President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

“Goal” isn’t the right word but I’d love to see us honestly communicate about differences instead of acting like children playing a rubber and glue game. We were and always will be divided politically. We live in a democracy, a melting pot of different ideas. But the way we address these issues used to be much more civilized.

I don't know if that was true. What I recall, before Trump is a lot of people like you, calling people like me names, and just getting away with it, winning arguments, winning elections, setting policy, ruining people's lives.

The reason Trump exploded, is not because he said anything all that clever. But because there was a large group of people, who had been wanting some one to speak out for us, for a long time.

That is not going to change if/when Trump is gone. We will still be here, and people like you, will still be calling us names and using that power, to destroy us, to set policy, to fuck us over in so many ways.
That’s not True at all. Prior to Obama the Right had the White House for 8 years. During Obama the right won
back both the house and senate. You’re not being honest/accurate

And Bush stayed out of the CUlture Wars. He let people like Playtime call him and/or his supporters names and he took the high road.

We were not united. We were just as divided then as we are now. It just seemed like less to you, because there was no push back to your sides assaults.
There are always going to be people attacking and insulting, but presidents should take the high road. Presidents should pursue discourse at a higher level and block out the noise. Trump engages with it and makes that kind of garbage the national debate. It takes use nowhere except to a deeper division. No we are not just as divided as we were before trump. This is a whole new level and the stagnation and anger that it has and will cause is astounding

Before Trump, republicans would try to engage in debates, and people like playtime would smear them as racist.

If everyone "takes the highroad" these constant repeated smears create the illusion of credibility, since they are not challenged, thought the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, used as propaganda.

For one limited example, how what you suggest, does not work.

Policies were set, based on "debates" like that. People would pay the price, because their interests were not represented, because those that were trying were shouted down by race baiters shouting "Racist".

It might have seemed better to you, but only because you agree(d) with the policies that were shoved though in that way.
There are always going to be wingnuts yelling Racist, sexist, communist, yada yada yada. That’s a childish way to conduct yourself. Not something to aspire to. I’d speak out against somebody calling somebody racist over a policy position that isn’t racist. Just as I speak out over the childish insult tactics that Trump plays. One doesn’t excuse the other.

But if that’s the stuff you want to aspire to because you think it’s effective then go right ahead. Seems to me that people like playtime are in your head. You’re giving them too much power.

Your pretense that it is just a few "wingnuts" is not credible.

It is constant theme of civil discourse and constantly injected into the Conventional Wisdom from propaganda outlets in Media, pop culture, education, ect. ect.

And it is tearing this nation apart. Ignoring it, would be like ignoring gangrene in your foot.
I see it as wingnuts and media/political hyperbole. But you obviously have a higher sensitivity and focus on it. That’s fine. But how does partaking in that which you just said is tearing our country apart help things?

You can’t make the case that the rhetoric is tearing us apart and then in the next breath justify doing the same thing because “they did it first”... makes no sense

You don't see any difference between falsely calling someone a racist, and truly calling someone an asshole?

If someone calls me a "racist", he pissed me off and convinces any minority that believes him, that I, and people like me, are to be feared and hated (see people dying in the streets).

If I call the person calling me that, an asshole, I am calling that person an asshole, and telling anyone listening, that believes me, that that person is an asshole and should not be trusted. Not that this is not setting large groups of people against each other. (see no one dying in the streets from this)
If somebody called me a racist I’d probably call them an asshole. That would be me being triggered and emotional and engaging in a lower level of discourse than I’d expect our elected officials and public leaders to act. Nobody’s perfect. I wouldn’t make excuses for calling the guy an asshole or deny that I was triggered. I’d just say he pissed me off but I shouldn’t have acted that way. Especially if kids were witness. That’s my tester of right and wrong. What would I teach kids to do. We should all hold ourselves to those standards

the funniest thing is, all i said was donny was incapable of empathy, not even to him- & he jumped in outa nowhere & called me a troll. now he's bitching & whining. AND i never called him a racist. i don't think ever - - - certainly not on this thread. i've called donny one based on his history - starting with the FACT that him & daddy drumpf got sued for housing discrimination back in the 70s... which of course correll has made excuses for his chosen one.... but i digress.

