Poll for leftists.....Did you pay your FAIR SHARE?

Did you send in that extra dough to make sure you paid your FAIR SHARE?

  • Yes

  • NO

  • Taxes are for thee and not for me

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Did you refuse to pay anything because it’s your hard earned money and not the government’s? We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations. Isn’t that something?
/----/ "We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations."
My God man - you paid more than $412 million in 2015?
Does Amazon Pay Taxes? Contrary to Trump Tweet, Yes
The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
View attachment 249778

What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
/----/ "We both payed more than Amazon and other massive corporations."
My God man - you paid more than $412 million in 2015?
Does Amazon Pay Taxes? Contrary to Trump Tweet, Yes
The company, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, said that it paid $177 million in income taxes in 2014, $273 million in 2015 and $412 million last year.
View attachment 249778

What % of the companies income is that ?
/---/ Don't answer a question with another question. Did you pay more than Amazon who paid $412 million?
I have to admit, it is a valid question. Percentage wise, they are not even close.

Looks like their net revenue for 2018 was 234 billion. If all they paid is 412 million that's like .18 percent. At the 21 percent number, they should have paid almost 50 billion in taxes. Sure. There will be some deductions for payroll and a few other things, but not enough to wipe away 99% of their tax burden.

I agree in that respect. They should pay what they are required to. If 21% is the number then that is what they should pay.

Or did I get my math wrong...?
234 billion is their gross revenue, moron. Their pretax income was $11 billion. They paid about $1.2 billion in income tax. At the 50% rate they would have paid about $5.5. billion.
/——/ You’re debating a libtard who doesn’t know or care about facts. It’s just bash corporations 24/7
95% of what leftwingers believe is a lie. The rest is stuff that no one would bother to refute, like "the sky is blue."
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
On income over ten million go ahead and tax me. It puts a cap on greed
/——/ No one, not even you, believes that for a second. If you made that kind of money your tax people would shelter as much as possible and you’d go along. But since you don’t, it’s easy to say you’d let the IRS gouge you.
/——/ Prove they don’t already pay their fair share. This link will help in your research How Much Do the Wealthy Pay in Taxes Each Year?
No need to thank me, I’m here to help.

Doesn't matter. they still aren't paying their fair share.

We need to fix that.

They were paying their fair share before Reagan started mucking it up, shifting the tax burden onto the working class. When they paid their fair share, we had fantastic public works and unprecedented prosperity... we need to go back to that.
/——/ Prove they don’t already pay their fair share. This link will help in your research How Much Do the Wealthy Pay in Taxes Each Year?
No need to thank me, I’m here to help.

Doesn't matter. they still aren't paying their fair share.

We need to fix that.

They were paying their fair share before Reagan started mucking it up, shifting the tax burden onto the working class. When they paid their fair share, we had fantastic public works and unprecedented prosperity... we need to go back to that.
/——/ What’s your idea of fair share? You realize, of course, if you start taking more and more, the rich will simply stop earning once they get to a certain point. In WWII, actors were taxed at 90%. They could do maybe 4 movies a year before hitting the threshold. Once they approached that highest tax level, they stopped working for the year. FDRs snatch and grab failed miserably.
/——/ What’s your idea of fair share? You realize, of course, if you start taking more and more, the rich will simply stop earning once they get to a certain point.

You mean the rich might stop being greedy.

Here was the thing, we had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a 93% top marginal rate, the workforce was 33% unionized, and government spent a lot of money on infrastructure under that dirty stinking commie Dwight Eisenhower.

In WWII, actors were taxed at 90%. They could do maybe 4 movies a year before hitting the threshold. Once they approached that highest tax level, they stopped working for the year. FDRs snatch and grab failed miserably.

And today, most big name actors only do 1 movie a year. Maybe two. So what is your point? Meanwhile, your rank and file SAG member might do a bunch of movies, but they don't get paid much above scale.
/——/ I say you need to pay 100% income tax. Do it for the children.

You spend a lot of time worrying about the poor rich people... in the Middle Ages, you'd have probably been living in a hovel, hoping the Lord in his Castle is warm enough after he took most of the food you grew that year.
/——/ This is the land of opportunity not the land of oppression. What gives you the moral authority to confiscate other people’s property?
/——/ What’s your idea of fair share? You realize, of course, if you start taking more and more, the rich will simply stop earning once they get to a certain point.

You mean the rich might stop being greedy.

Here was the thing, we had our greatest prosperity when the Rich paid a 93% top marginal rate, the workforce was 33% unionized, and government spent a lot of money on infrastructure under that dirty stinking commie Dwight Eisenhower.

In WWII, actors were taxed at 90%. They could do maybe 4 movies a year before hitting the threshold. Once they approached that highest tax level, they stopped working for the year. FDRs snatch and grab failed miserably.

And today, most big name actors only do 1 movie a year. Maybe two. So what is your point? Meanwhile, your rank and file SAG member might do a bunch of movies, but they don't get paid much above scale.
/——/ No dumbass, it was an example of what people do to protect their income. What moron keeps working only to have the Gubmint seieze most of it?
/——/ This is the land of opportunity not the land of oppression. What gives you the moral authority to confiscate other people’s property?

