President Trump hits back at China with tariffs

You couldn't make this president up.
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
/——/ Try and keep up, Spanky: Obama Administration Ends Refugee Policy That Favored Cubans

Did you really understand your link? Read your link carefully and tell me what is wrong with your link?
NOW it's RUSSIA's turn to impose stiff sanctions We are falling into a trump inspired republican cess pool Trump is way over his head in shit
/——/ Why can’t the farmers grow other stuff besides corn? Let them grow hemp like in colonial days. It’s s great cash crop.

They do bud. They do not only plant corns. Remember corns are not produce year round. If you go to groceries corns are mostly abundant during summer.

That is not the kind of corn we are talking about we’re talking about corn for grain, not sweet corn

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Have you ever seen or even look farms? Do they plant the same crop year round?

I work in the Agcucltuarlal industry as a statistician. So, yes I have and yes, for the most part they do, at least in the Mid-west they do. They rotate corn and beans as the beans are not as hard on the land and require less chem and fert. Grain farms are pretty much grain farms all the time.

The farmers that grow sweet corn do so apart from their grain crops as the process and growing time is much different.
/——/ If I was a farmer I’d grow beer. Just sain’

Can’t argue with that!!

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If you think it’s cheaper to make them here. Don’t you think they or me could have done that?

Even lying hypocrite Trump hiring foreign workers and products made in China, Mexico and Bangladesh.
Even his MAGA hats are made in China because it’s too costly to make them here in US.
/——/ again, reform the environmental, tax and labor laws that forced our companies to move overseas. Are you that dense?

So, your plan for making America great again is to make our working conditions and wages equal to that of China and Bangladesh?

I cannot wait to see a politician run on that platform.
/——/ So you want it both ways? BTW we managed to make everything here for decades and never were a third world hell hole. Reform the laws do we can compete

You are missing something cellblock.

The economy is booming big time...... That’s an indications that the current system is working. So why mess it up?

That is true we managed to do it ourselves for decades. But the country got bigger and bigger with bigger and bigger demands and humongous economy.
Let say you started a company with 10 employees. Business is good suddenly you need to add more employees. Imagine millions of businesses are like you. Then what do you think you should do? Wait for more Americans to breed more Americans?

Look at Trump with his Maralago club hired foreign workers because he said he cannot find cook, waiters and cleaners in Florida. Yet he keeps complaining that foreigners are taking over American jobs.
/——/ Libs say we’re on the path to ruin. Your one way trade deals is a proven failure. Libs squwak about trade imbalances and burger flipper jobs. Trump is fixing all of that.
Now it's the russians cell WHEN do you say enough with this unqualified moron in our WH ? Or do you go down with his ship?
They do bud. They do not only plant corns. Remember corns are not produce year round. If you go to groceries corns are mostly abundant during summer.

That is not the kind of corn we are talking about we’re talking about corn for grain, not sweet corn

Sent from my iPhone using

Have you ever seen or even look farms? Do they plant the same crop year round?

I work in the Agcucltuarlal industry as a statistician. So, yes I have and yes, for the most part they do, at least in the Mid-west they do. They rotate corn and beans as the beans are not as hard on the land and require less chem and fert. Grain farms are pretty much grain farms all the time.

The farmers that grow sweet corn do so apart from their grain crops as the process and growing time is much different.
/——/ If I was a farmer I’d grow beer. Just sain’
Can’t argue with that!!

Sent from my iPhone using
You couldn't make this president up.
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
You couldn't make this president up.
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
The market responds:

You couldn't make this president up.
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
He is giving Putin everything he wants. Trump shut an embassy for show, and talks sanctions, but does next to nothing. The cost to Russia for interference, past present and future, is nil. Trump then announces his plan (OMG! Just like his enemy Obama) to pull the American presence out of Syria, handing that sorry mess to Russia, and announces his plan to in effect give Raqqa back to ISIS, after all their televised murders.

