People who voted for obama

You blew your act when you said you were going to vote for obama. NO ONE but a die hard liberal/democrat/socialist/racist would do that.

At least Romney is a republican, and twice the man with ten times the real life economic experience over odumbo. I believe Romney has America's best interests at heart, whereas I believe Ovomit truly hates America for what it is and is working to destroy it.

Guess your gig is up.

I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

You trust a president that has lied even before he became president over Romney?
Dude you just made my mind up for me I will be voting on principle too cancel out your vote there for I will be voting for Romney in 2012
Some make assumptions based on color. I think the libs do this all the time, which is why they group people and then address each group differently. The last election, we had some voting on color, some voting because they thought Obama would give them things and others were trying to prove they weren't racist. Should be about issues and solutions, but we all know better.

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw. "If you voted for Obama last time to prove you weren't a racist, vote for someone else this time to prove you're not an idiot."

it's always funny watching rightwingnut hacks criticize others for not being rightwingnut hacks.

you guys crack me up.

It’s like something from the days of the Old Soviet Union, where political heretics are sent to ‘reeducation camps’ to relearn Party dogma.

This is yet another clear indicator of the authoritarian nature of conservatism.

Well, at least one rightie on this thread has already come out in favor of concentration camps.
You blew your act when you said you were going to vote for obama. NO ONE but a die hard liberal/democrat/socialist/racist would do that.

At least Romney is a republican, and twice the man with ten times the real life economic experience over odumbo. I believe Romney has America's best interests at heart, whereas I believe Ovomit truly hates America for what it is and is working to destroy it.

Guess your gig is up.

I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

That's weak... really weak... because we've seen what 3 1/2 years of obama has done to the nation, and you're going to vote for four more years of that? We know his cabinet is filled with communists and radicals, and his friends stem from communists to anarchists, and you think that's BETTER for America than Romney, just because Romney is a Mormon? Dude... you are whacked... really... and you're story doesn't hold water. The kenyan was born a muslim and raised a muslim. How about that Muhammad that's the prophet for islam? Gee... seems to me he married a bunch of little girls and fucked them as young as 9. You got no problem with that? And if you speak of Romney and Bain Capitol, Bain was 80% profitable with all it's investments, and that's a damn good track record for ANY investment company. Show me ANYTHING the kenyan has done that can show an 80% profit. I won't wait, because you can't.

it's always funny watching rightwingnut hacks criticize others for not being rightwingnut hacks.

you guys crack me up.

It’s like something from the days of the Old Soviet Union, where political heretics are sent to ‘reeducation camps’ to relearn Party dogma.

This is yet another clear indicator of the authoritarian nature of conservatism.

Well, at least one rightie on this thread has already come out in favor of concentration camps.

So is Romney going to be the ACTUAL reincarnation of Hitler and round up all the queers and minorities this time? Your side's predictions of Bush becoming a Fascist dictator never happened... maybe this time it'll happen?

I hope so! :lol:
You blew your act when you said you were going to vote for obama. NO ONE but a die hard liberal/democrat/socialist/racist would do that.

At least Romney is a republican, and twice the man with ten times the real life economic experience over odumbo. I believe Romney has America's best interests at heart, whereas I believe Ovomit truly hates America for what it is and is working to destroy it.

Guess your gig is up.

I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

You trust a president that has lied even before he became president over Romney?
Dude you just made my mind up for me I will be voting on principle too cancel out your vote there for I will be voting for Romney in 2012

I'd trust just about anyone over Romney because Mormons can't be trusted. Ever.

And who says you have a mind to make up?
You blew your act when you said you were going to vote for obama. NO ONE but a die hard liberal/democrat/socialist/racist would do that.

At least Romney is a republican, and twice the man with ten times the real life economic experience over odumbo. I believe Romney has America's best interests at heart, whereas I believe Ovomit truly hates America for what it is and is working to destroy it.

Guess your gig is up.

