President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

View attachment 186427
This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits[/QUOTE
/——/ Libs like it when other countries rape our economy and destroy our industries.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
View attachment 186427
it's that or sit back and enjoy the rape on our citizens. seems you're good with that. You and Clayton Williams.
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:
hey america, sit back and just enjoy the rape.
View attachment 186427
China Tariffs Could Wreck Republicans in November
Pain from trade war could hit Midwestern states with pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
Joshua Green
April 4, 2018, 1:40 PM EDT

President Trump may insist—as he did on Twitter Wednesday morning—“We are not in a trade war with China,” but the $50 billion in tariffs his administration proposes putting on Chinese goods has already spooked markets, with a broad sell-off hitting U.S. stocks. The damage could also extend to the U.S. midterm elections.

would issue 25 percent retaliatory levies on roughly $50 billion of U.S. imports, including soybeans, cars, chemicals and aircraft. These levies appear to be targeted at states, particularly in the Midwest, where Trump’s support is strongest. But, crucially, many of these states also have pivotal Senate and gubernatorial races in November. The economic blow from new tariffs could upend many of these races, potentially shifting control of statehouses and the U.S. Senate to Democrats.


Take soybeans. In the 2016 election, Trump won eight of the 10 states with the largest soybean acreage, all of them in the Midwest. Many of those same states are now host to some of the country’s closest races for Senate (Missouri, Indiana, North Dakota) and governor (Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota).

Political experts say the economic impact of Chinese tariffs on farmers may play out at the ballot box in November. “The farm community is a pretty powerful voting bloc,” said Jennifer Duffy, who follows Senate and governors races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “If they are unhappy, they turn out in big numbers and can really change things in a hurry.”

That’s a potential boon for Democratic candidates. Three of the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents hail from Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota—states that stand to be hit hardest by Chinese soybean tariffs.

And it’s bad news for Republicans. In Illinois, whose 10.6 million acres of soybeans are more than any other state’s, the incumbent governor, Bruce Rauner, already trails his Democratic challenger, Hyatt hotel heir J.B. Pritzker, according to recent polls. Republicans are also defending statehouses in what are expected to be close races in Wisconsin and Ohio.

“This could be very good for Democrats,” said Duffy. “Trump started this. It makes Republicans’ bid to hold the Senate harder. And it might even make Republicans start looking over their shoulder at places that shouldn’t be competitive, like Nebraska and Mississippi, where the Democrat, Mike Espy, is a former Agriculture secretary.”

(Corrects the title of the map of planned soybean acreage in 2018.)

This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
View attachment 186427
This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
/——/ Obozo’s balanced the budget for 8 years and created 20 trillion in surpluses, stopped the rising seas (Manhattan is not under water) ang he cut everyone’s taxes to zero — all before breakfast. Amazing
maybe Trump is getting a tiny bit smarter, he waited till the end of the day to drop this announcement so the market would have at least one up day

His stabilizing staff are gone. He is on his scary as that sounds.
/——/ Not scary at all. Hide under your bed libtard. We’ll tell you when it’s safe to come out. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

As Repubs run for the exits. Even the Saintly Paul Ryan is jumping ship....they know the Repubs party has jumped track and now is being driven by an orange....racist....Putin puppet.

The Conservative, God Fearing. Moral, fiscally responsible Republican Party is now a populace shell of rationalism.
/——/ The DemocRAT Party is now being run by a teenage Nazi Youth Camera Hogg
I know, right?

He's protecting technology that primarily comes from California while China hits back with tariffs against products that hurt Trump's supporters in the Midwest.


Putin must be sitting back and can't figure how well this is going...

He got his result, Tump in charge and he is acting foolishly... there were simple ways with dealing with China and this wasn't one of them...

Trump still thinks $500bn deficit is a bad thing...

How many components come from China are put into American car?
How many components come from China are put into European car?

So you get the American and the European cars side by side and same price. Then Trump puts 25% tariff on China Products and the American Car parice increases by 10%... Now which car is the customer buying...

At the end of the day that argument comes from conservatives originally. Democrats used to argue protectionism but discovered that people like cheap goods and fell into line with Republicans. A trade war with China is anti conservatism..
all this consternation about trade deficits is nothing but partisan talking points.

The trade deficit is going up right now because more people are working and wages are going up so people have the money to buy more things...and this is a good thing, not a bad thing.

We all live our lives with constant trade deficits.

If you have a job your employer has a trade deficit with you, they give you money and all you give them is time and effort.

If you buy groceries you have a trade deficit with your grocery store(s) as you give them money and all you get is good and stuff in return.

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View attachment 186427
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits[/QUOTE
/——/ Libs like it when other countries rape our economy and destroy our industries.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA
View attachment 186427
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
/——/ Obozo’s balanced the budget for 8 years and created 20 trillion in surpluses, stopped the rising seas (Manhattan is not under water) ang he cut everyone’s taxes to zero — all before breakfast. Amazing
Obama cut the Bloated Bush Depression Deficit every year until you Repubtards voted in Republicans to Exploded it again!
View attachment 186427
Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
/——/ Obozo’s balanced the budget for 8 years and created 20 trillion in surpluses, stopped the rising seas (Manhattan is not under water) ang he cut everyone’s taxes to zero — all before breakfast. Amazing
Obama cut the Exploded Bush Depression Deficit every year until you Repubtards voted in Republicans to Exploded it again!

