Paul Ryan's Medicare Mastermind: The Plan Won't Work

Damn, I can't figure out if I'm on Howdy Doody, Captain Kangaroo, or Romper Room.
You're on the brown acid.

How many times do you need to be told not to take it?
Yeah, I know it ain't Fox News...

Real life never is. Paul Ryan needs to stop talking about Medicare for awhile. Although some Medicare reform may be necessary along the way, he is not the one who is trusted to handle it.

Voters already see him as the Medicare hatchet man. He was foolhardy to take yet another shot at it.
You're on the brown acid.

How many times do you need to be told not to take it?

I'm sorry, but I don't know what brown acid is. Would it be similar to the shit color of your burned out brain? BTW, do you get paid by the Special Olympics for being a mod? Just wondering...
That's because you're a wet-behind-the-ears dipshit child, who is clueless to even the most common of pop culture references, to go along with being a poseur who isn't anywhere near Lakota country, in either body or spirit.

But you keep swingin' away, slugger...:lol:
That's because you're a wet-behind-the-ears dipshit child, who is clueless to even the most common of pop culture references, to go along with being a poseur who isn't anywhere near Lakota country, in either body or spirit.

But you keep swingin' away, slugger...:lol:

Okay, Alex...
I know Lakota and their country....You ain't Lakota.....Child.
You don't know shit, and we both know it. Thanks again for the daily neg. Must get some sleep...
I'm sorry....shapely green but....

You were saying ....shapely green butt....
The basic idea is simple: let people pick their health insurers in the private market, subsidize the premiums, and competition will drive down costs.

there are basic elements of capitalism there so of course it would work. America is the richest country in human history, not because of the Girl Scouts, but because we've had the most capitalism.

Is that really over your head?
It differs from Aaron's original vision -- in part because it has fewer protections for beneficiaries

Republicans are always looking for the next "scam". Some way to screw the American people.

This is a matter of simple common sense. When people get old, they need more care. Giving them a few bucks and throw them to insurance campaniles who have already proven they want to screw over America. So what's the reality of the Republican plan? You introduce money grubbers who will suck money out of the system. That will force the elderly to either die or go to the emergency room which will cost much more. Maybe a hundred times more.

Republicans don't believe in education. Who thinks they could possibly come up with a plan that works, on anything? Look at what they've done since Reagan. Disaster on top of catastrophe.
The basic idea is simple: let people pick their health insurers in the private market, subsidize the premiums, and competition will drive down costs.

there are basic elements of capitalism there so of course it would work. America is the richest country in human history, not because of the Girl Scouts, but because we've had the most capitalism.

Is that really over your head?

I see so according to you turning Medicare into Obamacare is now a good idea...
The basic idea is simple: let people pick their health insurers in the private market, subsidize the premiums, and competition will drive down costs.

there are basic elements of capitalism there so of course it would work. America is the richest country in human history, not because of the Girl Scouts, but because we've had the most capitalism.

Is that really over your head?

I see so according to you turning Medicare into Obamacare is now a good idea...

Obama is for single payer; Obamacare would be a step in the direction of communism. Don't forget, BO had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and was mentored by the communist America hater, Rev. Wright.
The basic idea is simple: let people pick their health insurers in the private market, subsidize the premiums, and competition will drive down costs.

there are basic elements of capitalism there so of course it would work. America is the richest country in human history, not because of the Girl Scouts, but because we've had the most capitalism.

Is that really over your head?

So then why do you oppose Obamacare of which increases competition/capitalism? What is over your head?
there are basic elements of capitalism there so of course it would work. America is the richest country in human history, not because of the Girl Scouts, but because we've had the most capitalism.

Is that really over your head?

I see so according to you turning Medicare into Obamacare is now a good idea...

Obama is for single payer; Obamacare would be a step in the direction of communism. Don't forget, BO had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and was mentored by the communist America hater, Rev. Wright.

I see so Obamacare making it so insurance companies compete (of which you claim is capitalism) will result in communism...
Furthermore what Obama supports, his parents, how he voted, and his Churches pastor has nothing to do with Obamacare. So either you are intentionally being dishonest and distracting from the topic or you are to retarded to realize the difference between all those things. Which is it? Are you dishonest or a retard?
Are you a retard?
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So then why do you oppose Obamacare of which increases competition/capitalism? What is over your head?

obviously BO is opposed to capitalist competition and is for single payer. Didn't you know he was for single payer, that he had 2 communist parents, and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders.
Do you have the IQ to see what he really wants exchanges for?
So then why do you oppose Obamacare of which increases competition/capitalism? What is over your head?

obviously BO is opposed to capitalist competition and is for single payer. Didn't you know he was for single payer, that he had 2 communist parents, and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders.
Do you have the IQ to see what he really wants exchanges for?

So according to you Obamas parents political views means Obamacare causes communism.
The exchanges makes it so there is competition in health insurance. Anyone with a brain would assume that he wants the exchanges to do what they do.
Do you even have an IQ period? No alright.

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