Poll for leftists.....Did you pay your FAIR SHARE?

Did you send in that extra dough to make sure you paid your FAIR SHARE?

  • Yes

  • NO

  • Taxes are for thee and not for me

Results are only viewable after voting.
An example of leftie hypocrisy in the news today. They don't think the common folk pay enough taxes but elitist H'wood (left wing?) actors bribed colleges to get their dumb kids in and then deducted the bribes on their income taxes pretending that they were charitable deductions. How's that for nerve?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
Lol, I'm not a liberal. I do however think that companies should pay what is required. Not a high rate, 21% seems fine and right in line with what the rest of the world pays.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.

And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
On income over ten million go ahead and tax me. It puts a cap on greed
How is keeping what you've earned "greed?" Wouldn't wanting what others have earned fit the definition better?
We've had this conversation a million times. Call it greed and ignorance of your surroundings.

I can't explain it over and over to you. Put it this way. When you were still living in your fathers balls we had a progressive system. We agreed that system worked best and it worked for you because here you are rich. You made it in that progressive system.

But NOW you want to do what we decided a long time ago wouldn't work, isn't right and isn't fair.

That's why. Because a flat tax won't work. If it won't work it's not fair. Stop it.
I never agreed to it, moron. No amount of demagoging will get you around that irrefutable fact. I couldn't give a flying fuck what some corrupt politicians decided 100 years ago. None of you socialist douchebags have ever come up with a good argument as to why anyone is obligated to pay a bigger percentage of their income to the government simply because they have earned more.
Are you a part of the government? Then no you did not agree. Your politician did. Or enough politicians decided to where your politician lost the debate.

Now since Reagan the rich are fighting back and winning big time. And you wonder why the middle class has struggled ever since Reagan?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

This is what the rich have been doing to us stupid

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
Lol, I'm not a liberal. I do however think that companies should pay what is required. Not a high rate, 21% seems fine and right in line with what the rest of the world pays.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.

And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
An example of leftie hypocrisy in the news today. They don't think the common folk pay enough taxes but elitist H'wood (left wing?) actors bribed colleges to get their dumb kids in and then deducted the bribes on their income taxes pretending that they were charitable deductions. How's that for nerve?

Not just Hollywood rich but a bunch of CEO's. CEO's you worship. You don't care how much more they make even 178 x the average worker.

All your story does is illustrate how right we are about white privilege and how rich people are privileged. Thank you for admitting that it's true.
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
This is a classic example of the, I have absolutely nothing better to do with my time/life so I'll start a really stupid thread, thread

Let the nutter circle jerk begin.
And yet, here YOU are.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
Lol, I'm not a liberal. I do however think that companies should pay what is required. Not a high rate, 21% seems fine and right in line with what the rest of the world pays.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.

And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
Lol, I'm not a liberal. I do however think that companies should pay what is required. Not a high rate, 21% seems fine and right in line with what the rest of the world pays.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.

And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
different pool of money.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.

And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
different pool of money.
It all goes into the same pool and comes out of that same pool.
And individual taxes drive down consumer spending .

Fact is that military whiz jets and fema payments to red states cost money . The country can’t run on smiles and sunshine.
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
different pool of money.
It all goes into the same pool and comes out of that same pool.
naw, cause some bean counter tells me all the time what i submitted into the system for both SS and medicare.
/----/ "We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations."
My God man - you paid more than $412 million in 2015?
Does Amazon Pay Taxes? Contrary to Trump Tweet, Yes
The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
View attachment 249778

What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?

That depends . What is their % taxable rate ?

Did they pay more in actual dollars? Yes! Did they use a lot more government services than I did ? That is also a yes !
are you trying to define fair share here? what is it? come on Timmy tell us, pretty please with shares of tax revenue on top?

I think higher brackets should pay a higher % because they have more discretionary income.
We are the 1%: You need $34k income to be in the global elite... and half the world's richest live in the U.S. | Daily Mail Online
Nearly half of the world's richest one per cent of people live in the U.S., according to a top economist.