I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

That's weak... really weak... because we've seen what 3 1/2 years of obama has done to the nation, and you're going to vote for four more years of that? We know his cabinet is filled with communists and radicals, and his friends stem from communists to anarchists, and you think that's BETTER for America than Romney, just because Romney is a Mormon? Dude... you are whacked... really... and you're story doesn't hold water. The kenyan was born a muslim and raised a muslim. How about that Muhammad that's the prophet for islam? Gee... seems to me he married a bunch of little girls and fucked them as young as 9. You got no problem with that? And if you speak of Romney and Bain Capitol, Bain was 80% profitable with all it's investments, and that's a damn good track record for ANY investment company. Show me ANYTHING the kenyan has done that can show an 80% profit. I won't wait, because you can't.


I think whenevery you say "communist", I just can't take you seriously anymore. I seriously think you need to be committed to a managed care facility. Same thing with the birther crap... YOu just aren't intelligent enough to be left outside with adult supervision.
I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

That's weak... really weak... because we've seen what 3 1/2 years of obama has done to the nation, and you're going to vote for four more years of that? We know his cabinet is filled with communists and radicals, and his friends stem from communists to anarchists, and you think that's BETTER for America than Romney, just because Romney is a Mormon? Dude... you are whacked... really... and you're story doesn't hold water. The kenyan was born a muslim and raised a muslim. How about that Muhammad that's the prophet for islam? Gee... seems to me he married a bunch of little girls and fucked them as young as 9. You got no problem with that? And if you speak of Romney and Bain Capitol, Bain was 80% profitable with all it's investments, and that's a damn good track record for ANY investment company. Show me ANYTHING the kenyan has done that can show an 80% profit. I won't wait, because you can't.


I think whenevery you say "communist", I just can't take you seriously anymore. I seriously think you need to be committed to a managed care facility. Same thing with the birther crap... YOu just aren't intelligent enough to be left outside with adult supervision.
There ya go... I knew you'd run out of bull shit to talk and just turn to insults.

Van Jones - avowed communist - obama administration until exposed... you lose... moron... now STFU.
That's weak... really weak... because we've seen what 3 1/2 years of obama has done to the nation, and you're going to vote for four more years of that? We know his cabinet is filled with communists and radicals, and his friends stem from communists to anarchists, and you think that's BETTER for America than Romney, just because Romney is a Mormon? Dude... you are whacked... really... and you're story doesn't hold water. The kenyan was born a muslim and raised a muslim. How about that Muhammad that's the prophet for islam? Gee... seems to me he married a bunch of little girls and fucked them as young as 9. You got no problem with that? And if you speak of Romney and Bain Capitol, Bain was 80% profitable with all it's investments, and that's a damn good track record for ANY investment company. Show me ANYTHING the kenyan has done that can show an 80% profit. I won't wait, because you can't.


I think whenevery you say "communist", I just can't take you seriously anymore. I seriously think you need to be committed to a managed care facility. Same thing with the birther crap... YOu just aren't intelligent enough to be left outside with adult supervision.
There ya go... I knew you'd run out of bull shit to talk and just turn to insults.

Van Jones - avowed communist - obama administration until exposed... you lose... moron... now STFU.

Whenever you say "Communist" "socialist" Maoist" or any of that sort of stuff, you just lose credibility. Same with the birther nonsense.

It has no crediblity in adult discussion circles.

YOu could make an argument of Keynesians vs. Supply Siders, absolutely. Althought it's kind of unclear where Obama falls in that scale. (After all, he did keep the Bush tax cuts in place).

I mean, you just don't have credibility after that. Sorry, you just don't.
I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

You trust a president that has lied even before he became president over Romney?
Dude you just made my mind up for me I will be voting on principle too cancel out your vote there for I will be voting for Romney in 2012

I'd trust just about anyone over Romney because Mormons can't be trusted. Ever.

And who says you have a mind to make up?

There is no fucking way that you could oppose obama but still vote for him. Hell dude you could do a write in if you don't want to vote for romney.

But hell I will be the vote that cancels your vote for obama.

And who says you have a mind to make up

Listen up dick lips using your excuse to vote for obama tells me you are a mindless drone
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There is no fucking way that you could oppose obama but still vote for him. Hell dude you could do a write in if you don't want to vote for romney.

But hell I will be the vote that cancels your vote for obama.

As the guys on south park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

You have to just decide which is worse.

For me, that's an easy choice. Mormons are the enemy. Have been for me for 30 years now.
There is no fucking way that you could oppose obama but still vote for him. Hell dude you could do a write in if you don't want to vote for romney.

