
Bigot - "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."

That's is seriously you and every Liberal.
Actually, assfuck, the definition is this:

Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Sounds just like you asshole. Sucks to be you. So miserable since Trump won nearly 3 years. LMAO! Your best shot at winning is fake Indian, a socialist (who got rich of capitalism), and an 80 year old out of touch, gaffe prone, good ol boy white man.

A Trump supporter complaining about Biden's gaffes? Really. Do you assfucks even pay attention to the stupid shit Trump says? Nuking hurricanes, cancer from windmills, etc.

Warren proved what she said was right concerning her NA ancestry. Sanders is not a socialist. Biden is three years older that that fat assed piece of shit you will vote for.
Warren was proven a liar she did not prove what she said was true.

Sanders is openly and admittedly a socialist piece of filth.

I never voted for trump but what you are saying about him is unsupported rumor.

Warren claimed that her family stories talked about a Native American being in her ancestry generations erlier. The DNA test proved that correct.

Sanders is a Democratic Socialist. Not a Socialist. Quit being so fucking stupid & learn the differences.

Trump indeed talk about cancer from windmills and there is more than one source on nuking hurricanes.


Warren did not c;aim vague references to a distant ancestor in family folklore she specifically claimed native american status as a minority for the purpose of gaining an advantage in obtaining a job. The DNA test proves she is a disgusting liar just as her recent statements about Micheal Brown and Darren Wilson prove her a cowardly liar.

Sanders is a socialist. Democratic socialism is socialism. That is fact and you are an ignorant fucking fool for claiming there is a difference; Learn to shut the fuck up and pay attention to your betters.

There is no source on trump talking about nuking hurricanes you CANNOT find one.
Dumb bitch her DNA showed she is 1/1024th native american. TRUMP is more native american than that dumb bitch.

Elizabeth Warren might have actually made things worse with her DNA gambit - CNNPolitics
No, her DNA showed she is between 1/64th (third gr-grandmother or gr-gr grandmother who is mixed) and 1/1024. I does not PROVE she doesn't have native heritage, but if you can't see that, you're too stupid to explain it to.

It only showed 1 in 1924th it did not show anything remotely close to 1 64th

That is fact

You really do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

And according to Native Americans it shows she was a liar when she claimed to be one because that miniscule amount of DNA doe snot meat their standards.

She is a privileged lily white liar who tried to cheat and got caught

"One of these segments is larger than the others, spanning about 4.7 million bases, and further analysis indicates this DNA chunk has a genetic signature one would expect from a person having European and Native American heritage. The total length of all of Warren’s Native American-assigned segments is about 12.3 million bases, which the report states is about 12.4 times greater than the average in the Great Britain reference population, and 10.5 times greater than the average in the Utah population. Bustamante concludes there is “strong evidence” for a Native American ancestor roughly six to 10 generations ago."

The Facts on Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test - FactCheck.org

6-10 Generations ago.

1/2 if one of your parents were NA
1/4 if one of the grandparents
1/8 if one of the great grandparents were N/A
1/16 if one of the great great
1/32 if one of the great great great
1/64 if one of the great great great 6th generation
1/128 7th
1/256 8th
1/512 9th
1/1064 10th

So why are you lying about this?

Warren NEVER EVER claimed to be a member of any tribe.
No one said she claimed to be a member of a tribe.'

She claimed to be a native american in order to exploit affirmative action and she is not one as her DNA test proves.

You are the one lying as always
The DNA test proves there's an Indian in the woodpile somewhere. However, you're right she exploited it. It never got her a job though and she has done what Trump would never do, which is apologize to the tribes for doing so.
So, since you would never in God's world ever have voted for her anyway, why don't you just shut up about it? All of you. It's been going on for seven years and if that old tale is all you got, she's going to have an easy glide into 1600 Pennsylvania.
Give up everything and prove the Prog socialist communist sharing that she subscribes to. Then belief can start.
People should be more concerned about Sen Warrens politics. Her progressive ideology deserves more scrutiny than her ancestry. Ironically she had a different perspective at one time:

I was an independent. I was with the GOP for a while because I really thought that it was a party that was principled in its conservative approach to economics and to markets. And I feel like the GOP party just left that. They moved to a party that said, “No, it’s not about a level playing field. It’s now about a field that’s gotten tilted.” And they really stood up for the big financial institutions when the big financial institutions are just hammering middle class American families. I just feel like that’s a party that moved way, way away.

Why Elizabeth Warren Left The GOP

We can add apostate to her list of qualities...
Actually, assfuck, the definition is this:

Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Sounds just like you asshole. Sucks to be you. So miserable since Trump won nearly 3 years. LMAO! Your best shot at winning is fake Indian, a socialist (who got rich of capitalism), and an 80 year old out of touch, gaffe prone, good ol boy white man.

A Trump supporter complaining about Biden's gaffes? Really. Do you assfucks even pay attention to the stupid shit Trump says? Nuking hurricanes, cancer from windmills, etc.

Warren proved what she said was right concerning her NA ancestry. Sanders is not a socialist. Biden is three years older that that fat assed piece of shit you will vote for.
Warren was proven a liar she did not prove what she said was true.

Sanders is openly and admittedly a socialist piece of filth.

I never voted for trump but what you are saying about him is unsupported rumor.

Warren claimed that her family stories talked about a Native American being in her ancestry generations erlier. The DNA test proved that correct.

