President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?
I oppose him in general because I don’t trust him and I don’t think he is a good person. I literally just said that I have no problem taking actions case by case and judging whether I think those actions are good or not. Not everything is bad. In this case what he did was bad and embarrassing and another example for poor leadership.

Do you believe that Trump said, in his Charlottesville response, that white supremacists were "very fine people"?
No he was talking about the statue protestors and trying to deflect some blame onto ANTIFA. Like most things instead of staying on the important message he makes statements like that to ignite partisan fights. Great example of how Trump fuels division and why I don’t support him. And yes many in the media and the left took that comment out of context and ran with it. I spoke out against that at first but then seeing how Trump responded, not clarifying, made me think he was wanting that fight. Rousing the racist tensions and infighting. Wouldn’t surprise me

You can see that the media lied about what he said, falsely telling black people that the President was praising white supremacists,

and still, in your mind, you turn it around, so it is Trump who is being divisive?

Do you understand that from over here, your logic looks like the Gordian Knot?

There is something deeply wrong with you. With all of you.
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?
I oppose him in general because I don’t trust him and I don’t think he is a good person. I literally just said that I have no problem taking actions case by case and judging whether I think those actions are good or not. Not everything is bad. In this case what he did was bad and embarrassing and another example for poor leadership.

Do you believe that Trump said, in his Charlottesville response, that white supremacists were "very fine people"?
No he was talking about the statue protestors and trying to deflect some blame onto ANTIFA. Like most things instead of staying on the important message he makes statements like that to ignite partisan fights. Great example of how Trump fuels division and why I don’t support him. And yes many in the media and the left took that comment out of context and ran with it. I spoke out against that at first but then seeing how Trump responded, not clarifying, made me think he was wanting that fight. Rousing the racist tensions and infighting. Wouldn’t surprise me
Hey, could you edit me out of this conversation? Thanks :cool-45:
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?

It might help if he quit calling people names like a 12 year old.

I would love to. And just as soon as liberals stop staring such shit, I will stop giving it back to them.

The fucking cowards. They want to be able to say the most hateful shit about us, and get civil treatment in return.

The most entitled whores imaginable.
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?

It might help if he quit calling people names like a 12 year old.

I would love to. And just as soon as liberals stop staring such shit, I will stop giving it back to them.

The fucking cowards. They want to be able to say the most hateful shit about us, and get civil treatment in return.

The most entitled whores imaginable.

Sorry, I meant Trump.
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?
I oppose him in general because I don’t trust him and I don’t think he is a good person. I literally just said that I have no problem taking actions case by case and judging whether I think those actions are good or not. Not everything is bad. In this case what he did was bad and embarrassing and another example for poor leadership.

Do you believe that Trump said, in his Charlottesville response, that white supremacists were "very fine people"?
No he was talking about the statue protestors and trying to deflect some blame onto ANTIFA. Like most things instead of staying on the important message he makes statements like that to ignite partisan fights. Great example of how Trump fuels division and why I don’t support him. And yes many in the media and the left took that comment out of context and ran with it. I spoke out against that at first but then seeing how Trump responded, not clarifying, made me think he was wanting that fight. Rousing the racist tensions and infighting. Wouldn’t surprise me

You can see that the media lied about what he said, falsely telling black people that the President was praising white supremacists,

and still, in your mind, you turn it around, so it is Trump who is being divisive?

Do you understand that from over here, your logic looks like the Gordian Knot?

There is something deeply wrong with you. With all of you.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?
I oppose him in general because I don’t trust him and I don’t think he is a good person. I literally just said that I have no problem taking actions case by case and judging whether I think those actions are good or not. Not everything is bad. In this case what he did was bad and embarrassing and another example for poor leadership.

