever you want. You may want to calm down a bit, though.
Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter

Yeah. Sure they are. :auiqs.jpg: Don't stop believin'.

You imply you don't believe that Parler is surging, but it's top news on Reuters and the Wall Street Journal today Nov. 15. They added 5 million members just over this weekend, according to the stories. The staff can't keep up; there turns out to be a huge market for free speech that the constant, constant bans, "Facebook jail" timeouts and many other types of censorship such as "shadow banning" and Truth Checks that both Facebook and Twitter do, have alienated many. I think there will be other free speech competitors as this dislike of the Facebook Facism continues. This is what Zuckerberg is afraid of, and he should be, and it happens so incredibly fast! Five million switched in a weekend? Wow.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.


is saying “i want to slaughter liberals and put their heads on pikes” that important to you?
You imply you don't believe that Parler is surging, but it's top news on Reuters and the Wall Street Journal today Nov. 15. They added 5 million members just over this weekend, according to the stories. The staff can't keep up; there turns out to be a huge market for free speech that the constant, constant bans, "Facebook jail" timeouts and many other types of censorship such as "shadow banning" and Truth Checks that both Facebook and Twitter do, have alienated many. I think there will be other free speech competitors as this dislike of the Facebook Facism continues. This is what Zuckerberg is afraid of, and he should be, and it happens so incredibly fast! Five million switched in a weekend? Wow.

What we are seeing is evolution taking place. People laugh at me when they ask for my email and it's from AOL. They look at me kind of funny and ask "Are they still around?" Before that Prodigy was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Of course they shut down a few decades ago. I ended up here because I was a member of Topix. They too were left leaning and constantly taking down right leaning posts. I brought them up a year or two ago on this forum, and another member told me they shutdown as well.

Parler may very well be the next best thing putting Facebook and Twitter in the backseat. More and more of my Facebook friends are moving to Parler. When things slow down a bit, I might join myself.
Facebook doesn’t want to be responsible for spreading disinformation and insane conspiracy theories like QAnon. If Parler does, so be it, but they’re not going to find many advertisers to support their platform which is comprised heavily of fringe theories and material that is objectionable to most people.

The more members they have the more advertising they will attract. Business is business.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.

If I didn't live in a foreign country with many foreign friends and contacts, I would leave fakebook today.
The more members they have the more advertising they will attract. Business is business.
Advertisers don’t want to hitch their wagon to a platform that is known as the home to fringe conspiracy theories. The more users they get, the more expensive it is to run.
is saying “i want to slaughter liberals and put their heads on pikes” that important to you?

This is an excellent example. Steve Bannon did say on Facebook that Fauci and Wray should have their heads stuck on pikes outside some D.C. building. Facebook is taking a lot of pressure for not banning him, but what about metaphors? Everyone today seems to use violent war and riot and massacre metaphors in normal speech. People who want to "cancel" others point out those metaphors and pretend they are meant realistically. Did Bannon REALLY want to stick heads on long spears with jagged sharp weapons on top for sticking people? Who knows. But it's a common metaphor from the French Revolution. Where it wasn't a metaphor at all: the Paris mob did carry heads (and other body parts, don't ask, you can guess --- when the victim was famous they divided up the body) through the crowds high up, jiggling and dripping. This happened when they overwhelmed the Bastille, and again when the king and queen were imprisoned in the Templar tower, and probably other times. They chopped up the queen's best friend and held her head and body parts up to the queen's window: she saw it all, too. I am no fan of mobs, including Twitter mobs.

Well, what do we do about this? People use violent metaphors, and mobs do terrible atrocities. Whenever communications suddenly improve and increase (Facebook and Twitter) people immediately use it to say how much they hate each other. And to organize civil war.
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The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.


This is what happens when you ignore the desires of your customers. This is the way it should be. The NFL is having their worst ratings in ever, and one would think with so many people home and not having to go to work on Monday, Sunday would be a party and they'd get more viewers than ever. Basketball went downhill too.

My former coworker was not only an avid football fan, but a retired Cleveland Police officer. When they started this kneeling crap, he and his wife announced to their friends no football will be seen in their home. They are more than welcome to come over for a visit, but they won't be watching any football games.