Sanders is a Democratic Socialist. Not a Socialist. Quit being so fucking stupid & learn the differences.

Trump indeed talk about cancer from windmills and there is more than one source on nuking hurricanes.


Warren did not c;aim vague references to a distant ancestor in family folklore she specifically claimed native american status as a minority for the purpose of gaining an advantage in obtaining a job. The DNA test proves she is a disgusting liar just as her recent statements about Micheal Brown and Darren Wilson prove her a cowardly liar.

Sanders is a socialist. Democratic socialism is socialism. That is fact and you are an ignorant fucking fool for claiming there is a difference; Learn to shut the fuck up and pay attention to your betters.

There is no source on trump talking about nuking hurricanes you CANNOT find one.

Ain't you the lying fuck.

Warren never used her NA ancestry to get any job. This has been proven.

Get a fucking education & you might learn the differences between being a socialist & a democratic socialist.

But hey,. all you assfucks have is your lies & ignorance. Fuck off Trump Boy.
Warren never used her NA ancestry to get any job. This has been proven.

Do you have a link on this claim?

I know that Pocahontas SAID she never used her alleged status as a Squaw to get a job, but her self serving statement isn't proof of shit.
Sounds just like you asshole. Sucks to be you. So miserable since Trump won nearly 3 years. LMAO! Your best shot at winning is fake Indian, a socialist (who got rich of capitalism), and an 80 year old out of touch, gaffe prone, good ol boy white man.

A Trump supporter complaining about Biden's gaffes? Really. Do you assfucks even pay attention to the stupid shit Trump says? Nuking hurricanes, cancer from windmills, etc.

Warren proved what she said was right concerning her NA ancestry. Sanders is not a socialist. Biden is three years older that that fat assed piece of shit you will vote for.
Warren was proven a liar she did not prove what she said was true.

Sanders is openly and admittedly a socialist piece of filth.

I never voted for trump but what you are saying about him is unsupported rumor.

Warren claimed that her family stories talked about a Native American being in her ancestry generations erlier. The DNA test proved that correct.

Sanders is a Democratic Socialist. Not a Socialist. Quit being so fucking stupid & learn the differences.

Trump indeed talk about cancer from windmills and there is more than one source on nuking hurricanes.


Warren did not c;aim vague references to a distant ancestor in family folklore she specifically claimed native american status as a minority for the purpose of gaining an advantage in obtaining a job. The DNA test proves she is a disgusting liar just as her recent statements about Micheal Brown and Darren Wilson prove her a cowardly liar.

Sanders is a socialist. Democratic socialism is socialism. That is fact and you are an ignorant fucking fool for claiming there is a difference; Learn to shut the fuck up and pay attention to your betters.

There is no source on trump talking about nuking hurricanes you CANNOT find one.

Ain't you the lying fuck.

Warren never used her NA ancestry to get any job. This has been proven.

Get a fucking education & you might learn the differences between being a socialist & a democratic socialist.

But hey,. all you assfucks have is your lies & ignorance. Fuck off Trump Boy.
I am stating fact. You are the proven lying fucktard.

It is proven fact she claimed to be native american on an application which by definition means yes she did use it in an effort to get a job and that is proven fact unlike your delusional lies.

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

That link proves you the liar and you have been owned BITCH

This is also a fact socialism and democratic socialism are the same thing and I am better educated than you.

Any educated person knows this shit you however are a stupid fool and proven LIAR

Like I said listen to your betters and shut up
Elizabeth Warren is white. That's the whole point. Nothing was said about a person of color. smh The bigot is you and anyone that supports this phony.
Defender of bigotry? Really?

Caller her Pocahontas because she has NA ancestry is bigoted.

Bigot - "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions."

That's is seriously you and every Liberal.
Actually, assfuck, the definition is this:

Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Sounds just like you asshole. Sucks to be you. So miserable since Trump won nearly 3 years. LMAO! Your best shot at winning is fake Indian, a socialist (who got rich of capitalism), and an 80 year old out of touch, gaffe prone, good ol boy white man.

A Trump supporter complaining about Biden's gaffes? Really. Do you assfucks even pay attention to the stupid shit Trump says? Nuking hurricanes, cancer from windmills, etc.

Warren proved what she said was right concerning her NA ancestry. Sanders is not a socialist. Biden is three years older that that fat assed piece of shit you will vote for.

You sure are obsessed with men ass fucking. Whatever gets you off dude. Not for me though.

Sanders calls himself a socialist, Warren is no more Indian than me and Biden is closer to 90 in mental capacity than his actual age. Want to talk being assfucked? That's you for 2020. LMAO!
That dingbat doesn’t have a chance against Trump. :)
Trump trails her by 12 points in the latest Quinnipiac poll and he trails Biden and Sanders by even wider margins. Did Trump teach you to call her silly names or did you come up with that one on your own? You`re not funny but this certainly is. Enjoy.

You're right. In these polls Sanders crushes Trump in an average of 10-12 points. Even Fox has Trump losing to Sanders by +4.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
That dingbat doesn’t have a chance against Trump. :)
Trump trails her by 12 points in the latest Quinnipiac poll and he trails Biden and Sanders by even wider margins. Did Trump teach you to call her silly names or did you come up with that one on your own? You`re not funny but this certainly is. Enjoy.
Learning from mistakes has never been a strong suit of democrats. It’s why you still trust polls after getting your ass kicked in ‘16. :)

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