You lefties are such reflexive assholes, you don't even notice when you are being assholes.


“Goal” isn’t the right word but I’d love to see us honestly communicate about differences instead of acting like children playing a rubber and glue game. We were and always will be divided politically. We live in a democracy, a melting pot of different ideas. But the way we address these issues used to be much more civilized.

I don't know if that was true. What I recall, before Trump is a lot of people like you, calling people like me names, and just getting away with it, winning arguments, winning elections, setting policy, ruining people's lives.

The reason Trump exploded, is not because he said anything all that clever. But because there was a large group of people, who had been wanting some one to speak out for us, for a long time.

That is not going to change if/when Trump is gone. We will still be here, and people like you, will still be calling us names and using that power, to destroy us, to set policy, to fuck us over in so many ways.
That’s not True at all. Prior to Obama the Right had the White House for 8 years. During Obama the right won
back both the house and senate. You’re not being honest/accurate

And Bush stayed out of the CUlture Wars. He let people like Playtime call him and/or his supporters names and he took the high road.

We were not united. We were just as divided then as we are now. It just seemed like less to you, because there was no push back to your sides assaults.
There are always going to be people attacking and insulting, but presidents should take the high road. Presidents should pursue discourse at a higher level and block out the noise. Trump engages with it and makes that kind of garbage the national debate. It takes use nowhere except to a deeper division. No we are not just as divided as we were before trump. This is a whole new level and the stagnation and anger that it has and will cause is astounding

Before Trump, republicans would try to engage in debates, and people like playtime would smear them as racist.

If everyone "takes the highroad" these constant repeated smears create the illusion of credibility, since they are not challenged, thought the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, used as propaganda.

For one limited example, how what you suggest, does not work.

Policies were set, based on "debates" like that. People would pay the price, because their interests were not represented, because those that were trying were shouted down by race baiters shouting "Racist".

It might have seemed better to you, but only because you agree(d) with the policies that were shoved though in that way.
There are always going to be wingnuts yelling Racist, sexist, communist, yada yada yada. That’s a childish way to conduct yourself. Not something to aspire to. I’d speak out against somebody calling somebody racist over a policy position that isn’t racist. Just as I speak out over the childish insult tactics that Trump plays. One doesn’t excuse the other.

But if that’s the stuff you want to aspire to because you think it’s effective then go right ahead. Seems to me that people like playtime are in your head. You’re giving them too much power.

Your pretense that it is just a few "wingnuts" is not credible.

It is constant theme of civil discourse and constantly injected into the Conventional Wisdom from propaganda outlets in Media, pop culture, education, ect. ect.

And it is tearing this nation apart. Ignoring it, would be like ignoring gangrene in your foot.
I see it as wingnuts and media/political hyperbole. But you obviously have a higher sensitivity and focus on it. That’s fine. But how does partaking in that which you just said is tearing our country apart help things?

You can’t make the case that the rhetoric is tearing us apart and then in the next breath justify doing the same thing because “they did it first”... makes no sense

You don't see any difference between falsely calling someone a racist, and truly calling someone an asshole?

If someone calls me a "racist", he pissed me off and convinces any minority that believes him, that I, and people like me, are to be feared and hated (see people dying in the streets).

If I call the person calling me that, an asshole, I am calling that person an asshole, and telling anyone listening, that believes me, that that person is an asshole and should not be trusted. Not that this is not setting large groups of people against each other. (see no one dying in the streets from this)

you came for me. outa nowhere....

don't forget that CB. & where on this thread did i call you a racist?

oh that's right.... it didn't happen.

You are such a fucktard, you don't even realize when you are engaging in fucktardness.

I don't care about your stupidity. I am treating you like a race baiting asshole deserves to be treated. FUCK OFF AND DIE.

moving the goalposts now?

do better.
Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

A former St. John's minister, Gini Gerbasi, was among those attending to the protesters in front of the church when the police moved in.

"We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear," she wrote in a Facebook post. "PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT [President Trump] COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!"

