Politico: Carson lied about admission to West Point.

If they don't charge they don't have the necessary evidence to pursue a case. After eight investigations, I would be screaming for new people to run the committee. The fact you don't tells me you're as clueless as the Benghazi Committee members.

Hey 'Politico', it's customary for the authorities to FINISH THE INVESTIGATION, which they are still in the middle of right now, before filing charges. I know you Liberals have already declared her to be innocent no matter what and will probably will let her walk like Eric Holder (3 proven Felony charges of Perjury), but everyone NOT a Liberal jackass who has no respect for the Constitution or Rule of Law actually KNOWS the process and follows it.

Then they should have charged seven other times. The fact the committee has nothing to charge anyone is lost on you and you continue to cling to a belief that maybe next time we'll get her. When will you have enough? 20 times? People like you will scream guilt no matter how many times she is cleared. This is your own self made problem.
I am not the one flinging goober. Carson himself is responsible for his hard to believe tales.

Carson is responsible for Politico slandering and libeling him? Is that because he is black and left the DNC plantation? Is that why he is responsible for democrats lying? Like the abused wife is responsible for abuse because she doesn't keep quiet?

{The news publication said Carson applied and was accepted to West Point, though that’s not what Carson wrote in his autobiography, Gifted Hands. Guy added that West Point isn’t technically a full-ride either, as you’re required to serve in the military for a period of time. In the end, Politico misfired on this story. They changed the headline, the lede, and further entrenched conservatives’ feelings about bias in the media.}

Politifact: Carson West Point Explanation ‘Mostly True’

You got caught in slander and libel.
I'm with Trump, I find that dopey knife stabbing zinger to be hard to believe. The one about him hitting his mom in the head with a hammer is disturbing. I hope it is a lie.

Did he do that while under sniper fire which rescuing his daughter on 9/11 as she jogged by the WTC while watching videos of Muhammad that caused spontaneous demonstrations in Benghazi?

Herr Goebbels, the shit you fling is amusing.
It was shitty. Slimy. Just like a politician.

She's still qualified where Ben isn't. That's why this will end Ben's run but her fib about Bosnia snipers won't end hers.

Lying disqualifies Dr. Carson.

Lying makes stolen valor Hilliary MORE qualified - according to the demagogue - sociopath party. :thup:
Hillary admitted her transgression and apologized with an excuse that she misspoke and faulted her memory. For good or bad, she faced her accusations at the time they were made and took her lumps. Carson refuses to man up.

Carson has doubled down and thrown in the victim card.
I am not the one flinging goober. Carson himself is responsible for his hard to believe tales.

Carson is responsible for Politico slandering and libeling him? Is that because he is black and left the DNC plantation? Is that why he is responsible for democrats lying? Like the abused wife is responsible for abuse because she doesn't keep quiet?

{The news publication said Carson applied and was accepted to West Point, though that’s not what Carson wrote in his autobiography, Gifted Hands. Guy added that West Point isn’t technically a full-ride either, as you’re required to serve in the military for a period of time. In the end, Politico misfired on this story. They changed the headline, the lede, and further entrenched conservatives’ feelings about bias in the media.}

Politifact: Carson West Point Explanation ‘Mostly True’

You got caught in slander and libel.

You obviously didn't read what Politifact ruled as mostly true. They ruled on whether or not the term 'full scholarship' is accurate in referring to a West Point appointment.

Carson lied when he said he was offered one. No such offer ever occurred.
I am not the one flinging goober. Carson himself is responsible for his hard to believe tales.

Carson is responsible for Politico slandering and libeling him? Is that because he is black and left the DNC plantation? Is that why he is responsible for democrats lying? Like the abused wife is responsible for abuse because she doesn't keep quiet?

{The news publication said Carson applied and was accepted to West Point, though that’s not what Carson wrote in his autobiography, Gifted Hands. Guy added that West Point isn’t technically a full-ride either, as you’re required to serve in the military for a period of time. In the end, Politico misfired on this story. They changed the headline, the lede, and further entrenched conservatives’ feelings about bias in the media.}

Politifact: Carson West Point Explanation ‘Mostly True’

You got caught in slander and libel.

