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President Trump ordered flags at half-mast!

I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

Dear Wry Catcher aside from all the gun politics being brought up again and again,
I'd like to call for national support to implement SERIOUS medical research on advance screening and mental health diagnosis and treatment that can catch these cases where medicine alone has failed. Our whole mental health and criminal justice system is a mess from ignoring and excluding solutions that come from spiritual approaches that work.

Since spiritual diagnosis of healing of sickness BEFORE crimes are committed is OUTSIDE govt jurisdiction, that's why debating over gun policies isn't going to help this area of problems and solutions.

One way we CAN reach out and promote solutions to mental health and prevention of crime and violence is by implementing health care cooperatives in every district that would include advance screening, similar to how police and veterans have to go through psychological evaluations. Our current system of required military draft only applies to 18 year old males to sign up for service. But what if all districts offered an alternative for ALL citizens 18 or older to sign up either for military or MEDICAL service, so everyone got their benefits through either program. Then through these programs, there could be district wide screening as a requirement to get the health care benefits.
The military service option would still be through govt. For the health care and medical service option, this can be done through cooperative systems that preserve equal choice and access to either public/govt or private, business or nonprofit, church or other institution, depending on what people elect or qualify for.

We can expand on required signups for military to apply to citizenship in general for all people of age 18 and up. Everyone would go through a similar process as immigrants who receive citizenship training and/or military who receive mental health screening to make sure everyone (a) knows and agrees to follow laws and comply with police and govt procedures and authority AS A REQUIREMENT OF CITIZENSHIP in order to qualify for benefits; (b) is capable and knowledgeable of covering the costs of infractions, prosecution and incarceration and signs agreements to pay these costs if they commit premediated crimes so ignorance of the law is no excuse -- ALL CITIZENS must sign agreements to follow and uphold laws, cooperative with authorities in case of infractiuon, and pay any costs of premediated crimes or violations; (c) or if they have a disorder or disability preventing them from complying, they can get help to address issues of mental or legal incompetence, addiction or abuse that otherwise pose a threat to health or safety.

I would propose that all districts start looking at setting up their own policies to ensure all citizens agree to uniform policies and programs that include screening for criminal disorders, abuses and addictions in advance, in order to get help before crime or violence occurs. This can't be legislated through Federal Govt but can be decided locally by each district or community that wants to end crime, abuse and violence.

My initial response is to ask you if you ever saw the movie, Minority Report? That's fiction, but too close to what Trump suggested in his comments this morning.

Wry Catcher
Govt cannot intervene on a level that violates due process.
That's where the SPIRITUAL process can't be legislated, mandated,
dictated or regulated through govt which isn't the answer.

People will have to democratically determine how they want to manage
and address these issues per community or district.

It has to come from voluntary participation and enforcement by
free choice of the people, which is also the solution to end the
political oppression and division tied to all the hostility and political attacks.

By democratizing and reclaiming ownership and control of their own local
process, then people can be empowered to solve these problems by their
own volition. That is a necessary part of the process and solution.

Not to dictate from federal levels or top down or outside in, but to compel
people to work starting from their own communities. That's the solution.
All other things can be worked out from there, not dictated which doesn't work.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

How would improved background checks have stopped either shooting unless the persons who did them were adjudicated as mentally unfit?

Using a similar, but not one as in depth as used by police agencies background checks, which sometimes are amiss. Which would require every public agency to report to a single source data base, and possibly a local LE agency to interview the prospective buyer.

Even that would not be a panacea, as Camus once wrote about suicides - which is not uncommon in mass shooters - the person who takes his or her own life may do so for reasons so innocuous as a rebuke from another.

Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.
How would improved background checks have stopped either shooting unless the persons who did them were adjudicated as mentally unfit?

Using a similar, but not one as in depth as used by police agencies background checks, which sometimes are amiss. Which would require every public agency to report to a single source data base, and possibly a local LE agency to interview the prospective buyer.

Even that would not be a panacea, as Camus once wrote about suicides - which is not uncommon in mass shooters - the person who takes his or her own life may do so for reasons so innocuous as a rebuke from another.

Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.
Using a similar, but not one as in depth as used by police agencies background checks, which sometimes are amiss. Which would require every public agency to report to a single source data base, and possibly a local LE agency to interview the prospective buyer.

Even that would not be a panacea, as Camus once wrote about suicides - which is not uncommon in mass shooters - the person who takes his or her own life may do so for reasons so innocuous as a rebuke from another.

Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.

And you may wonder why I don't have any respect for you. I've decide to put you on ignore, not because I'm being willfully ignorant of your comments, but because your comments lack substance, are neither thoughtful or thought provoking; they are nothing more than ad hominems and sniveling.
Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.

And you may wonder why I don't have any respect for you. I've decide to put you on ignore, not because I'm being willfully ignorant of your comments, but because your comments lack substance, are neither thoughtful or thought provoking; they are nothing more than ad hominems and sniveling.

Run away, little girl, run away.

I win.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.

Trump mentioned the alleged El Paso’s shooter’s reported manifesto, which the president said was “consumed by racist hate.” He then called on the nation to condemn racism and white supremacy, while not acknowledging his role in promoting those ideas.

The president’s remarks followed a barrage of criticism by lawmakers, celebrities and others who lambasted the president over the weekend for his tepid response to the two attacks. Trump was also roundly censured for promoting racism and violence with his inflammatory rhetoric.

In the document, the suspect referred to Hispanic people as “invaders” and used the phrase “send them back” ― reminiscent of a sentiment promoted by Trump last month in his attacks against four congresswomen of color, one of whom was an asylum seeker from Somalia.

“He is responsible because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsible because he’s failing to condemn white supremacy and see it as it is, which is responsible for such a significant amount of the terrorist attacks.”

These are Trump's own words

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

Now Trump used to blame Obama for violence when Obama wasn't even really responsible. But here we see Trump's comments are actually stirring up the crazies in our country. So he literally is responsible for the shooting in El Paso.

Pure TDS. Nothing he does will ever be good enough.

Your side is the one that links anything he does to WP idiots. Your propaganda is what makes them think he is "one of them"

Not true. If he got the growth he promised, I would give him credit. If his tax breaks were still working, I would give him credit. If his trade wars were working, I would give him credit. If the debt wasn't skyrocketing, I would give him credit.

You need to realize how harsh candidate trump would be on president Trump. But Trump doesn't hold himself to the same high standard he held Obama.

Remember when the unemployment numbers weren't real? Then Trump got in and suddenly the numbers were real.

We would have to be stupid blind followers like you who already love him to fall for this shit. Blue collar? Has he MAGA'd for them yet? I think not.
Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.

And you may wonder why I don't have any respect for you. I've decide to put you on ignore, not because I'm being willfully ignorant of your comments, but because your comments lack substance, are neither thoughtful or thought provoking; they are nothing more than ad hominems and sniveling.
Where was the ad hominem?

I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

/——/ We already have background check laws on the books :
Half-mast vs. half-staff In American English, a flag flown halfway up its flagpole as a symbol of mourning is at half-staff , and a flag flown halfway up a ship's mast to signal mourning or distress is at half-mast .

How captious of you. Most readers know the meaning of our flag flying up-side-down. And its meaning is where we stand today.

The President of the United States has not used the bully pulpit to try to reduce what has become a real emergency, gun violence in the United States.

/—-/ Why didn’t Obozo’s pretty speeches end gun violence?
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded
He’s called for a end of foreigners that take all our resources and puts the focus on Americans who are struggling.. but democrats love this
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.

Trump mentioned the alleged El Paso’s shooter’s reported manifesto, which the president said was “consumed by racist hate.” He then called on the nation to condemn racism and white supremacy, while not acknowledging his role in promoting those ideas.

The president’s remarks followed a barrage of criticism by lawmakers, celebrities and others who lambasted the president over the weekend for his tepid response to the two attacks. Trump was also roundly censured for promoting racism and violence with his inflammatory rhetoric.