There were many violent among them, as the Park Police has stated in their presser.

No tear-gas was used, they sued smoke and pepper balls to remove the violent protesters.

Stop whining about Trump's historic walk.
I’ll withdraw anything I misstate if something arises. So far there is nothing. I said the Bishop was making statements that aligned with the teachings of her church In regards to racism. You said She was being political and the Bible didn’t address racism. That ignorant statement speaks for itself. If you’re really going to make the case that the teachings of Jesus and the Bible dont condemn racism then you’re the idiot here. Keep spinning though, it’s giving me a laugh.
Budde is a SJW parrot working for the Episcopal church. Undoubtedly her political views
got her where she is in the hierarchy.

She talks about the systemic racism of America and white privilege along with all the other BLM leftist concepts she espouses using Jesus and the church as her justification for hiding her politics in church doctrine, which is an extremely liberal church.
Most mainstream protestant denominations are (I used to be in one of them).

Show me where exactly in the bible she learned from Jesus about these concepts. I've never seen them.
What book exactly are they in? Where does Jesus specifically condemn white privilege?
Please be honest and thorough. I want to hear your full explanation for claiming I said Jesus was down with racism. Your FULL explanation!

Jesus did teach well known concepts like the Golden Rule and loving one's neighbors but these aren't addressing racism per se.
The modern concepts of racial identity simply didn't exist in biblical times. Are you hearing this news for
the first time?

If you are saying Jesus wants everyone to get along I would agree. If you are saying Jesus wants us to take a knee for BLM and endorse rioting and looting then, of course, you would be exposed as the asshole and
Trump hating ideologue moron you are.
By the way, considering how much contempt Budd (and you) have for Trump where does her Christian
conscience square what she professes with how she actually acts?

A true Christian following the example of Jesus (not you or Budde) would call for all parties to drop their enmity and strive for reconciliation. More Martin Luther King and less BLM dogma where white people
are the problem and everything would be great if we could just get rid of them.
By the way, don't pretend I am accusing you of this. You are far too smart to play the systemic racism card yourself. Or maybe you are not and feel we are still all living in 1958 Jim Crow America.
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But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
I’ll withdraw anything I misstate if something arises. So far there is nothing. I said the Bishop was making statements that aligned with the teachings of her church In regards to racism. You said She was being political and the Bible didn’t address racism. That ignorant statement speaks for itself. If you’re really going to make the case that the teachings of Jesus and the Bible dont condemn racism then you’re the idiot here. Keep spinning though, it’s giving me a laugh.
Budde is a SJW parrot working for the Episcopal church. Undoubtedly her political views
got her where she is in the hierarchy.

She talks about the systemic racism of America and white privilege along with all the other BLM leftist concepts she espouses using Jesus and the church as her justification for hiding her politics in church doctrine, which is an extremely liberal church.
Most mainstream protestant denominations are (I used to be in one of them).

Show me where exactly in the bible she learned from Jesus about these concepts. I've never seen them.
What book exactly are they in? Where does Jesus specifically condemn white privilege?
Please be honest and thorough. I want to hear your full explanation for claiming I said Jesus was down with racism. Your FULL explanation!

Jesus did teach well known concepts like the Golden Rule and loving one's neighbors but these aren't addressing racism per se.
The modern concepts of racial identity simply didn't exist in biblical times. Are you hearing this news for
the first time?

If you are saying Jesus wants everyone to get along I would agree. If you are saying Jesus wants us to take a knee for BLM and endorse rioting and looting then, of course, you would be exposed as the asshole and
Trump hating ideologue moron you are.
By the way, considering how much contempt Budd (and you) have for Trump where does her Christian
conscience square what she professes with how she actually acts?

A true Christian following the example of Jesus (not you or Budde) would call for all parties to drop their enmity and strive for reconciliation. More Martin Luther King and less BLM dogma where white people
are the problem and everything would be great if we could just get rid of them.
By the way, don't pretend I am accusing you of this. You are far too smart to play the systemic racism card yourself. Or maybe you are not and feel we are still all living in 1958 Jim Crow America.
Wow, looks like you put a lot of thought into that... I’ll give you a serious answer then. The Bible doesn’t need to address White privilege or systematic racism by name, just like it doesn’t need to say that car jacking or computer hacking is wrong. It gives general principles involving love, understanding, empathy, repentance and how to treat each other. Churches teach scripture and discuss how the teachings of Jesus apply in today’s wold with today’s problems.

