Past time for Republicans to pick a side

What an idiot. There's no crime in asking. In Banana republics they point a gun at your head and order you to change the result.

You fucking numskulls are trying so hard to make simply questioning the results into a crime that it's hilarious.
Trump wasn’t asking; he was threatening. The gun may be figurative, but the criminal intent was real.
The judges are part of the judicial system, which, you know, is where disputes are handled and where due process is respected.

What system do you think is the "same system"?

Progs protecting progs, bureaucrats protecting bureaucrats.
Progs protecting progs, bureaucrats protecting bureaucrats.
Intellectually lazy. For starters, labeling people “progs” because they don’t share you’re delusions is knee jerk stupidity. You say nothing about the individual opinions of such people. Second, judges aren’t bureaucrats. They’re judges. They’re separate for a reason, to settle disputes. They have no necessity to defend institutions if those institutions are in the wrong.

You’re creating a framework where you never have to question the validity of your beliefs since no information can ever disprove them.
Intellectually lazy. For starters, labeling people “progs” because they don’t share you’re delusions is knee jerk stupidity. You say nothing about the individual opinions of such people. Second, judges aren’t bureaucrats. They’re judges. They’re separate for a reason, to settle disputes. They have no necessity to defend institutions if those institutions are in the wrong.

You’re creating a framework where you never have to question the validity of your beliefs since no information can ever disprove them.

The left is the side of collectiveness, of state over individual, of tribe over individual.

You ain't on our side, you are on theirs. The middle of the road line is painted yellow for a reason.
…and when it comes to the Trump WH, grifters protecting grifters.

grifters....a non-defined term used against people to accuse them of what?

How about looking at people who spent decades in public service starting out at best upper middle class, and now are millionaires?

Graft is a better, more defined term that applies to plenty of career democrats.
More gaslighting from the elitist political class of both parties. Piss on 'em.

I love the last sentence of this article made by Adam Kinzinger that Republicans have to pick a side, Trump or the Constitution.

They can't have it both ways much as they want to. Trump carries a lot of tarnish with him and some of it rubs off on anyone who associates with him. With the outstanding work being done by the January 6 Committee, Republicans may realize that sooner rather than later.

The elected members of the organization formerly known as the Republican Party live in mortal fear of the tard mob that will turn on them if they ever say a cross word about Dear Leader Trump.

They are spineless. Totally spineless.

They see what happens to those who dare to fight back against the cult leader and they tremble. They like their cushy jobs with cushy benefits and will do and say anything to stay in office. Right down to publicly fellating the Orange God.

Not only are the elected officials cowards, every last Trump supporter is the most submissive cuck you will ever see in your lifetime.

Are you religious? Doesn't matter. You will eat the corn out of a serial adulterer's shit. A prodigious bearer of false witness.

Are you a conservative? Doesn't matter. You will go to war to defend the guy who added $8 trillion to the debt in four years.
The left is the side of collectiveness, of state over individual, of tribe over individual.

You ain't on our side, you are on theirs. The middle of the road line is painted yellow for a reason.
The right constantly talks about collectivism. It’s why they were so opposed to extending rights to people they had a hard time identifying with such as gay people or now transgendered individuals. They’re constantly talking about wanting immigrants to assimilate, to give up their culture so that they can feel more comfortable.

The right is definitely not interested in individualism. They require near total adherence to their mono-culture of guns, religion and whatever Trump demands they believe.
The right constantly talks about collectivism. It’s why they were so opposed to extending rights to people they had a hard time identifying with such as gay people or now transgendered individuals. They’re constantly talking about wanting immigrants to assimilate, to give up their culture so that they can feel more comfortable.

The right is definitely not interested in individualism. They require near total adherence to their mono-culture of guns, religion and whatever Trump demands they believe.

There is individualism, and then there is forced acceptance. Progressives are all about forced acceptance.

And assimilation into a culture you moved into is not giving up your own culture, it's taking both and making something unique to the American Experience.