Do you believe that Trump said, in his Charlottesville response, that white supremacists were "very fine people"?
No he was talking about the statue protestors and trying to deflect some blame onto ANTIFA. Like most things instead of staying on the important message he makes statements like that to ignite partisan fights. Great example of how Trump fuels division and why I don’t support him. And yes many in the media and the left took that comment out of context and ran with it. I spoke out against that at first but then seeing how Trump responded, not clarifying, made me think he was wanting that fight. Rousing the racist tensions and infighting. Wouldn’t surprise me
Hey, could you edit me out of this conversation? Thanks :cool-45:
Yeah sorry, I thought I did but that was probably a different thread.
I would love to. And just as soon as liberals stop staring such shit, I will stop giving it back to them.

The fucking cowards. They want to be able to say the most hateful shit about us, and get civil treatment in return.

The most entitled whores imaginable.
Chicken or egg... both sides feel the other side started it and both feel their childish actions are justified. Both sides need to grow up. The only thing you’re in control of is yourself
But you had to attack him. You couldn't give unity a nod, not for one second.

From a Trumpster.


From a Trump supporter. Correct. What part of that is confusing to you?

You people are divisive. Not us, not Trump.

As this example shows to the nth degree.
Unity is a two way street.

Perhaps if you held the posters I quoted (and you deleted) accountable for their words with the same tenacity with which you complain about those who dare to criticize Trump, you could be taken seriously.

Right now, all you can really see is one side of this. Zero empathy, just like Trump.

I'm not asking you to disavow some list of anti-white racists before I accept your support on the controversial stance of NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Rightwinger is actually quite racist against whites. Have I every shoved quotes from him in your face and demanded that you do "hold him accountable" for his misdeeds?

You have choices and you make them, and then find reasons for them afterwards.

Your side is choosing to tear America apart.

People are dying in the streets and you are continuing to refuse to unite on ANYTHING.

You do realize that this will only get worse, if you continue to do more of the same, right?
Look at all that deflection.

You absolutely refuse to hold your side accountable. I'm not afraid to hold my side accountable.

You're not to be taken seriously.

No deflection. YOu made a point, and I addressed it seriously and honestly.

You are supporting division to the point that you can't support Trump on NOT BURNING CHURCHES.

Unity does not require complete agreement or satisfaction on all issues. If so, unity would never occur.
Holy shit Correll! You’re still on this burning churches narrative?! I addressed that yesterday and you ignored my points. The issue isn’t about a president taking a stance against burning churches. We are unified in being against burning churches. You know damn well what the issues are over with this situation. It’s being laid out for you over and over again. If you can’t have an honest debate then what the hell are you doing here? Trolling? Do better

Too late to walk it back, slade. He took the position and you libs attacked him.

Your excuses for your actions were noted.

YOu choose division and hate.
Whatever you are “noting” is all wrong. I’m not walking anything back, I’m correcting your spin. I’ve explained several times now what the problem is... and the problem is not standing up against burning churches. As I said before, at this point you are either intentionally trolling or not taking the time to listen to what’s being said in critique of Trump

You people can always find some excuse for your division and hate.

THe stated reasons are utter shit. Like your pretend concern about the Constitution. From people who would shit can the first and second amendments in a heartbeat, if they could, and suddenly we are supposed to pretend to take your concern for the Constitution seriously?


You are so full of hate, that you can't even support DON'T BURN CHURCHES, if the message comes from the other side.
Wow, changing the subject again?! I haven’t said a word about the constitution. Are you unable to follow the debate or are you that desperate that you need to fling in random subjects to the debate. Come on... do better.

Also, I literally just wrote that we are unified in being against burning churches so your last line there is a complete lie

A lot of you have said a lot of shit, about your "Reasons" for attacking the President on this issue.

I've challenged all of you on your stated reasons and none of you have been able to defend your stated reasons.

You don't gas people to create a photo op.

Yeah, you said that before. I asked you, if it were not for the clearing of the protesters, would you have supported the President, and you did not respond.

Because, like all your people's stated reasons, it is pure bullshit.

I did respond. I clearly stated that if he had actually been leaving a church service I would have gave him a pass.

I'm not impressed by someone using something as a photo op he never supports under any other circumstance.

Your pretense of conflating church attendance with not wanting to see churches burn, is not credible.