The question becomes, whose property is it, doesn't it. It seems like after the rich steal the profits of work from the people who actually performed the physical labor, you live in mortal fear that the government might take that money back and redistribute it.

This hasn't been the land of opportunity in some time. If you ain't the lead dog, the view stays pretty much the same.

/——/ No dumbass, it was an example of what people do to protect their income. What moron keeps working only to have the Gubmint seieze most of it?

Again, you are laboring under the delusion that the rich are actually creating the wealth, and not just stealing it. YOu mistake a parasite for a vital organ.

We did just fine when the rich paid 90%. If you really want to make Hollywood Actors the standard, well, okay, they only did four films a year, but those were some great films, as opposed to the CGI crap that gets churned out now.
/——/ This is the land of opportunity not the land of oppression. What gives you the moral authority to confiscate other people’s property?

The question becomes, whose property is it, doesn't it. It seems like after the rich steal the profits of work from the people who actually performed the physical labor, you live in mortal fear that the government might take that money back and redistribute it.

This hasn't been the land of opportunity in some time. If you ain't the lead dog, the view stays pretty much the same.

/——/ No dumbass, it was an example of what people do to protect their income. What moron keeps working only to have the Gubmint seieze most of it?

Again, you are laboring under the delusion that the rich are actually creating the wealth, and not just stealing it. YOu mistake a parasite for a vital organ.

We did just fine when the rich paid 90%. If you really want to make Hollywood Actors the standard, well, okay, they only did four films a year, but those were some great films, as opposed to the CGI crap that gets churned out now.
/——-/ “It seems like after the rich steal the profits of work from the people who actually performed the physical labor,”
And that’s the problem. Just because something “seems” to be wrong doesn’t make it so. Why would you whitewash all businesses with the same brush? For a “liberal” like you that doesn’t “seem” fair.
Of course you weren't taxed at 70 to 90 percent so did you do the right thing and send in that extra 50% of your income?
On income over ten million go ahead and tax me. It puts a cap on greed
/——/ No one, not even you, believes that for a second. If you made that kind of money your tax people would shelter as much as possible and you’d go along. But since you don’t, it’s easy to say you’d let the IRS gouge you.
Yes I would do whatever I could but still the government should tax me the way I explained.
well there is quite a lot that comes out of that revenue, like expenses, what they buy and what they pay out for benfits. it's amazing how fking everyone knows shit about our tax system. fking amazing. fk the fact they paid 412 million and you and I pay 10 thousand or so. if you took all their money, you don't make a dent. fk.

you know you and I get tax credits, we get to take deductions, so is it any different? if you paid 28% against what you made right?

Well we are Americans. Those are businessess . A paper creation allowed by the government.

Why shouldn’t they pay a higher % than your average joe ?
/—-/ Why should they? Why shouldn’t you pay 100% tax?

I’m not a corporation and don’t have corporation protection.
/—-/ You’re just a greedy selfish person who doesn’t care if others go hungry

Me ? You want working stiffs to pay all the taxes while corps get off Scott free.
they don't, but you wouldn't know because you don't do research. How much do you think corporations paid under obammy? Just curious if you even know.
explain to me the difference between taking money from payroll for SS and taking money from payroll for federal income taxes? are they both not taken from your pay? how fking stupid are you.
With income tax, your entire income is taxable after certain deductibles.

With Payroll taxes, people who earn their incomes through investments, like in the stock market, or by owning a business, like the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Trumps in the world....they do NOT have to pay any payroll taxes....ZERO. And those who do make a lot of money through a payroll salary, only have to pay these payroll taxes up to a CAP, which is about $128,000.... anything the rich guys make above tht $128k has NO Social Security TAXES due on it..... Which primarily puts the burden of payroll taxes, on to the middle class and lower class WORKERS.
dude, are you on drugs? everything has a fking cap. Capital Gains does not. you have no fking clue on what you're even trying to debate. I asked you what the difference was from taking taxes for federal income tax from a salary and taking money from your salary for SS. what is different? afraid t answer that?
Your ignorance is showing on your coat sleeve....
what ignorance is that dude? payroll tax is payroll tax. if money is taken out of your pay. stupid fk.

What percentage you think the corporations paid under obammy?
what the f???

YOU SAID social security and medicare taxes were federal INCOME TAXES, I said NO, federal income taxes are NOT the same as federal payroll taxes and I explained to you, as you asked me to, why.

AND YOU whined like the sissy cry baby that you are, that I was wrong... and I am not wrong...

payroll taxes and income taxes are both federal revenue, as with excise taxes, and corporate taxes, and capital gain taxes etc.... but federal PAYROLL taxes are NOT the same as federal INCOME taxes.... payroll taxes are a flat tax, with a CAP and income taxes are progressive, with no CAP.
I asked you what the difference was. to which you still haven't answered. They are both federal taxes taken from a salary pay check. And SS and Medicare make up 60% of the taxes collected. And you still haven't answered what the difference is. you must not know this.

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