Deficits ONLY matter when Dems are in charge. trump is exploding the national debt.....and not a peep for the Deficit Hawk GOP.....NOTHING....
View attachment 186427
Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits[/QUOTE
/——/ Libs like it when other countries rape our economy and destroy our industries.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA

Just yesterday you were praising your Chinese made phone till you got called out for your hypocrisy and now are trying to backtrack

Sent from my iPhone using
The Chinese made the mistake of only adding tariff's to a few items.

There is no doubt they are only saving face with their tariff's and do not
want a trade war.

Hit Back Donald and hit back Hard.

He is a counter puncher, they should have sat quietly and accepted they were screwing America over good so best to not remind him what a dirty government the Communists run. Instead they strategically select some products designed to hurt his supporters.

Wrong move. Now duck ya Commie sob's!

Ya...China will now go away sobbing...or they might just demand payment of ALL of our debt to them...which should reach a record this year.

Who is buying US next bond release? Trump is borrowing heavy and needs buyers of debt...
View attachment 186427 /——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits[/QUOTE
/——/ Libs like it when other countries rape our economy and destroy our industries.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA

Just yesterday you were praising your Chinese made phone till you got called out for your hypocrisy and now are trying to backtrack

Sent from my iPhone using

The phone that will cost 25% more soon?
View attachment 186427 /——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
/——/ Obozo’s balanced the budget for 8 years and created 20 trillion in surpluses, stopped the rising seas (Manhattan is not under water) ang he cut everyone’s taxes to zero — all before breakfast. Amazing

Obama cut the Bloated Bush Depression Deficit every year until you Repubtards voted in Republicans to Exploded it again!!!

Deficits ONLY matter when Dems are in charge. trump is exploding the national debt.....and not a peep for the Deficit Hawk GOP.....NOTHING....

There is no such thing as a GOP Deficit Hawk. Just GOP Liars!
The Chinese made the mistake of only adding tariff's to a few items.

There is no doubt they are only saving face with their tariff's and do not
want a trade war.

Hit Back Donald and hit back Hard.

He is a counter puncher, they should have sat quietly and accepted they were screwing America over good so best to not remind him what a dirty government the Communists run. Instead they strategically select some products designed to hurt his supporters.

Wrong move. Now duck ya Commie sob's!

Ya...China will now go away sobbing...or they might just demand payment of ALL of our debt to them...which should reach a record this year.

Who is buying US next bond release? Trump is borrowing heavy and needs buyers of debt...

Why are we borrowing heavily when the economy is fine....oh make trumps friends even richer....Gotcha
u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits[/QUOTE
/——/ Libs like it when other countries rape our economy and destroy our industries.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA

Just yesterday you were praising your Chinese made phone till you got called out for your hypocrisy and now are trying to backtrack

Sent from my iPhone using

The phone that will cost 25% more soon?
/—-/ It’s called sarcasm you kumquat.

Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA

Just yesterday you were praising your Chinese made phone till you got called out for your hypocrisy and now are trying to backtrack

Sent from my iPhone using

The phone that will cost 25% more soon?
/—-/ It’s called sarcasm you kumquat.'s call tariff war....
Do you need a lesson in how to post outside quote marks....embarassing...
/——/ Yes, my cheap Chink iPhone 7 Plus often eliminates the quoted text when on public WiFi and I can’t always post correctly. TIA

Just yesterday you were praising your Chinese made phone till you got called out for your hypocrisy and now are trying to backtrack

Sent from my iPhone using

The phone that will cost 25% more soon?
/—-/ It’s called sarcasm you kumquat.'s call tariff war....
What War? Trump Surrendered !!! We Lost!!!
View attachment 186427
This was only the third time in history that soybeans were expected to be planted more than corn, and now there is a trade war and these folks are fucked.
so you think corn won't sell? fk china, they can do without soy beans.

Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
that isn't so. but nice try to matter.
View attachment 186427
Where do you think they will sell those corns or soybeans JC?

About 90% of corn tortilla that Mexico consumed are from US. We put Mexican farmers out business. They can’t take more of our corns.
But they are willing to plant their own corn if Trump fuck up NAFTA.

A lot of US farmers will be out of business.

I’m still waiting for when that “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” start working. I haven’t seen anything yet.
/——/,no one ever accused CNBC of being right wing. Here’s this morning’s report on the trade deficit:

u and trump need to learn what a rare deficit is. It is NOT. a national deficit....which trump is sending into and learn

In Praise Of Trade Deficits
Trumptards are so stupid that they think Big Government Exploding Deficit is Good!!!
/——/ Obozo’s balanced the budget for 8 years and created 20 trillion in surpluses, stopped the rising seas (Manhattan is not under water) ang he cut everyone’s taxes to zero — all before breakfast. Amazing
Obama cut the Bloated Bush Depression Deficit every year until you Repubtards voted in Republicans to Exploded it again!
where's that graph?

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