YOur stated excuses for your division, are obvious bullshit and you are not fooling anyone.

You can complain all you want but the photo op went over very poorly. It wasn't believable.



That is on you.
From now on every time i see you recycling this tired talking point about opposing the Burning of churches which I already explained Was not what people have a problem with, I’m going to simply point out that you’re being a TROLL TROLL TROLL

Except I am not trolling. I have asked ever liberal who has attacked the President on this issue, whether, if their stated reason was NOT there, if they would have supported the President's message.

ALL OF THEM except you, did not answer at all. ONly you stated that in that case, you would support the President.

They did that, because their stated reasons were bullshit. THey choose to oppose the President, because they want to divide America.

I am not the one trolling. They are.
That’s not true, I believe this other poster you are talking to made a similar comment right after mine saying that had trump actually gone to a church service or been praying with people from the church he wouldn’t have had a problem with what happened

Nope. He said he would not have a problem with Trump carrying a bible to a church service. He tricked you.

He could not bring himself to say, that he would support the President, EVEN IF HIS STATED REASON FOR OPPOSING HIM, WAS REMOVED.

That is my point. FOr the vast majority of people, what the President says is irrelevant. They are already either for him, or against him.

The sides have been divided, long before Trump was President. This has nothing to do with anything he says or does.
I don’t blame him, I’m in the same boat. I really wanted Trump to do well. I used to post here to Dems to give him a chance and be a respectable opposition after he was elected.... but then fake lie after lie and the barrage of trolling and bullying and the degradation of our government at the highest levels. So I don’t trust him and I don’t support him and I’d love to see him out. I imagine millions of people agree. We are pat the point of giving him a chance and showing him support. He blew that a long time ago. And just because I feel that way does not make my critiques of him invalid. The things i criticize him actually happen

Actually when you say that you are past giving him a chance, it does invalidate any criticism of him, based on current events.

Trump, for all you know, could very well being doing something right, and you would just assume he was not, and would just accept the bullshit lies, or allow yourself to be tricked,

like that way you thought that the other liberal would support Trump, if it was his bible. He ran a line a jive, right past you, and you fell for it, because you are blinded by partisan bitterness and division.

INdeed, for all you know, this could have been happening for quite some time, and I was just not there to point it out to you.

How long have they been lying to you, and you falling for it?
I dont assume anything, I critique what I see. I don’t think everything the man does is evil. I’m sure he does plenty of things that I’m fine with. I’m past the point where I’m going to make an effort to publicly praise those things. If you ask me about an act of his and I think it was good then I’ll say that but I’m not going to rally for the Great Don. I see plenty more things on a regular basis that I find dishonest, absurd, and a reflection of poor leadership. So yes that’s my focus, yes I have bias, and yes my critiques can still be accurate and true

So, no matter what Trump says or does, you are not open to hearing it, and it will never make a difference to you, because you will always oppose him, or possibly best case scenario, let it pass, that is the most he can hope for from you...

And that is my point. The division is not about Trump. YOu people have decided that no matter what he says or does, you oppose him.

The vast majority of the complaints made against him, are shit, made up after the fact to rationalize the deep bittern divide that PREDATES Trump.

Consider also, how the way you are, makes you such an easy mark for people to lie to, to tell you what you expect to hear, like that guy that said he would support Trump, going to church service.

How many times have you been tricked like that, without someone like me to point it out to you?
I oppose him in general because I don’t trust him and I don’t think he is a good person. I literally just said that I have no problem taking actions case by case and judging whether I think those actions are good or not. Not everything is bad. In this case what he did was bad and embarrassing and another example for poor leadership.

Do you believe that Trump said, in his Charlottesville response, that white supremacists were "very fine people"?
No he was talking about the statue protestors and trying to deflect some blame onto ANTIFA. Like most things instead of staying on the important message he makes statements like that to ignite partisan fights. Great example of how Trump fuels division and why I don’t support him. And yes many in the media and the left took that comment out of context and ran with it. I spoke out against that at first but then seeing how Trump responded, not clarifying, made me think he was wanting that fight. Rousing the racist tensions and infighting. Wouldn’t surprise me

You can see that the media lied about what he said, falsely telling black people that the President was praising white supremacists,

and still, in your mind, you turn it around, so it is Trump who is being divisive?

