Pope Francis says all priests can forgive women who've had abortions

Women of all political persuasions have abortions.
Bob Barr, fervent pro-lifer, drove his wife to the clinic for an abortion.
Any woman that comes to Jesus Christ and repents of her sins and receives Him as her Lord and Savior is forgiven of all sin. Including abortion. She doesn't need a priest, a pope or a church to do that. It is in the Bible. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.
Women of all political persuasions have abortions.
Bob Barr, fervent pro-lifer, drove his wife to the clinic for an abortion.
Any woman that comes to Jesus Christ and repents of her sins and receives Him as her Lord and Savior is forgiven of all sin. Including abortion. She doesn't need a priest, a pope or a church to do that. It is in the Bible. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Women of all political persuasions have abortions.
Bob Barr, fervent pro-lifer, drove his wife to the clinic for an abortion.
Any woman that comes to Jesus Christ and repents of her sins and receives Him as her Lord and Savior is forgiven of all sin. Including abortion. She doesn't need a priest, a pope or a church to do that. It is in the Bible. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
I'd be surprised if you knew the difference.
The Catholic church is and has always been first and foremost haters of Jesus Christ and His followers the born again Christians AND the Jews! That is who the Catholic church is targeting because it is the church that Satan built. Who does Satan hate? The Body of Christ (which is the one true Church - denomination makes no difference so long as they believe & preach the Bible) and the Jewish people!
The Catholic Church is the only true Christian church. The rest are merely perversions.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
Women of all political persuasions have abortions.
Bob Barr, fervent pro-lifer, drove his wife to the clinic for an abortion.
Any woman that comes to Jesus Christ and repents of her sins and receives Him as her Lord and Savior is forgiven of all sin. Including abortion. She doesn't need a priest, a pope or a church to do that. It is in the Bible. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Wrong. Lutherans, Episcopals, and Anglicans are well recognized by the Catholic Church.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
No, being Catholic has nothing to do with it. You're an idiot for your own reasons.
Any woman that comes to Jesus Christ and repents of her sins and receives Him as her Lord and Savior is forgiven of all sin. Including abortion. She doesn't need a priest, a pope or a church to do that. It is in the Bible. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Wrong. Lutherans, Episcopals, and Anglicans are well recognized by the Catholic Church.

Yeah, and Jesus recognizes satan exists. Soooooo?
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
No, being Catholic has nothing to do with it. You're an idiot for your own reasons.

It has everything to do with it. I simply recognized you as Catholic and hit a nerve. Name calling doesn't quite get the job done. Little kids are name callers. The point is you are flaccid in being about to formulate an,intelligent come back on your own. Now, who's the idiot?
Give them blasphemers hell.

You religious hypocrite.

Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?

The Church? What church? The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. Furthermore, priests cannot give anyone. Neither can the pope. Only God can forgive sin. Buy a King James Bible and read it.
Tell us, J, if I follow said advice, after raping and killing a Jewish, a Muslim, and a Catholic schoolgirl, who all go to eternal Hell, am I saved? Do I live an eternal life in Heaven?

It would depend on whether God has sent His Holy Spirit to draw the person into repentance or not. A person cannot come to God and be born again of their own self, PMH. The invitation to be born again must be prompted by God sending His Holy Spirit to draw you - how would you know the Holy Spirit was drawing you? The Gospel of Jesus Christ - upon hearing it would anger you - it would have an effect on you and you would feel something rising up in you - this is a sign you are close to salvation - you would feel more conflict as the enemy battles for your soul with God - attempting to hold you in the place of a hardened unrepentant sinner. Now Paul said that the murders he committed he did in ignorance.

But let me tell you another scenario - someone like Ted Bundy (who some say privately informed an inmate that he was a satanist) who perhaps had been given many chances to come to God early on and rejected every offer - then he commits the most heinous crimes, kidnapping, raping, murdering women - and on death row he asks for God's forgiveness, says the sinners prayer and then is executed and finds himself in hell. What happened? The Spirit of God did not draw him, he was seeking fire insurance - a way out of the judgment of God awaiting him but there was no chance of his being saved because the Spirit of God was no longer striving with him. It was too late for him.

That would be an example of why people should not presume upon the grace of God or believe they can come to Him whenever they feel like it and therein put God off for another 20 years while they go on a crime spree.

In Closing, I had to use another person to describe such a scenario because there is nothing about you that would ever do such a thing to a Jew, a Muslim or a Catholic girl. I can believe you'd die trying to rescue them however. You do not strike me as one who would stand by and say - not my problem. So I hope that answers your question.

Salvation is a miracle. I know of people who think they are saved and my spirit does not bear witness to them having ever been saved. Attending a church is not evidence one is saved. Praying is not evidence one is saved. Quoting scripture is not evidence one is saved. It is far more than any of those things. A true conversion will reveal true change in a persons life. They are no longer the same. They do not have the same friends any longer. They do not go to the same places any longer. The desires of their heart are to follow after God as much or more than they formerly sought to follow their own worldly desires. There is a joy, a peace, a rest in them that the world does not have. They do not react in fear over things the unsaved person would react in fear about. They have a boldness the world lacks. They have a purpose and a destiny and a confidence in God that carries them through. They can be in the midst of any trial and still enjoy God fully. The world notices something different about them and hates them. In Contrast....... The fake Christian will be easily tolerated by the world & Satan. Because the fake Christian is no threat - they have no power. In fact, they help defame the name of Christ & true Christians so they are doing Satan a favor.

You don't have to be born again if you get it right the first time.

What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Wrong. Lutherans, Episcopals, and Anglicans are well recognized by the Catholic Church.

Yeah, and Jesus recognizes satan exists. Soooooo?
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand what formal ecumenical relations mean.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
we forgive the women.

It's the assholes who are hurting the women, encouraging them to kill their babies and to risk their lives doing it, for $$$$, that we despise and want to see imprisoned.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
No, being Catholic has nothing to do with it. You're an idiot for your own reasons.

It has everything to do with it. I simply recognized you as Catholic and hit a nerve. Name calling doesn't quite get the job done. Little kids are name callers. The point is you are flaccid in being about to formulate an,intelligent come back on your own. Now, who's the idiot?
I'm calling you stupid because that's what you are. Why is it you hypocrites always like to pick and choose your literal interpretations.
Since when do priests forgive anything. God is in complete charge of the forgiveness gig, not some priest whore!
He doesn't, any more than any fundamentalist minister. You merely reflect the traditional closely held ignorance of people who know very little about any kind of religion.

Okay, so you're obviously Catholic. That makes me an idiot about religion. Excuse me? You know not of which you speak. STFU
No, being Catholic has nothing to do with it. You're an idiot for your own reasons.

It has everything to do with it. I simply recognized you as Catholic and hit a nerve. Name calling doesn't quite get the job done. Little kids are name callers. The point is you are flaccid in being about to formulate an,intelligent come back on your own. Now, who's the idiot?
I'm calling you stupid because that's what you are. Why is it you hypocrites always like to pick and choose your literal interpretations.

Not going to repeat what I've already said here. It was valid and you'd know it if you'd own up to it, but you won't. How on earth do you figure I'm a hypocrite, because I wounded your sense of self worth. Maybe a bandaid and taking a selfie would make it all better. Awwwww!

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