President Trump: “I Have to Save Our Country”

trump is a con man looking ONLY to save his ass.

Play Nice....... LOOLLLLOOLL
WTF does that even mean?
You keep saying he is a con man but this com man delivered the lowers black, Latino, Asian, women, and young adult unemployment numbers in history .... among other POSITIVE records Biden has demonstrated he could never come close to.

Biden, unlike Trump, has a ton of REAL criminal evidence against him being protected and hidden by the DOJ, FBI, and Democrats instead of the DOJ, FBI, and Democrats having spent 6 years trying to manufacture evidence of non-existent crimes they have sought and seek with which to charge Trump.

You are proving you are just another TDS-suffering, emotional, indoctrinated, gullible, uber-partisan, party-1st blind, obedient sheep.
You are proving you are just another TDS-suffering, emotional, indoctrinated, gullible, uber-partisan, party-1st blind, obedient sheep.

You keep saying he is a con man but this com man delivered the lowers black, Latino, Asian, women, and young adult unemployment numbers in history
Factually, ALL this ^^^^^ is a continuation of what OBAMA accomplished.

Yea sure........ another ^^^^^ RWI talking point response.

trump university........ proven con man
trump charity theft....... proven con man
trump stiffing contractors in NYC for years....... proven con man
He indeed does and we the people need him back in the office he duly won, the oval office. He needs our unbridled support so he can steer America back on course to greatness as well as increasing money for our wallets.


The dude with the WORST unemployment rate for any post was president is going to make everyone rich....
Fucking A..........NO.

pos trump destroyed America with his Lame ASS response to COVID and his Stolen Elect LIES.
Spin in however you choose.
trump FAILED.
Nice try; COVID was, and is, GLOBAL.
The US has to pay for all the uncivilized nations South of the Border and in Asia for whatever shots their people receive.
A complete lie! The only truth is Biden is a continuation of Obama's planned destruction of America.
Weird, because OBAMA brought down the black unemployment numbers.
You agree with that^

Then trump had those numbers decline to those lowest numbers, with ZERO policy change from OBAMA.
Weird, because OBAMA brought down the black unemployment numbers.
You agree with that^

Then trump had those numbers decline to those lowest numbers, with ZERO policy change from OBAMA.
What 'policy' did Obama have?
Nice try; COVID was, and is, GLOBAL.
The US has to pay for all the uncivilized nations South of the Border and in Asia for whatever shots their people receive.
Arguably the most consequential decision Trump made involving American workers was something it chose not to do: It declined to implement a so-called “emergency temporary standard” when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Such a standard, issued when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determines workers are in “grave danger,” would have established immediate and mandatory workplace safety rules employers must follow to protect employees from exposure.
Arguably the most consequential decision Trump made involving American workers was something it chose not to do: It declined to implement a so-called “emergency temporary standard” when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Such a standard, issued when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determines workers are in “grave danger,” would have established immediate and mandatory workplace safety rules employers must follow to protect employees from exposure.
There was no real emergency. The urgency of a pandemic was a creation by Fauci and Birx who ingored the advice of Dr. Scott Atlas who was against face masks, believed in herd immunity, wanted schools re-opened. Birx opposed Atlas and got her 'scientific community' to roundly insult and smear Dr. Atlas. Dr. Atlas turned out to be 100% correct and these medical quacks (Fauci and Birx) belong locked up.

You, of course, bought into the hysteria lock, stock and barrel. Trump created a vaccine in record time which helped older folks mainly. There was never any need for this insane panic the Democrats put US through. No one was in 'grave danger' go soak your head, your hair's on fire. :FIREdevil:
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He indeed does and we the people need him back in the office he duly won, the oval office. He needs our unbridled support so he can steer America back on course to greatness as well as increasing money for our wallets.

Keep in mind thst he only served just one term in office compared to the facist Kenyans two terms in office yet he tripled rescue operations of children being trafficked.the Kenyon did the same thing with child trafficking thst he did with the borders,turned a blind eye and cheered them on.
What 'policy' did Obama have?
Trollboy can’t handle pesky facts his two worst inhumane criminal policys were turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and child trafficking giving a thumbs up to both of them and I’m not a Republican,I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same and that’s why I thought trump would be the same ole same ole of the corruption of the bushs,obamas and Clinton’s but he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system.the first in my lifetime who was not all talk and did what he said he would do and Langley shill winco hates that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Biden and Democrats, in their hatred and obsession, un-did every policy, every thing Trump did ... and things have gone to shit.

...and Trump seems to be the only one focused on SAVING the country and the only one to be interested in stepping up to do so.
Yep and Langley shill bodecca is try8mg to laugh off thst pesky facts as he always does here in his pathetic existence unable to handle the truth.:abgg2q.jpg: He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is. :abgg2q.jpg:
I used to think these trump bots were just stupid. They are that, but now I can see that they hate our country the way it is just like trump does.
F'n no good traitors just like trump.
Congrats on seeing the light thst they hate this country.:thup: They are commie bots for China.
Trollboy can’t handle pesky facts his two worst inhumane criminal policys were turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and child trafficking giving a thumbs up to both of them and I’m not a Republican,I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same and that’s why I thought trump would be the same ole same ole of the corruption of the bushs,obamas and Clinton’s but he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system.the first in my lifetime who was not all talk and did what he said he would do and Langley shill winco hates that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trollboy is a racist, pure and simple. He thinks because Obama has 'black' skin, somehow he helped other people with black skin.
pos trump destroyed America
The Trump years 2017-2019 were the best America has ever seen. Everything bad going on then was all coming from the Left.

with his Lame ASS response to COVID
Yet more people died under Biden WITH the vaccine!

and his Stolen Elect LIES.
Lies we're still waiting for you to prove ARE lies.

Spin in however you choose. trump FAILED.
No need to. Trump didn't fail, the Left failed and Biden has totally failed.

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