Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Rational humans understand that wealth envy is not rational and is the basis for most of the "tax the rich" rhetoric.
Typical right wing nonsense. You would easily lose that argument on policy and economic principles, and you would not successfully and directly argue that people should vote against their own economic interests.

So you have to characterize and smear.

And this is how the Reoublicans have conned 10s of millions into voting against their own economic interests.
Typical right wing nonsense. You would easily lose that argument on policy and economic principles, and you would not successfully and directly argue that people should vote against their own economic interests.
The government isn't there to serve our "economic interests". Certainly not some economic interests at the expense of others.
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IMHO: Evangelical Christians may, or may not, suffer from the 'Holier than Thou' syndrome. I've know plenty. Some do, most don't. Going MAGA, is right down their line.
Yep, they just gave up and handed things over to a thug.

As bad as that is, it's worse that they just won't admit it.
Look at mac shaming people who do research and read!! Ahh whittle Mac tdsing
The government isn't there to serve our "economic interests". Certainly not some economic interests at the expense of others.
Actually it is. That's one of the reasons every first world country has a progressive tax. So if you want to have an argument you lost 150 years ago, find a mirror and knock yourself out.
Nope. Government is there to maintain order and liberty. It's not there to hand out perks and favors. You may want that, but that's shitty government.
Says you. I say otherwise. And all of reality agrees with me. Go check.

So I guess we are done here. Better luck next time.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion 240118​

dblack Jan’24 Wtushn00038: “I don't care which one is worse. They both suck. How hard is that to understand? Neither deserves my vote and neither will get’s it.” dblvck 240118 Wtushn00038

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240130​

Wumpus Dblack can’t figure out which of the two US political parties serves his economic self/interest. Perhaps he can fall off the fence on the side that is unmistakably for women’s rights, voters rights and the right of the environment to be there when our grand children grow old.

nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00569
to Wtushn00038
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You're a socialist. There's no reality there. Just dismal, totalitarian government.
Progressive tax isn't socialism. And you clearly don't know what that word means. You're embarrassing yourself.

Have your tantrum. That's what you get for trying to have an argument you lost 150 years ago.
Wampus Dblack can’t figure out which of the two US political parties serves his economic self/interest.
Wrong. I don't believe government is there to serve my "self interest". I can manage that myself. Government is there to maintain justice and liberty. Not cater to anyone's "interests". Try to think outside your own petty personal desires.
and you would not successfully and directly argue that people should vote against their own economic interests.
Do you have any posts where you fairly and equitably qualified that same argument, for any anti-Liberal voters, whenever Democrats beg them to pleeease vote against their own interests?

Such as, TX voters. Or, AZ voters. Or, NM voters.

Those non-Liberal voters feel like that their economic their political and their social interests are all suffering... thanks to the reality of their locale's illegal imm committing violent crimes fraud crimes and plus the housing expenses their taxes pay for those illegal imms.

Therefore, they vote against everything Democrats attempt, concerning the border. Do you ever commend them for REFUSING to vote against their own economic interests?

If so... can you drop some links to those posts of yours where you showed such a fair mindset?

And if you have commended them, for refusing to vote against their economic interests since Nov 2020? Do you now comprehend, how it is proof that Republicans have NO NEED to con 10s of millions into voting against their own economic interests??
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Do you have any posts where you fairly and equitably qualified that same argument, for any anti-Liberal voters, whenever Democrats beg them to pleeease vote against their own interests?

Such as, TX voters. Or, AZ voters. Or, NM voters.

Those non-Liberal voters feel like that their economic their political and their social interests are all suffering... thanks to the reality of their locale's illegal imm committing violent crimes fraud crimes and plus the housing expenses their taxes pay for those illegal imms.

Therefore, they vote against everything Democrats attempt, concerning the border. Do you ever commend them for REFUSING to vote against their own economic interests?

If so... can you drop some links to those posts of yours where you showed such a fair mindset?

And if you have commended them, for refusing to vote against their economic interests since Nov 2020? Do you now comprehend, how it is proof that Republicans have NO NEED to con 10s of millions into voting against their own economic interests??
Irrelevant. I was talking about something very specific. And it was not relegated only to republican voters. Your reflexive partisanship got thee best of you.
The desire to see government controlling the economy is wrong, regardless of how you label it.
A very silly non sequitur. Regulating parts of an economy is not the same as controlling it.

Furthermore, give us your suggestion as to who should enforce and collect taxes, if not the government. Whoops, kind of fell on your face, there.

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

dblack Jan’24 Wpmaez00571: Wrong. I don't believe government is there to serve my "self interest". I can manage that myself. interests". dblvck 240130 Wpmaez00571

What if you were a woman and your “self interest” was to terminate an unwanted pregnancy but you live in Texas and have no access to an abortion because white Christian nationalist Republicans celebrated the end of RvW thanks to Trump,

Biden is invested in her self interest; Trump is on record for telling her she can’t have it,

You do know there is a financial self interest in consideration when a woman decides to give birth to a new person for the world.

Now why don’t you vote for Biden in defense and support for individual self interest?

nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00578
to Wpmaez00571
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Irrelevant. I was talking about something very specific
You are incorrect, I believe. You EXACTLY did not talk any specifics. In fact, your exact words were "and you would not successfully and directly argue that people should vote against their own economic interests."

Since you clearly listed no specifics, I asked a question --where you did not post anything SPECIFIC concerning voting against one's own interest.

but hey... If you knew it was "not in your best interest" to speak truth to my inquisition and risk shining spotlight on your double-standard... then

Your dishonesty got thee best of you? ;)
.And it was not relegated only to republican voters.
Once again, you gave no group no sect no org --so I used one, could have been anyone, to exemplify your concept your model your claim, so to learn if I experienced fair reasoning in your claim.

I could've given the same analogy concerning Dems or Green Party or Indy's ...or whoever live in places where Repub leaders/local officials of govt, want them to vote against their own interests.
So, it is irrelevant, for you to try to avoid answering by interjecting a new qualifier onto us, knowing neither of us had ever tried to glean it here.

Your reflexive partisanship got thee best of you.


your hallucinations [or your hypocrisy] got thee best of you :cool:
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