Meantime, he picks up a Fox story about a caravan of about 1200 Honduran kids who never intended to illegally invade the USA and turns it into hundreds of thousands of hardened rapists intent on violating our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters while stealing our jobs and/or living off our largesse. He calls lies truth and truth lies. He lies about Amazon because of a personal grudge, he thinks he can browbeat China into not retaliating his tariffs, and under it all is his low-IQ belief that a wall will protect us from the made-up monsters he creates. I'm amazed at the number of Americans who just eat that crap up and ask for more.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
it's called being objective. And when one can't be objective, there is no longer a point to argue with said person.
/——/ Why do have to distort everything thing? You don’t know the intentions of the horde of illegal wannabes? They can seek asylum if they can set foot on US foil. Did you cry like s bitch when Obozo stopped Cubans from getting asylum? Made up monsters? You’re nothing with out straw man arguments.

No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason
No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason
Can't wait to see your reaction when your pals in the red states shit their pants when china tariffs hit them were they live
No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason

Maybe they hate the guy because he's standing up for his Country? Fuck China and Fuck Russia the commie bastards.
No he didn’t. I know truth hurts.
There is so much going on with Putin Putin Putin Putin Russia Russia Russia. All these investigations going on. His own cabinet members trashing Putin. Putin’s is not and will never be a friend of US.
Yet this lousy president keep kissing Putin ass. Who the hell does that kind of stupidity?

Name of the former POTUS is Obama a well respected here in US and overseas not Obozo.
Cubans are automatically become legal immigrants once they step into US soil. That the law since the 60s. Not because of Obama.
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
it's called being objective. And when one can't be objective, there is no longer a point to argue with said person.
I'm objective I don't want immigrants pouring into our country either I like paying less in taxes But that's about it
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason

Maybe they hate the guy because he's standing up for his Country? Fuck China and Fuck Russia the commie bastards.
Trump is a proven coward and will fight until the last drop of your blood,,There are ways to stand up for your country but trump is the last person to know how
Russia say they will respond to trumps sanctions and in a strong way THINK thinker what kind of crap does trump have to pull for you to leave his ship of fools?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason

Maybe they hate the guy because he's standing up for his Country? Fuck China and Fuck Russia the commie bastards.

Neither is really communist, ya know.

I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.

Did you think they'd lift their skirt and say do me..........

They need to have FAIR TRADE WITH US.............or we retaliate.......that is how it works...........

Why should we FEAR THEM...............Why are you so afraid of LOSING TO THEM............

They are using this massive economic growth to advance their they destroy our manufacturing capabilities..............

Taking them on is more than a matter than buying cheap shit.

So do you think we will lift our skirts for them?
So what is a Fair Trade with China?

We did not retaliate we declared war with China and they hit us back of the same amount $50 billions.

There is a lot of reasons why people like the republicans law makers, economist, business owners, farmers etc etc etc are afraid of trade wars....... That people like you refuse or don’t want to understand or believe that this is very bad for our country.

But I’m asking you a question. Can you give us an example why do you think Trade Wars is good for our country?

What do you think will happen when China stop loaning us money?

The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

1. China doesn't on the largest balances of our debts, and if they dump them they do damage to themselves. They have all this money because companies like Walmart buy their shit.

2. Given there refusal to confirm to the WTO principles as a State run economy then countries have a right to counter their abuses. They need our markets more than we need them. We are not alone in this as the EU and other countries are doing similar measures against them.

3. The only way to make them stop their manipulation is playing hardball with them. Until the conduct FAIR trade.

4. In regards to their military they are building weapons to kill us off their booking economic growth. This is not in the best interest of the United States.

1. No. If China stop loaning us then where do we go?
Where do you think companies or retailers go like Walmart and hypocrite Trump in order to be competitive and poor Americans able to afford cheap products?

The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

2. The result of that is catastrophic to our economy...... Meaning you and me will make our life more expensive as it is. Guarantee you 100%. I’m not sure how old or stable you are ........ but if you depend with your SS retirement as an income let say $2,500/month ( not sure the exact amount). By next year that will only worth $2,000 or less. Is that acceptable just because we have a very lousy president??

How tariffs on China could make your life more expensive

3. You only worsen that by waging a trade war.

4. Who are we to tell other countries like China, Iran etc etc etc not to build or strengthen their own military.
Are they telling us not build more aircraft carriers, fighters jets etc etc etc etc.
Fear tactics. Give me guarantees which are just opinions.