But the threshold required to make it in to that elite group is lower than you might think - just $34,000 per person."
That's less than $16.35/hr, after taxes. Based on a 40 hour work week.
"And the global median income is just $1,225 a year"
That's less than $.59/ hr. based on a 40 hour work week, and let's face it, most people in the world do not work just 40 hours a week.
"Even the poorest people in many developed countries are wealthy by global standards - for example, the poorest five per cent of Americans earn on average the same as the richest five per cent of Indians."
So, tell us, did YOU pay YOUR "fair share"?
Welfare is what costs the most money. Let's get rid of that.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
different pool of money.
It all goes into the same pool and comes out of that same pool.
naw, cause some bean counter tells me all the time what i submitted into the system for both SS and medicare.
Those numbers have nothing to do with what is done with the money. There is no separate "pool" of SS money. Your FICA taxes go right into the general fund.
No it's a drop in the bucket I hear. You mean welfare for poor people? It's nothing. Corporate welfare is where the most waste is.
Corporate welfare is trivial. Welfare for the under-performing is about $1.2 trillion per year. That's if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
different pool of money.
It all goes into the same pool and comes out of that same pool.
naw, cause some bean counter tells me all the time what i submitted into the system for both SS and medicare.
Those numbers have nothing to do with what is done with the money. There is no separate "pool" of SS money. Your FICA taxes go right into the general fund.
I don't care I supposed that it goes into the pool, it is that it is removed from a separate pool. and those who get refunds deserve it. those in the other pool of posting zero dollars into the final distribution pool are the welfare cheaters.
An example of leftie hypocrisy in the news today. They don't think the common folk pay enough taxes but elitist H'wood (left wing?) actors bribed colleges to get their dumb kids in and then deducted the bribes on their income taxes pretending that they were charitable deductions. How's that for nerve?

Not just Hollywood rich but a bunch of CEO's. CEO's you worship. You don't care how much more they make even 178 x the average worker.

All your story does is illustrate how right we are about white privilege and how rich people are privileged. Thank you for admitting that it's true.
Really? Why do you have to bring race into this? Can't we have just one discussion without race coming up? One might think you are preoccupied with race...
An example of leftie hypocrisy in the news today. They don't think the common folk pay enough taxes but elitist H'wood (left wing?) actors bribed colleges to get their dumb kids in and then deducted the bribes on their income taxes pretending that they were charitable deductions. How's that for nerve?

Not just Hollywood rich but a bunch of CEO's. CEO's you worship. You don't care how much more they make even 178 x the average worker.

All your story does is illustrate how right we are about white privilege and how rich people are privileged. Thank you for admitting that it's true.
Really? Why do you have to bring race into this? Can't we have just one discussion without race coming up? One might think you are preoccupied with race...
one would be correct.
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
On income over ten million go ahead and tax me. It puts a cap on greed
How is keeping what you've earned "greed?" Wouldn't wanting what others have earned fit the definition better?
We've had this conversation a million times. Call it greed and ignorance of your surroundings.

I can't explain it over and over to you. Put it this way. When you were still living in your fathers balls we had a progressive system. We agreed that system worked best and it worked for you because here you are rich. You made it in that progressive system.

But NOW you want to do what we decided a long time ago wouldn't work, isn't right and isn't fair.

That's why. Because a flat tax won't work. If it won't work it's not fair. Stop it.
I never agreed to it, moron. No amount of demagoging will get you around that irrefutable fact. I couldn't give a flying fuck what some corrupt politicians decided 100 years ago. None of you socialist douchebags have ever come up with a good argument as to why anyone is obligated to pay a bigger percentage of their income to the government simply because they have earned more.
Are you a part of the government? Then no you did not agree. Your politician did. Or enough politicians decided to where your politician lost the debate.

Now since Reagan the rich are fighting back and winning big time. And you wonder why the middle class has struggled ever since Reagan?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

This is what the rich have been doing to us stupid

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

ROFL! I don't buy into the leftwing theory that some politician can decide for me. That's utter democratic theory horseshit. Can he sign a mortgage for you? No judge would allow that. Stalin would endorse your theory of "consent"

Bottom line: I didn't agree.

