Pope Francis says all priests can forgive women who've had abortions

Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.

I love it when Christians throw Christians under the bus.
Catholics traded the Bible for money many centuries ago.
What do all churches run on? Faith alone? How many fundamentalists ministers have made fortunes from their flock?
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
we forgive the women.

It's the assholes who are hurting the women, encouraging them to kill their babies and to risk their lives doing it, for $$$$, that we despise and want to see imprisoned.

So when a woman hires someone to 'kill her baby',

she's innocent?

Weird. What if she hired someone to kill her 2 year old?

Still innocent?
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
No, being Catholic has nothing to do with it. You're an idiot for your own reasons.

It has everything to do with it. I simply recognized you as Catholic and hit a nerve. Name calling doesn't quite get the job done. Little kids are name callers. The point is you are flaccid in being about to formulate an,intelligent come back on your own. Now, who's the idiot?
I'm calling you stupid because that's what you are. Why is it you hypocrites always like to pick and choose your literal interpretations.

Not going to repeat what I've already said here. It was valid and you'd know it if you'd own up to it, but you won't. How on earth do you figure I'm a hypocrite, because I wounded your sense of self worth. Maybe a bandaid and taking a selfie would make it all better. Awwwww!
You have yet to make an even remotely valid point of any kind about anything.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.

I love it when Christians throw Christians under the bus.
Catholics traded the Bible for money many centuries ago.
What do all churches run on? Faith alone? How many fundamentalists ministers have made fortunes from their flock?
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
we forgive the women.

It's the assholes who are hurting the women, encouraging them to kill their babies and to risk their lives doing it, for $$$$, that we despise and want to see imprisoned.

So when a woman hires someone to 'kill her baby',

she's innocent?

Weird. What if she hired someone to kill her 2 year old?

Still innocent?
The moral confusion is the predictable result of popularized atheism.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?

Only GOD can forgive.
The Pope is full of crap - he has NO authority over who is forgiven and who is not.
The simplistic interpretations of simple minded people who have no idea about any kind of religious doctrine, particularly their own.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.

I love it when Christians throw Christians under the bus.
Catholics traded the Bible for money many centuries ago.
What do all churches run on? Faith alone? How many fundamentalists ministers have made fortunes from their flock?
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
we forgive the women.

It's the assholes who are hurting the women, encouraging them to kill their babies and to risk their lives doing it, for $$$$, that we despise and want to see imprisoned.

So when a woman hires someone to 'kill her baby',

she's innocent?

Weird. What if she hired someone to kill her 2 year old?

Still innocent?

Amen, brother.
Christian fundamentalists are in about the same place Catholics were five hundred years ago. Intellectually hampered by strict interpretations and a fear of science.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?

Only GOD can forgive.
The Pope is full of crap - he has NO authority over who is forgiven and who is not.
The simplistic interpretations of simple minded people who have no idea about any kind of religious doctrine, particularly their own.

This is the last time I'm responding to you as you make no sense. How would you know what I do and do not know about doctrine. You have none therefore you couldn't identify it if it hit you over the head. Get over being Catholic. And get over yourself.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?

Only GOD can forgive.
The Pope is full of crap - he has NO authority over who is forgiven and who is not.
The simplistic interpretations of simple minded people who have no idea about any kind of religious doctrine, particularly their own.

This is the last time I'm responding to you as you make no sense. How would you know what I do and do not know about doctrine. You have none therefore you couldn't identify it if it hit you over the head. Get over being Catholic. And get over yourself.
No, you still don't get it. It's way more than obvious that you don't know anything about anything. I hope that clears up any confusion you might have had.
It's not the priest they need to worry about. They need to ask God to forgive them.

Exactly and here is another thought to consider. There but for the grace of God go I - go any of us. There are many people in Catholicism who cannot see the truth because they were raised in Catholicism and the tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. We need to be praying for Catholic people that the LORD would give them the desire and the strength to search out the truth for themselves in the Holy Bible and to follow Jesus and come to Him for forgiveness. I was raised in Catholicism before I was saved but I don't believe it had the hold on me that I have seen it have on others including members of my own family / extended family.

So while we despise the false doctrine of Catholicism we love the people trapped in it and pray for their deliverance. With God all things are possible.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Does he forgive all the priest that get belly rubs from little boys?

He still has not dealt with the rabid peedo acts that goes on among priest.

He's a criminal
The only thing criminal here is that someone as shallow and unsubstantial as yourself is allowed to express herself as though she were an equal.
Hey I'm not the one covering up for the priests that are getting sex from little boys. It's still happening and ole popey says nothing. He covers for them.
Which makes him a vile human being.

Your post is inaccurate.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.

Pope Francis Concealed His Actions Against Two Prelates. Now Both “Whereabouts are Unknown.”
"Neither the civil authorities nor the public knew about Wesolowski until a local TV program did an expose’ on Aug. 31. The result of a year-long investigation, the broadcast contained testimony from residents of the Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo that Wesolowski paid minors for sex.

Three days after the TV broadcast, a local bishop confirmed that Wesolowski had been recalled for sexually abusing minors.

Wesolowski reportedly had left the country only a few days before. There were accusations that the pope allowed his nuncio to escape and speculation that Wesolowski fled to Haiti where children are even more desperately poor.