Which part of their trade abuses don't you get?

Which part of they are potential enemies Don't you get?

Which part of not being dependent on other countries dontd you get?
I thought you hated russia.
I do but just because I hated the huge guy in school I didn't want to fight him I realize there's a time and place when you need to stick up for your values but imo Trump is the worst guy to do that job
you just hate trump. we know it. enough said. he can't nor will he ever do anything that will satisfy you. I get it. bye!
If I was short the market these last 5000 points I'd be all for him but face it while I didn't like GWB this moron trump deserves any hate he gets First China now Russia Who is next ? Germany?? The whole world despises the guy and for good reason

Maybe they hate the guy because he's standing up for his Country? Fuck China and Fuck Russia the commie bastards.
Trump is a proven coward and will fight until the last drop of your blood,,There are ways to stand up for your country but trump is the last person to know how
it's called being objective. And when one can't be objective, there is no longer a point to argue with said person.
I understand you love Trump but I really HATE to tell you this but YOU and I are the buggiest LOSER.
This has a big impact to our economy. Don’t complain a year from now when these trade wars start affecting your job and wallets. Guarantee ( in my parents grave) 100% YOU will suffer. Then don’t complain when you cannot find a job.

I’m not sure how old are you or financially stable you are and your kids as a regular laborer. YOU WILL SUFFER THE BIGGEST IMPACT OF THIS TRADE WAR BECAUSE OF AN IMMATURE LUNATIC PRESIDENT.

Yesterday China just retaliated $50 billions against US goods. That is just the start. Good fucking job Trump.

Try to keep these in mind the ripple effect of this nonsense trade wars...... Other commodities will also skyrocketed from your dishwasher soap all the way to the groceries to school tuition fees to car maintenance to ALL ACCROS OF OUR DAILY LIVES EXPENSES.

Prices will never come back down.

Did you think they'd lift their skirt and say do me..........

They need to have FAIR TRADE WITH US.............or we retaliate.......that is how it works...........

Why should we FEAR THEM...............Why are you so afraid of LOSING TO THEM............

They are using this massive economic growth to advance their they destroy our manufacturing capabilities..............

Taking them on is more than a matter than buying cheap shit.

So do you think we will lift our skirts for them?
So what is a Fair Trade with China?

We did not retaliate we declared war with China and they hit us back of the same amount $50 billions.

There is a lot of reasons why people like the republicans law makers, economist, business owners, farmers etc etc etc are afraid of trade wars....... That people like you refuse or don’t want to understand or believe that this is very bad for our country.

But I’m asking you a question. Can you give us an example why do you think Trade Wars is good for our country?

What do you think will happen when China stop loaning us money?

The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

1. China doesn't on the largest balances of our debts, and if they dump them they do damage to themselves. They have all this money because companies like Walmart buy their shit.

2. Given there refusal to confirm to the WTO principles as a State run economy then countries have a right to counter their abuses. They need our markets more than we need them. We are not alone in this as the EU and other countries are doing similar measures against them.

3. The only way to make them stop their manipulation is playing hardball with them. Until the conduct FAIR trade.

4. In regards to their military they are building weapons to kill us off their booking economic growth. This is not in the best interest of the United States.

1. No. If China stop loaning us then where do we go?
Where do you think companies or retailers go like Walmart and hypocrite Trump in order to be competitive and poor Americans able to afford cheap products?

The US needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week

2. The result of that is catastrophic to our economy...... Meaning you and me will make our life more expensive as it is. Guarantee you 100%. I’m not sure how old or stable you are ........ but if you depend with your SS retirement as an income let say $2,500/month ( not sure the exact amount). By next year that will only worth $2,000 or less. Is that acceptable just because we have a very lousy president??

How tariffs on China could make your life more expensive

3. You only worsen that by waging a trade war.

4. Who are we to tell other countries like China, Iran etc etc etc not to build or strengthen their own military.
Are they telling us not build more aircraft carriers, fighters jets etc etc etc etc.
Fear tactics. Give me guarantees which are just opinions.

Which part of their trade abuses don't you get?

Which part of they are potential enemies Don't you get?

Which part of not being dependent on other countries dontd you get?
he just likes to post Trump's an idiot time after time, like we care.

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