The Bishop along with the rector of the church and other clergy where literally sitting out with the protestors, praying with them, listening to their concerns and discussing how to deal with them when all of a sudden they get gassed and pushed out of the area so Trump could roll in a take a picture.

They have a right to be outraged. They have a right to speak out against the most powerful person in the world using his power and their church in a way that conflicts with their values and teachings. You may love Trumps trolling and bullying as he rips his opponents but that’s not what the church teaches, that’s not what Melania teaches in her Be Best campaign, that’s not how we teach our own kids to act and it certainly isn’t how the leader of our country should be acting.
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened
Wow, looks like you put a lot of thought into that... I’ll give you a serious answer then. The Bible doesn’t need to address White privilege or systematic racism by name, just like it doesn’t need to say that car jacking or computer hacking is wrong. It gives general principles involving love, understanding, empathy, repentance and how to treat each other. Churches teach scripture and discuss how the teachings of Jesus apply in today’s wold with today’s problems.
This sounds exactly like what I've already said. There was so concept of race in biblical times
but Christian teachings and philosophy stated every human being had dignity and worth regardless.

Still, this is not the same thing as stating America is riddled with systemic racism and blacks are being hunted down and killed on a daily basis.

The Bishop along with the rector of the church and other clergy where literally sitting out with the protestors, praying with them, listening to their concerns and discussing how to deal with them when all of a sudden they get gassed and pushed out of the area so Trump could roll in a take a picture.
I'm hearing a different version of things and protesters pelted police with rocks and water bottles
and whatever else when they showed up. Of course police reacted aggressively.
Did police just start gassing protesters in an unprovoked manner? Or did the police react defensively?
I don't think that's an argument anyone can win but given the riots up to that point I don't think it's unreasonable to think the police have a point. The protesters will undoubtedly say they have one too.

They have a right to be outraged. They have a right to speak out against the most powerful person in the world using his power and their church in a way that conflicts with their values and teachings. You may love Trumps trolling and bullying as he rips his opponents but that’s not what the church teaches, that’s not what Melania teaches in her Be Best campaign, that’s not how we teach our own kids to act and it certainly isn’t how the leader of our country should be acting
I don't mind if people don't like Trump's style He's never pretended to be what he's not.
Probably most of us cringe from time to time. Better that then a president who rolls over on his back
when Pelosi and Schumer threaten him.

I do mind that his opponents have tried twice to remove him from office with no cause.
I do mind that socialists are now out of the closet and trying to change the basic nature of America
aided by cowardly democrat politicians who will enable anything just to get rid of Trump.
Don't vote for Trump is all I can say.
Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

A former St. John's minister, Gini Gerbasi, was among those attending to the protesters in front of the church when the police moved in.

"We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear," she wrote in a Facebook post. "PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT [President Trump] COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!"

There were many violent among them, as the Park Police has stated in their presser.

No tear-gas was used, they sued smoke and pepper balls to remove the violent protesters.

Stop whining about Trump's historic walk.
They were covering their ass. Clearing the area minutes before Trump wanted to march through was not because of “violence”. Reporters on site said there was no violence

Tear gas was used. Pepper spray is tear gas
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Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

Monahan's statement clearly needs to be fact-checked and compared with all of the videos taken at the time. I know of no historic building at the north end of the park that was "destroyed by arson days before," and that would have been all over the local news. I used to work in a building in the 1700 block of Pennsylvania Ave., and I used to eat lunch in the park. I know of every historic building in the area. The only fire I've heard about was a small one in the basement of St. John's parish house, which was promptly extinguished. The clergy present at trump's photo op were angered by being tear-gassed as they were aiding protesters who had been gassed.

