POLL: Trump, London, Celebrations & Protests

Why did Trump make these claims about the London protests?

  • He was LYING: He knew they were protesting him and lied about it

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • He was SERIOUS: He convinced himself of the opposite of reality

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He was RIGHT: There were only a few commie losers protesting him

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Tea & Mango Crumpets, please.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Course the British press couldn't contain themselves when Trump made a visit yesterday.
Listen to all of the snitty comments the British press is making at Trump's expense.

Trump is such a difficult leader but the Queen is used to it.
They kept calling the car that Trump was riding in "The Beast" just so they can make fun of it.
This is so terrible how long Trump is making everyone wait.

This is what passes for news coverage these days.

So he was just telling the truth, and it was all fake news, except for a few commies?

The press was exaggerating.
Trump was trying to be positive.
I keep seeing reports of big crowds supporting Trump.

Well, that's a close a "yes" as I'm gonna get. Okay.

So calling the reports and videos - including those from London media - "fake news" is "positive"?

BBC 1 London Reports Mainly Tourists Protesting Trump in the U.K. | NTK Network

When it comes to this specific story, or most stories that involve Trump, there are generally two issues at play: The story itself, and Trump's behavior within the story.

In this case, we have the protests and the coverage of the protests on one hand, and Trump's reaction to them on the other hand. As usual, defending his behavior requires his followers to lower their standards for him, make excuses for him, attack for him -- all in an effort to justify his behaviors.

Behaviors really do matter, especially when the person in question is the President of the United States.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick & tired of continually seeing both ends of our political spectrum so quick to drop standards & expectations for political expediency. I think the damage of that attitude is manifesting across our politics, across our society, and across our culture.

Behaviors matter. Standards matter. Honesty matters.

OH, it's his behavior?
I've been watching his behavior.
The dog-piling, the fake news, the media circus that surrounds these events is pathetic.
Trump is conducting himself appropriately
I can't say the same for members of the media and these howling Baboons on the left.
I think it was his way of mocking them when it's all said and done those the protesters and their protest really accomplished nothing.
Well, he definitely likes to mock people.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
I think it was his way of mocking them when it's all said and done those the protesters and their protest really accomplished nothing.
Well, he definitely likes to mock people.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
That's the cause of the exasperation.
I think it was his way of mocking them when it's all said and done those the protesters and their protest really accomplished nothing.
Well, he definitely likes to mock people.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
That's the cause of the exasperation.
Then I would say those being exasperated are the problem at a certain age we all are who we are including those who get exasperated with Trump. People can either accept the fact everyone is not going to act the way they want to or drive themselves crazy because they don’t. I choose to do the former not the latter.
Well, he definitely likes to mock people.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
That's the cause of the exasperation.
Then I would say those being exasperated are the problem at a certain age we all are who we are including those who get exasperated with Trump. People can either accept the fact everyone is not going to act the way they want to or drive themselves crazy because they don’t. I choose to do the former not the latter.
Accepting less, lowering our standards, is killing us. And both ends of our spectrum do it because it's politically expedient.

But I accept it. It is what it is. I just don't have to like it.
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
That's the cause of the exasperation.
Then I would say those being exasperated are the problem at a certain age we all are who we are including those who get exasperated with Trump. People can either accept the fact everyone is not going to act the way they want to or drive themselves crazy because they don’t. I choose to do the former not the latter.
Accepting less, lowering our standards, is killing us. And both ends of our spectrum do it because it's politically expedient.

But I accept it. It is what it is. I just don't have to like it.
It’s a simple fact we can’t make people be someone they aren’t. I wish a lot of people did things the way I think they should but they don’t I wish Trump tweeted less I wish Democrats would stop with this providing free this and that nonsense neither is likely to happen.
He always has it surprises me so many people still seem surprised when he does it.
It's not surprise. It's more like exasperation.
At this point it shouldn’t be either he is who he is and that’s not going to change.
That's the cause of the exasperation.
Then I would say those being exasperated are the problem at a certain age we all are who we are including those who get exasperated with Trump. People can either accept the fact everyone is not going to act the way they want to or drive themselves crazy because they don’t. I choose to do the former not the latter.
Accepting less, lowering our standards, is killing us. And both ends of our spectrum do it because it's politically expedient.

But I accept it. It is what it is. I just don't have to like it.
Obama wanted us to accept the fact that we should just shut up and wait for our check every month. You didn't build that. Those jobs aren't coming back. Just accept big government and barely exist.
Well those jobs are coming back. We don't have to settle for politicians that tell us one thing then do another. We don't have to put a fake Indian in the White house or some communist that never does anything but flap his gums. We don't have to settle for the most evil and corrupt woman on the planet as president.
You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
White Nationalism......OMG!!!

The alternative is filling your country with brown people that never contribute to a society. They come with their hand out expecting free shit. It is an insult to compare immigrants that came to this country 200 years ago and built it from nothing, to the illegals that are coming to established cities to collect welfare.
You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
so the migration of radical muslims hasn't? too funny. I love blind fks for sure. Being a patriot for one's country isn't what they want huh? and they hate white people? huh, they all looked white. fk dude, can't make this shit up.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
White Nationalism......OMG!!!

The alternative is filling your country with brown people that never contribute to a society. They come with their hand out expecting free shit. It is an insult to compare immigrants that came to this country 200 years ago and built it from nothing, to the illegals that are coming to established cities to collect welfare.
Well, that really isn't the only alternative. Life isn't all or nothing. It's a bit more complicated than that.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
so the migration of radical muslims hasn't? too funny. I love blind fks for sure. Being a patriot for one's country isn't what they want huh? and they hate white people? huh, they all looked white. fk dude, can't make this shit up.
Well, you asked.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
White Nationalism......OMG!!!

The alternative is filling your country with brown people that never contribute to a society. They come with their hand out expecting free shit. It is an insult to compare immigrants that came to this country 200 years ago and built it from nothing, to the illegals that are coming to established cities to collect welfare.
Well, that really isn't the only alternative. Life isn't all or nothing. It's a bit more complicated than that.
but being a patriot is evil.
so curious, why do you supposed they were protesting him?
All the regular reasons, the regular laundry list. You know that, right?
He's not their president, so what did he do to them? I'm curious. Or were those americans that followed him? I think that'd be stalking.
Obviously they feel he has been a significant influence on the White Nationalism and other bigotry that continue to expand in Europe.

That directly affects them.

I don't think that's a mystery.
so the migration of radical muslims hasn't? too funny. I love blind fks for sure. Being a patriot for one's country isn't what they want huh? and they hate white people? huh, they all looked white. fk dude, can't make this shit up.
Well, you asked.
I did

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