President Trump launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality. protect Milo 1st!

Great! I hope it's more successful than his campaign to end opioid abuse.
Me too.

The Democrats have successfully slowed Trump's border wall in order to help the drug cartels.

Let's hope Trump can stop the Democrats from helping foreign countries murder people because they're gay.
No, it wasn't, as the actual answer to it undermines the point you were trying to imply. So no, you get an "F" for your attempt to weasel out of it.
Don't be such a sore loser. Everyone has times when they spout off without thinking. Learn from it and move on.

The fact that Trump is doing more than Obama to combat targeting of homosexuals by governments clearly has you rattled.

Everyone knew then and everybody knows now that Obama would never upset his Iranian and Hammas allies by seriously asking them to support Human Rights in any way.

You pretending it was an open question is just you calling yourself stupid.
The fact that Trump is doing more than Obama to combat targeting of homosexuals by governments clearly has you rattled.
Not at all, it's a good thing. I am glad he is continuing the Obama administrations policies. You know, the ones of which you are completely ignorant and embarrassed yourself by revealing your ignorance of them with your not-rhetorical question.
Not at all, it's a good thing. I am glad he is continuing the Obama administrations policies. You know, the ones of which you are completely ignorant and embarrassed yourself by revealing your ignorance of them with your not-rhetorical question.
If you want to Triple-down on stupid, that's your call.

Trump pushing other countries to respect Human Rights is a direct attack on Obama's policy that included a Nuclear Green Light and a plane full of cash to the worst Homosexual prosecuting country on the planet.
Trump pushing other countries to respect Human Rights is a direct attack on Obama's policy
Red herring. The Trump administration (remember, this was a surprise to your cult leader, try to focus) continuing the Obama administration policy on this matter is a fine thing. Let's hope the dotard stays out of the way.
A Nuclear Green Light, $100Billions in sanctions relief and pallets of cash isn't a "Red Herring". It's policy.

This didn't happen by accident. Obama and Kerry spent months figuring out ways to support the most violent Homophobes on the planet.

There is no Obama policy of supporting Human Rights.
Great! I hope it's more successful than his campaign to end opioid abuse.
Me too.

The Democrats have successfully slowed Trump's border wall in order to help the drug cartels.

Let's hope Trump can stop the Democrats from helping foreign countries murder people because they're gay.

A Nuclear Green Light, $100Billions in sanctions relief and pallets of cash isn't a "Red Herring". It's policy.

This didn't happen by accident. Obama and Kerry spent months figuring out ways to support the most violent Homophobes on the planet.

There is no Obama policy of supporting Human Rights.
Trump Admin Ends Cooperation With U.N. on Potential Human-Rights Abuse in the U.S.

gitmo is one of the worst offenders. Perhaps not as bad as ICE detainees. Also US no longer part of UN human rights council.
Meanwhile, Obama let men in the Ladies room and Hillary took tens of millions from countries who throw gay men from rooftops.

The democrat Party leadership is pure evil
Republicans are angry because they want to be like radical Muslims and teach those gays a "lesson". So far, some of them have been held back by the law. But you know how dangerous Republicans are. We don't know how long that will last.
Not at all, it's a good thing. I am glad he is continuing the Obama administrations policies. You know, the ones of which you are completely ignorant and embarrassed yourself by revealing your ignorance of them with your not-rhetorical question.
Obama's policy was to support the Earth's most violent Homophobic regime since Hitler with 100s of $Billions in unearned sanctions relief, a plane load of cash, and a green light to build nuclear weapons.

It's to see why you desperately grasp at a rhetorical question rather than make a factual argument. As a parent I saw my children use similar ploys to distract from their being caught making a stupid point.

So... Do you want to quadruple-down on stupid? If so please list Obamas international efforts to stop criminalization of homosexuality...

To make it extra fun, start with Iran...
Not at all, it's a good thing. I am glad he is continuing the Obama administrations policies. You know, the ones of which you are completely ignorant and embarrassed yourself by revealing your ignorance of them with your not-rhetorical question.
Obama's policy was to support the Earth's most violent Homophobic regime since Hitler with 100s of $Billions in unearned sanctions relief, a plane load of cash, and a green light to build nuclear weapons.

It's to see why you desperately grasp at a rhetorical question rather than make a factual argument. As a parent I saw my children use similar ploys to distract from their being caught making a stupid point.

So... Do you want to quadruple-down on stupid? If so please list Obamas international efforts to stop criminalization of homosexuality...

To make it extra fun, start with Iran...
Nah, that freakish Trump cultism. Trump's staffer is furthering the Obama admin's efforts, while his boss, the child president , kowtows to his Saudi Arabia masters, who put gays to death.
Trump never said much about gay people when he was campaigning, .

he did at first then shut up.

When North Carolina had that insane bathroom controversy (which cost the state in $$$) Trump spoke right up and said that trans folks were welcome to use any bathroom they wanted in Trump Tower.

Obviously his advisers told him that was not the proper attitude for the mindless dolts he was humping so he shut up about it afterwards.

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