President Trump holds rally in Nashville,Tn

"Depressing sight at Trump rally in Nashville: adorable young boy, probly about my son's age, pointing iPhone at me & other reporters & snapping pix while screaming "FAKE NEWS!" A child who will grow up believing a free & fair press is the enemy, a bad thing, to be mocked & hated"


Holy shit, this is freaking awesome!

Can't take it when children speak the truth, huh? It comes to them naturally if not taught to shut up by leftist indoctrination.

Media lies should be outlawed by law and an amendment added for such terrible crimes against humanity. As I recall there is already someone building a database based solution to this problem. It will be a true privilege for the country to have the lying sacks of shit gone for good. Free, fair and honest truthful press is what we will have for this boy.
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Do you have a timestamp?

I wish I was there, sounds like a blast. Indeed they are animals...
I hope that our great President defends Rosanne and threatens ABC that if they don't put her show back on the air that he will have the FCC revoke ABC's broadcasting licence.
While he’s at it, he oughta make them kiss his ring. Right, comrade?
Already, he's saying they said I couldn't get to 270.

Now it's about Fake News.
He's right. EVERYONE was saying it was going to be a landslide along the lines of Goldwater/Johnson and it wasn't. EVERYONE in the media said he had no path to victory...we can drag the videos up to prove that...I am sure you remember it. The lefties LOVED wrapping themselves up with the thought he could have no possible path to victory was funny.

Fake news by the right wing . By the last weekend polls had him and Hillary neck n neck .

You don’t get it Dip Shit…

The lying liberal and rino pollsters had to save face…..

So right before the election they had to adjust the polls

to reflect reality….

Trump has proved all his detractors to be fools.
I hope that our great President defend Rosanne and threatens ABC that if they don't put her show back on the air, that he will have the FCC revoke their broadcast licence. And we know Trump is a man of his word, and if he threatens ABC, and they don't comply to all his demands, he will make sure the network is ruined for the good of the country.

Thank you Rosanne for being an true blue American that speaks the truth that our national is filled with people who are cross bread of the Muslism Brotherhood and Planet of Apes... Trump should repeat it during his Rally tonight so America knows he stands behind the Right people who agree 110% with Rosanne.



Our leaders in hi tech and science.

With these guys in charge, what do we have to fear?

The stereotype is getting older than Trump.
Sometimes you get a stereotype because it's so true. Like in Tennessee and Appalachia.

You are clearly an ignorant bigot.
It seems like every fuking speech is about his greatest hits.

Study: ACA repeal without replacement could cost Tennessee 57K jobs

Without subsidies, Tennessee will lost 57 thousand jobs and a half million will lose their healthcare.

Cheer minions, cheer. You've just been fuked.
Now he's talking about a new healthcare plan.
We already know what it is.
He's calling "Die Quickly" a phenomenal plan.
And they cheer.


You liberals are vile vulgar organisms.
I hope that our great President defend Rosanne and threatens ABC that if they don't put her show back on the air, that he will have the FCC revoke their broadcast licence. And we know Trump is a man of his word, and if he threatens ABC, and they don't comply to all his demands, he will make sure the network is ruined for the good of the country.

Thank you Rosanne for being an true blue American that speaks the truth that our national is filled with people who are cross bread of the Muslism Brotherhood and Planet of Apes... Trump should repeat it during his Rally tonight so America knows he stands behind the Right people who agree 110% with Rosanne.



Our leaders in hi tech and science.

With these guys in charge, what do we have to fear?

The stereotype is getting older than Trump.
Sometimes you get a stereotype because it's so true. Like in Tennessee and Appalachia.

You are clearly an ignorant bigot.
When you aren't wise enough to articulate a point, just make up nonsense posts and post them multiple times like you are talking to yourself over and over and add insults.
Sadly, Nashville had an awful Communist/Democrat Mayor for years. Thank God she's been removed. But the rest of the State has been doing very well under Republican leadership. Tennessee recently recorded its lowest Unemployment Rate in the state's history. And now that they've dumped the Democrat Mayor (Now a convicted Felon), things should improve for Nashville too.
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Trump calls Bredesen a tool of Cryin Chuck Schumer & Senile Nany Pelosi

Trump on Phil Bredesen, the moderate Dem running against Marsha Blackburn for Senate: "I never heard of this guy. Who is he? He's an absolute, total tool of Chuck Schumer. He's a tool of Chuck Schumer and of course the MS-13 lover Nancy Pelosi."

This is going to fall flat. Bredeson is a moderate and popular former Governor. The people in Tennessee know him well. The Democrats have a good chance of picking up this seat.

Tennesseans are not dumb.
They are very aware that the Left Wingers hate them
Liberals loath the mainstream middle class Americans who live in fly-over country.
Obama says that the Democratic Party doesn’t need them or want them.

I have to say, while I did Not vote for trump it did not matter he easily won South Dakota... no one gets under the skin of progressives better. That is a very good thing...
And hilarious to watch...

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