This is what committees in the House and Senate should be holding hearings about, and everyone involved in the decisions that caused this to happen should be forced to testify instead of being cowards.
Wow, looks like you put a lot of thought into that... I’ll give you a serious answer then. The Bible doesn’t need to address White privilege or systematic racism by name, just like it doesn’t need to say that car jacking or computer hacking is wrong. It gives general principles involving love, understanding, empathy, repentance and how to treat each other. Churches teach scripture and discuss how the teachings of Jesus apply in today’s wold with today’s problems.
This sounds exactly like what I've already said. There was so concept of race in biblical times
but Christian teachings and philosophy stated every human being had dignity and worth regardless.

Still, this is not the same thing as stating America is riddled with systemic racism and blacks are being hunted down and killed on a daily basis.

The Bishop along with the rector of the church and other clergy where literally sitting out with the protestors, praying with them, listening to their concerns and discussing how to deal with them when all of a sudden they get gassed and pushed out of the area so Trump could roll in a take a picture.
I'm hearing a different version of things and protesters pelted police with rocks and water bottles
and whatever else when they showed up. Of course police reacted aggressively.
Did police just start gassing protesters in an unprovoked manner? Or did the police react defensively?
I don't think that's an argument anyone can win but given the riots up to that point I don't think it's unreasonable to think the police have a point. The protesters will undoubtedly say they have one too.

They have a right to be outraged. They have a right to speak out against the most powerful person in the world using his power and their church in a way that conflicts with their values and teachings. You may love Trumps trolling and bullying as he rips his opponents but that’s not what the church teaches, that’s not what Melania teaches in her Be Best campaign, that’s not how we teach our own kids to act and it certainly isn’t how the leader of our country should be acting
I don't mind if people don't like Trump's style He's never pretended to be what he's not.
Probably most of us cringe from time to time. Better that then a president who rolls over on his back
when Pelosi and Schumer threaten him.

I do mind that his opponents have tried twice to remove him from office with no cause.
I do mind that socialists are now out of the closet and trying to change the basic nature of America
aided by cowardly democrat politicians who will enable anything just to get rid of Trump.
Don't vote for Trump is all I can say.
You paraphrased the Bishops words to make it sound more inflammatory that it really was, that’s not honest. And she has every right to express concerns that she sees from working with communities. I can’t think of many other people outside of teachers, social workers and church folk who actually associate hands on with members of communities. People of all political backgrounds, ages, races etc.

To many she is stating the obvious. I don’t know why you put yourself in a position to deny that there is a racism problem in this country. I’ve heard the narrative trying to flip it around and blame blacks and minorities for it, Ive seen the excuses for cops that abuse their power, and I really don’t understand why people choose to fight about it. The problems are obvious... we should be spending our time working on solutions not arguing whether the problems actually exists. I mean look at yourself... your attacking the leaders of the church, and why? Because they were critIcal of Trump. Are you that deep down the rabbit hole that you can’t take criticism of an obviously very flawed guy?
I bet Republicans would much rather Romney leave the party than Trump. Forcing the RINOs out might be the best way to move forward.

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany criticized Sen. Mitt Romney's decision to march with Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Washington, D.C., over the weekend....The Republican from Utah said he was marching "to make sure that people understand that Black Lives Matter."---

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that the White House has no regrets about how federal law enforcement forcibly cleared protesters from Lafayette Square the week prior....McEnany defended the decision by the U.S. Park Police to use chemical agents to clear protesters from the park outside the White House, claiming police issued three warnings before doing so and that protesters hurled projectiles at law enforcement officers.---

Lee Atwater used to talk about the republican party being a "big tent," so why do republicans talk about "RINOs"? There doesn't seem to be any room in the republican party for anyone who doesn't agree with its far-right policies. There is no room for diversity of opinion in today's republican party. Note the scarcity of republicans who are willing to push back publicly against trump's more egregious policies and conduct. And yet the republicans are actually angry at people who won't vote for them.
“Goal” isn’t the right word but I’d love to see us honestly communicate about differences instead of acting like children playing a rubber and glue game. We were and always will be divided politically. We live in a democracy, a melting pot of different ideas. But the way we address these issues used to be much more civilized.

