Peaceful Muslim attacks homeowner with American flag

again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

I doubt the cops will "hush it up" because there really isn't anything to hush up. It's a simple assault, no injuries, police arrested her and that is that...we don't know why she did what she did, we don't know if she knew the people she attacked, and we know nothing about her background. We know more about the victim because she has a facebook page.

Since when do simple assaults become front page news?

when a person IN DISGUISE emerges from the woods-----and attacks people in their own home with a weapon. It made front page?
of what? In my little town it might make front page of the local throwaway freebee
This woman doesnt appear to me to overtly be a racist, the woman was not a neighbor, she was a stranger who appeared and other neighbors had to help hold her down.

I'm calling this woman either crazy, or brainwashed into hating America

I think some form of crazy, but we'll see. No motive has been mentioned.

good of you to find a way to 'get her off'
Coyote--------wanna bet she will not do an
insanity plea?--------this dangerous slut will
be released and the matter hushed up-------

How do you know she's a slut? What do you know about her? Nothing really.

None of us do.

I know that she grabbed a pole and swung it at
HUMANS-------unarmed humans not swinging
anything at her. She did so IN DISGUISE<<<<<<< the known facts make her
you aren't familiar with the meaning of the word 'slut,' are you?
not funny OG-----there is some gibberish written on the national flag of Saudi Arabia----
If someone in the USA grabbed such a flag and wiped up some dog shit with it------thousands of niqabi bitches would start up deadly riots

Og---are your fingers broken? what does "sure" mean in the context of the interchange above?
it means you're a hateful woman.

your inability to write a cogent sentence "means" that I am a "hateful woman"?
your need to bring in unrelated hateful shit is what makes you a hateful woman

what "hateful shit"? The ability to generalize is---actually---human intelligence.
IQ tests test that specific ability. Tests for children always include----tests of their ability to see SIMILARITIES
again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

I doubt the cops will "hush it up" because there really isn't anything to hush up. It's a simple assault, no injuries, police arrested her and that is that...we don't know why she did what she did, we don't know if she knew the people she attacked, and we know nothing about her background. We know more about the victim because she has a facebook page.

Since when do simple assaults become front page news?
So you care only if s black is assaulted. Got it.
This woman doesnt appear to me to overtly be a racist, the woman was not a neighbor, she was a stranger who appeared and other neighbors had to help hold her down.

I'm calling this woman either crazy, or brainwashed into hating America

I think some form of crazy, but we'll see. No motive has been mentioned.

good of you to find a way to 'get her off'
Coyote--------wanna bet she will not do an
insanity plea?--------this dangerous slut will
be released and the matter hushed up-------

How do you know she's a slut? What do you know about her? Nothing really.

None of us do.

I know that she grabbed a pole and swung it at
HUMANS-------unarmed humans not swinging
anything at her. She did so IN DISGUISE<<<<<<< the known facts make her
you aren't familiar with the meaning of the word 'slut,' are you?

'slut' means a woman of base character.
To some people it suggests 'whore'
again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

I doubt the cops will "hush it up" because there really isn't anything to hush up. It's a simple assault, no injuries, police arrested her and that is that...we don't know why she did what she did, we don't know if she knew the people she attacked, and we know nothing about her background. We know more about the victim because she has a facebook page.

Since when do simple assaults become front page news?
So you care only if s black is assaulted. Got it.

What does race have to do with it?
again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

What i mean by that is, here in the US we are reserved in our actions especially when it comes to confrontation, in comparison to people from those countries. i have a friend from an east African country who is very sweet but when it comes to some things is very much living in the old world, she also at times has shown a disdain for white women and their dainty ways. Ive seen her go off a couple times with women and once i had to hold her back so she didn't get into trouble. It was just because she took something as an insult that to anyone else would be considered not that big a deal. I think its partly pride, but she has told me then and other times where she comes from they dont "play" to paraphrase badly. Ive seen that for some people, assimilation is very difficult. This is not to say they should not be allowed here, but we need to be careful of how many at one time and we should be careful not to create enclaves. that doesn.t serve anyone well
I think some form of crazy, but we'll see. No motive has been mentioned.

good of you to find a way to 'get her off'
Coyote--------wanna bet she will not do an
insanity plea?--------this dangerous slut will
be released and the matter hushed up-------

How do you know she's a slut? What do you know about her? Nothing really.

None of us do.

I know that she grabbed a pole and swung it at
HUMANS-------unarmed humans not swinging
anything at her. She did so IN DISGUISE<<<<<<< the known facts make her
you aren't familiar with the meaning of the word 'slut,' are you?

'slut' means a woman of base character.
To some people it suggests 'whore'
I'd like to see your dictionary
again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

I doubt the cops will "hush it up" because there really isn't anything to hush up. It's a simple assault, no injuries, police arrested her and that is that...we don't know why she did what she did, we don't know if she knew the people she attacked, and we know nothing about her background. We know more about the victim because she has a facebook page.

Since when do simple assaults become front page news?
So you care only if s black is assaulted. Got it.

What does race have to do with it?
You said there is a possibility the white woman provoked! What does race have to do with it? Except for your bias?
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?
again I'm going to say here, this is a lack of assimilation into American society. Even if the Burqua girl was walking down the sidewalk and the homeowner made a snide remark, it doesnt matter. For all the sympathizers of the attacker, picture in your mind you yourself grabbing a flag pole with both hands, picking it up, running across someone elses property and swinging away with both hands, could you really imagine yourself doing this?