While Pope Francis could be praised for dismissing these prelates, the fact that the information he received was credible enough for him to take action also means that he should have immediately alerted the civil authorities so that, if warranted, an arrest could be made or at least an investigation begun as soon as possible. Also, Pope Francis should have made the allegations public so that any other victims would be encouraged to contact a law enforcement agency perhaps making the investigation easier, apprehension quicker or prosecution more certain. Additionally, if made public, people could avoid contact with the accused. The group, Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), defines failure to take these steps as a “cover up.”
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Why can't I forgive them?
There's nothing for me to forgive them for.

God has already forgiven them.
All that is required is to accept it.

The pope or his priests or his church has less than nothing to do with it.

The only thing a mortal man can forgive is trespasses that have been made against him.....to forgive it just as we would want to be forgiven for the same thing.

Forgiveness of sin is far above any our pay grades.
You zero in on this but you don't recognize the phoney attitude of the right when it comes to "family" values.
What a piece of work you are.

Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.

Pope Francis Concealed His Actions Against Two Prelates. Now Both “Whereabouts are Unknown.”
"Neither the civil authorities nor the public knew about Wesolowski until a local TV program did an expose’ on Aug. 31. The result of a year-long investigation, the broadcast contained testimony from residents of the Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo that Wesolowski paid minors for sex.

Three days after the TV broadcast, a local bishop confirmed that Wesolowski had been recalled for sexually abusing minors.

Wesolowski reportedly had left the country only a few days before. There were accusations that the pope allowed his nuncio to escape and speculation that Wesolowski fled to Haiti where children are even more desperately poor.

While Pope Francis could be praised for dismissing these prelates, the fact that the information he received was credible enough for him to take action also means that he should have immediately alerted the civil authorities so that, if warranted, an arrest could be made or at least an investigation begun as soon as possible. Also, Pope Francis should have made the allegations public so that any other victims would be encouraged to contact a law enforcement agency perhaps making the investigation easier, apprehension quicker or prosecution more certain. Additionally, if made public, people could avoid contact with the accused. The group, Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), defines failure to take these steps as a “cover up.”
I miss the days when God was more about punishing than forgiving! I'd call this pope a nancy boy, but arguably the previous two were that.
You zero in on this but you don't recognize the phoney attitude of the right when it comes to "family" values.
What a piece of work you are.

Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.
Its not the church or the priests that can forgive.
the pope seems to have a problem when it comes to understanding how a relationship with God works.
But then, the Catholics have had a problem understanding this since they first organized.
That's because, unlike fundamentalist Christians, Catholics have a long history of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. Of course you have to be able to distinguish metaphors from literal interpretations.......something fundamentalists can't do.
And what metaphore was it and how was it interpreted to make it a requirement to pray to Mary to get to Jesus? exactly where is it written that she would be the secretary to Jesus?
And I suppose somewhere in the Bible I missed that part that explained it t be ok to cover up for the child molesting priests?
or, that the only way to gain forgiveness from God was to pay the church money?
Im sorry, but when you walk into a catholic church and see the statue of Mary, and you pray to Mary, you are worshiping a false idol.
again, there is only one way to receive forgiveness and it does not have anything to do with any man walking the earth today.

Another fine example of the typical pedestrian ignorance of your average anti Catholic fundamentalists.....a dime a dozen. Your simple minded interpretations of religious doctrine are all too common among the great unwashed mass of stupid people.

Pope Francis Concealed His Actions Against Two Prelates. Now Both “Whereabouts are Unknown.”
"Neither the civil authorities nor the public knew about Wesolowski until a local TV program did an expose’ on Aug. 31. The result of a year-long investigation, the broadcast contained testimony from residents of the Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo that Wesolowski paid minors for sex.

Three days after the TV broadcast, a local bishop confirmed that Wesolowski had been recalled for sexually abusing minors.

Wesolowski reportedly had left the country only a few days before. There were accusations that the pope allowed his nuncio to escape and speculation that Wesolowski fled to Haiti where children are even more desperately poor.

While Pope Francis could be praised for dismissing these prelates, the fact that the information he received was credible enough for him to take action also means that he should have immediately alerted the civil authorities so that, if warranted, an arrest could be made or at least an investigation begun as soon as possible. Also, Pope Francis should have made the allegations public so that any other victims would be encouraged to contact a law enforcement agency perhaps making the investigation easier, apprehension quicker or prosecution more certain. Additionally, if made public, people could avoid contact with the accused. The group, Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), defines failure to take these steps as a “cover up.”
What this pope is doing is beyond disgusting. He is not a person of God.

Insulting me isn't going to change the fact that these popes live like kings act holier than thou yet allow these horrible acts to continue while protecting the scum bags masquerading as servants of God.

I'm a piece of work? Go fuck yourself.
You got to love this... The Pope who reads the Bible and sees that greed as wrong.

He talks about passages in the Bible about tolerance, charity and warns about ignoring god's warnings on climate change...

RW eat there own.... Pope while not always right is definitely right here... The problem that the RW Christians got with him is he is right and they can't handle it....
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Does he forgive all the priest that get belly rubs from little boys?

He still has not dealt with the rabid peedo acts that goes on among priest.

He's a criminal
The only thing criminal here is that someone as shallow and unsubstantial as yourself is allowed to express herself as though she were an equal.
Hey I'm not the one covering up for the priests that are getting sex from little boys. It's still happening and ole popey says nothing. He covers for them.
Which makes him a vile human being.

Your post is inaccurate.
Is that what your snake oil speaking in tongues preacher told you?

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