President Trump: “I Have to Save Our Country”

Trollboy is a racist, pure and simple. He thinks because Obama has 'black' skin, somehow he helped other people with black skin.
Sadly this trollboy is not an isolated case. There are some really stupid fuck blacks down where I work who are fuckimg hypocrites.they admit Bush was evil and destroyed America but even though Obama lied to the American people and expanded his corruption,they expose whst sad excuses they are to the human race ignoring thst fact and say he was nothing like bush. :uhoh3:

they make me sick,because he is black,they won’t look at the evidence of his crimes and how evil he was.I have a friend who is black and even he is on the same page with me on Obama being evil and a clone of bush,I’m thinking of having him come down there and tell those stupid fucks how corrupt he is,they would not be able to tell HIM he is a racist like they can with me.

They can’t call HIM racist so they would just say he is stupid and listens too much to me or some stupid crap like thst.anything to avoid reality and accepting the truth they are Wrong about their hero. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sadly this trollboy is not an isolated case. There are some really stupid fuck blacks down where I work who are fuckimg hypocrites.they admit Bush was evil and destroyed America but even though Obama lied to the American people and expanded his corruption,they expose whst sad excuses they are to the human race ignoring thst fact and say he was nothing like bush. :uhoh3:

they make me sick,because he is black,they won’t look at the evidence of his crimes and how evil he was.I have a friend who is black and even he is on the same page with me on Obama being evil and a clone of bush,I’m thinking of having him come down there and tell those stupid fucks how corrupt he is,they would not be able to tell HIM he is a racist like they can with me.

They can’t call HIM racist so they would just say he is stupid and listens too much to me or some stupid crap like thst.anything to avoid reality and accepting the truth they are Wrong about their hero. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, they seem mired in MSM emotional memes. These memes are created to garner viewership by stirring up emotions. They all do it, including Fox News.
He indeed does and we the people need him back in the office he duly won, the oval office. He needs our unbridled support so he can steer America back on course to greatness as well as increasing money for our wallets.

Trump is a moronic, whiny little bitch. Fuck him. He’s useless.
Biden and Democrats, in their hatred and obsession, un-did every policy, every thing Trump did ... and things have gone to shit.

...and Trump seems to be the only one focused on SAVING the country and the only one to be interested in stepping up to do so.
When Biden came in Trump had America sick, out of work, and in lockdown. Biden won the vote by over 7M people. America hated what he did to it.
You keep saying he is a con man but this com man delivered the lowers black, Latino, Asian, women, and young adult unemployment numbers in history .... among other POSITIVE records Biden has demonstrated he could never come close to.
Black unemployment is at a record low under…Biden. You literally can’t get anything right. No wonder you’re a Trumper.

He indeed does and we the people need him back in the office he duly won, the oval office. He needs our unbridled support so he can steer America back on course to greatness as well as increasing money for our wallets.
Wow, talk about TDS.

I know you people are at war, but I'll bet you're better than depending on the most obvious con man ever voted into American public office to make your life better.
Factually, ALL this ^^^^^ is a continuation of what OBAMA accomplished.

Yea sure........ another ^^^^^ RWI talking point response.

trump university........ proven con man
trump charity theft....... proven con man
trump stiffing contractors in NYC for years....... proven con man
Not a compromised criminal traitor negotiating with invaders, murdering torturing war crimin as ls, and terrorists, aiding our enemies as Biden does while destroying the nation.

You seem to think only Trump is a 'con man',, but to some degree every politician is, dumbass. Trump however, set records identical could never hope to match, as in lowest black, Asian, Latino, women's, and young adult unemployment in the history of the US..

As with all blindly-hating, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed liberalbsheep, you let you partisanship, indoctrination, & emotion blind yiu, control you.
Weird, because OBAMA brought down the black unemployment numbers.
You agree with that^

Then trump had those numbers decline to those lowest numbers, with ZERO policy change from OBAMA.
Let's state the in-context facts...
Obama's, in the beginning of his 2nd term, aimed at the stores that were hiring trespassers.
The trespassers were removed from the stores and minorities got those jobs.
Could you live back then on $9.00/hour?
Arguably the most consequential decision Trump made involving American workers was something it chose not to do: It declined to implement a so-called “emergency temporary standard” when the coronavirus pandemic hit. Such a standard, issued when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determines workers are in “grave danger,” would have established immediate and mandatory workplace safety rules employers must follow to protect employees from exposure.
How does one implement a standard when no one knows what's going on?
Almost everyone I know got the sniffles from COVID and still get the sniffles and I have over 1,000 families in my community.
The latest studies show that 99%+ of those who died were over 60 with pre-existing conditions.
There are younger people who are having issues breathing.
Not a compromised criminal traitor negotiating with invaders, murdering torturing war crimin as ls, and terrorists, aiding our enemies as Biden does while destroying the nation.

You seem to think only Trump is a 'con man',, but to some degree every politician is, dumbass. Trump however, set records identical could never hope to match, as in lowest black, Asian, Latino, women's, and young adult unemployment in the history of the US..

As with all blindly-hating, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed liberalbsheep, you let you partisanship, indoctrination, & emotion blind yiu, control you.
He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after you checkmated him. :abgg2q.jpg:

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