Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

Ok, so here's how the Media (From Fox News) manipulates weak minds....

Quote Fox News

The attempt by Fox News to connect this to the right is obvious.
Now watch Leftist here say it's been "confirmed"
Anyone could post this BS on Twitter and they hand pick THIS ????
This is not Reporting...this is propaganda flaming in its purest form
How about this:

The individual that did the attack was or is a mentally Ill retard that most likely would have posted here but couldn’t find the place…
And again unless they say what you want to read and hear then it is all lies…

Thank Gawd I do not read the tabloid shit you guys rot your brains with…

This is the Nancy machine lying about

Break in
2020 election fraud
Use of cops during DEFUND

If she is lying about all those subjects now

Why should the American people trust her about 1/6?
So are you saying the media doesnt lie?

I want to be clear before I go on.

Of course they do. The truth is way too dull. You got to add a little insinuation without meeting the technical definition of lying. They are pretty good at it. It’s dishonest as all hell but technically not lying.
Of course they do. The truth is way too dull. You got to add a little insinuation without meeting the technical definition of lying. They are pretty good at it. It’s dishonest as all hell but technically not lying.
It's lying.

Not playing wordsmith games with the media.
Let me give you an example:

Iceberg has been accused by multiple people of eating babies. Sources say he seasoned them with salt
And when was any of this looked into by the reporter?

It's their job to do so. Or at least it was when I got my minor in journalism.

I get your technicality, yes. But there are examples of just lying also
Let me give you an example:

Iceberg has been accused by multiple people of eating babies. Sources say he seasoned them with salt

That is why I frequently call it "Manipulation"
But yes, they often "Report?" outright lies, knowing it's a lie then recant later
Having achieved the desired damage already

Whatever you wish to call it it is still fraud
This type of crime is common in San Francisco. It wouldn't even have made the news if the victim wasn't a shitbag like Pelosi.
Granted ... However ... The Pelosi Palace was breeched months ago.
The Gated grounds were assualted.Grafitti was placed at the
entrance to her Highness' domain.
Maybe she felt it was like Free advertising.Making her now
the Official version of Miss " Let them Eat Cake " or
Marie-Antoinette { Queen of France circa the French Revolution }
And when was any of this looked into by the reporter?

It's their job to do so. Or at least it was when I got my minor in journalism.

I get your technicality, yes. But there are examples of just lying also
What's with the " also ". I mean,in a court of Law is there such a
thing as ... " Lying ALSO "
And if so than cite an example for historic context.

The Eunich { 161 B.C.}
" Nothing is said nowadays that has not been said before.
Facts speak for themselves "
- Terence { Publius Terentius Afer }
Latin playright { c. 190-159 B.C.}
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So, Reports are coming in that he is undergoing skull fracture surgery so it appears the attack was real (if we can believe the media at all?). (No)

Still no evidence it was a Right wing attack. Maybe his gay lover? Who knows.

Can we trust the Left? The timing sure is odd.

Didn't you know that every attack is right wing attack until is proven it's not.

Ok, so here's how the Media (From Fox News) manipulates weak minds....

Quote Fox News

The attempt by Fox News to connect this to the right is obvious.
Now watch Leftist here say it's been "confirmed"
Anyone could post this BS on Twitter and they hand pick THIS ????
This is not Reporting...this is propaganda flaming in its purest form


According to the photo of attacker's home, with faggot flag and BLM sign on it, it is clear that attacker is UltraMAGA.

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