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign admitted Friday that the former neurosurgeon fabricated a story about applying to and being accepted at West Point. Carson's campaign made the admission in response to an inquiry from Politico. West Point has no record of Carson applying for admission, Politico said. In Carson's book "Gifted Hands," he says he got a "full scholarship" to the military academy."

Ben Carson admits making up West Point scholarship: report
Carson has doubled down and thrown in the victim card.

"There is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find ways to tarnish me because they've been looking through everything, they have been talking to everybody I've ever known, everybody I've ever seen," Carson told reporters at a media availability in Florida.

"'There's got to be a scandal. There's got to be some nurse he's had an affair with. There's got to be something.' They have gotten desperate," Carson continued. "Next week, it will be my kindergarten teacher who said I peed in my pants. It's ridiculous. But it's OK because I totally expect it."}

Ben Carson slams reporters over questions about his past - CNNPolitics.com

Sounds to me like he has you little Goebbels figured out.

The demagogue - sociopath party - all slander, all the time.
Carson has doubled down and thrown in the victim card.

"There is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find ways to tarnish me because they've been looking through everything, they have been talking to everybody I've ever known, everybody I've ever seen," Carson told reporters at a media availability in Florida.

"'There's got to be a scandal. There's got to be some nurse he's had an affair with. There's got to be something.' They have gotten desperate," Carson continued. "Next week, it will be my kindergarten teacher who said I peed in my pants. It's ridiculous. But it's OK because I totally expect it."}

Ben Carson slams reporters over questions about his past - CNNPolitics.com

Sounds to me like he has you little Goebbels figured out.

The demagogue - sociopath party - all slander, all the time.

Too bad all this consternation is over the fact that Ben Carson can't open his mouth without letting out a falsehood. Here's an idea! stick to the truth.
You obviously didn't read what Politifact ruled as mostly true. They ruled on whether or not the term 'full scholarship' is accurate in referring to a West Point appointment.

Carson lied when he said he was offered one. No such offer ever occurred.

Which means Politico was lying. Try and keep up, even Politico withdrew their lie. They got caught. You drones from KOS and the other Soros hate sites will stop getting pheromones to attack on this in the next day or two. You'll never apologize or admit that your hive programmed you to lie, you'll just stop talking about it.
You obviously didn't read what Politifact ruled as mostly true. They ruled on whether or not the term 'full scholarship' is accurate in referring to a West Point appointment.

Carson lied when he said he was offered one. No such offer ever occurred.

Which means Politico was lying. Try and keep up, even Politico withdrew their lie. They got caught. You drones from KOS and the other Soros hate sites will stop getting pheromones to attack on this in the next day or two. You'll never apologize or admit that your hive programmed you to lie, you'll just stop talking about it.

If he told the truth no one would be able to say anything about him. Any idea when that will happen?
"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign admitted Friday that the former neurosurgeon fabricated a story about applying to and being accepted at West Point. Carson's campaign made the admission in response to an inquiry from Politico. West Point has no record of Carson applying for admission, Politico said. In Carson's book "Gifted Hands," he says he got a "full scholarship" to the military academy."

Ben Carson admits making up West Point scholarship: report

So here is the lie that you and Politico floated;

“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff,a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.}

Sounds bad, real bad. The campaign conceded this?

Uh, nope - Politico lied as did the Soros hate sites that program you mindless drones.

There’s just one problem with Politico’s story – neither Carson’s book nor Carson’s campaign has ever claimed that he applied to or was accepted to West Point. In fact, they have both consistently said that he did not ever apply to West Point. The relevant passage from his book is abundantly clear that he never had interest in attending West Point and never applied to do so:

Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going. As overjoyed as I felt to be offered such a scholarship, I wasn’t really tempted. The scholarship would have obligated me to spend four years in military service after I finished college, precluding my chances to go on to medical school. I knew my direction – I wanted to be a doctor, and nothing would divert me or stand in the way.


Politico Outright Lies about Ben Carson | RedState

Ooops, you demagogue - sociopaths are so desperate to lynch Carson that you got caught in you own pile of shit.
I am not the one flinging goober. Carson himself is responsible for his hard to believe tales.