Where is the tolerance of the rights of those religious bakers who don't want to bake one specific type of cake for one specific type of event, but did not deny anyone point of sale items?
There is individualism, and then there is forced acceptance. Progressives are all about forced acceptance.

And assimilation into a culture you moved into is not giving up your own culture, it's taking both and making something unique to the American Experience.

Where is the tolerance of the rights of those religious bakers who don't want to bake one specific type of cake for one specific type of event, but did not deny anyone point of sale items?
So you believe in individualism as long as they’re an individual you approve of.

Kind of like you can have any color you want as long as it’s black.

Your belief you support individualism is just a lie you tell yourself. You don’t actually support it. You actually hate it.
So you believe in individualism as long as they’re an individual you approve of.

Kind of like you can have any color you want as long as it’s black.

Your belief you support individualism is just a lie you tell yourself. You don’t actually support it. You actually hate it.

Not at all. I wouldn't deny anyone a cake if I was a baker, I support their right to do so in this one specific instance, especially since they don't deny point of sale non-custom items to anyone. Why does the government feel the need to force these people to go against their morals when the people can simply go find another Baker that would accommodate them?

Are you one of those people that would force Catholic Churches to perform Same Sex Marriages, or force a Jewish Deli to stock ham?

Here is the thing people like you can't wrap your head around, supporting only speech and actions you agree with isn't supporting free speech, or freedom of religion, or any other freedom.
Not at all. I wouldn't deny anyone a cake if I was a baker, I support their right to do so in this one specific instance, especially since they don't deny point of sale non-custom items to anyone. Why does the government feel the need to force these people to go against their morals when the people can simply go find another Baker that would accommodate them?

Are you one of those people that would force Catholic Churches to perform Same Sex Marriages, or force a Jewish Deli to stock ham?

Here is the thing people like you can't wrap your head around, supporting only speech and actions you agree with isn't supporting free speech, or freedom of religion, or any other freedom.
You support a baker who refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple because the gay couple isn’t the right kind of individual. Again, you can have any color you want, so long as it is black. You can be any individual you want, so long as you aren’t gay. Or trans. Or Muslim. Of whatever doesn’t fit into your list of characteristics you deem acceptable.

The only individualism I don’t support is the kind that defines itself not by who you are but defines itself as who you hate. That’s not individualism at all. That’s just bigotry.
You support a baker who refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple because the gay couple isn’t the right kind of individual. Again, you can have any color you want, so long as it is black. You can be any individual you want, so long as you aren’t gay. Or trans. Or Muslim. Of whatever doesn’t fit into your list of characteristics you deem acceptable.

The only individualism I don’t support is the kind that defines itself not by who you are but defines itself as who you hate. That’s not individualism at all. That’s just bigotry.

They weren't refusing a gay couple, they were refusing to provide it for a specific ceremony they find religiously sinful. These guys also won't make Halloween cakes, or anything else that goes against their religious beliefs.

If we are to get along as a mixed society, people have to stop trying to make everyone like themselves. That is the greatest sin of the progressive, but also their core belief. The group is more important than the individual.

And you didn't answer my question, would you force Catholic Churches to perform Same Sex Marriages or not?

Trans is a fetish, not a class.
They weren't refusing a gay couple, they were refusing to provide it for a specific ceremony they find religiously sinful. These guys also won't make Halloween cakes, or anything else that goes against their religious beliefs.

If we are to get along as a mixed society, people have to stop trying to make everyone like themselves. That is the greatest sin of the progressive, but also their core belief. The group is more important than the individual.

And you didn't answer my question, would you force Catholic Churches to perform Same Sex Marriages or not?

Trans is a fetish, not a class.
They were refusing a gay couple. They refused it specifically because they were gay. They were the wrong kind of people. That’s why they were refused.

No one is trying to make the bakers gay. No one gives a shit that they’re religious. That’s not the problem. No one is trying to change you. You do you.

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