Do you understand that from over here, your logic looks like the Gordian Knot?

There is something deeply wrong with you. With all of you.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
I would love to. And just as soon as liberals stop staring such shit, I will stop giving it back to them.

The fucking cowards. They want to be able to say the most hateful shit about us, and get civil treatment in return.

The most entitled whores imaginable.
Chicken or egg... both sides feel the other side started it and both feel their childish actions are justified. Both sides need to grow up. The only thing you’re in control of is yourself

Bull. Every day I start talking to people, I start out, treating them with standard civility. And every day, fucking libs can't go more than a few sentences, AT MOST, before they start acting like monkeys throwing shit.

Retarded monkeys.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it
I would love to. And just as soon as liberals stop staring such shit, I will stop giving it back to them.

The fucking cowards. They want to be able to say the most hateful shit about us, and get civil treatment in return.

The most entitled whores imaginable.
Chicken or egg... both sides feel the other side started it and both feel their childish actions are justified. Both sides need to grow up. The only thing you’re in control of is yourself

Bull. Every day I start talking to people, I start out, treating them with standard civility. And every day, fucking libs can't go more than a few sentences, AT MOST, before they start acting like monkeys throwing shit.

Retarded monkeys.
That’s because your on an internet message board where trolls troll. This isn’t real. And youve conflated me plenty of times with those shit throwers when I ask simple question and try to share honest opinions. Don’t play all righteousness we all get sucked down into the mud. It doesn’t make it right
There is a million things in this world, worth discussing.
Really? How is holding up a Bible, a big deal?
I don't get why this is even an issue worth talking about.

Holding a Bible isn't a big deal. Gassing people for nothing more than a photo op is though.

Name one politician on the planet that doesn't do photo ops?
There is a million things in this world, worth discussing.
Really? How is holding up a Bible, a big deal?
I don't get why this is even an issue worth talking about.

Holding a Bible isn't a big deal. Gassing people for nothing more than a photo op is though.

Name one politician on the planet that doesn't do photo ops?

We are speaking about those that backfire. Trump was condemned from both sides.
There is a million things in this world, worth discussing.
Really? How is holding up a Bible, a big deal?
I don't get why this is even an issue worth talking about.
Holding the Bible isn’t the issue. If you don’t know that by now then I can’t help ya

Right, because there is no issue at all. And no, you of all people can't help anyone, let alone me.
Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

A former St. John's minister, Gini Gerbasi, was among those attending to the protesters in front of the church when the police moved in.

"We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear," she wrote in a Facebook post. "PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT [President Trump] COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!"
Trump deciding to go over to the historical church that rioters attempted to burn to the ground, and of course this act being in defiance of the rioters who were still occupying the ground in which they thought they had controlled in defiance of the government or police that day, was definitely appropriate. A jesture of strength in the face of anarchy and chaos was exactly what America needed to see, and his holding up the bible in support of the freedom of religion in this country was also appropriate. No anti-American forces foreign or domestic shall seize control of this nation ever. Trump's actions were in jest of this thinking. When rioters tried to burn down the historical church, it was a direct action against our American traditions, and therefore a direct assault on the nation. MAGA.

What an incredible bullshit story! Your whore trump, a notorious liar and coward, just wanted to go over there for a cheap photo-op so he could wave a bible to phony "Christian assholes like graham, fallwell, and jefress, whom are noticeably absent from the protests while so many Christian and non-Christian clergy have participated. This has absolutely nothing to do with "freedom of religion" as no one even interfered with such a right. In fact, the local clergy are incensed at trump's actions. Moreover, "our American traditions" have always included the right to protest.
Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

A former St. John's minister, Gini Gerbasi, was among those attending to the protesters in front of the church when the police moved in.