Oddly, pretty much all major sports went down from what I've read. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis...all had ratings drops. Certain subsets did well; women's soccer, the US Open maybe (one of the golf tournaments) had good ratings. But overall, sports ratings have apparently been down. However, that may not actually mean fewer people are watching. Changes in viewing habits can affect ratings, too.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.


This is what happens when you ignore the desires of your customers. This is the way it should be. The NFL is having their worst ratings in ever, and one would think with so many people home and not having to go to work on Monday, Sunday would be a party and they'd get more viewers than ever. Basketball went downhill too.

My former coworker was not only an avid football fan, but a retired Cleveland Police officer. When they started this kneeling crap, he and his wife announced to their friends no football will be seen in their home. They are more than welcome to come over for a visit, but they won't be watching any football games.

Oddly, pretty much all major sports went down from what I've read. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis...all had ratings drops. Certain subsets did well; women's soccer, the US Open maybe (one of the golf tournaments) had good ratings. But overall, sports ratings have apparently been down. However, that may not actually mean fewer people are watching. Changes in viewing habits can affect ratings, too.

I was watching 3-4 people watching golf on their phone yesterday. Good point that some of the issue may be the way this is measured.
The more members they have the more advertising they will attract. Business is business.
Advertisers don’t want to hitch their wagon to a platform that is known as the home to fringe conspiracy theories. The more users they get, the more expensive it is to run.

That's why they sell advertising. The more users they have, the more they charge advertisers.

People are not flocking to Parler because they need a place to post conspiracy theories. There are plenty of forums for that. I believe USMB has one here. They are going to Parler to avoid political censorship.
People are not flocking to Parler because they need a place to post conspiracy theories. There are plenty of forums for that. I believe USMB has one here. They are going to Parler to avoid political censorship.
What’s being “censored” is fringe conspiracy theories, so yes that is exactly why they’re flocking to Parler.

Advertisers don’t want to be a part of that.
Oddly, pretty much all major sports went down from what I've read. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis...all had ratings drops.

Part of this ratings drop is simply that none of these major sports are playing anymore because of COVID. My husband has taken to watching rugby and sumo wrestling --- and they are reruns. There's nothing else on.

But no, we have stopped watching all the major "kneel down" sports. It's all blacks anyway. Being anti-American. I don't need to be watching anything like that.
The main complaint of the main stream stalwarts has always been: "if you don't like it go build your own"! So now suddenly they don't like it! Parler is destroying Facebook and Twitter but what's worse is that people can actually get the news from that site....the actual news.....this horrifies the ministry of information!
They can no longer control the flow of information. It wont be long before they seek to shut it down.

Thanks, I guess. I've never joined FB or Twitter, this place is all the SM I can stand, I've said all along that FB and Twitter's fascist censorship would drive a market solution, and apparently you've found it! If I ever feel compelled now to join something, this might be it if I start seeing it get the widespread acceptance of the first two.
Oddly, pretty much all major sports went down from what I've read. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, soccer, golf, tennis...all had ratings drops. Certain subsets did well; women's soccer, the US Open maybe (one of the golf tournaments) had good ratings. But overall, sports ratings have apparently been down. However, that may not actually mean fewer people are watching. Changes in viewing habits can affect ratings, too.

I've heard that theory, however if that were the case, ratings of all shows would be dropping and that's not happening. Like my coworker, when they started disrespecting our flag, anthem and police, football was not invited into my living room either. Mind you I was never big on sports anyway, but on gloomy rainy days like today when there is nothing else to watch, I'd turn on an Indians or Browns game.

All these Hollywood award shows have been getting clobbered along with sports.

Bringing politics into your line of entertainment work is just plain stupid. About a third could care less what your poltics are. Another third support you, and the last third hate your guts. Keep politics to yourself, and you keep all those people happy. They are the people indirectly making your paycheck. It's like Laura Ingraham's book: Shut up and sing. It's no different than when I listen to a political show like Limbaugh and he starts talking about sports. I turn it off for a while. It's not why I came here. If I want to listen to sports, there are plenty of other places I can go.

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