Carson is responsible for Politico slandering and libeling him? Is that because he is black and left the DNC plantation? Is that why he is responsible for democrats lying? Like the abused wife is responsible for abuse because she doesn't keep quiet?

{The news publication said Carson applied and was accepted to West Point, though that’s not what Carson wrote in his autobiography, Gifted Hands. Guy added that West Point isn’t technically a full-ride either, as you’re required to serve in the military for a period of time. In the end, Politico misfired on this story. They changed the headline, the lede, and further entrenched conservatives’ feelings about bias in the media.}

Politifact: Carson West Point Explanation ‘Mostly True’

You got caught in slander and libel.
Politico is a private media source. You are basing your outrage, and blaming everyone who is liberal, progressive, a Democrat or in any way disagrees with you political agenda on a single reporter at a single news source.
Too bad all this consternation is over the fact that Ben Carson can't open his mouth without letting out a falsehood. Here's an idea! stick to the truth.

Look, I get that you are a drone, You have no ability to formulate thought and only recite what you are programmed to recite by the Soros hate sites.

BUT you got caught this time. Politico lied and your masters sent you out to smear based on bullshit.
Politico is a private media source. You are basing your outrage, and blaming everyone who is liberal, progressive, a Democrat or in any way disagrees with you political agenda on a single reporter at a single news source.

Politico posted lies, which the Soros hate sites used to program the brainless fools like Nuhuh to come and repeat here. This is how demagoguery works, lies are created and then mindless minions repeat them. The problem you have is that in this age, it is easy to expose the lies your party bases it's demagoguery on.
"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign admitted Friday that the former neurosurgeon fabricated a story about applying to and being accepted at West Point. Carson's campaign made the admission in response to an inquiry from Politico. West Point has no record of Carson applying for admission, Politico said. In Carson's book "Gifted Hands," he says he got a "full scholarship" to the military academy."

Ben Carson admits making up West Point scholarship: report

So here is the lie that you and Politico floated;

“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff,a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.}

Sounds bad, real bad. The campaign conceded this?

Uh, nope - Politico lied as did the Soros hate sites that program you mindless drones.

There’s just one problem with Politico’s story – neither Carson’s book nor Carson’s campaign has ever claimed that he applied to or was accepted to West Point. In fact, they have both consistently said that he did not ever apply to West Point. The relevant passage from his book is abundantly clear that he never had interest in attending West Point and never applied to do so:

Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going. As overjoyed as I felt to be offered such a scholarship, I wasn’t really tempted. The scholarship would have obligated me to spend four years in military service after I finished college, precluding my chances to go on to medical school. I knew my direction – I wanted to be a doctor, and nothing would divert me or stand in the way.


Politico Outright Lies about Ben Carson | RedState

Ooops, you demagogue - sociopaths are so desperate to lynch Carson that you got caught in you own pile of shit.

I guess you missed the fact that it was the uber Liberal Wall Street Journal that was leading the charge on Carson. Odd that if he just stopped lying all of this trouble will go away, but guess what? the hive is active now and it doesn't like a serial liar for president. His own words are his undoing.
Politico is a private media source. You are basing your outrage, and blaming everyone who is liberal, progressive, a Democrat or in any way disagrees with you political agenda on a single reporter at a single news source.

Politico posted lies, which the Soros hate sites used to program the brainless fools like Nuhuh to come and repeat here. This is how demagoguery works, lies are created and then mindless minions repeat them. The problem you have is that in this age, it is easy to expose the lies your party bases it's demagoguery on.
Breitbart does it better than anyone. So now, let's move on to banging his mom in the head with a hammer and or stabbing his school mate in the belt buckle. Are those true stories?
Here we are 15 years into the 21st century and we are debating whether or not a candidate for president of the United States can tell us the story and prove who he tried to stab with a knife? Why is this man even being considered?
Too bad all this consternation is over the fact that Ben Carson can't open his mouth without letting out a falsehood. Here's an idea! stick to the truth.

Is that what Hillary told you while she was under sniper fire?

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