POLL: Trump, London, Celebrations & Protests

Why did Trump make these claims about the London protests?

  • He was LYING: He knew they were protesting him and lied about it

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • He was SERIOUS: He convinced himself of the opposite of reality

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He was RIGHT: There were only a few commie losers protesting him

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Tea & Mango Crumpets, please.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
I notice that your contribution to the thread thus far is three snarky posts, none of which actually address the OP.

That's instructive. Thanks.

You really think I give a shit what you think, hack? Really?

You sit in your self percieved non partisan ivory tower trying to be condescending and knower of all....the reality is you're a pot stirrer...a Clinton stooge. Nothing more...nothing less.

But carry on....your little charade has some comedy value.

By the way...we're on to you

Your little thanking and one word responses are lame,, hack. And reveals you know you're exposed....anti Trumper.

Carry on
Ok thanks!

Blah blah blah...oh great and thanks!!! Want a thank you, hack?

Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
I don't see that at all.......Fake news!
I only see adoring fans.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
One has to ask who the lying backs are who think the orange sociopath was telling the truth
You really think I give a shit what you think, hack? Really?

You sit in your self percieved non partisan ivory tower trying to be condescending and knower of all....the reality is you're a pot stirrer...a Clinton stooge. Nothing more...nothing less.

But carry on....your little charade has some comedy value.

By the way...we're on to you

Your little thanking and one word responses are lame,, hack. And reveals you know you're exposed....anti Trumper.

Carry on
Ok thanks!

Blah blah blah...oh great and thanks!!! Want a thank you, hack?

Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
I don't see that at all.......Fake news!
I only see adoring fans.
Then you are delusional.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

Lying and believing it are just degrees of the same damaged psyche. He is unfit for the office he holds. It is obvious.
Lying is bad enough, but delusion scares me a bit more.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
I still haven't got past why taxpayers are paying for his adult children to be there; Ignorant Trump remarks in Ireland force Irish PM's clarification Not to mention his ignorance about Ireland and northern Ireland. A wall? :206:WTF!
Last edited:
You really think I give a shit what you think, hack? Really?

You sit in your self percieved non partisan ivory tower trying to be condescending and knower of all....the reality is you're a pot stirrer...a Clinton stooge. Nothing more...nothing less.

But carry on....your little charade has some comedy value.

By the way...we're on to you

Your little thanking and one word responses are lame,, hack. And reveals you know you're exposed....anti Trumper.

Carry on
Ok thanks!

Blah blah blah...oh great and thanks!!! Want a thank you, hack?

Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
Lol....can ya tell you're being mocked?
I don't see that at all.......Fake news!
I only see adoring fans.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:The hate the SOB.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

Lying and believing it are just degrees of the same damaged psyche. He is unfit for the office he holds. It is obvious.
Lying is bad enough, but delusion scares me a bit more.
He has no filter, no self control and no self awareness. He has no ability to understand the historical context of either the presidency, America's role in the world or America's relationships with other countries.
It also seems as though he has absolutely no interest in acknowledging or remedying those deficiencies. Totally unfit.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
Quoting the huff post proves you are a deranged tds fool with little if any sense or morality. Were you there to see all this? No, you only saw what the media fed you and then you regurgitate like the parrot you are.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
Quoting the huff post proves you are a deranged tds fool with little if any sense or morality. Were you there to see all this? No, you only saw what the media fed you and then you regurgitate like the parrot you are.
Early entry for Ironic Post of the Day.

Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
Quoting the huff post proves you are a deranged tds fool with little if any sense or morality. Were you there to see all this? No, you only saw what the media fed you and then you regurgitate like the parrot you are.
Early entry for Ironic Post of the Day.

The first step to solving a problem is realizing you have a problem. You haven't reached that stage yet.
Says the man, who's post, basically was nothing more that, "He is a nasty poopy head".
It's reality - Trump support is indicative of a clear lowering of standards. He's a literal parody character.

I totally understand supporting the direction of the Country as far as economics and policy, but to be somehow unaware of Trump's disturbed character at this point is just a head up the ass.
Says the man, who's post, basically was nothing more that, "He is a nasty poopy head".
It's reality - Trump support is indicative of a clear lowering of standards. He's a literal parody character.

I totally understand supporting the direction of the Country as far as economics and policy, but to be somehow unaware of Trump's disturbed character at this point is just a head up the ass.

His style is odd and to some, understandably off putting. His character? Two divorces is a big minus, off course.

But that is not what motivates the unbridled rage and hatred of the Left of this man.

It is his policies and the fact that he is able to push them, despite generations of lefties convincing themselves that they are taboo.

Trump's unashamed nationalism, and unashamed representing of the white working class, is what fills you with hate.
I'm not interested in your delusions...the paradigm is pretty clear to rational, mature adults without some corny partisan team-game ax to grind. The guy's a fuckin idiot, sorry if you disagree.

An "idiot" who not only won despite being an outsider, a real outsider, but won in a way that EVERYONE else, said could not be done.

The paradigm is pretty clear. This nation, this whole civilization is going down the tubes, and Trump is hated because he dares to say and do things that are taboo, such as pursue AMERICAN nationalistic interests in trade, immigration and defense.
Donald Dork would not have won without help from Russia.

A few extra trolls on the internet did not win the election.

Crafting trade and immigration polices that would serve the interests of the long ignored working class whites, did. See the shocking returns from the Rust Belt.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

Lying and believing it are just degrees of the same damaged psyche. He is unfit for the office he holds. It is obvious.

So, obvious that you cannot support it at all, and nether has any other lib on this thread.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.

Yeah, that is not his truth to tell when he is asked about what HE thinks about the protests.

See, you don't want the Truth. YOu just want to attack him.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.

Yeah, that is not his truth to tell when he is asked about what HE thinks about the protests.

See, you don't want the Truth. YOu just want to attack him.
If I want the truth, the last person I’ll ever go to is your fat fuck of a President
I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.

Yeah, that is not his truth to tell when he is asked about what HE thinks about the protests.

See, you don't want the Truth. YOu just want to attack him.
If I want the truth, the last person I’ll ever go to is your fat fuck of a President

If you're an American, he's YOUR fat fuck of a president too.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.

Yeah, that is not his truth to tell when he is asked about what HE thinks about the protests.

See, you don't want the Truth. YOu just want to attack him.
If I want the truth, the last person I’ll ever go to is your fat fuck of a President

If you're an American, he's YOUR fat fuck of a president too.
True, we a stuck with Donald Dork our Liar in Chief.
LOLOL is that you, Sarah? I love that! He wasn’t blatantly lying, he was being diplomatic! :lmao:

Good one!

Would you have supported it, if he told what he really thought of the protesters? Would that have been diplomatic?

Me? I think that our allies have been fucking assholes, and I would like to see US leave NATO, and get really mean when it comes to trade.

I would be fine with him telling the truth. YOu would not. You would attack him no matter what.
Sure let’s hear the truth about how his fat ass is banned from parliament and how the UK fucking hates him and all the villainous things he stands for. He may have killed Brexit just by showing up there and saying he supports it.

Yeah, that is not his truth to tell when he is asked about what HE thinks about the protests.

See, you don't want the Truth. YOu just want to attack him.
If I want the truth, the last person I’ll ever go to is your fat fuck of a President

If you're an American, he's YOUR fat fuck of a president too.
Fuck you and fuck that obese idiot

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