But hell I will be the vote that cancels your vote for obama.

As the guys on south park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

You have to just decide which is worse.

For me, that's an easy choice. Mormons are the enemy. Have been for me for 30 years now.

At least I am not a mindless obama drone you fucking stupid dick sucking bitch.
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You blew your act when you said you were going to vote for obama. NO ONE but a die hard liberal/democrat/socialist/racist would do that.

At least Romney is a republican, and twice the man with ten times the real life economic experience over odumbo. I believe Romney has America's best interests at heart, whereas I believe Ovomit truly hates America for what it is and is working to destroy it.

Guess your gig is up.

I'm voting against Romney because he's a Mormon, and I don't trust Mormons.

And I made that REALLY CLEAR from day one. Shady cults started by child-molesting con men worry me. I know, it's crazy and stuff, but there it is.

And frankly, the whole "real life experience" he has was looting weak companies... I'd be worried he'd hock the Statue of Liberty.

The Kool Aid is strong in this one.
There is no fucking way that you could oppose obama but still vote for him. Hell dude you could do a write in if you don't want to vote for romney.

But hell I will be the vote that cancels your vote for obama.

As the guys on south park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

You have to just decide which is worse.

For me, that's an easy choice. Mormons are the enemy. Have been for me for 30 years now.

At least I am not a mindless obama drone you fucking stupid dick sucking bitch.

Nope, you're just a mindless gun nut who thinks the gummit is coming for your guns, and are willing to ignore the fact Romney used to sign gun bans when he was governor.

Romney is evil. Period. He's someone who can get up in the morning and say, "I'm going to screw a bunch of working folks out of their wages, pensions and health care so I can stick a bunch of money in my pocket. "

Obama is inept, and probably not that sharp, but he isnt' out there plotting to screw over people who already are having a hard enough time of things.

Again, I doubt you are rich or are ever going to become rich, but I really wonder about this mentality within the GOP that takes the side of the rich against working folks.
As the guys on south park once observed, an election is usually a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

You have to just decide which is worse.

For me, that's an easy choice. Mormons are the enemy. Have been for me for 30 years now.

At least I am not a mindless obama drone you fucking stupid dick sucking bitch.

Nope, you're just a mindless gun nut who thinks the gummit is coming for your guns, and are willing to ignore the fact Romney used to sign gun bans when he was governor.

Romney is evil. Period. He's someone who can get up in the morning and say, "I'm going to screw a bunch of working folks out of their wages, pensions and health care so I can stick a bunch of money in my pocket. "

Obama is inept, and probably not that sharp, but he isnt' out there plotting to screw over people who already are having a hard enough time of things.

Again, I doubt you are rich or are ever going to become rich, but I really wonder about this mentality within the GOP that takes the side of the rich against working folks.

The inept part I agree with, however you've been hoodwinked with Obama. He has screwed more Americans with his "I care about the little guy" stump speech than any previous president. He gets in front of that microphone and tells you he cares while his cronies are taking as much money from Wall Street as any Republican candidate ever has.

Now if you have a problem with Mormonism from a personal experience I can go along with that. I know many Mormons and have seen nothing but caring compassionate people that would give you the shirt off your back if you needed it. I work with them every day and have never seen one plotting against anyone.

My problem with Obama is his lies, secrecy and the mere fact he was propelled to Washington by Chicago Thugs. His lack of experience has cost us a recovery, his narcissism prevents anyone from working with him unless you worship him. He thinks of himself as some kind of God that you must bow down to. Only then will he "give you the time of day".

He's a magician that controls you with his mouth and right hand while the left is deceiving you. He's a master of illusion. Pay attention to what he does instead of what he and the MSM say. During his campaign he said he was going to have the most transparent government, ever, all the while his own academic records were sealed. That was only the beginning.

Keep kidding yourself that Obama is good and Romney is evil, in the end it matters not as long as we can unite as a country and get us back on the right road to recovery. We need to keep voting all of them out until they hear the message from the people. Giving someone a second term when the economy is still in the crapper won't fix anything. A lame duck President isn't good for our country and a career politician that sits in Congress is even worse, no matter the party affiliation.
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it's always funny watching rightwingnut hacks criticize others for not being rightwingnut hacks.

you guys crack me up.