In the document, the suspect referred to Hispanic people as “invaders” and used the phrase “send them back” ― reminiscent of a sentiment promoted by Trump last month in his attacks against four congresswomen of color, one of whom was an asylum seeker from Somalia.

“He is responsible because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsible because he’s failing to condemn white supremacy and see it as it is, which is responsible for such a significant amount of the terrorist attacks.”

These are Trump's own words

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

Now Trump used to blame Obama for violence when Obama wasn't even really responsible. But here we see Trump's comments are actually stirring up the crazies in our country. So he literally is responsible for the shooting in El Paso.

Pure TDS. Nothing he does will ever be good enough.

Your side is the one that links anything he does to WP idiots. Your propaganda is what makes them think he is "one of them"

Not true. If he got the growth he promised, I would give him credit. If his tax breaks were still working, I would give him credit. If his trade wars were working, I would give him credit. If the debt wasn't skyrocketing, I would give him credit.

You need to realize how harsh candidate trump would be on president Trump. But Trump doesn't hold himself to the same high standard he held Obama.

Remember when the unemployment numbers weren't real? Then Trump got in and suddenly the numbers were real.

We would have to be stupid blind followers like you who already love him to fall for this shit. Blue collar? Has he MAGA'd for them yet? I think not.

Even the Dems admit the Economy is doing great, mostly because they wish it wasn't.

All your complaints are seen through your TDS glasses.
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”
again, I ask 'why'?

I own 'military style' rifles, my brother owns 'military style' rifles, 2 son in laws own 'military style' rifles, my grandsons other grandfathers own 'military style' rifles.

millions of firearm enthusiasts own 'military style' rifles.

and they don't go on rampages trying to break the record.

getting rid of the 'military style' rifle isn't gong to change anything.

12 years ago, Seung-hui Cho killed 32 people using handguns.

It's the finger on the trigger that kills people, not the trigger.
It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

the rightwing loons want a door to door search getting rid of illegals - mines buried in the desert - armed drones firing missiles at mexicans - no measure too radical KILL ON SIGHT

not too big of a surprise those loons worry about someone KNOCKING ON THEIR DOOR, and disarming them.
the rightwing loons want a door to door search getting rid of illegals - mines buried in the desert - armed drones firing missiles at mexicans - no measure too radical KILL ON SIGHT

not too big of a surprise those loons worry about someone KNOCKING ON THEIR DOOR, and disarming them.
The people who should be worried about it are those asked to knock on said doors.

I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded

The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”
again, I ask 'why'?

I own 'military style' rifles, my brother owns 'military style' rifles, 2 son in laws own 'military style' rifles, my grandsons other grandfathers own 'military style' rifles.

millions of firearm enthusiasts own 'military style' rifles.

and they don't go on rampages trying to break the record.

getting rid of the 'military style' rifle isn't gong to change anything.

12 years ago, Seung-hui Cho killed 32 people using handguns.

It's the finger on the trigger that kills people, not the trigger.

He’s called for a end of foreigners that take all our resources and puts the focus on Americans who are struggling.. but democrats love this

Guns and stupidity have created this current crisis in America.
Wow, another weekday, another opportunity for a lib to piss and moan about something.
Maybe if Trump shut his mouth none of this would happen?
He has described groups of immigrants as “infestations,” declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“deemed a caravan of Hispanic migrants as invaders and wondered why the United States accepted so many immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Trump calls migrant caravans "invasion" at campaign rally
BTW, did you catch at the end when he asked, "how do you stop these people from crossing the border?" and one in the audience shouts "shoot 'em" and he stops and laughs as he points to the guy for recognition and says "only in the panhandle can you get away with saying that" and the hate filled crowd cheers. That was the Tramp hate rally shortly before the El Paso shooting.

Maybe you crybaby DEMS should stop shooting people. Ever think of that? Maybe you ought to grow a spine. Ever think of that? Maybe you should go to Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and tell those loyal Dems to stop shooting thousands of people a year. Ever think of that?

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