"We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear," she wrote in a Facebook post. "PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT [President Trump] COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!"
Trump deciding to go over to the historical church that rioters attempted to burn to the ground, and of course this act being in defiance of the rioters who were still occupying the ground in which they thought they had controlled in defiance of the government or police that day, was definitely appropriate. A jesture of strength in the face of anarchy and chaos was exactly what America needed to see, and his holding up the bible in support of the freedom of religion in this country was also appropriate. No anti-American forces foreign or domestic shall seize control of this nation ever. Trump's actions were in jest of this thinking. When rioters tried to burn down the historical church, it was a direct action against our American traditions, and therefore a direct assault on the nation. MAGA.

What an incredible bullshit story! Your whore trump, a notorious liar and coward, just wanted to go over there for a cheap photo-op so he could wave a bible to phony "Christian assholes like graham, fallwell, and jefress, whom are noticeably absent from the protests while so many Christian and non-Christian clergy have participated. This has absolutely nothing to do with "freedom of religion" as no one even interfered with such a right. In fact, the local clergy are incensed at trump's actions. Moreover, "our American traditions" have always included the right to protest.

Sad. Has nothing to do with any facts.
There is a million things in this world, worth discussing.
Really? How is holding up a Bible, a big deal?
I don't get why this is even an issue worth talking about.

Holding a Bible isn't a big deal. Gassing people for nothing more than a photo op is though.

Name one politician on the planet that doesn't do photo ops?

We are speaking about those that backfire. Trump was condemned from both sides.

I don't care. They were wrong.
There is a million things in this world, worth discussing.
Really? How is holding up a Bible, a big deal?
I don't get why this is even an issue worth talking about.

Holding a Bible isn't a big deal. Gassing people for nothing more than a photo op is though.

Name one politician on the planet that doesn't do photo ops?

We are speaking about those that backfire. Trump was condemned from both sides.

I don't care. They were wrong.

I'm sure you don't care. It doesn't make what happened any different though.
Team Trump never regrets anything

What is to regret? Many in the crowd were violent.

At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.
To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area.
As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

A former St. John's minister, Gini Gerbasi, was among those attending to the protesters in front of the church when the police moved in.

"We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John's, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear," she wrote in a Facebook post. "PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT [President Trump] COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!"
Trump deciding to go over to the historical church that rioters attempted to burn to the ground, and of course this act being in defiance of the rioters who were still occupying the ground in which they thought they had controlled in defiance of the government or police that day, was definitely appropriate. A jesture of strength in the face of anarchy and chaos was exactly what America needed to see, and his holding up the bible in support of the freedom of religion in this country was also appropriate. No anti-American forces foreign or domestic shall seize control of this nation ever. Trump's actions were in jest of this thinking. When rioters tried to burn down the historical church, it was a direct action against our American traditions, and therefore a direct assault on the nation. MAGA.

What an incredible bullshit story! Your whore trump, a notorious liar and coward, just wanted to go over there for a cheap photo-op so he could wave a bible to phony "Christian assholes like graham, fallwell, and jefress, whom are noticeably absent from the protests while so many Christian and non-Christian clergy have participated. This has absolutely nothing to do with "freedom of religion" as no one even interfered with such a right. In fact, the local clergy are incensed at trump's actions. Moreover, "our American traditions" have always included the right to protest.

Is Archbishop Gregory a hypocrite? Here he is with Nancy Pelosi, who advocates abortions.
I bet Republicans would much rather Romney leave the party than Trump. Forcing the RINOs out might be the best way to move forward.

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany criticized Sen. Mitt Romney's decision to march with Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Washington, D.C., over the weekend....The Republican from Utah said he was marching "to make sure that people understand that Black Lives Matter."---

---White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that the White House has no regrets about how federal law enforcement forcibly cleared protesters from Lafayette Square the week prior....McEnany defended the decision by the U.S. Park Police to use chemical agents to clear protesters from the park outside the White House, claiming police issued three warnings before doing so and that protesters hurled projectiles at law enforcement officers.---

I would like to kick all of them out. I thing people running for political office should get permission from the party to run as a Republican.

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