Jillian some simple questions were asked of those people. They knew more about Sarah Palin even if what they knew was wrong than they did about obama. Some even thought it was Palin who said America had 57 states.

please.... the guy has been vetted to infinity and beyond. he's been president for three years. i'm not really interested in birfers and nutbars who call him a socialitykenyanmuslim.

what i'm interested in... the GOP has been co-opted by its furthest far right extremists. yesterday boehner yelled about 'jobs jobs jobs' while the loons in the house were working on another bill to impede my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

I might have voted for McCain in 2000.... in 2004, he went nutter... i can't imagine ever again casting a ballot for a repub on the fed level now.

and the arrogance of the right, who would chew off their own arms before they'd vote for the president; the arrogance of the right who wouldn't vote for him if he walked on water.... is laughable.

this whole idea you have that "compromise means dems [go] to [your] side" is beyond stupid... is pathetically sad and is never going to happen.


I assume you're joking.... because you aren't this stupid.

On a side note, I'd be interested to see how fast the average USMB thread deteriorates into personal insults and name-calling. I'm guessing somewhere between three and five posts.

It depends on the thread and who's posting.
I think whenevery you say "communist", I just can't take you seriously anymore. I seriously think you need to be committed to a managed care facility. Same thing with the birther crap... YOu just aren't intelligent enough to be left outside with adult supervision.
There ya go... I knew you'd run out of bull shit to talk and just turn to insults.

Van Jones - avowed communist - obama administration until exposed... you lose... moron... now STFU.

Whenever you say "Communist" "socialist" Maoist" or any of that sort of stuff, you just lose credibility. Same with the birther nonsense.

It has no crediblity in adult discussion circles.

YOu could make an argument of Keynesians vs. Supply Siders, absolutely. Althought it's kind of unclear where Obama falls in that scale. (After all, he did keep the Bush tax cuts in place).

I mean, you just don't have credibility after that. Sorry, you just don't.
Well I'm glad it only took me about three of your posts to clearly see you're nothing more than a fucking bubble headed gas bag.

Carry on... idiot.
The inept part I agree with, however you've been hoodwinked with Obama. He has screwed more Americans with his "I care about the little guy" stump speech than any previous president. He gets in front of that microphone and tells you he cares while his cronies are taking as much money from Wall Street as any Republican candidate ever has.

And if this were the case, why is Wall Street spending so much money to beat him?

Now if you have a problem with Mormonism from a personal experience I can go along with that. I know many Mormons and have seen nothing but caring compassionate people that would give you the shirt off your back if you needed it. I work with them every day and have never seen one plotting against anyone.

The ones I've encountered were creepy as all get out and backstabbing. I'll never make the mistake of trusting one.

My problem with Obama is his lies, secrecy and the mere fact he was propelled to Washington by Chicago Thugs. His lack of experience has cost us a recovery, his narcissism prevents anyone from working with him unless you worship him. He thinks of himself as some kind of God that you must bow down to. Only then will he "give you the time of day".

You know, why is it that people who've never been to Chicago try to paint themselves as experts on our politics? Chicago was called "The City that Works" for a reason when I was growing up. Stuff got done. And comparing my city to Milwaukee or Detroit or Cleveland, where we are still a vibrant metropolis while those other cities are in decline, is a compliment that warts and all, things work.

Here's an important point. Illinois will be carried by Obama. Probably by about 20 points. Romney will not carry Massachusetts. when you can't win over the people who know you best, that's telling.

Keep kidding yourself that Obama is good and Romney is evil, in the end it matters not as long as we can unite as a country and get us back on the right road to recovery. We need to keep voting all of them out until they hear the message from the people. Giving someone a second term when the economy is still in the crapper won't fix anything. A lame duck President isn't good for our country and a career politician that sits in Congress is even worse, no matter the party affiliation.

quite the contrary, I can think of several good reasons.

First, divided government is often a good thing. It keeps any one side from abusing their power.

I have yet to hear from Romney anything that is one bit different than what George W. Bush did.

Where's the plan? It's just rehash of old stuff that didn't work.

Just because he looted some dying companies doesn't make him qualified to repair a sick country.

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