Post-Trump Verdict, Will the American Right Finally Wake Up?

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...

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Politico › news › 2020/10/07 › trump...
Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest ...

Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he ...

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The Guardian › us-news › aug › trump-...
Aug 31, 2023 — Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have 'no choice' but to lock up opponents 'because they're doing it to us'

Trump says he'll jail his opponents. Members of the House ...

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Yahoo › news › trump-says-hell-jail-o...
Apr 4, 2024 — Now, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's major criminal trials face delays that could stall them past election day, his rhetoric ...
Yeah strange how the “lawyer” in the OP never minded those.
In case anyone has missed it CONVICTED FELON TRUMP has now been banned from running charities, doing business in NY, convicted of historic levels of tax fraud, found liable for libel and slander related to sexual assault, had generally every non Dad legacy business go bankrupt, been impeached TWICE, and now convicted of 34 felony counts.*
*Plus its court record he was banging porn 'stars' while his wife was home with a newborn, and had no concern about her, only how it might impact the election.

Dear Dog why on earth is the Republican Party committing suicide by backing this grifter???
Like many others in the punditry space, I am a lawyer by background. I practiced law at a major global law firm. I clerked for a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. I have published multiple pieces of formal legal scholarship on constitutional issues. I regularly lecture at law schools and present to professional lawyer groups across the country on assorted legal topics. I host two shows, one of which is explicitly legal-based -- and with a focus, above all, on the unprecedented lawfare tactics sullying the 2024 presidential race.
In other words, I know a thing or two about the law. And I have been doing my part to sound the alarm on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's sham prosecution and eventual show trial of former President Donald Trump ever since the George Soros-backed lawman first dropped his ludicrous 34-count indictment over a year ago. There are far too many technical deficiencies in Bragg's "case," to say nothing of the grotesque manner in which the presiding judge comported himself at trial, to recapitulate here.

But for present purposes, the key point is this: None of those details matter.
None of them.

BJ - Normally nothing happens when Democrats Walk all over Republicans, Republican Supporters, The Rule of Law, and The Constitution.
This feels different -

Sadly, I don't think it will be different. If there are any honest conservatives in the R party, they're all sitting there watching what the corrupt dems and their mouthpiece, the so called 'media', are doing to billionaire Trump and getting away with it. If they can do this to him, they can do it to anyone, and this is their showcase to all who try to go against them that they will be destroyed as well. There aren't 2 parties, there is only one corrupt cabal in DC and other major population centers that have been taken over by the corrupt dems and those that are financially backing them. They've already destroyed the Constitution with a 1,000 cuts while no one has stopped them, the only consolation I get from all of this is that the piece of shit leftist idiots that back all of this have children and grandchildren that will suffer because of what they supported. I hope they're cursed for generations to come.
In case anyone has missed it CONVICTED FELON TRUMP has now been banned from running charities, doing business in NY, convicted of historic levels of tax fraud, found liable for libel and slander related to sexual assault, had generally every non Dad legacy business go bankrupt, been impeached TWICE, and now convicted of 34 felony counts.*
*Plus its court record he was banging porn 'stars' while his wife was home with a newborn, and had no concern about her, only how it might impact the election.

Dear Dog why on earth is the Republican Party committing suicide by backing this grifter???
CONVICTED FELON TRUMP will be the next PRESIDENT of the United States of America, that is unless you KILL HIM.
Many law or legal analysts have weighed in on the Trump cases. As a result, the new term “lawfare” has been created. This has never happened before, a criminal trial against a former president and current political opponent. Among other things, the judge’s daughter owns a Democrat fund raising firm with Trump’s trial being used in emails. Over $90 million has been raised. The judge will not recuse himself.
“In my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor, I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday. The judge in Donald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically to be ruling against the defendant at every turn.”

Have you noticed how many things you believe that Trump told you to believe because they are to his advantage for you to believe them?

He lost the election so you think it was rigged.

He lost the hush money case so you think it was corrupted.

He has three more pending criminal indictments so you think Dems are out to get him.

What you fail to consider is Trump is a pathological liar who will say anything to keep the grift alive
I’m neither a Trump supporter nor a MAGAist.

Yes, he lost the election. My concern is how that election was carried out across the entire country.

as for all four of the trials… they’re all ridiculous politically-fueled attempts to politically assassinate a former POTUS. I couldn’t care any less about his conviction yesterday or the outcome of the other three.

All politicians are pathological liars. At least the ones who win elections are. That’s a given.

I won’t vote for him in November. I didn’t vote for him in 2020. Thst doesn’t mean I can’t see that he’s being unduly persecuted as well as prosecuted.
Like many others in the punditry space, I am a lawyer by background. I practiced law at a major global law firm. I clerked for a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. I have published multiple pieces of formal legal scholarship on constitutional issues. I regularly lecture at law schools and present to professional lawyer groups across the country on assorted legal topics. I host two shows, one of which is explicitly legal-based -- and with a focus, above all, on the unprecedented lawfare tactics sullying the 2024 presidential race.
In other words, I know a thing or two about the law. And I have been doing my part to sound the alarm on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's sham prosecution and eventual show trial of former President Donald Trump ever since the George Soros-backed lawman first dropped his ludicrous 34-count indictment over a year ago. There are far too many technical deficiencies in Bragg's "case," to say nothing of the grotesque manner in which the presiding judge comported himself at trial, to recapitulate here.

But for present purposes, the key point is this: None of those details matter.
None of them.

BJ - Normally nothing happens when Democrats Walk all over Republicans, Republican Supporters, The Rule of Law, and The Constitution.
This feels different -

When I read that I initially thought that you were claiming to be a lawyer.

Took a while to realize that you were plagiarizing someone named Josh Hamer

Given your previous posts on this board I found it unlikely that you had legal training…of course
When I read that I initially thought that you were claiming to be a lawyer.

Took a while to realize that you were plagiarizing someone named Josh Hamer

Given your previous posts on this board I found it unlikely that you had legal training…of course

Do you know what a link is?
Many law or legal analysts have weighed in on the Trump cases. As a result, the new term “lawfare” has been created. This has never happened before, a criminal trial against a former president and current political opponent. Among other things, the judge’s daughter owns a Democrat fund raising firm with Trump’s trial being used in emails. Over $90 million has been raised. The judge will not recuse himself.
The corrupt piece of shit leftists on this board will all say this is only about Trump, but they will back it and cheer it on for whoever the next R candidate is that doesn't fall in line with what the demoshit party wants. They all want one party rule, i.e. a dictatorship, the fools don't realize what they're supporting. I hope they're all young enough to have to live with the consequences of what they supported, that would be poetic justice.

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