I don't know if that was true. What I recall, before Trump is a lot of people like you, calling people like me names, and just getting away with it, winning arguments, winning elections, setting policy, ruining people's lives.

The reason Trump exploded, is not because he said anything all that clever. But because there was a large group of people, who had been wanting some one to speak out for us, for a long time.

That is not going to change if/when Trump is gone. We will still be here, and people like you, will still be calling us names and using that power, to destroy us, to set policy, to fuck us over in so many ways.
That’s not True at all. Prior to Obama the Right had the White House for 8 years. During Obama the right won
back both the house and senate. You’re not being honest/accurate

And Bush stayed out of the CUlture Wars. He let people like Playtime call him and/or his supporters names and he took the high road.

We were not united. We were just as divided then as we are now. It just seemed like less to you, because there was no push back to your sides assaults.
There are always going to be people attacking and insulting, but presidents should take the high road. Presidents should pursue discourse at a higher level and block out the noise. Trump engages with it and makes that kind of garbage the national debate. It takes use nowhere except to a deeper division. No we are not just as divided as we were before trump. This is a whole new level and the stagnation and anger that it has and will cause is astounding

Before Trump, republicans would try to engage in debates, and people like playtime would smear them as racist.

If everyone "takes the highroad" these constant repeated smears create the illusion of credibility, since they are not challenged, thought the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, used as propaganda.

For one limited example, how what you suggest, does not work.

Policies were set, based on "debates" like that. People would pay the price, because their interests were not represented, because those that were trying were shouted down by race baiters shouting "Racist".

It might have seemed better to you, but only because you agree(d) with the policies that were shoved though in that way.
There are always going to be wingnuts yelling Racist, sexist, communist, yada yada yada. That’s a childish way to conduct yourself. Not something to aspire to. I’d speak out against somebody calling somebody racist over a policy position that isn’t racist. Just as I speak out over the childish insult tactics that Trump plays. One doesn’t excuse the other.

But if that’s the stuff you want to aspire to because you think it’s effective then go right ahead. Seems to me that people like playtime are in your head. You’re giving them too much power.

Your pretense that it is just a few "wingnuts" is not credible.

It is constant theme of civil discourse and constantly injected into the Conventional Wisdom from propaganda outlets in Media, pop culture, education, ect. ect.

And it is tearing this nation apart. Ignoring it, would be like ignoring gangrene in your foot.
I see it as wingnuts and media/political hyperbole. But you obviously have a higher sensitivity and focus on it. That’s fine. But how does partaking in that which you just said is tearing our country apart help things?

You can’t make the case that the rhetoric is tearing us apart and then in the next breath justify doing the same thing because “they did it first”... makes no sense

You don't see any difference between falsely calling someone a racist, and truly calling someone an asshole?

If someone calls me a "racist", he pissed me off and convinces any minority that believes him, that I, and people like me, are to be feared and hated (see people dying in the streets).

If I call the person calling me that, an asshole, I am calling that person an asshole, and telling anyone listening, that believes me, that that person is an asshole and should not be trusted. Not that this is not setting large groups of people against each other. (see no one dying in the streets from this)
If somebody called me a racist I’d probably call them an asshole. That would be me being triggered and emotional and engaging in a lower level of discourse than I’d expect our elected officials and public leaders to act. Nobody’s perfect. I wouldn’t make excuses for calling the guy an asshole or deny that I was triggered. I’d just say he pissed me off but I shouldn’t have acted that way. Especially if kids were witness. That’s my tester of right and wrong. What would I teach kids to do. We should all hold ourselves to those standards

the funniest thing is, all i said was donny was incapable of empathy, not even to him- & he jumped in outa nowhere & called me a troll. now he's bitching & whining. AND i never called him a racist. i don't think ever - - - certainly not on this thread. i've called donny one based on his history - starting with the FACT that him & daddy drumpf got sued for housing discrimination back in the 70s... which of course correll has made excuses for his chosen one.... but i digress.

You lefties are such reflexive assholes, you don't even notice when you are being assholes.