What does Reagan have to do with this? When you're losing an argument, do you always reach into some bag of talking points and pull out a random selection?
On income over ten million go ahead and tax me. It puts a cap on greed
How is keeping what you've earned "greed?" Wouldn't wanting what others have earned fit the definition better?
We've had this conversation a million times. Call it greed and ignorance of your surroundings.

I can't explain it over and over to you. Put it this way. When you were still living in your fathers balls we had a progressive system. We agreed that system worked best and it worked for you because here you are rich. You made it in that progressive system.

But NOW you want to do what we decided a long time ago wouldn't work, isn't right and isn't fair.

That's why. Because a flat tax won't work. If it won't work it's not fair. Stop it.
I never agreed to it, moron. No amount of demagoging will get you around that irrefutable fact. I couldn't give a flying fuck what some corrupt politicians decided 100 years ago. None of you socialist douchebags have ever come up with a good argument as to why anyone is obligated to pay a bigger percentage of their income to the government simply because they have earned more.
Are you a part of the government? Then no you did not agree. Your politician did. Or enough politicians decided to where your politician lost the debate.

Now since Reagan the rich are fighting back and winning big time. And you wonder why the middle class has struggled ever since Reagan?

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

This is what the rich have been doing to us stupid

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

ROFL! I don't buy into the leftwing theory that some politician can decide for me. That's utter democratic theory horseshit. Can he sign a mortgage for you? No judge would allow that. Stalin would endorse your theory of "consent"

Bottom line: I didn't agree.

What does Reagan have to do with this? When you're losing an argument, do you always reach into some bag of talking points and pull out a random selection?
leftist Juke box. throw in a quarter and wallah
An example of leftie hypocrisy in the news today. They don't think the common folk pay enough taxes but elitist H'wood (left wing?) actors bribed colleges to get their dumb kids in and then deducted the bribes on their income taxes pretending that they were charitable deductions. How's that for nerve?

Not just Hollywood rich but a bunch of CEO's. CEO's you worship. You don't care how much more they make even 178 x the average worker.

All your story does is illustrate how right we are about white privilege and how rich people are privileged. Thank you for admitting that it's true.
Really? Why do you have to bring race into this? Can't we have just one discussion without race coming up? One might think you are preoccupied with race...
Because most of them are white. And all of them are rich.

And because this is just one example of white privilege. Sure blacks could take advantage of this too and get their kids into Harvard if they only had the money.

I bet you guys complain more about affirmative action than you will about these rich people buying their kids a seat that your kid could have had. Oh you guys cry about how a black might have taken your seat but I bet you won't lose sleep over these rich people taking your kids spot.
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
Lol, I'm not a liberal. I do however think that companies should pay what is required. Not a high rate, 21% seems fine and right in line with what the rest of the world pays.
/----/ Corporate taxes are counterproductive. I'm not talking about sales and use taxes or property tax, I'm talking about a tax on profits. All that does is drive up consumer prices.
I agree that corporate taxes should be different that personal taxes. Corporations are what give people jobs, and help make the products that drive the economy. I agree they should be low, but do you feel they should be non existent? I dont know enough about corporate America to answer that myself.

I can see where you would say that there should be a 0% corporate tax rate, I just dont know if that is feasible. Maybe there should be a flat tax rate, and then the company gets percentage deductions based on the number of people they employ? So, if you're a mega corporation that employs 80,000 people, you get a bigger discount than a company that employs 100 people. Granted, the smaller company would pay the same tax rate as the bigger company, but their tax payment would be much smaller because they bring in less revenue?

Im just shooting at the hip here, not sure that would work.
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What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
The numbers I've seen said they paid $412M, which is about 1/4th of what they should have paid. Accounting for certain deductions, it would still be a lot less than required. However, if you've seen that they paid 1.5B, then that would be right in line with what they should have paid.
you have no idea on what they were supposed to pay. stop that. quit acting like a fking know it all.
I'm just going off of the numbers posted here, and what I looked up, quickly, on the internet.

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