People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

We just had an election with the largest turnout ever…

And the results were a resounding win for Dems

The problem is that the damage done here is the result of past elections when turnout wasn’t so large.

It has resulted in THREE right wing SC Justices who made their presence felt in a very short time

We can change that but we need to fucking VOTE.

Republicans turn out. We don’t always do that and this is the result



And don’t trust Republicans. I have a Republican representative who I like on a personal level, who has done some good things on a local level but who voted party line every time.

As much as I like him I will not vote for him
If they die, I doubt they will say anything, dead men tell no tales. Will you be happy when RFK Jr dies? He is a big time anti-vaxxer. What about Hispanics?

I don't think anyone should trust the government, they need to research and make their own decisions. Look at Thalidomide, it was a safe and effective vaccine until they realized how bad it was.
Yesterday I was listening to a commercial of black doctors and nurses imploring black people to get the vaccine. They even acknowledged Tuskegee.

Who is RFK? I do have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who doesn't get vaccinated or goes to rallies and don't wear masks when told to. They sort of asked for it.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
The Problem is Democrats illegally changing voting laws to cheat and stuff ballot boxes, and deny observers to witness the cheating, the trucks backing up with trailers full of Chinese printed ballots for China Joe. Then of course the whole election was run with Maduro voting machines full of algorithms that never should be on any voting machine. Algorithms are for changing the results of data based on formulas such as counting Trump votes a .75 of a vote, and giving the .25 to the Biden column.

America is over if our elections are not secure.
The Problem is Democrats illegally changing voting laws to cheat and stuff ballot boxes, and deny observers to witness the cheating, the trucks backing up with trailers full of Chinese printed ballots for China Joe. Then of course the whole election was run with Maduro voting machines full of algorithms that never should be on any voting machine. Algorithms are for changing the results of data based on formulas such as counting Trump votes a .75 of a vote, and giving the .25 to the Biden column.

America is over if our elections are not secure.
Wrong wrong wrong. It's Republicans who are changing voting laws.

And we never stuffed ballot boxes. That's just a lie. Republicans probably do this. It's called projection.

What is projection? ... Ed, LCSW, projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful.

And Maduro voting machines weren't rigged but Diebold Machines in 2000 were. Again, classic projection.

If you believed the shit you type you wouldn't bother voting. But you will vote next time won't you?
Yesterday I was listening to a commercial of black doctors and nurses imploring black people to get the vaccine. They even acknowledged Tuskegee.

Who is RFK? I do have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who doesn't get vaccinated or goes to rallies and don't wear masks when told to. They sort of asked for it.
Seriously, you don’t RFK JR. Hint, he is the nephew to JFK. Hopefully you are educated enough to figure it out.
Republicans are absolutely making it harder for LEGAL voters to vote.

But that can NOT stop you

Yes. It means you have to be vigilant. You have to check your registration status. You have to plan your vote IN EVERY year...mid term...all of it. You have to make sure you have the proper ID. You have to make sure you have allotted time for the lines that Republicans are causing.

Not voting in local elections means that those local Republicans will make it even HARDER for legal voters to vote.


I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.

'The people who don't vote are the problem.'

I believe its the NON-people who DO vote that's the problem.

Republicans are absolutely making it harder for LEGAL voters to vote.

But that can NOT stop you

Yes. It means you have to be vigilant. You have to check your registration status. You have to plan your vote IN EVERY year...mid term...all of it. You have to make sure you have the proper ID. You have to make sure you have allotted time for the lines that Republicans are causing.

Not voting in local elections means that those local Republicans will make it even HARDER for legal voters to vote.


And Democrats are making it harder to move around the country. Carrying vaccine cards and ID with you everywhere you go. All the while our law enforcement is not allowed to ask illegals for a damn thing.
Partisanship has rotted your mind. You see every. single. fucking. thing. as a partisan issue. And every single person as a member of one "side" or the other. This is the kind of stupidity that the two party system has created, and exactly why we need to undo it.

kaz: You're always on the side of the Democrats
dblack: OMG, that makes YOU partisan!

The typical eight year old playground response of a Democrat. No I'm not, YOU are! You are kaz, YOU are. Not me, YOU are!

Time to go play on the swings, kiddo
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And Democrats are making it harder to move around the country. Carrying vaccine cards and ID with you everywhere you go. All the while our law enforcement is not allowed to ask illegals for a damn thing.
Ya know what makes it hard to move around the country?

Fucking Covid

Now back to this thread

Vote people . Do not let them beat you

I love it every time I hear an anti vaxer dies of covid.

When I saw this, I thought of you.

Be honest, this is the truth isn't it? You don't just want them to deny service, you want them to be denied service.

Note after you said this amoral you hope at this point there's no God to hold you accountable for being moral sludge you are, every other democrat was silent. Hate is a sad thing, and it's all the Democrat party offers as you keep proving
I deliberately do not vote. I am deliberately A-political. I hate politics with a genuine passion.

There are usually two parties in every election that Garner the support and I consider both of them seriously flawed at the core of their beliefs. Third party candidates are a waste of a vote. Only serve to remove the popular leanings of voters to the most unpopular opinion.

So how can anyone vote for or endorse those who are fundamentally flawed in ideology?

But I do usually understand that when the two flawed sides actually work together in a positive fashion we come up with something actually good. But usually both parties usually hate the outcome at the same time too... And usually campaign to "fix" it in some fashion.

The best vote is no vote at all.

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