This has been classic. An absolute, full-on meltdown by a Trumpster who chastises others for not being unified, who says THEY are being hateful and hysterical.

Freakin' Hall of Fame material here. Their true colors always shine through, sooner or later.
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I bet Republicans would much rather Romney leave the party than Trump. Forcing the RINOs out might be the best way to move forward.

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany criticized Sen. Mitt Romney's decision to march with Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Washington, D.C., over the weekend....The Republican from Utah said he was marching "to make sure that people understand that Black Lives Matter."---

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that the White House has no regrets about how federal law enforcement forcibly cleared protesters from Lafayette Square the week prior....McEnany defended the decision by the U.S. Park Police to use chemical agents to clear protesters from the park outside the White House, claiming police issued three warnings before doing so and that protesters hurled projectiles at law enforcement officers.---

She is a piece of Trump filth. Romney was right to participate in a peaceful protest. The federal government attacked peaceful protestors and should be held accountable when Democrats take over. McEnany needs a good slap in the head.
You paraphrased the Bishops words to make it sound more inflammatory that it really was, that’s not honest. And she has every right to express concerns that she sees from working with communities. I can’t think of many other people outside of teachers, social workers and church folk who actually associate hands on with members of communities. People of all political backgrounds, ages, races etc.
The Bishop's words were just as inflammatory as they were. I made up nothing.
Her rhetoric was right out of the mouths of Black Lives Matter radicals. Poll: 57 percent have negative view of Black Lives Matter movement
Her words are divisive...not healing. You and your friends are the ones out of step.

To many she is stating the obvious. I don’t know why you put yourself in a position to deny that there is a racism problem in this country.
There is a racial problem but I don't see it as racism, per se. You can't point to any laws, governmental policies or white favortism in ANY walk of life that hasn't already been addressed through legislation or otherwise.

In the military, in schools, in the court, or wherever. We have blacks in positions of leadership in all levels of government. If you can think of a single aspect of American life where blacks have been shut out or
forbidden to participate I'd like to hear about it.
Our schools have made diversity a religion in and of itself.

Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice but that doesn't mean with regard to white
people only! Nobody has a monopoly on racist hate.

I’ve heard the narrative trying to flip it around and blame blacks and minorities for it
Minorities are not immune from racist thinking but everyone, to one degree or another, is responsible
for our toxic dysfunction.

Ive seen the excuses for cops that abuse their power, and I really don’t understand why people choose to fight about it.
Bad apple cops should be weeded out. That's clear after the whole
George Floyd thing, if not before.

The problems are obvious... we should be spending our time working on solutions not arguing whether the problems actually exists. I mean look at yourself... your attacking the leaders of the church, and why? Because they were critIcal of Trump. Are you that deep down the rabbit hole that you can’t take criticism of an obviously very flawed guy?
My criticisms have been for the biased rhetoric I've heard from Episcopal clergy that perpetuates
racism and pretends (or maybe stupidly believes) they are solving a problem, not creating more hate.
Miriam Budde literally preaches hate from the pulpit though I'm sure she doesn't realize it.

If you want to attack Trump be my guest. That's not what I care about primarily. Your unreasoning hate only makes him stronger and makes his followers more determined to back him.
As long as the democrats put up opposition of the quality (ahem) of Hillary and Joe Biden and we stay out of wars and our economy continues to thrive I'll vote for the flawed rude guy.

You'll never dislodge Trump because your hate demands it. Give people something to vote FOR....not AGAINST.
You paraphrased the Bishops words to make it sound more inflammatory that it really was, that’s not honest. And she has every right to express concerns that she sees from working with communities. I can’t think of many other people outside of teachers, social workers and church folk who actually associate hands on with members of communities. People of all political backgrounds, ages, races etc.
The Bishop's words were just as inflammatory as they were. I made up nothing.
Her rhetoric was right out of the mouths of Black Lives Matter radicals. Poll: 57 percent have negative view of Black Lives Matter movement
Her words are divisive...not healing. You and your friends are the ones out of step.