This is the way disputes are solved in Yemen, Iraq, parts of north Africa, but not in the US. This woman obviously failed to realize where she is either because she's crazy or because she's been lead to believe she had th eright to do this for whatever reason

we are not going to know------the cops will hush it up. In Yemen ---"disputes" are solved with a handgun, usually----sometimes
with a machine gun. In the past----slit throat

What i mean by that is, here in the US we are reserved in our actions especially when it comes to confrontation, in comparison to people from those countries. i have a friend from an east African country who is very sweet but when it comes to some things is very much living in the old world, she also at times has shown a disdain for white women and their dainty ways. Ive seen her go off a couple times with women and once i had to hold her back so she didn't get into trouble. It was just because she took something as an insult that to anyone else would be considered not that big a deal. I think its partly pride, but she has told me then and other times where she comes from they dont "play" to paraphrase badly. Ive seen that for some people, assimilation is very difficult. This is not to say they should not be allowed here, but we need to be careful of how many at one time and we should be careful not to create enclaves. that doesn.t serve anyone well

speaking of east African countries-----there are different kinds of persons in them thar east African countries-----and the different kinds live in enclaves and------have different cultures and
and styles and preferred demeanors
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

we know very little about this case-----part of the LITTLE-----is a white blond female was in
her own garage and a stranger came to her house -----unidentified except for the fact that she was dressed and concealed by clothes
that muslim women wear. She grabbed a flagpole and attacked the woman. If we cannot mention physical features of the people involved------then we know NOTHING at all ----
the WHOLE story is ----a person attacked a person
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

tree---- "black muslim" implies------a specific group of muslims in the USA----actually a few
specific groups-----NOI for one----etc

other than this specific lady is kinda ugly----
we really do not know her ethnic background
We know the white woman was in her own property in the garage with her daughter. The incident scared the white woman's son so badly that he went for a gun. We know the black Muslim entered the white woman's property and took a flag off the mailbox and proceeded to assault her with it. That we know, but what I do not know is why the knee jerk leftist morons want so badly to blame the white woman for provocation.
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

Do you know for a fact race was a factor in the attack?

I'm not speculating about fault at all - that's what you guys are doing. What is known is one woman attacked another without, at least, any immediate provocation and she apparently chased another woman into her house and used a false name. We don't know if there is any backstory here.

You're the one trying to apply intent.

I'm saying, and have consistently said - we don't have enough information, and most of all - there is NO information yet on motive.

So, what does race have to do with anything except you trying to make it about race?
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

Do you know for a fact race was a factor in the attack?

I'm not speculating about fault at all - that's what you guys are doing. What is known is one woman attacked another without, at least, any immediate provocation and she apparently chased another woman into her house and used a false name. We don't know if there is any backstory here.

You're the one trying to apply intent.

I'm saying, and have consistently said - we don't have enough information, and most of all - there is NO information yet on motive.

So, what does race have to do with anything except you trying to make it about race?
No actually you said there was a possibility the white woman provoked her. So if race dosen't matter why did you say that?
We know the white woman was in her own property in the garage with her daughter. The incident scared the white woman's son so badly that he went for a gun. We know the black Muslim entered the white woman's property and took a flag off the mailbox and proceeded to assault her with it. That we know, but what I do not know is why the knee jerk leftist morons want so badly to blame the white woman for provocation.

I am a registered democrat and have no desire to blame the white woman------the young boy should have shot the bitch hidden under ugly rags. My advice to Niqabi sluts is----in time of muzzie terrorism ----get out of those rags and put on some nice dress----modest as you like----and a normal kerchief on your head----because it seems to me that any behavior of a fully niqabi'ed slut-----COULD BE CONSTRUED AS DANGEROUS----a trespassing niqabi is-----in my opinion ---A LEGAL TARGET
there is a strong hint of intent here. Why try to deny it. Pulling up someones American flag and then beating them with the flag pole, while you are obviously not an American Citizen, leads to strong speculation unless you just want to ignore the obvious. A flag pole could also be a deadly weapon, had the muslim woman managed to knock the other one down she could have continued to beat her or stab her with it. Had there been no one else around to intervene this would have ended up much worse. She wasnt stopping. And by the way, hitting someone with your shoe in Islamic countries is considered a major sign of insult and distain. Something tells me this muslim woman is not a nice person
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

Do you know for a fact race was a factor in the attack?

I'm not speculating about fault at all - that's what you guys are doing. What is known is one woman attacked another without, at least, any immediate provocation and she apparently chased another woman into her house and used a false name. We don't know if there is any backstory here.

You're the one trying to apply intent.

I'm saying, and have consistently said - we don't have enough information, and most of all - there is NO information yet on motive.

So, what does race have to do with anything except you trying to make it about race?

coyote makes a good point-----it is far more likely that ISLAM is the factor in this incident than is "race" The perp with the pole---certainly made SURE to present herself as a
MUSLIMAH-----she did not have to. While we are conjecturing beyond the facts we know -----why not conjecture that it was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION-------the perp with the pole is a MOSSAD AGENT
And what proof do you have that there is a possibility the white woman provoked? So we cannot speculate that the black Muslim was at fault but you can speculate that the white woman was. So you tell us Coyote! What does race have to do with it?

Do you know for a fact race was a factor in the attack?

I'm not speculating about fault at all - that's what you guys are doing. What is known is one woman attacked another without, at least, any immediate provocation and she apparently chased another woman into her house and used a false name. We don't know if there is any backstory here.

You're the one trying to apply intent.

I'm saying, and have consistently said - we don't have enough information, and most of all - there is NO information yet on motive.

So, what does race have to do with anything except you trying to make it about race?

coyote makes a good point-----it is far more likely that ISLAM is the factor in this incident than is "race" The perp with the pole---certainly made SURE to present herself as a
MUSLIMAH-----she did not have to. While we are conjecturing beyond the facts we know -----why not conjecture that it was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION-------the perp with the pole is a MOSSAD AGENT

Why would Islam even be a factor? Far as I can tell, Islam says nothing about pole pummeling perps.

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