People of color

Ahh the daily "Lets see what I can be pissed about today" thread from right wing losers.

"Populations of color" refers to non-white persons. There are several useful times that the phrase is useful so we don't have to itemize all of the volumes of hate you guys produce because, as you know, conservatives hate everyone who isn't like them.
People of color is a useful way to isolate whites for racial discrimination.
I used to run in some races. Back in junior high school. Before I fucked up my knees. Does that count?
Me too! In fact, I was so good that i came in within 3 seconds of setting the world record on the 50-yard dash!
I was explaining how folks in medicine like myself refer to at risk populations. It just happens to fit right in with the first threshold of hatred you guys have ginned up; skin color. To be sure...there are far more things than skin color you guys hate but being white gets you past the first threshold. .

Don't you have a cross to go burn somewhere?
Once again exposing your ignorance. You presume to know shit about me.

I’ll clue you in: I have never based an opinion on any person on the basis of race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality or religion. I’m not a fan of pre-judging. And the root of prejudice is exactly that: pre-judging.

I do hold negative views about certain people, but it’s based on seeing who they are and what they are as individuals. It is formulated after they, as individuals, do or say things which tip their hands.

You’ve tipped yours. I don’t know your skin color, etc. But I know you’re a worthless twat. So go fuck yourself?

Don’t shallow-minded ignorant assholes like you have someplace else to engage in baseless prejudice?
When filling out forms and it asks for RACE, I check other and in the blank I write HUMAN. It really pisses some people off.
Wow, that is pretty racist to deprive other races their heritage. Is your race so special that you need to dilute everybody else's race?
Sorry, old school. Hey Bluto, I went to college with you and your brother, at old C.O.D., College of DuPage.
I didn’t even go to college with my brother.
And I don’t know DuPage. Ever hear of Faber College?

“Knowledge is Good.”
I didn’t even go to college with my brother.
And I don’t know DuPage. Ever hear of Faber College?

“Knowledge is Good.”
Really......I was with Lamda, Lamda, Lamda at Faber.

What exactly are people of color? How many of the 5 races recognized by the US Census does the term "people of color" apply to, and which races are not people of color?
Does this include people who tan excessively?
Anyone who is not purely European (including England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, as well as Russia) is a Person of Color.

Not sure about Spain (aka "Espana"). They are "white," but Hispanic. It's a puzzle.
White is a color.
What exactly are people of color? How many of the 5 races recognized by the US Census does the term "people of color" apply to, and which races are not people of color?

You're not that dumb that you don't know when you can use a computer. You know exactly so why post shit like that.

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