To many she is stating the obvious. I don’t know why you put yourself in a position to deny that there is a racism problem in this country.
There is a racial problem but I don't see it as racism, per se. You can't point to any laws, governmental policies or white favortism in ANY walk of life that hasn't already been addressed through legislation or otherwise.

In the military, in schools, in the court, or wherever. We have blacks in positions of leadership in all levels of government. If you can think of a single aspect of American life where blacks have been shut out or
forbidden to participate I'd like to hear about it.
Our schools have made diversity a religion in and of itself.

Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice but that doesn't mean with regard to white
people only! Nobody has a monopoly on racist hate.

I’ve heard the narrative trying to flip it around and blame blacks and minorities for it
Minorities are not immune from racist thinking but everyone, to one degree or another, is responsible
for our toxic dysfunction.

Ive seen the excuses for cops that abuse their power, and I really don’t understand why people choose to fight about it.
Bad apple cops should be weeded out. That's clear after the whole
George Floyd thing, if not before.

The problems are obvious... we should be spending our time working on solutions not arguing whether the problems actually exists. I mean look at yourself... your attacking the leaders of the church, and why? Because they were critIcal of Trump. Are you that deep down the rabbit hole that you can’t take criticism of an obviously very flawed guy?
My criticisms have been for the biased rhetoric I've heard from Episcopal clergy that perpetuates
racism and pretends (or maybe stupidly believes) they are solving a problem, not creating more hate.
Miriam Budde literally preaches hate from the pulpit though I'm sure she doesn't realize it.

If you want to attack Trump be my guest. That's not what I care about primarily. Your unreasoning hate only makes him stronger and makes his followers more determined to back him.
As long as the democrats put up opposition of the quality (ahem) of Hillary and Joe Biden and we stay out of wars and our economy continues to thrive I'll vote for the flawed rude guy.

You'll never dislodge Trump because your hate demands it. Give people something to vote FOR....not AGAINST.

I knew a man once. He told me he was racist......I said to him that it was counter productive and we needed to get passed that.

He then told me the story about how his daughter integrated the local school system. She was in elementary school. He told me how he went to the school everyday at lunch to sit with her because no one else would (he was a barber and could do this).

He told me how he could hear the names the other kids called her. He then told me that was something he would never be able to get past.

I understood. What's your story?
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Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice
I knew a man once. He told me he was racist......I said to him that it was counter productive and we needed to get passed
past that.

He then told me the story about how his daughter integrated the local school system. She was in elementary school. He told me how he went to the school everyday at lunch to sit with her because no one else would (he was a barber and could do this).

He told me how he could hear the names the other kids called her. He then told me that was something he would never be able to get passed.

I understood. What's your story?
"Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice." I quote myself.
Are you expecting me to stand up for prejudice? Sorry to burst your presumptive racist bubble.

What time frame are you talking about, by the way? The fifties, sixties? Your story isn't surprising, unfortunately, but it is highly out of date and dishonest because it takes a time long gone past
and tries to apply it to today.
That's what your post is....dishonest. And offensive.

The national mantra for diversity in our schools is what's cool now. What's your story?
Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice
I knew a man once. He told me he was racist......I said to him that it was counter productive and we needed to get passed
past that.

He then told me the story about how his daughter integrated the local school system. She was in elementary school. He told me how he went to the school everyday at lunch to sit with her because no one else would (he was a barber and could do this).

He told me how he could hear the names the other kids called her. He then told me that was something he would never be able to get passed.

I understood. What's your story?
"Racism is a terrible thing that perpetuates hate and injustice." I quote myself.
Are you expecting me to stand up for prejudice? Sorry to burst your presumptive racist bubble.

What time frame are you talking about, by the way? The fifties, sixties? Your story isn't surprising, unfortunately, but it is highly out of date and dishonest because it takes a time long gone past
and tries to apply it to today.
That's what your post is....dishonest. And offensive.

The national mantra for diversity in our schools is what's cool now. What's your story?

No, my story is not out of date. Minorities still clearly face racism.

How would you like to have to walk past a statue honoring someone that fought to keep your ancestors in slavery every time you went to the courthouse to pay your taxes?

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